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translation, 3 vols.

, 1887-1888); Introduction a l'etude de

Persian fleet in vain endeavoured to relieve it, and Miletus

was the first of the journalist type of authors, a social

as first, second and third, one of which Bills being accomplished, the

Ulric, consul- general of Denmark, and wife of the British

The calculation of the areas of African drainage systems,

coasts. On this account South Africa has a general resemblance

Stephanokontae are withdrawn become Isokontae. Conjugatae,

Panama in a scheme for the conquest of Peru (see PERU:

person, limited by custom to the case where a woman is the

four years of it, during which the chronicles are almost

acid-chlorides being formed which are readily decomposed

coustre or coutre, an old word meaning one who has

Massawa taken over by them from Egypt in the following month.

contractions of the Greek MSS. these have now with one consent

census, 41,950. Albay is one of the most important cities

has not advanced beyond the stage of an unbranched filament.

from a considerable section of the upper waters of the

to Canada of the amplest rights of self-government.

the strongest language in regard to the intolerable burden

victory, he had consigned 18,000 persons to the executioner.

attempted unsuccessfully to trek into the country, and Portugal

opinion. But its importance and recognition--especially

Larf, Vestergotland, in 1750. He was appointed teacher

4. B anan A

Animals, especially the higher forms, are much less sensitive

(1879); J. A. Chabrand and A. de Rochas d'Aiglun, Patois des

(Eustratius, 12th century) quotes from one Heraclides

TABLE XXX.--Number of Persons of Ten Years of Age and over in

Deutschland (1845). Anarchist Individualism:--Max Stirner

and especially Schwegler, Romische Geschichte (1867).

by rail. Pop. (1906) 19,433. It is situated in a plain

It is said to undergo division by a mitosis essentially of

in it--though transmutable in equivalent quantities with the

the Russian people was, however, due less to the corruption and

from those of the body. The canals of the proboscis open

the real capital of Egypt till Said Pasha died there in 1863

should be appointed to carry out the terms of the law. He

fleet off Diu in February 1509, he completely destroyed

1884 22951 3311 14.4

Alhazeni libri VII., cum ejusdem libro de crepusculis et

brachycephalic; the index increases around the Great Lakes, and

a fresh engagement was made, prohibiting him from political

the 12th century, and conquered all northern Africa as far as

1867); F. Bopp, Uber dos Albanesische (Berlin, 1854); J.

it is said, employed several celebrated artists for thirty

since the time of the Portuguese. One who did much at the


is known only in connexion with the expedition to the coast of

G. Derbesia sp., zoospore with chaplet of cilia.

was not modern enough to secure for these works that attention

kept. The inscription is of the same type as the Asoka

south &fghanistan; but the amir had scarcely suppressed it by

Hartlib's Legacie contains, among some very judicious directions,

annuity, and in lieu of it they received a parliamentary

be talked about or treated as theoretical abstractions in the

from the first days of the conquest. The Beni-abbad were not
whilst 24,265,000,000 cubic metres are annually withdrawn

In heredity, complete albinism among animals is always

buildings and gardens, for their stiff, rugged habit. The

readily with the halogens. Oxidation by strong oxidizing

of Afghanistan is worthy of attention. The great mass of it

illustrate more than one of these points. It is taken from

Theory of Transmutation.--The fundamental theory of the

and sodium acetate (J. Tafel, Ber., 1886, 19, p. 1925; 1889,

Encyclopaedia (1630), the most considerable of the earlier

Zn(C2H5)2 H2O

with fine shady trees, this feature renders Adelaide one of

L. Laelius, Legio, Lex, Libens, Liber, Libra, Locus, Lollius,

of the ``Relief visit'' of Acts xi. 30, xii. 25, seems

whom 17,718 were foreign-born (6612 being Irish, 5903 German,

people, and there is no evidence to contradict ancient

1874) and by J. T. Fowler (Oxford, 1894). Adamnan's other

hohere Heitung im Kriege, and Kritische Betrachtunger

1903 897,645 825,679 569,920 27,719

and the aftermath of all the medowes be eaten in X. or XII.

The nature of the contents of the cells of Cyanophyceae has

Leopold revived his claims to the Bahr-el-Ghazal province

Battenberg,'' in Fortnightly Review, January 1894. (J. D. B.)

The object for which the academy was founded, as set forth

ABYDOS, an ancient city of Mysia, in Asia Minor, situated at

issued statedly in connexion with the Quarterly Journal of

surrounding fluid as it passes. The motion of the well-known

merchandise. This general trading, which, on the one hand,

of 16,500 volumes, a faculty of 19, and an enrolment of 483

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