Exercise 4 HR Manager 2

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Exercise 4 Negotiating a Change in a Work Schedule

To provide students an opportunity to practice negotiating a change in their work schedule.

In this exercise you will be assigned the role of the HR associate or HR manager. Your
instructor will provide you with confidential role sheets based on your as- signed role. Read all
the information provided and complete the worksheet based on your knowledge of the

Kersman Medical Appliances (KMA) has been providing prosthetics and other assorted
medical products since 1959. Abdi Oldschool has been with KMA for thirty years and has an
associate’s degree in office administration. He worked his way up the ladder from secretary
and is currently the human resource manager.
Ed U. Kaitme is an HR associate at KMA. Ed has a bachelor’s degree in HR with a minor
in education. While he doesn’t officially hold the title of trainer, he does virtually all of the
training for KMA and is quite good at it. Lately Ed has been talking about pur- suing a
graduate degree but the program he is interested in offers classes only during normal business

Employee: Ed U. Kaitme


Issue Opening Target Resistance


Manager: Abdi Oldschool

Interests: The primary interest is to insist Ed attend job amid working hours and
secondary to discourage him to join for master's course.

Issue Opening Target Resistance

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The primary issue is that Let not him to The target point The point of resistance could be
the junior HR officer joint master's may well be to rescheduling the work for Ed.
cannot take off amid degree in HR and empower Ed to Insisting on being present for the
ordinary business hours. encourage him to be attending the job during normal business
be present for the job in ordinary hours.
job amid business hours but be free
hours. to do the master's
course in the
evening or
weekend classes.
A secondary issue is that To discourage To deter Ed from The point of resistance could be
the HR manager does not gaining degrees joining Master's rescheduling the work for Ed.
believe a Master's degree as they are not degree in HR.
in HR Management. valuable in
genuine life.
The experiential Highlight the To deter Ed from The point of resistance could be
perspective of career significance of joining Master's rescheduling the work for Ed.
success vs scholastic on-the-job degree in HR.
qualifications. training over
offsite academic
Presence at the job during Let him know Prevent the Rescheduling the work for Ed
working hours. that Ed's absence enrollment to the
during normal Master's course.
working hours
may disrupt
Abdi's, the HR
manager's, plans.

Confidential Role Sheet: HR Manager Abdi Oldschool

You are the Human Resource manager at Kersman Medical Appliances (KMA). Your two-
year degree in office administration taught you everything you needed to know to get
your first job. Everything else you have learned on the job as you worked your way up the
ladder. Lately one of your employees, Ed, has been talking about going back to school to
get a masters degree and you suspect he is going to ask you to alter his work schedule. You
are very reluctant to do this. You just don’t see the value in a graduate degree. In your
mind, hard work and common sense are more valuable than any piece of paper that hangs
on the wall.

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Assigned By,
Mondal Palash ( 刘伟)
International Business 2018

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