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Negotiation Process and Speech

Me as Abdi Oldschool and my partner as Employee: Ed U. Kaitme, as a HR associate

or HR manager my primary underlying interest is attend to the job amid working
hours and secondary to discourage him to join for master's course. There are three
points in every negotiator mind- starting point, target point, and point of resistance.

First Stage: The first request for Abdi to concentrate on the current job and insisting
on being present for the job amid normal business hours. The target point might be to
encourage Ed to be attending the job in normal hours but be free to do the master's
course in the evening or weekend classes. The point of resistance might be
rescheduling the work for Ed.

I’ll begin off by saying,” you'd way better concentrate on your current job instead of
seeking after master’s degree. In case you think it’s truly imperative for you, at that
point you can do your master’s degree in the evening or at the weekend only if there is
a choice to do so.” He may contend in my favor by indicating out that graduate degree
opportunities are only accessible during normal working hours.

Second Stage: The beginning point for Abdi may be to discourage gaining degrees as
they are not valuable in real life. The target point may well be to deter Ed from
joining master's degree in HR. The point of resistance may be rescheduling the work
for Ed.

I would defend by saying,” I don't see any reason for you to pursue a master degree in
human resources at this time because they are not relevant in real life, especially
given your involvement with the HR Team, you have the opportunity to learn in a
practical setting. I believe it would be best for you to concentrate solely on your
current position and and learn from the team as much as you can.

Third Stage: The starting point for Abdi may be to highlight the importance of on-the-
job training than the offsite academic courses. The target point could be to dissuade
Ed from joining master's degree in HR. The point of resistance could be rescheduling
the work for Ed.

I could say,” as I previously stated, having a degree is not nearly as useful in real life
as you may believe. HR related skills are mostly dependent on practicality. Whatever
you’ll learn through pursuing MBA in HR, you’ll learn it from here in person. I feel
that having a positive learning attitude, being hardworking, having enthusiasm, and
being dedicated to your career are more valuable than any piece of paper that hangs
on the wall.”

Fourth Stage: The starting point for Abdi may be to explain to him that Ed's absence
during normal working hours may disrupt Abdi's, the HR manager's, plans. The target
point could be to attend the job during working hours. The point of resistance could
be rescheduling the work for Ed.

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The last defend I could make,” your absence during normal working hours may
disrupt my plans. That’s why your presence during normal working hours is really
important for me and our company as well. I hope you got what I was trying to say.”

Assigned By,
Mondal Palash

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