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GEE 0 1 READING & LISTENING a. If youhave a problem that you need to talk about, do you talk to a friend or toa member of your family? Why? b_ TV chat show host Graham Norton has an advice column in a British newspaper. Read a problem which was sent to him and three possible options. Then talk to a partner. Which of the three pieces of advice do you agree with? Why? © @8.1 Now listen to Tracey reading Graham's advice. Which of the three options does Graham think is right? Why? Dear Graham, 1'm24and my partners 46. We've been together fortwo years, and we havea ‘wonderful relationship. Lalso havea great relationship with his children from his previous marriage. But I feel worried when Tthink about ourfuture together. He has already lived ife. He’s been married, he’s had children, and he's owned a business. Tm just starting my life. want to have children, buthe’s notsure. Love him and Iwanttobewith him, but Falso wantto share the adventures af life with someone Should [leave him? Am making my life more difficult by choosing to be with someone who's more than 20 years older than me ‘Tracey 4 Sheshould leave him and find somebody who is nearer hherage and sharesher interest. bb She should think hard about what kind of man she really wants to besith before making decision € Sheshouldstay with him isheloves him. Being eth an older man has adeantages as well as disadvantages GRAMMAR should Look at the sentences. Answer questions 1-3. Should I leave him? She should stay with him. Youshouldn't make a decision inahurry. 1. What do we use should for? arules b advice c permission 2 De hird person? th should? tenece with th ould change in 3 How do we make negatives and questions w @ p.140 Grammar Bank 8A Read the messages. What should the people do? Write a hort anawer to each meszage. ‘My neighbours have noisy parties every weekend. / I cant sleep and it’s driving me maa! It was my gitfriend’s birthday yesterday, and / orgot to get her anything. She isn't happy. I share a flat witha friend, but she never does any housework. / ETS ST SS Teg aut hanes neo { PRONUNCIATION /u/ and /u:/ 8.3 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. What's the difference between the two sounds? Which consonant isn’t pronounced in should and would? ne toes @8.4 Put the words in the correct row. Then listen and check. book cool could flew food look lose Practise saying the sentences. 1. What should | do? 2 You shouldn't lose your cool. 3 You should tell the truth 4. What school should they choose? 4 SPEAKING & LISTENING 5 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING a Look at some advice for another problem. With a partner, get say what you think the problem is. ‘a Look at three sentences from this lesson. Match get in sentences 1-3 to meanings ae a buy/obtain b receive ¢ become TEU 27> BRB SC Cg 1 He'will never Milas excheed:ae you abot, . for example, a weddin 4 They shouldtelltheir 25-year-old son that hecan'tgo.on a stud eneterrrerermaduebresn holiday ~heneeds to save money. gahiow pece to lve bb Theyshouldlet him go everybody need holiday. 3 Iget a good salary They sho hin bt ysl akin start paying 1 GE Vesaiedey tak ges © Inpairs, ask and answer the questions with get b @8.5 Listen to Annabel and Peter phoning a radio 4 When was the last ime you got a programme called What's the problem? and make notes present? What was it? Who was it from? bout the problem with their son. Were you right? D_voyou usualy get nervous betore exams or presentations? What do you do € alk to your partner and choose the best advice for Annabel aetna and Peter. Tick (/) a, b, or cand say why. eee ae ne S torget tetets a) io ravelor b)forthe 4 @8.6 Listen to an expert giving them advice. Is it the advice you chose? Is it good advice? Why (not)? ee gee Gepoerey Who do you get on with best in your e @8.7/8.8 Repeat a-d for Nick. Cue Is there anybody you don’t get on with How do you get to work / school / university? How long does it usually ould Nick do? take you? What's the frst thing you do when 4. Heshould stay where hchas ajob and sechisgriend at you get home from work / school / sweckends, university? b Heshould gowith her and starta mew life How many messages do you get a day ¢ Heshould ellhertostay.cheretheyareifshewantsto stay ‘on your phone? How many emails do you get? Who are they usually from? Do you answer them? Do you have a good sense of direction, or do you often get lost? £ @8.9/8.10 Now repeat a-d for Jane. 4. Sheshould goon holiday with both riends. b Sheshouldgettoknowherfriend'sjriend Angie better, and then decide. together © Sheshould refuseto go if Angie goes too.

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