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I declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which
has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other
institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledge has been made in the text and
reference list.

Zamzam Abdi Hussein signature________ Date: 10-May-2018

This is to certify that this thesis is the bonafide work of Zamzam Abdi Hussein
Carried out under my supervision.

Name of the advisor__________________________ signature ______ date _____


This is to certify that thesis entitled ―The Impact of Social Media on Employee
Performance‖ Submitted by Mss. Zamzam Abdi Hussein to NGUCHC towards partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the bachelor degree of arts in HRM

Name of the advisor_______________________ signature_________

Name of external examiner_______________________ signature__________

Name of the academy dean_______________________ signature___________


This study was investigated the relationship between social media and employee performance
at ministry of information in Hargeisa Main Center, Somaliland. It was guided by four
objectives and they are; to identify the demographic characteristics in terms of age, gender,
educational level, marital status and experience. To measure the level of social media in
ministry of information, to measure the level of employee performance correlation between the
two variable.
The technicality of this study was employed the following items the descriptive research design
was implemented specially by correlation, used simple random sampling procedure to choose
the needed respondents. Slovene’s formula was computed the sample from the target
population and the instrument used was the questionnaire to collect the interested information
and investigating questions from the unit of the analysis ministry of information.
The first objective of this study (the demographic characteristics) was analyzed by the
frequency and percentage tables while the other two objectives was used Mean and Standard
Deviation and Pearson Correlation Coefficients for the fourth objective . The study was
identified that the level of social media in ministry of information was low with the average
mean of (2.16) while the level of employee performance was also with the mean of (2.06).
This paper was revealed, identified that there was a week positive correlation between the
social media and employee performance less than the than therefore the null hypothesis was
rejected and the researcher identified that social media and employee effect either positively
week .At last but not the least the investigator recommended to keep the employee performance
constant and encouraged by all the levels or layers of the social media as the unity of direction
always make the victory and success to the organization.


All praises and thanks are due gratitude are due to Allah (SWT), the creator, glorious, sustainer,
and the most merciful, who gave me the bravery, patience, motivation and ability to complete
this paper successfully.
Also I would like deep down of my dear Mama and daddy {Nimco Omer Osman and Abdi
Hussein Ismail} that I am saying she/he was my first pack up always used to encourage me to
continue and finalize in successfully way. And really I can’t summarize thanking in written
words; also I am thanking to all my family all.

Secondly I would like deep down of my heart and mind to thank the university staff, and
Professors who played Avery vital role of my Educational life cycle, who Supported,
Motivated, Guided and taught me the different Advantageous knowledge which will surely help
me in my whole life if ALLAH says, and it’s a great golden chance to be your student and very
proud to study this international University when I am staying in my country, and I am
thanking every Member in the University who devoted their time, energy, support, and advices,
guiding, and wishing me that one day I will graduate my university duration in successful way,
by saying May ALLAH pay you back,

In addition, I would like to express my appreciation, thanks and extend my indebted gratitude to
my genuine advisor; Mr. Mohamed Amin without his valuable and constructive advice,
patience, and rich contribution, this paper would not have succeeded. He encouraged the
development of this paper from the beginning and suggested throughout for improvement.
I am particularly heartwarming to and my special thanks are reserved for my dear classmates,
or group of working paper research are motivated me his continuous support in the preparation
of this paper, and I hope this book which will be good for our stakeholders.


DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL.................................................................................................................................... ii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ v

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................ ix

CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1

1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study....................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem statement ................................................................................................................. 3

1.3Research Objective ................................................................................................................ 3

1.4 ResearchQuestions ................................................................................................................ 4

1.5 Significance of the Study ...................................................................................................... 4

1.6 Scope of the study ................................................................................................................. 5

1.6.1 Geographical study ............................................................................................................ 5

1.7 Description of the study Organization .................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................... 8

LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................. 8

2.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 8

2.1Concepts, ideas, opinions, from Anthers/ experts .................................................................. 8

2.2. Employee Performance ........................................................................................................ 8

2.5 Social Media ....................................................................................................................... 13

2.8Theoretical prospective ........................................................................................................ 23

2.9 Related Studies .................................................................................................................... 24

CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................... 27

METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................................... 27

3.1Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 27

3.2 Variable Definition ............................................................................................................. 27

3.3Research Design ................................................................................................................... 27

3.4Research approach ............................................................................................................... 28

3.5 Research Population ............................................................................................................ 28

3.6 Validity and reliability of instrument .................................................................................. 29

3.6 Sources of data .................................................................................................................... 29

3.7 Data Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 30

3.8. Ethical Consideration ......................................................................................................... 30

3.9Limitation of the Study ........................................................................................................ 30

CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................................... 31


4.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 31

4.1 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents .................................................................... 31

4.2 The impact of social media on employee performance, Hargaisa, Somaliland. ................. 33

4.3 The level on Employee performance , Hargeisa, Somaliland. ............................................ 34

4.4 The Relationship between social media and Employee Performance ................................ 37

CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................................... 38

FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................... 38

5.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 38

5.1 Findings ............................................................................................................................... 38

5.2 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 40

5.3 Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 41

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 42


Appendix I: Transmittal Letter

Appendix II: Questionnaire

Appendix III: Time Frame

Appendix IV: Budget Frame

Appendix V: Researcher’s CV


Table Page
3.1 Target Population and Sample size 28
4.1 Demographic Characteristics 31
4.2 Level of Social Media 33
4.3 Level of Employee Performance 34
4.4 Relationship between IV and DV 37


HRM Human resource Management and leadership

IV Independent Variable

DV Dependent Variable

SPSS Statistical package social science



1.0 Introduction
This chapter deals with the background of study, problem statement, general objective, specific
objective significance of study, scope of the study, and description of the study organization

1.1 Background of the Study

According[Edwin B. Flips]Human resource management is the function of management is the
planning, organizing, directing, and the controlling, of the procurement, development,
compensation, integration, maintenance, and separation of human resource

History, Social media have evolved over the years to the modern-day variety which uses digital
media. However, the social media isn’t that new. In addition, it didn’t start with the computer
but instead the telephone. During the 1950s, phone phreaking, the term used for the rogue
searching of the telephone network, began. This process was accomplished through the use of
homemade electronic devices that facilitated unauthorized access to the telephone system to
make free calls. Phreaks were able to find telephone company test lines and conference circuits
to complete their task. Brett Borders stated phreaks were able to hack into corporate unused
voice mailboxes to host the first blogs and podcasts (Borders, 2010
In the Global Today’s social media tools are bringing rapid change to organizational
communication and public relations. These technologies have shifted the emphasis of internet
services from being consumption-based towards becoming interactive and collaborative,
creating new opportunities for interaction between organizations and publics (Henderson
andBowley 2010). Therefore considering the growing importance of social media as a strategic
tool among organizations, this research aimed to investigate the impact of social media usage
on organizations.
In the Africa the social media tools in today’s business in Africa have also gained importance
due to the increasing complexity of the global business setting which involves global
coworkers, customers and suppliers. Business processes have also become so complex that they
must be automated because employees can no longer perform all the tasks required in the time
available (Hutley, 2009). As a result, organizations today are constantly facing the challenge of

contextualizing this phenomenon and its effects on the employees’ ability to perform duties
assigned to them and the ability to draw boundaries between personal and professional use of
organizational information technology resource. Wasting time through internet activities is
simple and it is a huge hidden cost to businesses. If the company has an eight-person
department and each of them spends an hour a day doing personal stuff, that is a whole day
wasted (Babinchak, 2011
In Somaliland It is thus clear that SNS has become a focal point for almost every human activity
and interest Human nature dictates the need to form alliances or networks in order to form
communities for family, education, religion, work and personal interests. In Somaliland the last
ten to seven years, innovative SNS websites have crept into employees’ personal spaces and by
extension the workplace With the explosion of the social media phenomenon making it part of
daily life to many people in Somaliland there is need for studies on ways to strike a balance
between social media use and its effects on employee performance.
Employees who are regarded as assets of the organizations have a greater role to play to make
organizations succeed in this ever changing environment. Economies and organizations are in
continuous change where the reliance on manual workers is shifting to productivity of
knowledge workers. According to Ramírez & Nembhard (2004), knowledge workers account
for more than two-thirds of the workforce with digital literacy and social networking becoming
a mandatory skill in life not just for individuals but also
Social media this is a way in which many individuals come together and form many sized
groups through which help is acquired, information is conveyed, and actions are taken to
achieve certain outcomes (Martensen et al., 2011).
Social media is the use of internet-based social media programs to make connections with
friends, family, classmates, customers and clients. Social media can occur for social purposes,
business purposes or both through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
and Yelp. Social media is also a significant target area for marketers seeking to engage users
Employee performance: is defined as whether a person executes their job duties and
Responsibilities well. Many companies assess their employee's performance on an annual or
quarterly basis in order to define certain areas that need improvement. Performance is a critical
factor in organizational success.

Employee performance In general, productivity of an employee is measured in terms of labor
hours spent by him/her on the given task, it is defined as how much and how well employees’
produces from the given resources (Babinchak, 2011).
1.2 Problem statement
equity theory According Jim filmy [2012] social media and employee performance by
increasing their knowledge, abilities , motivational level and close association with organization
at social media people associated with organization create stories about company some times
with intensions and sometime without intensions
The problem of this study is low employee performance in ministry of Information and Culture
in Hargeisa, Somaliland. when researcher have seeing this effect that social media Couse there
works to do how the monitor for the jobs .there is poor employee’s performance, The
identifiable sings of this problem are low productivities, delay of deadlines and so on if the
problem continuous it may lead to employees turnover organization conflict , low Employee
morale . the tardiness improve work performance and organization productivity social Media
can affect employees and their performance which is directly linked to low productivities. Poor
leadership, poor how the social media can effect employee their performance which is directly
linked to low productivities The possible causes of problem are lacks of skills , productive ,
qualification/knowledge ,motivational level, self-protection

1.3Research Objective
1.3.1 General objectives

The general objectives of this research wos to determine the Relationship between social media
and employee performance In ministry of information hargiesa Somaliland

1.3.2 Specific objectives

The specific objectives of this study are

1. To identify the characteristics of the respondent in term of

 Gender
 age
 experience
 educational

 marital status

2.To identify extended of employee performance in ministry of information Hargeisa,


3.To identify levels of social media in ministry of information important Hargeisa Somaliland.?

4.To identify the relationship between social media and employee performance.?

1.4 Research Questions

This study is answering the following questions:
1. what are the demographic characteristics of the respondent in Terms of; age, gender, marital,
status, education background, and work experience?
2. What is the extend of the employee performance?
3. What is the level of social media?
4. is there a significance relationship between the degree of social media and employee

1.5 Significance of the Study

Senior official of the Government

The government officials was may want to know how to manage and increase employees’
performance while using social media sites. The findings from this study may enable them to
realize the extent to which their employees’ productivity can be improved Social networking


Employees was use Social media sites in the work place may learn to become brand advocates
and marketers of their organizations. This study may provide an insight on how SNS can be
used positively by employees to market their organizations and interact more with customers.

Academicians and Scholars

The study was also essential to researchers, academicians and scholars who may see this as a
good basis for further research related to the use of social media sites in organizations.

1.6 Scope of the study
1.6.1 Geographical study

Geographical scope of this study was carried out Ministry of information, national giddiness and
tourism particularly which main office is located in 26 June district in Hagias, Somaliland

1.6.2 Content scope

The scope of this study wos limited in Hargeisa city and this study focused on assessing social
media sites and their impact on employee performance

1.6.3 Theoretical scope

Equity theory Jim filmy [2012] social media and employee performance by increasing their
knowledge, abilities, motivational level and close association with organization
at social media people associated with organization create stories about company some times
With intensions and sometime without intensions

1.6.4 Time scope

From February to August 2018

1.7 Description of the study Organization

According ((Bryden, 2010) Hargeisa More than 1.2 million people call Hargeisa home. The
capital of Somaliland is safe, peaceful and growing rapidly since Somalia's collapse in 1991.
Ministry of information, guidelines and culture while the scars of the civil war can still be seen
on the city streets, Establishment of Ministry of information ,guidelines and culture dates back
to 18 may in 1991 when the people of Somaliland regained their independence from Somali
and declared the succession from the merge with Somalia in grand conference held in Burao
from the peace building process and the self determination of Somaliland future MOF was
included the executive council of 18 ministries and 4 Vice ministries appointed by president
decree by the first president of Somaliland Mr. Abdriahman Ahmed Ali( Tuur) who was elected
by Burao a grand conference first foreign minister of Somaliland in my 1991 to May 1993 who
was as well as the second chairman of Somaliland national movement between 1982-1983.

Vision of the organization
Create and enabling environment and sustained growth of social media and entertainment
sector. Facilitate value based on wholesome entertainment effectively disseminates information
On government policies, programs, and achievements
To promote, protect, and preserve the nation’s cultural heritage and enhance its contribution to
community empowerment and national development process
Mission of the organization
.To ensures free flow of information to the public and safeguard freedom
Of press and media, effectively disseminate information on the policies, program
And achievement of government using emerging technologies
To promote development of broadcasting, industry in Somaliland
To create policy frame work for the development of value based content for healthy
Entailment of people all ages, restore, digitalize, preserve. And enhance public access
To the archival wealth of films video and audio resource upscale human resource development
And set up centers of excellence for media and entertainment sector

Structure of the organization

Minister of
information culture
& National Guidance

Vice minister

Admin Planning & National
&Finance Development News Culture Guidance SLNTV
Department Department Agency Department Department Department
Policy Analysis Unit For Understanding
e Adminstratio
Research & Cultural / Conservation
Management n Unit
Statistics Unit Properties unit
Monitoring & the Unit for Public
News & Conservation of
Evaluation Editorial Architectural relationship
Unit Unit Heritage Sites unit

Arts &
Coordinatio Monitoring Crafts Unit
News Unit
n Unit

Songs &



2.0 Introduction
This chapter focuses on the review of relevant literature on social media employee performance
and other core aspects of the study. Areas such as Employee performance measurement, Factors
Affecting Employee Performance, Factors that influence social media
2.1Concepts, ideas, opinions, from Anthers/ experts
2.2. Employee Performance
According to (Campbell, McCloy, Oppler and Sager, 1993).Employee performance refers to
behaviors that are relevant to organizational goals and which are under the control of individual
Every organization has been established with certain objectives to achieve. These objectives can
be achieved by utilizing the resources like men, machines, materials and money. All these
resources are important but out of these the manpower is the most important. It plays an
important role in performing tasks for accomplishing the goals. The question arises that how
these resources are utilizes by manpower. Further, the business environment is changing
drastically. The environmental factors are uncontrollable. These are beyond control of
management of the firms. One has to adjust with the external factors to do the business in the
market. Every environmental factor like social, cultural, legal, political, economic, technology
and competition gets changed very fast. For effective working the knowledge of these factors is
must otherwise the plan will misfire. In present situation it is difficult to predict about anything.
It is uncertain to say that what will happen tomorrow. Again the need for highly skilled and
dedicated manpower is felt who can give the best output. Nowadays the markets are also very
competitive and there is cut throat competition. For every organization it is difficult to start,
survive, stabilize and excel in the business. The firm that gets the advantage over other
competitors through their talented and dedicated manpower can take the lead in the market. The
contribution of employees on job is the most important factor for development and excellence in
business. The performance of employees on different jobs in close coordination is needed for
success of the unit. Employees are performing different jobs in an organization depending upon
the nature of the organization. They mainly perform tasks like production, storage,

manufacturing, transportation, marketing, purchasing, distribution, promotion of business,
finance and accounting, human resource, research and public relations. All these activities are
inter-related to achieve the targets. These are to be performed by the employees properly so they
can give their best output at the job. This will have great impact on the total production, sales,
profit, progress and market position of the company in the market. Various factors like skills,
training, motivation, dedication, welfare, management policies, fringe benefits, salary and
packages, promotion, communication etc. are responsible to encourage the people to work
sincerely and give their best output. The importance of employees’ performance must be
understood by the management and sincere efforts must be put in that direction. The
management of the company taking timely steps in that direction will be in position to develop
and motivate the people to do so. Finally the company may take the lead the market and grab the
opportunities available in the market.
2.2.1 Employee performance measurement
Employee performance measurement is an integral and crucial part within the organization. If
the organization does not establish proper and appropriate performance measurement system,
they cannot measure and evaluate the organizational performance itself. So, it is vital to measure
employee performance by adopting and implementing some tools and techniques through setting
some criteria. For example, Hakala (2008) has proposed following ways to measure employee
performance (work performance)
2.2.2 Quantity
The number of units produced, processed or sold is a good objective indicator of performance
(Hakala, 2008).
2.2.3 Quality:
An organization can measure work of the employees through measuring the quality of the
person in terms of efficiency and productivity.
2.2.4 Timeliness:
The time required to complete a particular task can be regard as measuring tool of work
performance of that employee within the organization (Hakala, 2008).
2.2.5 Absenteeism:
The level absenteeism can be used to measure work performance of an employee (Hakala, 2008).

2.2.6 Creativity
Creativity can be used as measuring work performance but it is very difficult to measure
performance based on creativity (Hakala, 2008).
2.2.7 Personal Appearance
Most people know how to dress for work, but in many organizations there is at least one
employee who needs to be told (Hakala, 2008).
2.2.8 Management appraisal system
To measure the performance of the employee, there can be appraisal system by the management
of the organization (Hakala, 2008).
2.2.10 Personal appraisal system:
To measure how the person is performing in his or her job place, can be measured by self-
appraisal system (Hakala, 2008).
2.2.11 Peer appraisal system
The colleagues and other employees can help to measure the efficiency and productivity of an
employee within an organization (Hakala, 2008). 10
2.3 Factors Affecting Employee Performance
According to some researchers and practitioners, there are certain factors individually and
collectively effect on the performance of employees in a positive or negative way, including:

2.4.1 Leadership
Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve
common goals (Northouse, 2007). Leadership style is the combination of attitude and behavior
of a leader, which leads to certain patterns in dealing with the followers (Dubrin, 2004). The
leadership style within an organization has a bearing on encouraging or inhibiting employee’s
performance (Armstrong &Murlis 2004; Cronje et al 2001).
2.4.2 Coaching
Coaching has become an important technique to improve performance (Champathes, 2006). It is
not a one way communication and proves to be a two way communications where coaches
identify what can be improved and how it can be improved. Further coaching addresses the
belief and behaviors that hinder performance (Toit, 2007). It can be further seen that coaching is
all about helping someone else to improve performance (Starr, 2004).

2.4.3 Empowerment
Duvall (1999) defines success as achievement, accomplishment and attainment which is
consequence of empowerment as follows:
(1) Individual success in form of employee’s role performance.
(2) Organizational success which is achieved as members of the organization accomplishes
collective organizational goals and objectives.
(3) As organizational members share a mutually beneficial and satisfying work experience
meeting both social and personal growth needs. Further, empowerment had significant positive
correlations with both performance and satisfaction (Bartram and Casimir, 2007). And
specifically empowerment was more strongly correlated with the in-role performance of
followers than with satisfaction with the leader.
2.4.4 Participation
In Chen and Tjosvold research (2006) they revealed that participation management is about
involving employees in the decision making process where the employees feel that they have the
opportunity to discuss problems and can influence organizational decisions. The overall impact
of participation is increased employee job performance and low turn-over. In addition,
organizations can act to increase or decrease the levels of these mediator variables within their
personals and potentially strengthen the positive performance effects of employee participation
(Lam et al, 2002). Employee will be motivated because management considers them as partners
in contributing to organizational success instead of being seen as mere subordinates and
therefore will avoid engaging into counterproductive behaviors hence improved performance
through timely achievement of organizational goals and objectives (Carrel, Kuzmits& Elbert,
2.4.5 Organizational Culture
is common values and behaviors of the people that considered as a tool leads to the successful
achievement of organization goals (Schein, 1990). Organizational culture is the mindset of
people that distinguishes them from each other, within the organization of outside the
organization. This includes values, beliefs, and behaviors of the employee’s difference from the
other organization (Hofstede, 1991). Strong culture in the organization is very helpful to
12enhance the performance of the employees that leads to the goal achievement and increase the
overall performance of the organization (Deal and Kennedy, 1982). According to the Stewart

(2010), norms and values of organizational culture highly effect on those who are directly or
indirectly involved with the organization. These norms are invisible but have a great impact on
the performance of employees and profitability. The most important characteristic is shared
value. A strong organizational culture supports adaptation and develops organization’s employee
performance by motivating employees toward a shared goal and objective; and finally shaping
and channeling employees behavior to that specific direction should be at the top of operational
and functional strategies (Daft, 1984). Shared value of employees is one of the basic components
of organizational culture (Smit and Cronje, 1992; Hellriegel et al, 1998). Schein (1994) clarifies
that value which is a set of social norms that define the rules or framework for social interaction
and communication behaviors of society’s members, is a reflection of causal culture
assumptions. Academics and practitioners argue that the performance of an organization is
dependent on the degree to which the values of the culture are widely shared (Peters and
Waterman, 1982). Similarly, it is widely argued that shared and strongly held values enable
management to predict employee reactions to certain strategic options and by reducing these
values, the consequences maybe undesirable
2.4.6 Working Environment
The influence degree of working environment is the counterpart requirement of a creative job.
Higher job satisfaction and lower intentions to leave were found for those individuals whose
work 13 environment accompanied the creative requirements of jobs. Enhancing the creative
performance of employees has been recommended as dire for remaining competitive in a
dynamic environment and for enhancing the overall innovations of an organization (Janssen, O.
and NW. Van Yperen, 2004). Working environment can be divided into two components namely
physical and behavioral components. The physical environment consists of elements that relate
to the office occupiers’ ability to physically connect with their office environment. The
behavioral environment consists of components that relate to how well the office occupiers
connect with each other, and the impact the office environment can have on the behavior of the
individual. According to Haynes (2008), the physical environment with the productivity of its
occupants falls into two main categories office layout (open-plan verses cellular offices) and
office comfort (matching the office environment to the work processes), and the behavioral
environment represents the two main components namely.

2.4.7 Motivation
Motivation is a key determinant of employee performance and a poorly motivated force will be
costly in terms of excessive staff turnover, higher expenses, negative morale and increased use of
managements’ time (Jobber, 1994). Therefore, management must know what exactly stimulates
their staff so resources are not misallocated and dissatisfaction develops among employees
(Jobber, 1994). As Green (2000) has described motivation to be proactive in the sense of; in
dealing with employees who are high performers, motivation is essential, otherwise their
performance will decline or theywill simply leave the job. While dealing with low performers,
motivation is a prerequisite; otherwise these employees will drag results down, lower
productivity and certainly would not leave the organization, as they will have nowhere else to
go. A motivated workforce is essential because the complete participation of employees will
certainly drive the profitability of the organization (Carlsen, 2003), Darmon (1974) believe
motivation is the educating of employees to channel their efforts towards organizational
activities and thus increasing the performance of the said boundary spanning roles. According to
Denton (1991), a motivated workforce will lead to greater understanding, acceptance,
commitment to implementation, understanding of objectives and decision making between
management and employees. There are 6 most important elements of motivation: rewards, pay,
profit sharing, promotion, recognition, job enrichment.
2.4.8 Training
The developing process of employees’ skill in order to improve the performance is called
training (Swanson, 1999). Training is a type of activity which is planned, systematic and it
results in enhanced level of skill, knowledge and competency that are necessary to perform work
effectively (Gordon, 1992). Existing literature presents evidence of an existence of obvious
effects of training and development on employee performance. According to Wright &Geroy
(2001) notes that employee competencies change through effective training programs. Training
has been proved to generate performance improvement related benefits for the employee as well
as for the organization
2.5 Social Media
According to GU, and Whinston (2012) social media have gone beyond simply social sharing
to building reputation and bringing in career opportunities and monetary income, as discussed
in Tang.

According to Nielsen (2011) internet users continue to spend more time with social media sites
than any there type of site. At the same time, the total time spent on social media in the [U.S.]
across PC and mobile devices increased by 99 percent to 121 billion minutes in July 2012
compared to 66 billion minutes in July 2011.
According to Whinston (2012) Social media are computer-mediated technologies that
facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of
expression via virtual communities and networks. The variety of stand-alone and built-in social
media services currently available introduces challenges of definition; however, there are some
common features
Social media technologies take many different forms including blogs, business
networks, enterprise social networks, forums, micro blogs, photo sharing, products/services
review, social bookmarking, social gaming, social networks, video sharing, and virtual worlds.
The development of social media started off with simple platforms such as Unlike instant messaging clients such as Television, was the
first online business that was created for real people, using their real names. However, the first
social networks were short-lived because their users lost interest. The Social Network
Revolution has led to the rise of the networking sites. Research shows that the audience spends
22 percent of their time on social networking sites, thus proving how popular social media
platforms have become. This increase is because of the smart phones that are now in the daily
lives of most humans.
Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people to create, share or exchange
information, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks.Social
mediais defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and
technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user-
generated content." Furthermore, social media depend on mobile and web-based technologies
to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, co-
create, discuss, and modify user-generated content. They introduce substantial and pervasive
changes to communication between businesses, organizations, communities, and individuals.
These changes are the focus of the emerging field of techno self-studies. Social media are
different from traditional or industrial media in many ways, including quality, reach, frequency,
usability, immediacy, and permanence. Social media operates in a dialogic transmission

system, (many sources to many receivers). This is in contrast to traditional media that operates
under a monologist transmission model (one source too many receivers).There are many effects
that stem from internet usage.
2.6 Factors that influence social media

Social media has a strong influence on business activities and business performance. There are
four channels by which social media resources can transform into business performance

2.6.1 Social capital: Sarah J. Freeman December [2000]U.S.A. represents the extent to which
social media affects firms' and organizations' relationships with society and the degree to which
the organizations' use of social media increases corporate social-performance capabilities.

2.6.2 Revealed preferences[ Ehrlich, 2011]U.S.A represent the extent to which social media
exposes customers' likings (e.g., "likes" and followers) and increase a firm's financial
capabilities (e.g., stock price, revenue, profit), or for non-profits, increases their donations,
volunteerism rate, etc.

2.6.3 Social marketing Ehrlich,[ 2011]U.S.A represents the extent to which social-marketing
resources (e.g., online conversations, sharing links, online presence, sending text-messages) are
used to increase a firm's financial capabilities (e.g., sales, acquisition of new customers) or a
non-profit's voluntary sector goals.

2.6.4 Social corporate networking Ehrlich, 2011u.s.a involves the informal ties and linkages
of corporate/organizational staff with other people from their field or industry, clients,
customers, and other members of the public, which form through social networks. Social
corporate networking can increase operational performance capabilities in many ways, as it can
enable sales staff to find new clients; help marketing staff to learn about client customer needs
and demand, and teach management about the public perceptions of their strategy or approach.

2.7.1 Perceived characteristics of social media sites

TAM was derived from the theory of reasoned action (TRA) suggested by Ajzen and Fishbone
(1980). While TRA posits that general attitudes toward technology along with subjective norms
determine acceptance intention, the TAM employs more specific attitude constructs perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use as the determinants of the intention to use and actual use
of a new technology (Davis, 1989; Peters, et al., 2007). Perceived usefulness is defined as ―the
degree to which an individual believes that using a particular system would enhance his/her job
performance‖ . Perceived ease of use refers to ―the degree to which an individual believes that
using a particular system would be free of physical and mental efforts‖.

Prior research indicates that TAM is successfully applied to Internet–related technologies and
services such as Internet banking, online shopping, and software applications (Suh and Han,
2002; Gefen, et al., 2003; Chau, 1996). Beyond the context of the Internet, the impact of
perceived usefulness on adoption or usage intention is, in general, seen as a stronger and more
direct factor than that of perceived ease of use. Past research found direct or indirect effect of
the perceived ease of use on the adoption of a technology (e.g., Davis, et al., 1989; Hu, et al.,
1999; Jackson, et al., 1997).

2.7.2 Motives for using the Internet

Another main theoretical foundation for this study lies in U&G perspectives. The U&G is one
of the predominant theories used to explain audiences’ choices and consumptions of media.
The U&G suggests that audiences select a specific medium to gratify their goals or needs
(Blumler, 1979; Katz, et al., 1974; Rayburn, 1996). Employing the U&G, several studies have
attempted to explain the use of the Internet and Internet–related communications (Morris and
Organ, 1996; Ferguson and Perse, 2000; Flaherty, et al., 1998; Leung, 2001; Papacharissi and
Rubin, 2000). Papacharissi and Rubin (2000) identified interpersonal utility, passing time,
information seeking, convenience, and entertainment as five motives for using the Internet.

Yang and Kang (2006) suggested that entertainment, habit, social interaction, information, and
escapism were five motivations for Internet use. While information seeking and entertainment

are critical gratifications sought from the Internet in general (Papacharissi and Rubin, 2000),
individual Internet services show differences in the relevance of gratifications sought. Peter, et
al. (2006), focusing specifically on Internet chat rooms, found that social inclusion, maintaining
relationships, meeting new people, social compensation, and entertainment are the
gratifications for using these chat rooms. It is apparent in the research that most of the motives
are associated with social interaction or interpersonal utility. In comparing general Internet use
and Internet chat rooms, it has been found that people are more likely to use Internet chat
rooms for socialization than information seeking. In addition, Ko, et al. (2005) discovered that
the social–interaction motivation for using the Internet has a positive effect on the use of
human–human interaction features on the Internet that have characteristics of connectedness
and reciprocal communication.

Accordingly, it is plausible to hypothesize that interpersonal utility motivation for using the
Internet is related to social networking site use. This study further identifies how other
motivations for using the Internet are related to the frequency and amount of time spent using
social networking Web sites.

2.7.3 Internet experience

Zajonc (1968) U.S.A suggested a ―mere exposure effect‖ postulating that continuous exposure
tends to increase people’s liking for given stimuli. That is, as individuals’ exposure to a
particular stimulus increases, he or she establishes a positive attitude toward the stimulus
(Monroe, 1976; Wilson, 1979; Zajonc, 1968). Similarly, the more people use and become
familiar with given technologies, the more comfortable they become using these technologies.
Prior studies show that this theory holds true on the Internet. The Internet and Society Report
by the Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study of Society (2000) found that Internet
experience has a positive correlation with the amount of Internet use. The longer people have
used the Internet, the more hours they spend and the more activities they engage in on the Web.
Several prior studies specifically focused on the relationship between Internet experience and
purchase behaviors on the Internet. Aldridge, et al. (1997) argued that the likelihood of buying
via the Internet should increase as use of the Internet increases. Hoffman, et al. (1999) found
that Internet experience has a positive relationship with purchase behaviors on the Internet.

When the findings of previous studies are applied to the context of social networking Web
sites, the following hypotheses are proposed.

2.7.4 Innovativeness

Innovativeness is defined as an individual’s tendency to be more receptive to new ideas (Leung

and Wei, 1998; Lin, 1998; Lin and Jeffres, 1998; Li, 2003; Rogers, 1995). Innovativeness
depends on individuals and is seen as critical in consumers’ technology adoption. Individual
innovativeness tends to differentiate adopters from non–adopters of new technologies (Lin,
1998; Lin and Jeffres, 1998; Busselle, et al., 1999). Rogers (1995) argued that a high degree of
individual innovativeness triggers early adoption of a new technology and/or idea. Individual
innovativeness is also introduced into the TAM research to expand the scope of TAM
applicability. Lin (2004) pointed out that recent studies on innovative attributes and computer–
mediated technology adoption generally support the influences of this personality trait on
adoption of an innovation. Busselle, et al. (1999) found that an individual’s innovativeness is a
positive predictor for the frequency of Internet use. Lin (1998) and Lin (2004) also
demonstrated that innovativeness is a significant predictor for personal computer adoption and
Webcasting adoption. Based on the findings of prior studies, this study suggests the following

 Age

Madden and Savage (2000) found that age has an inverse relationship with Internet use. More
recently, Pew Internet & American Life Project (2004) echoed the findings of Madden and
Savage (2000). Similar findings can be found in the adoptions of specific Internet–related
technologies such as online chat rooms and Webcasting (Peter, et al., 2006; Lin, 2004).
Therefore, this study proposes a negative relationship between the use of social networking

 Gender

Traditionally, innovation diffusion literature suggests that males are more likely than females to
adopt a new technology earlier (Dutton, et al., 1987; LaRose and Atkin, 1988; Jeffres and
Atkin, 1996). The adoption of the Internet is no exception. More males used the Internet in its

nascent years than females (Ernst & Young, 1999; Pew Research Center for the People and the
Press, 1998). Male dominance in Internet usage was, however, overturned. A recent report by
Tech Crunchies (2008) indicates that more women used the Internet than their male
counterparts in the U.S. as of 2008 and the trend will continue in the near future. Specifically,
focusing on the frequency and amount of Internet–based technology usage, Leung (2001) found
that female college students seek more socialization gratification through instant messages than
relaxation and entertainment. Further, the study revealed that female college students chat
through messengers more often and longer per session than male college students. Taken
together, the current study proposes that there is a gender difference in social networking site

Pay and Benefits

According to Google (2011) Social media has become an inseparable part of our life, and the
idea of the world without it seems incomplete to us. With billions of people connecting from
around the globe, the world has become a smaller place, and no one can deny the fact that it
has all been possible due to vastly increasing social networks.
1. Connectivity

This is one of the best things that the social media has graced us with. People from different
corners of the world can easily and instantly connect with each other through countless
platforms. The information flows quickly, so one can immediately know the things that have
happened even in the most remote places on the planet. Irrespective of religion, language, and
nationality, the millions of people of the world have come under same roof through the social

2. Making Friends

Thanks to various social sites – particularly Facebook – making new friends is so much easier
and faster today. A few decades ago, it was quite tough to build friendships with new people
as the only way to connect and know people was through face-to-face interaction. Not only
can you befriend new people through it but also you can also rekindle your relationships with
your old buddies.

3. Sharing Your Thoughts and Feelings

Sharing our thoughts and feelings over a wide range of people is one of the major advantage
of the social media. Happiness, sadness, joy and other human emotions can be conveyed to
friends and family through status, photos, and videos. Social sites like Facebook and
Whatsapp help us reach to those people that matter most in our lives and eventually receive
appreciation, love, and kindness from them.

4. To Be In Touch With the World

Nowadays, to remain up to date is very essential, and there is no better platform than social
sites to keep up with the pace of the world. What happens around the world circulates so
quickly through Facebook and Twitter providing vast information, which otherwise would
have been difficult. From U.S. presidential election news to the price of new iPhone, from
Syrian conflict to the latest buzz on Hollywood, every detail of news can be known with a
single click on your gadget in the social network.
5. Unleashing Your Potential

Social media is the cheapest yet reliable stage to express your inner talents and potential. If
you want to become a writer, you can post your writings and you can have feedback from
your readers instantly. Many bloggers on the social sites are earning both reputation and
money today. And if you are a good singer, you can upload your songs. People will give you
an immediate response on your skills, which can inspire you to follow your passion.

6. Promotional Tool

Companies and artists can reach an infinitely large and varied amount of audience using
social media sites. Since many people use various social sites these days, they have proved to
be a great platform to promote movies, books, and music videos using little time and energy.

7. Faster Sharing Of Information

Social media, undoubtedly, has revolutionized the speed of the news cycle. Most news
channels now hugely depend on social media sites to collect and share information. Social
media, especially Twitter, is increasingly becoming a major source for breaking news.

8. Education

Regardless of your location and educational background, you can self-educate yourselves by
reading your topic of interest. Youngsters are mostly helped by these social sites as they can
easily share informative videos and articles.

9. Awareness

One of the pros of the social media is that they help to spread social awareness among people.
Much vital information on the quality of life, bad effects of drugs and alcohol, or importance
of equality among people can be provided to people by its proper use.

10. Unites People

The beauty of our world is that it is filled with diversity people with various religious, racial,
and cultural backgrounds. Through the social media, we can get in touch and unite with those
people, whose beliefs and backgrounds are not same as our own. Different traditions and
culture can be known and shared through the social media, which can help the world to be a
better place.

2.7 Social media and employee performance

According (Ehrlich, 2011). U.S.A Social media and employee is close related because
employee performance are satisfied then there will be not tardiness absenteeism and turnover
that will improve work performance and organization productivity creating a dramatic
changes or dynamic in the environment but it’s obvious it is creating changes. Social media an
online medium of interaction which let people build relations, share ideas, communicate
information and bounding society in sentimental stream. Social mediais making dramatic
growth in dynamic environment of now a day. People use social media for catharsis of their
human emotions. Motives of social media can be different for person to person like; people
connect to LinkedIn for professional purpose, Facebook and MySpace for personal motive,
Twitter for social media, Personalized Blogs for personal thoughts and view point. Motive of
using social networks can be change but the ultimate logic of connecting is building social
contacts and sharing (Ehrlic Naheed Ashraf, Tasawar Javed(2014) Purpose: The purpose of this

paper is to find out impact of social networking like Facebook, Twitter, Slideshare, Linkedin,
etc. at employees performance.
Design/methodology/approach: Model presented in this article which shows the function and
format of working of key variables. Model showed that social networking affect the
productivity, skills, knowledge, productivity and motivational level of employees of banks.
Data is collected from different bank’s employees so that the real scenario can be presented.
Data collected from The Bank of Punjab Pakistan, National Bank of Pakistan and Habib Bank
of Pakistan.
Findings: its negative This study shows that social media becomes an integral part of
everyone’s life and has a strong impact. Social Media affects working situations of employees
of banks too. For exploring key issue literature of different authors was studied and thoroughly
discussed. Views of different authors and personalities (which as having high designations in
well reputed organizations) presented in this article. Correlation and Regression analysis is
done for primary collected data. Practical implications: It showed that using of social media
negative have strong impact on employee performance. Social media by employee’s
performance affect their skills/ability, knowledge/qualification, productivity/outcomes and
motivation level.h, 2011).
(Flynn, 2011) Every organization is using social media sites for their professional benefits like
creating customer relationship. So it becomes the need and it’s the time for organizations to
design workforce according to changing environments. Organization’s productivity and profits
base on its employee’s performance, and its employees are strongly connecting to social
networks. In other aspects Social networks are creating risks, opportunities, threats,
weaknesses, and strengths for organizations. Risk in a way that social networks are real time
communication mediums, It can communicate and disseminate information of organization
instantly in real timing which organization may never want to share with people outside the
organization. Opportunity in the context that competitor’s employee shared information about
upcoming strategy at social medium which can be used for organization’s benefit. Threat can
be faced by organizations when its employees discuss internal information of organization at
social networks which can be used by its competitors. Social media can be weakness of
organization when it affects its productivity negatively. Same social networking become

strength for organizations when it’s used to build good relationship with employees, to direct
them is right way, to collect information about employee behavior and to train them
2.8 Theoretical prospective
2.8.1 Goal setting theory
The relationship between social media and employee performance there are many related
Studies conducted from different authors in this part of the study the researcher highlights
Some of this study
According Jimfilmy [2012] equity theorysocial media and employee performance by increasing
their knowledge, abilities , motivational level and close association with organization
at social media people associated with organization create stories about company some times
with intensions and sometime without intensions
According to (Martensen et al., 2011).U,S,A Social media and employee performance is a
way in which many individuals come to gather and form many sized groups through which help
is acquired, information is conveyed, and actions are taken to achieve certain outcomes
According to (Henderson andBowley 2010) In Global Today’s social media tools are bringing
rapid change to organizational communication and public relations. These technologies have
shifted the emphasis of internet services from being consumption-based towards becoming
interactive and collaborative, creating new opportunities for interaction between organizations
and publics (Henderson andBowley 2010). Therefore considering the growing importance of
social media as a strategic tool among organizations, this research aimed to investigate the
impact of social media usage on organizations. In History, Social media have evolved over the
years to the modern-day variety which uses digital media. However, the social media isn’t that
Studies related to the use of social media in the workplace are still s
2.7.1Equity theory
Companies have increasingly advocated social media technologies to transform businesses and
improve organizational performance. This study scrutinizes the predictive relationships
between social media and firm equity value, the relative effects of social media metrics
compared with conventional online behavioral metrics, and the dynamics of these relationships.
The results derived from vector autoregressive models suggest that social media-based metrics
(Web blogs and consumer ratings) are significant leading indicators of firm equity value.
Interestingly, conventional online behavioral metrics (Google searches and Web traffic) are

found to have a significant yet substantially weaker predictive relationship with firm equity
value than social media metrics. We also find that social media has a faster predictive value,
i.e., shorter ―wear-in‖ time, than conventional online media. These findings are robust to a
consistent set of volume-based measures (total blog posts, rating volume, total page views, and
search intensity). Collectively, this study proffers new insights for senior executives with
respect to firm equity valuations and the transformative power of social media.
2.9 Related Studies
Organizations. The pioneer of goal setting theory Edwin Locke states that when individuals or
Refers to goals being set for the future for subsequent performance of an individual or
organizations set more difficult goals, then they perform better. On the other hand if the set
goals are easy then performance of an individual or organization decreases (Locke & Latham
2006).This theory by Locke was developed inductively after studying the psychology of
organizations and industries over the years. It is based on 400 laboratory and diverse field
studies. When a person or organization is committed to achieving goals and do notsufferfrom
any conflicting goals. Then, the achievement of the goal is positive. According to Locke, there
are five basic principles that allow goal setting to perform better. These include: clarity,
challenge, commitment, feedback, and task complexity (Locke & Latham 2006). Subsequent
studies on goal setting led to the development of the high performance cycle (Locke and
Latham 1990b; Latham, Locke, and Fassina 2002). This
This model states that specific difficult goals, plus high self efficacy for attaining them, are the
impetus for high performance. High goals and high self efficacy energize people to search for
strategies that will lead to goal attainment. The effect of high goals on performance is
moderated by ability, commitment, feedback, situational variables, and
and whether the characteristics of the job are perceived by an employee as growth facilitating.
High performance on growth facilitating tasks is typically a source of both internal and external
2.6.2 Edwin A. Locke’s Range of Affect Theory(1976)
Amichai-Hamburger, Y. (2007).U,S,A theory social media Although there is a voluminous
literature on mass media effects on body image concerns of young adult women in the U.S.,
there has been relatively little theoretically-driven research on processes and effects of social
media on young women’s body image and self-perceptions. Yet given the heavy online
presence of young adults, particularly women, and their reliance on social media, it is

important to appreciate ways that social media can influence perceptions of body image and
body image disturbance. Drawing on communication and social psychological theories, the
present article articulates a series of ideas and a framework to guide research on social media
effects on body image concerns of young adult women. The interactive format and content
features of social media, such as the strong peer presence and exchange of a multitude of
visual images, suggest that social media, working via negative social comparisons,
transportation, and peer normative processes, can significantly influence body image
concerns. A model is proposed that emphasizes the impact of predisposing individual
vulnerability characteristics, social media uses, and mediating psychological processes on
body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. Research-based ideas about social media effects on
male In History, Social media have evolved over the years to the modern-day variety which
uses digital media. However, the social media isn’t that
Studies related to the use of social media in the workplace are still somewhat scarce despite their
increasing popularity in social media research. This paper aims to investigate how employee
perceptions of a workplace related to coworker support, supervisor support, and job-related
demands can determine the degree of attachment some employees feel to social media use at
work. The study also explores some consequences of social media use at work by analyzing its
associations with job satisfaction, job performance, and cognitive absorption. The data was
collected through the snowball sampling technique of 170 employees in Thailand and analyzed
using partial least squares regression. For the factors predicted to influence social media use at
work, the analysis found that coworker support and job demands are positively associated with
social media use intensity, while supervisor support is negatively associated with it. The analysis
also found a positive association between job satisfaction and job performance and social media
use at work. An indirect relationship between social media use and cognitive absorption was
also found through the mediating effect of job satisfaction. Overall, the evidence suggests that
social media use at work may not necessarily lead to negative job-related outcomes.
In addition, it didn’t start with the computer but instead the telephone. During the 1950s, phone
phreaking, the term used for the rogue searching of the telephone network, began. This process
was accomplished through the use of homemade electronic devices that facilitated unauthorized
access to the telephone system to make free calls. Phreaks were able to find telephone company

test lines and conference circuits to complete their task. Brett Borders stated phreaks were able to
hack into corporate unused voice mailboxes to host the first blogs and podcasts (Borders, 2010)
Research gap
the research gap was found during this study by the researcher was contextual gap because the
above Studies was not conduct before in ministry of information Hargeisa ,Somaliland



this chapter presentwas the methodologies of this study include the place where the study was
conduct the design being used in contracting the research sampling ,design will be used in
getting the population size ,the tools and treatment was be utilized in analyzing and interpreting
,the data will be taking and the instrument to be used n the data gathering ,ethical consideration
and finally limitation of the study
3.2 Variable Definition
Social Media
Social media is the use of internet-based social media programs to make connections with
friends, family, classmates, customers and clients. Social media can occur for social purposes,
business purposes or both through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
and Yelp.
Employee performance: is defined as whether a person executes their job duties and
Responsibilities well. Many companies assess their employee's performance on an annual or
quarterly basis in order to define certain areas that need improvement. Performance is a critical
factor in organizational success
3.3Research Design
This study implement non experimental design specifically descriptive correlationresearch
design to determine the relationship between the dependent variable (employee performance)
and the independent variable (social media).According to Mugenda & Mugenda (2003),
descriptive survey design helps a researcher to gather, summarize, present and interpret
information for the purpose of clarification. Statistical instrument to be used for the research
analysis will mainly be inferential statistics, specifically correlation matrix and multiple
regression analysis. . Saunders et al. (2009), recommend this strategy because the method
allows researchers to collect quantitative data which can be analyzed quantitatively using
inferential statistics. The method is also perceived as authority by people in general and both
comparatively easy to explain and to understood

3.4 Research approach
The researcher employed quantitative research design in the research paper
3.5 Research Population
research population was 690 and target population of the study was 30 of employees in
ministry of information Import Company, Hargeisa, Somaliland, which were classified into
:10admin and finance department employees ,10 human resource planning department
employee ,10 SLNTV department employee

3.5.1Sample Size
Since the nature of the target populations are different and include both managers and
employees, a sample size was 27 and took from each category. To determine the ideal sample
size for a population, Slovene’s formula used in study

N: sample size,n:Target population ,e:0.05 level of significance.
n= =
30 30
n= = 27
1+𝟑𝟎(𝟎.𝟎𝟎𝟐𝟓) 1.075

Table3.1 Sample frame:

NO Respondent Target population Sample size

1 admin and finance Department 10 9
2 human resource planning Department 10 9
3 SLNTV department 10 9
TOTAL 30 27

3.5.2 Sample unit

Admin and finance is consist of 10 employee and I take 9 employees,
Human resource department consist 10 staff and my sample staff is 9
SLNTV is important part my study and consist 10 staff then I take 9 staff

3.5.3 Sampling Procedure:-
According to probability in this study was used both purposive sampling and simple random
sampling methods. Purposive sampling simplifies the research to get particular information
and experience and current events that is based on the impact of social media on employee
On the other hand Simple Random Sampling was used in order to ensure that the research or
selecting her target population randomly
3.5.4 Research Instruments
In this study research instrument is questionnaire in clouding following
1 the first sections of the questionnaire will face sheet and used to collect demographic data of
the respondent
2 the second section is deal with social media
3 finally the third section of the question is deals employee performance
3.6 Validity and reliability of instrument
Patton (2002), states that validity and reliability are two factors which any researcher should be
concerned about while designing a study, analyzing results and judging the quality of the study.
Validity Healy & Perry (2000), explain that validity determines whether the research truly
measures that which it was intended to measure or how truthful the research results are. It
estimates how accurately the data obtained in the study represents a given variable or construct
in the study (Mugenda, 2008). The questionnaire gave to other experts in research to seek their
opinion about the adequacy and representativeness of the instrument to ensure it covers all the
variables being measured as a way of eliminating content validity.
Healy & Perry (2000), assert that reliability is the extent to which results are consistent over
time and an accurate representation of the total population under study. This research is
Validity and Reliability because the researcher used existing- Lakert scale- questionnaire.
3.6 Sources of data
The researcher was used both primary and secondary data sources.

3.6.1 Primary Data Source
This refers to raw facts collected or generated in a given research for the first time. This data
was generated from the sample population by use of the questionnaire.
3.6.2 Secondary Data Source
This method involves sourcing for already processed information. Data was got by reviewing
relevant text books, journals, and newspapers, about the research topic.
3.7 Data Analysis
The researcher was analyzing the data by using SPSS
3.7.1 Data presentation
The was presenting the data by using by mean and stander deviation, percentage. and frequency
3.8. Ethical Consideration
According to sounder et al.[2009] Participants assured that the source of data collection
remained confidential and that anonymity will maintain. The study carried out with the
permission of the respondents. It kept as confidential and will use for not mentioning any
names of the respondents.
There was a need for the researcher to use professional and ethical standard to plan, collect and
process data. The researcher ensured that he/she used the objective methods in data collection
3.9Limitation of the Study
Every research project has the same limitation that can affect the overall research project ,there
were following limitations
 A fewer amounts of data and information
 Difficulty in generating reasonable ,adequate and reliable information from respondents
 lack of available time
 lack of skills ,experience and competences in the relation to interview respondents
 A busy schedules of the respondents
 lack of the finance resource low

4.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the analysis of the data gathered and interpretation. Therefore ,It gives the
demographic characteristics of respondents and variables used.
4.1 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents
Objective one was to know the demographic characteristics of the respondents. To achieve it,
questions were asked to capture these responses. Frequencies and percentage distribution table
were employed to summarize the demographic characteristics of the respondents.

Table 4.1 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents

Categories Frequency Percentage

Male 18 50.0%
Female 18 50.0%
Total 36 100.0%

20- 29 17 56.7%
30—39 9 30.3%

40-49 3 13.3%
50 and Above 1 100.0%
Total 30 100.0

Working Experience

Less than one 5 16.7%

1-2 Years 10 33.3%
3-4 Years 7 23.3%
5-6 Years 6 20.0%
7 above 2 6.7

Total 30 100.0%

Educational level
Degree 10 33.3%
Diploma 8 26.7%
Masters Level 7 23.3%
Bachelors 5 16.7%

Total 30 100.0

Marital Status

Single 14 46.7

Married 15 50.0

Discovered 1 3.3

Total 30 100.0

Source: Primary data 2018

The result from table 4.1 above showed that 56.7% of the respondents were male where as
43.3% was female. From the findings the male respondents were more responsive compared to
their female counterparts. This shows that the views of the respondents were from both genders
in ministry of information Hargeisa Somaliland.
According to the results from table 4.1.2 the majority of the respondents almost 56.7%
belonged to the 20-29 years age group whereas, the least belonged to the 40-above years age
group. The results show that respondents were in the good age group to do their works well,
Table 4.1.3 uncovered that majority, 50.0% of the respondents were married, followed by
46.7% who were single and 3.3% who were divorced. The dominance of the respondents who
were married shows that the increase of the married people in the offices,
The results from table 4.1.4 above showed that the majority of the respondents had attained
degree level of education with 33.3% whereas, 26.7% possessed Diploma level. This implies
that the majority of the respondents of ministry of information will degree level,
table 4.1.5 uncovered that 33.3% of the respondents had three to four years of working
experience, followed by 16.7% who had one to two years of experience five to six years 23.3%
experience seven or above working experience dominance of respondents who had three to two
years of working experience will the majority.

4.2 The impact of social media on employee performance, Hargaisa, Somaliland.
Objective two will to assess the impact of social media on employee performance, Hargeisa,
Somaliland. Table 4.2 gives the summary of the findings. Mean and standard deviation were
employed to summarize the impact of social media in ministry of information , Hargeisa,

Table 4.2 The impact of social media

N = 30
IV Mean Std. Interpretation
Social media is one of the management functions 1.87 .937 Very Low
which is process in ministry of information
. Social media is intended to have long run effects in 2.30 .988 Low
Ministry activities
. The level of absenteeism can be used to measure 2.47 1.042 Low
work performance of an employee
This is one of the best things that the social media 2.40 .968 Low
has graced us with. People from different concerns
of the world.
As social media involves a clear view of the desired 2.00 .910 Low
future position of your ministry of information
. connectivity is the one of best thing that social 1.73 .907 Very Low
media has close things the people from different
side of the world
Social media s the process beings with an assessment 2.07 1.015 Low
of the current economic situation
social media a tool for finding the best future for you 1.93 .944 Very Low
organization and the best path to reach that
social media consists of a set of underlay process that 2.00 1.017 Low
are intended to create a more favorable outcome for
a company

High social media may stay the organization longer 2.03 .850 Low
Grand Mean 2.25 Low
Primary source
Table 4.2 Revealed that the impact of social media was found to be low (average mean=2.08).
The reason was , that majority of the respondents disagree that ministry of information social
media effectively the mean of (1.87). In addition to that, they satisfactory disagree and stated
that social median their long run effectively in ministry of informationwith average mean of
(2.30).According to the responses of the employees in ministry of information they disagreed
social involved clear view of salaried a future position the average mean of( 2.00). connectivity
is the one of best thing that social media has close things the people from different side of the
world average mean ( 1.73)

social media a tool for finding the best future for you organization and the best path to reach that
destination( 1.93)

4.3 The level on Employee performance , Hargeisa, Somaliland.

Objective three was to assess the level of employee performance in ministry of information ,
Hargeisa, Somaliland. Table 4.3 gives the summary of the findings. Mean and standard deviation
were employed to summarize the level of employee performance Hargeisa, Somaliland.

N Mean Range Response Mode Interpretation

4 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree Very high

3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree High

2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree Low

1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree Very low

Table 4.3 The level on Employee performance , Hargeisa, Somaliland
N = 30
DV Mean Std. Interpretation
The number of units produced, processed or 1.83 .874 Very Low
sold is a good objective indicator of
The Performance evaluation during this time 1.90 .759 Very Low
is focused on work, people and or ministry
of information structure
The employee performance could be defined 2.03 .765 Low
as the ability to reach a desired objective in
The employee performance is to the level of 1.90 .960 Very Low
productivity that the organization can
accomplish towards attaining its goals.
The employee performance system in order 2.13 .937 Low
to create a happy and successful workforce
in ministry of information
To measure how the person is performing in 2.03 1.098 Low
his or her job place, can be measured by
self-appraisal system
Quantity is the number of units produced, 2.10 .960 Low
processed or sold is a good objective
indicator of performance
A ministry of information can measure work 2.03 1.066
of the employees through measuring the
quality of the person in terms of efficiency
and productivity.
Leadership is a process whereby an 2.20 1.031
individual influences a group of individuals
to achieve common goals . Leadership style
is the combination of attitude and behavior

The ministry of information has increased its 2.13 1.137
financial performance a result employee
Grand Mean 2.97 Low

Table 4.3 discovered that the level of employee performance was found t high (average
mean=2.16). Due to the reality that majority of the respondents strongly agreed that have the
resources 30 that the employees need to perform their job (μ=1.83, Std=.874),also the
respondents agreed that The quality of work is lower than should it be in ministry of information
(μ=1.90, Std=759), on the other hand the majority of respondents disagreed that creativity y can
be used as measuring work performance (μ=2.03, Std=.765) the respondents agreed that
Motivation is key factor determinant t of employee performance (μ=1.90, Std=.960), and also
agreed that there is dynamic environment for enhancing the overall innovations of the (μ=2.93,
Std=765.), they also agreed that The company provides developing process of employees’ skills
in order to improve their performance(μ=2.10, Std=.960). In addition to that, majority of the
respondents disagreed that Employees take opportunity problem solving(μ=2.30, Std=1.0321),
on the other hand the majority of respondents strongly disagreed that working hours are enough
and allow the employees to take time with their families and other interests (μ=1.64, Std=.838),
and further disagreed that the employees get the chance to take decisions on the performance of
their job role (μ=2.25, Std=.686), lastly, the respondents agreed that the culture of the company
support adaptation and develop employee’s performance (μ=2.13, Std=1.371.).Generally, the
level of employee performance in ministry of information ,Hargeisa, Somaliland is low (general
average mean μ=2.16).

Table 4.4 The Relationship between social media and Employee Performance
Variables Pearson (r) Level of
Interpretation Decision on H0
Correlated Value Significance
Socialmediaon Week
employee 197.* .297 significant Excepted
performance relationship
The Relationship between social media and employee performance ministry of information
Hargeisa, Somaliland.
The fourth objective was to identify the relationship between social media and employee
performance in ministry of information , Hargeisa, Somaliland. Table 4.4 gives the summary of
the findings. Pearson’s



5.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the findings of the study guided by the study objectives. The study was
later concluded and appropriate recommendations accruing from the findings were made.

5.1 Findings
5.1.1 The Demographic Characteristic of the Respondents
This study was entitled social media and employee performance in ministry of information
requirements of completion bachelor degree of Human Resource Management and Leadership
New Generation University Hargeisa Somaliland. As the results showed in the analyzing
section this study identified that the majority of respondents of ministry of information were
male with the percentage of 56.7% whereas the female were 403.3%.therefore, the majority of
the respondents were male .the study also revealed that majority of the respondents were
belonged to the ages between 20-29 with percentage of 13.3% and least percentage of
belonged above the 59 years old.
The study also revealed that majority of the respondents were married with the percentage of
50.0 followed by 46.7% were single and 3.3% were divorced.
This study also discovered and showed that the majority of the respondents were bachelor
degree holders with 33.3% whereas the second level was diploma.
It also identified that majority of the respondents had the experience of three to four years that
was the majority experience whereas the least percent was the workers who had the experience
of longer than the four years.
5.1.2 The Level of social media
The study was applied mean and standard deviation identified that the level of social media and
it was found to be very low with mean of (average mean=297) . This was due to the reality that
majority of the respondents disagree that ministry of information social media in the
organization uses the different styles and forms such as the autocratic , democratic ,
transformational , transactional and etc.

5.1.3 The level of employee performance
The second objective was also analyzed and applied with the mean and standard deviation and
discovered that the level of employee performance was found to be very high (average
mean=2.71). this was due to the reality that majority of the respondents agreed that employee
performance is the process of transforming from the current situation and performance to a new
one to adopt and respond to the constant changing environment they strongly satisfied with
average mean of (2.71) they also very satisfactory agreed that change is so important for the
business to survive therefore , ministry of informtion applies it effectively and average mean
was (3.86).
Change didn’t come a single form but, in different forms and styles in the institution and
leaders were respond accordingly due to the reality that majority of the respondents agreed
(3.68). In addition to that, respondents agreed that planned change occurs when leaders of the
organization recognize the need for change and proactively plan and accomplish the change
with average mean of (2.71) while unplanned change occurs suddenly due to sudden change
occurrence with average of (2.71).
Moreover , respondents agreed with highly satisfactory degree that Episodic change is
infrequent discontinuous and intentional while continuous change is ongoing ( average
mean(2.71) and change’s successful depends on the skills , knowledge , experience and ability
of the leaders of the organizations and its Hr. ( average mean=2.71). in addition change’s
purpose could be to remedy current situation such as performance because the respondents
agreed that highly with the average mean of (2.71).
Sometimes employee performance can face many challenges and obstacles and respondents
agreed that Economy , political and etc. can hinder the changes success ( average mean=3.64).
in addition, they agreed that sources of resistance can from wrong perception of the change ,
low motivation of the employees , lack of creative response and average mean of responses
showed to be very high with degree of (3.68).
Change’s occurrence can be caused by different drivers therefore respondents agreed highly
that technology, economy, political, government can cause and drive the change to happen (
average mean=3.57). At last but not the least respondents of the study agreed strongly that
human aspect of the organization is the most difficult part to change easily due to the different
attitudes and behavior of the people.

5.2 Conclusion

This Research uncovered that the level of social media in ministry of information Hargeisa
Main center was to very low because the average mean of the respondents showed (average
mean =3.86) the study also identified that ministry of information company practices
leadership effectively with its different forms and styles. It was also revealed that the level of
employee performance was very high because majority of respondents disagree that ministry of
information makes different changes such as planned, unplanned changes and so on.
At last but not the least the study found that there was a significant week positive relationship
between social media and employee performance which means that ,they effect each other
either positively or negatively. If the social media and employee performance is very disagree
and effective then, the employee can be successful and winner but if not the change would be
handicapped as the respondents and management stated in the questionnaire.

5.3 Recommendations

After the results that found during this study the researcher in ministry of information to take
consideration the following points that may help the company to be the best:
 It is good for the company to decrease number of workers of in the ministry of
information because it is the more employee a working
 The company has to allow individual employees to participate the decision making and
problem solving process of the organization.

 The ministry must have to make decentralization policy which allows the individual
employees to take part in developing their performance and they feel that they are part of

 The company must have to increase working hours to give a more not use social media
chance to the employee to take time with their work .

 The ministry must have to motivate employees to increase their performance.

 The Organization should try to use service diversification in order to compete effective
and smoothly

 The ministry must give an opportunity to talent employees.

 The ministry must have to encourage creativity and innovation. and use a social media
in the organization


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