Trường Thpt Chuyên Hùng Vương Đề Thi Chọn Học Sinh Giỏi

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CHUYÊN HÙNG VƯƠNG Môn: Tiếng Anh – Khối 12

Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)

Part 1. You are going to hear an interview with someone who started the activity known as “free
running”. Listen and answer questions by circling the appropriate letter A, B, or C.
1. Sebastine says that he does free running because
A. other activities became boring for him
B. it feels like a natural activity
C. it is an individual activity
2. What does Sebastine say about fitness and taking up running?
A. Fit people are keen to do difficult things immediately.
B. People who are not fit don’t learn very quickly.
C. Free running is a good way of getting fit.
3. What does Sebastine say about the danger of free running?
A. It is not as great as some people think.
B. Most free runners pay not attention to it.
C. It is reduced as much as possible
4. What does Sebastine say about his fear of heights?
A. People don’t believe that he has it
B. He always has to overcome it
C. It is not as great as it used to be.
5. What does Sebastine say about where free running can be done?
A. People’s opinions on this are changing.
B. his own opinions on this have changed
C. Some people have the wrong idea on this

Part 2. Listen to a talk about the song “Happy Birthday” and fill in the gap.
The song was first called “Good Morning (1)..................................................
It was originally intended that (2)..................................would sing the song every morning.
The song then became known as Good Morning (3)..................................
Children began to sing the song with “Happy Birthday” words when they were
The song was sung with 'Happy Birthday' words in a (5).................................. in 1931 and then in
another one in 1934.
The legal situation concerning the song remains valid (6)..................................
The song is among the (7).................................. songs most frequently sung in English.
Money has to be paid for using the song in any (8).................................., eg a TV show, a toy, etc.
The Hill sisters set up (9)..................................that receives money for use of the song.
The song consists of just four (10).................................. but it is one of the most famous songs in the

Part 3: You will hear a dialogue between two friends. As you listen, indicate whether the
following statements are true or not by writing

T for a statement which is true;
F for a statement which is false
? if there is insufficient information
____ 1. Now some people still take a risk when the police officer is away on Newland Street.
____ 2. The police officer there doesn’t get any pay for the work.
____ 3. Officer Springirth is a real man and he is a volunteer there.
____ 4. Officer Springirth helps the police to reduce the crime rate in Chase Village.
____ 5 . The police department will put more mannequins on other roads.


Part 1: Choose the best answer
1. He's an exceptionally ______ violinist and has won several prizes in international competitions.
A. gifted B. artful C. ingenious D. competent
2. You'd better pack those glasses extremely carefully if you want them to arrive ______.
A. entire B. intact C. whole D. complete
3. "A special feature of the room is the huge picture window which ______ a splendid view of the
Quantock hills."
A. allows B. affords C. enables D. presents
4. Sheila will inherit everything ________ her uncle’s death.
A. on account of B. in spite of C. in the event of D. in place of
5. His poor handling of the business ________ on negligence.
A. neared B. edged C. approached D. bordered
6. The job wasn’t giving the ________ of the experience he wanted.
A. width B. depth C. length D. breadth
7. He still suffers from a rare tropical disease which he _______ while in Africa.
A. infected B. complained C. gained D. contracted
8. Some people prefer to watch a film first, and then read the ______ in the paper.
A. critic B. revue C. review D. criticism
9. All the ______ from the jumble sale will be given to charity.
A. proceeds B. expenses C. income D. rewards
10. We want everyone to begin the test ________.
A. simultaneously B. unexpectedly C. indefinitely D. continuously
11. After its engine failed, the small boat _______ with the current.
A. waved B. tossed C. hastened D. drifted
12. In the last century, it was widely ______ that Indian fakirs were capable of superhuman feats.
A. held B. grasped C. kept D. shaken
13. There is a rumor that the National Bank is going to ____ the company I work for.
A. take on B. overtake C. take over D. take off
14. Why don’t you have a night out? It would take your ______ off your worries.
A. thoughts B. heart C. mind D. head
15. Down ________ for three days.
A. the rain poured B. poured the rain C. did the rain pour D. do the rain poor
16. Can I ________ your brains for a moment? I can’t do this crossword by myself.
A. have B. pick C. mind D. use
17. The newspaper report contained ...... important information
A. many B. another C. an D. a lot of
18. She refused to eat meat under any ..........
A. circumstances B. occasion C. opportunity D. reason
19. I left my last job because I had no ........ to travel
A. place B. position C. opportunity D. possibility
20. He missed the lecture, so I had to lend him my notes .......
A. after B. afterwards C. at last D. finally

Part 2: The passage below contains 10 errors. Find them and correct them
Things started to go wrong as soon as we got to the hotel. We were all completely exhausted
after our long journey and looking forward to shower and a rest. However, we found that our room
has not ready, which was very annoyed, although the manager was extremely apologetic. While we
were waiting, we asked about the excursions to places of an interest which we had read about in
brochure. Imagine how we felt when we were told they had all cancelled ! Apparently, the person
responsible for organize them had left suddenly and had not been replaced . Then Sally saw a notice
pinning to the door of the restaurant, saying it has closed for decoration, and Peter discovered that
the swimming pool was empty. When we eventually got our room we were horrified to find that it
was at the back of the hotel, and we had a view of a car park, which seemed to be used like a rubbish
dump. We seriously began to wonder whether or not to stay.

Error Correction

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

9 9

10 10

Part 3. Fill each gap in the following sentences with one suitable particle in the box. Write your
answers in the space provided

out in into about up round to

down up away for down out

1. If that work is getting you ................. you had better give it up.
2. How do you make ...................... that I am to blame ?
3. What a pity! I am afraid the rain has really set ......................
4. Would you like me to put you ................... for the night?
5. It was a long time before Helen came ...................... after the operation.
6. I would like to know what really brought ...................... that financial crisis.
7. For some reasons John never seems to hold ...................... a job .
8. Look! At last the rain is letting .....................
9. Please forgive me; I was carried ....................... by my feelings.
10. The Corporation is laying .................... a lot of money on building a new creation center.
Part 4: Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the
space. Write your answers in the box provided.

Rebuilding Coventry Answers
In the late 30s, (1. ANALYSE)_______ knew that the centre of the historic town 1. ____________
of Coventry in the West Midlands needed to be redeveloped. Plans had to be 2. ____________
(2. SHELF)______ when the Second World War started in 1939. However, the
3. ____________
architects’ opportunity (3. MATERIAL)______ when the city centre was
practically destroyed during the war. Many buildings were (4. REPAIR) _____ 4. ____________
damaged and demolition work began. Aiming to create a much more (5. SPACE) 5. ____________
______ area for (6. RESIDE)_______ to work and shop in, town planners came 6. ____________
up with a radical idea. They would make the city more (7. INHABIT)_______ by
(8. PEDESTRIAN) ______ the centre, preventing cars entering. There were 7. ____________
objections from local shopkeepers, who thought that it would have an impact on 8. ____________
trade, but the planners went ahead. What was once a (9. DENSE)________ 9. ____________
populated area became a pleasant, attractive place to visit. It was a real
10. ___________
(10. ARCHITECT)_______ achievement, one that many British towns have
emulated since.


Part 1: Read the passage and choose one word or phrase that best fits each space
Family history
In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before, many people are being (1)
_________ to the idea of looking back into the past. One way they can do this is by investigating
their own family history. They can try to (2) _________ out more about where their families came
from and what they did. This is now a fast-growing hobby, especially in countries with a (3)
_________ short history, like Australia and the United States.
It is (4) _________ thing to spend some time (5) _________ through a book on family history
and to take the (6) _____________ to investigate your own family’s past. It is quite another to carry
(7) _______________ the research work successfully. It is easy to set about it in a disorganized way
and (8) _________ yourself many problems which could have been (9) _________ with a little
forward planning.
If your own family stories tell you that you are (10) _________ with a famous character,
whether hero or criminal, do not let this idea take over your research. Just (11) _________ it as an
interesting possibility. A simple system (12) _________ collecting and storing your information will
be adequate to start with; a more complex one may only get you in your (13) _________ . The most
important thing, though, is to (14) _________ started. Who knows what you (15) _________ find?
1. A. pushed B. attracted C. fetched D. brought
2. A. lay B. make C. put D. find
3. A. fairly B. greatly C. mostly D. widely
4. A. a B. one C. no D. some
5. A. seeing B. moving C. going D. living
6. A. idea B. plan C. purpose D. decision
7. A. out B. on C. off D. away
8. A. produce B. cause C. build D. create
9. A. missed B. lost C. avoided D. escaped
10. A. connected B. joined C. attached D. related

11. A. treat B. control C. contact D. direct
12. A. with B. by C. for D. through
13. A. track B. path C. road D. way
14. A. get B. appear C. be D. feel
15. A. should B. might C. ought D. must

Part 2: Fill in each numbered gap with ONE suitable word.

Man is a unique being. He is different from all other (1) _____ because he does not merely
form part of the environment. Man reshapes his environment at will to suit his purposes. He does not
have a natural (2) _____ and is able to adapt himself to living in different environments. Among the
many ways in which Man has (3) _____ his environment are the building of cities and roads, the
utilization of (4) _____ for farming and the reclaiming of land from the sea. While some of the
changes are (5) _____ some are extremely harmful to the environment.
An example of a harmful consequence of Man’s (6) _____ is that of pollution. Through the use
of scientific knowledge and advanced technology, Man has (7) _____ his well being and life
expectancy. In the (8) _____, however, he has also brought about the growing problem of worldwide
population. One of the main sources of air pollution is motor vehicles. Gases emitted from the car (9)
_____ contain many chemicals, which are harmful to people, animals and plants. Industry also
contributes significantly to the pollution of the (10) _____ There is no majority city in the world
today in which we can breathe fresh, clean air.
It is therefore important for us to be environment-conscious and avoid actions, which bring
about harmful effects to our environment.
Part 3. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Write your answer in
the box provided.
Suddenly international trade has become a very controversial issue. When the representatives
of about a hundred states met in Uruguay to form the World Trade Organisation the response of the
public in general was a big yawn. Most people did not think that complicated agreements on things
like import taxes could have very much effect on their lives, and they were just not interested. How
different it was at the last meeting of the WTO in Seattle!
This time the delegates were met by a rainbow coalition of protesters, from members of trade
unions to anarchists and environmentalists. Many of the protests were passive and peaceful, or
consisted of demonstrators blocking roads and making it difficult for delegates to get to meetings.
However, other demonstrations were violent, and by the end of the first day, shop windows had been
broken, cars wrecked and police had fired tear gas at the demonstrators.
What was all the fuss about? The demonstrators themselves would not have been able to
agree. The environmentalists were afraid that looser trade laws would allow big business to work
from countries which allowed them to pollute the environment. Trade unions were afraid that
cheaper labor in the third world would take their jobs, and the anarchists were, well, just being
So with all these objections why did anyone want to increase global trade anyway? Well, it is
a fact that the opening of the markets of the world, and world prosperity have increased together, and
countries that have closed their economies from outside trade, like India, have done much worse than
open countries like Thailand and Singapore.
So who is right? Perhaps both sides have a point. In any case at some time the two groups
will have to talk, so that agreement can be reached so that world trade can become freer while still
meeting the concerns of those opposed to it. But the sudden interest of ordinary people in world trade
has been caused by one thing - people realize that what is decided at these inter-government
meetings can change their lives; and not necessarily for the better.

1. This article is _______.
A. critical of efforts to liberalize world trade B. a discussion of the world economy
C. a review of the arguments about world trade D. about world trade and the
2. At the Uraguay talks _______.
A. the WTO was born B. 100 countries joined the WTO.
C. mainly import taxes were discussed D. the environment was not discussed
3. The author suggests that _______.
A. world trade has recently become controversial B. that the WTO is part of the United Nations
C. that demonstrations in Uruguay were peaceful D. world trade is unfair to many
4. The demonstrators were _______.
A. worried about the environment B. worried about their jobs
C. mainly anarchists D. concerned about different things
5. The advantage of world trade is that _______.
A. it gives businesses less environmental laws B. it helps countries to become richer
C. people can travel more easily D. it has helped countries like India and
6. The author thinks that _______.
A. the two sides will never agree
B. we must choose between free trade and the environment
C. the two sides must negotiate
D. the WTO should listen to its critics
7. The article concludes that _______.
A. now most people think world trade is important
B. world trade must become freer.
C. trade has been better for Thailand than for India
D. inter-government meetings interest ordinary people.
8. Where would you find this sort of article?
A. In a work of fiction B. In an economics magazine
C. In a political journal D. In an anarchist newsletter
9. Which word can replace the word coalition in paragraph 2?
A. coal mining B. coeducation C. combination D.
10. Anarchists in paragraph 2 are those who _______.
A. establish laws in a particular state.
B. excite revolts against the established rule, law, or custom.
C. believe in the current government.
D. promote order where necessary.

Part 4: Read the following passage, choose the most suitable summary sentence from the list A-J
for each part (1-10) of the article.

A. Expressions and gestures

B. Situation interest
C. Interaction
D.Posing for pictures
E. To pose or not to pose?
F. Grouping people
G. The right approach
H. Eye contact
I.Cancid concentration
J. People and places

Part 1: ________ Avoid straight lines in group shots. Ask people to stand at different
angles and distances and if possible on different levels. Otherwise, have some of the group
sitting or kneeling at the front so that you can see all the faces, or raise your own viewpoint.
Part 2: ________ People seldom act naturally in front of the camera. Often they stiffen up
and the pose becomes rather wooden. Relax your subject by helping him to find a comfortable
position. You might suggest he folds his hands puts them in his pockets.
Part 3: _________ Never try to pretend that you are not taking a picture of someone when it
is clear that you are as this only creates tension and even hostility. Most people will agree to have
their picture taken – perhaps after some initial protestations – and are quite flattered by it. But they
are likely to become rather self-conscious and you may need to direct them. A picture can be spoiled
by the fact that the subject is looking rather aimlessly out of the picture so that the interest lies
Part 4: _________ A picture gains immediate impact if the subject appears to be looking at
the viewer of the picture. Ask your subject to look into the lens – not necessarily to smile as well –
and this is the effect you will get. The subject may not be able to do this for too long: he may become
self-conscious or be distracted by someone nearby. So remind him once more, just before you release
the shutter. Or try saying something funny or unexpected as you take the shot for a genuine reaction
rather than a meaningless stare.
Part 5: ________ An alternative to direct eye contact is for the subject to concentrate on
something within the picture area. Your subject might find this easier to do, and the viewer can
follow the attention to another part of the picture. You get the impression that you are observing the
subject unnoticed. Candid shots have a special fascination and the subject’s expression is vital to the
Part 6: _________ Expressions and the gestures that go with them tell us more about the
subject of a photograph than anything else. Even if he is obviously badly treated and hungry, a
laughing child provokes smile from the viewer, whereas a sad expression produces a sympathetic
sadness in the viewer, however apparently comfortable the subject may be. Look for familiar
expressions for your portraits: shrugs, winks, anger, tears, thumbs-up, fist-clenching and so on. They
are an instant visual language.
Part 7: _________ Though shots which isolate a figure or face prominently have great
impact, the subject’s background or environment can add extra interest and information about the
subject. When using a background in this way, try to exclude details that are not relevant to the
subject or blur them by focusing selectively. Make sure that the subject is not overwhelmed by the
background – a wide-angle lens will make your subject appear relatively larger by comparison with
the background.
Part 8: ________ Wherever two or more people are talking, arguing, haggling, joking or
working together, there are opportunities for good pictures. Couples make appealing shots; so do
mothers and babies, teachers and children or teams of people working or playing a sport. Look out
especially for contact between the subjects – either eye-contact or physical contact, like a protective
hand on the arm or a handshake. Or show how one is reacting to another by waiting for an animated
expression or telling gesture.
Part 9: _________ Many pictures of people are taken on holiday or during an outing – partly
to show the place they were visting. A little care will greatly improve this type of picture. To show
people against a relevant background, use a standard or a wide-angle lens and move far enough back
to get the whole building (or mountain, or lake) in the frame. Ask your subjects to come fairly close
to the camera and compose the picture so that the group forms a foreground interest without
obscuring the background. If you can find a slightly elevated camera position, this will be far easier
to do. A good picture will show a balance between the subjects and the place they were visting, so
that both claim and an equal share of the viewer’s attention.
Part 10: _________ In answer to this question, first decide why you want to take the picture.
If you are taking a picture to remember someone by – someone you may have met briefly on holiday,
for example – then you will want a good clear picture and it would be worth asking the subject to

pose against a well-chosen background. Pictures of the family, on the other hand, can be very tedious
if they are a succession of formal poses in front of places of interest. Candid pictures of events as
they happen are far more lively, and you are more likely to get unselfconcsious shots when you know
the subject well. A picture taken on the spur of the moment will jog the family memory in future
years far better than a posed portrait.


Part 1: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. Perhaps no one will ever know what happened that fateful night.
What happened that fateful night ……………..
2. It was a mistake for me to buy you that computer game.
I shouldn’t …………………………….
3. She is almost certain to turn down your proposal.
I doubt ………………………..
4. “I’m sorry Angela,” said Martin, “I’m afraid I’ve damaged your car”
Martin apologized …………………………
5. I asked my friend if he would like a cup of tea.
I invited my friend …………………
Part 2: Rewrite each sentence using the word in brackets so that the meaning stays the same.
1. Julie has to work very hard to earn just enough money to pay her bills. (ENDS)
2. His arrival was completely unexpected. (TOOK)
3.They don't mind which film they go to. (MATTER)
4.We didn't go in case we were recognized. (FEAR)
5.He said he was anxious about the plight of the homeless. (CONCERN)
Part 3: Write a paragraph of about 150 words about the following topic:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use specific reasons and examples to
support your answer.
Parents are the best teachers.


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