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The internship opportunity I had with Edible Routes (ER) was an excellent chance for
learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself a very lucky
individual to get an opportunity to work with Edible Route. I am also grateful for having a
chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me through this
internship period.

Bearing in mind previously I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and
special thanks to the CEO and founder of ER, Kapil Mandawewala who despite being
extraordinarily busy schedule, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path
and allowing me to carry out my project.

I express my deepest thanks to my professional supervisor, V.H Hemalatha Hariharan,

Manager, Business Development for taking part in valuable decisions & giving necessary
advice and guidance and arranging all facilities to make the internship easier. I choose this
moment to acknowledge her contribution gratefully.

It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards and most profound sense of
gratitude to my colleagues in ER for their careful and precious guidance, which was
extremely valuable for my theoretical and practical study.

I perceive this opportunity as a significant milestone in my career development. I will

strive to use gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to
work on their improvement to attain my desired career objectives. Hope to continue
cooperation with all of you in the future.
Table of Contents
Completion Certificate
Executive Summary
About the Organisation
About the Project
Opportunities and Learning
Challenges Faced

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Executive Summary
A company's expansion and prosperity may depend on the quality of its business
development strategy. A dozen people may each give you a different answer to the question,
"What is business development?" Since a business development professional's role expands
and evolves in tandem with the organisation as a whole and its goals, it is a dynamic and
ever-evolving career.
At its core, business development consists of any and all initiatives that help a company
expand its operations and increase its worth. Developing new connections, entering new
markets, and raising brand recognition are all methods used to expand a company's reach.

Business developers evaluate an organisation's performance and look for methods to boost its
growth potential. In contrast to sales, business development involves looking at the broad
picture and using various strategies to put the company in the best possible position for
sustained expansion.

Initially I was hired for designing the Ambassador program for Edible Routes, however after
a week of my joining; I was absorbed for another project which is creating a new Workshop
timeline for Edible Route. This report will give an overview of the two projects I was
involved in during my two months long internship tenure.

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About the Organisation

“Bringing food closer to people”

Food for city dwellers has travelled an average of 800 kilometres from where it was
cultivated to reach them. Consider a world in which all of our food is grown by farmers who
know us and are within walking distance of our houses. Our forefathers were accustomed to
the freshness in food that we now desire but could not attain a few generations ago. We are
accustomed to eating food that has travelled long distances, has been pre-cooked and
reheated, has been packaged, and so on. Once you actually grow your own herbs, spices,
vegetables, and fruits, you will never buy them from a store again.

Since the company's beginning, Edible Routes has found great delight in fostering life via
greenery. Their agricultural techniques can restore the earth's vital fertility instead of
exploiting it to grow food in a factory. Customers find the path of becoming a grower and the
sense of success after each harvest transforming and satisfying.

Today, Edible Routes is a holistic enterprise. But this was not the case when they first began.
Edible Routes recognised the need to start from the ground up, providing seminars and
courses for anyone who desired to cultivate organic food. However, they soon realised that
more steps are required to transform knowledge into action. This spawned their Kitchen
Garden service. Inquiring further, they discovered that some families needed room for food
production, so their Farmlet service was born. Their objective is to establish substantially
self-sufficient communities in urban regions of India and maybe the entire globe.


The mission of Edible Routes is to create largely self-sustaining communities in Urban areas
of the country and probably the world.


We envision a society where all food is locally cultivated by individuals we know, with a
strong feeling of community, incredible organic food, and contented spirits. We are
constructing our dreams day by day.

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We support sustainable methods and feel that Urban Food Landscapes are the best solution to
alleviate the strain on our food production value chain.

Business Verticles under ER

Land Projects

Edible Routes undertakes land initiatives requiring a substantial financial commitment. ER

assists clients in preparing their agricultural land for production. They promise the highest
quality, 100 per cent organic vegetables. They have more than 120 acres of land under
cultivation and more than 80 completed land projects.

Kitchen Garden

Edible Routes assists clients in establishing an all-organic garden on their balcony, terrace, or
front or backyard so they may produce their own food. They also assist in establishing
kitchen gardens in businesses, companies, schools, and universities. They have achieved
more than 850 kitchen garden setups till now.


They provide frequent online and offline programmes for anybody interested in gardening
education. They educate the public about producing their own veggies, herbs, microgreens,
the significance of permaculture, and traditional cooking techniques, among other topics. As
of now, they have organised numerous workshops, and seminars and more than 7,500 people
have attended the workshops

Farmlet Subscriptions

Edible Routes has three farms, Amarkanan, Damali, and Marigold, where they offer 1200
square feet of land to farm letters so they may cultivate vegetables under the supervision of
Edible Routes professionals. Each week, the produce from their farmlet is delivered right to
their doorstep.

Food and Garden Products

Edible Routes also offers a variety of garden supplies, organic produce, and handcrafted
artisanal items created from farm-fresh materials with no added preservatives.

Edible Routes Foundation

The Not-for-Profit Organization of Edible roots operates at the convergence of ecological

restoration and community development by regenerating landscapes, cultivating knowledge
and competence of local native species, and constructing ecologically aware communities.

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About the Project

1. KG Ambassador Program

The KG Ambassador Program seeks to involve those who are interested in learning
gardening skills while earning money.

An ambassador is a person who is willing to work with Edible Routes on a part-time or

full-time basis to bring in new consumers and aid in the expansion of the Kitchen Garden
business of Edible Routes.

During the duration of my internship the ambassador program was the main project on which
I worked as a business development intern. Here, I was given the task to design the
ambassador program from scratch that will help Edible Routes in gaining customers for their
kitchen garden vertical.

I worked extensively in researching and analysing the ambassador programs by different

companies and prepared a model for ER ambassador program. I went on a couple of Kitchen
Garden maintenance visits to get to know the requirements of an ambassador better to design
a holistic program that will benefit the ambassadors and Edible Routes as well.

2. Workshops

Workshops are an integral part of Edible Routes. Till date Edible routes have conducted a
numerous workshops both online and offline where more than 75000 people have joined in.
The workshops provided by ER are a complete package, which helps the attendees learn a
great deal about gardening and its importance.

My work here was to design a complete workshop course with timeline for the year 2022-23.
The course will be integrated on to the Edible Routes online website. To begin with I started
with background research on the kind of workshop provided previously by Edible routes, to
get an Idea of how to go about designing a holistic course that'll be very close the values of
Edible Routes.

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I also carried out an unstructured interview of 10 people which includes people who work at
Edible Routes and customers, to access their knowledge about gardening and what is it that
they want from a holistic course related to gardening. After the interview I classified the
inputs into three levels. The beginner, Intermediate and Advance. Once a person completes a
level he/she will then be promoted to the next level and at the end of every level they'll get a
certificate based on their performance in the course.

Opportunities and learnings:

During the Internship period I got a lot of opportunities to hone up my skills. I have learned
the importance of time.

I get the opportunity to learn about the Urban and organic farming sector, and how it is
revolutionasing the way people consume and grow their food.



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