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University of New South Wales Request for Information for the Supply of:

- Battery recycling and disposal, and/or - Mobile phone Re-use, Recycling and/or disposal services.
Date issued: 1 August 2011 Closing date for responses: 21 August 2011

Section 1 1. 1.1. Introduction The UNSW Sustainability office at t he University of New South Wales (UNSW) provides students and staff a convenient method to dispose of old batteries and mobile phones. These recycling services are relatively new to UNSW. At present these services are administered in an ad-hoc way. UNSW wishes to formalise and centralise these services to improve environmental sustainability reporting, raise public awareness among students and staff regarding the services as well as ensure value for money for the University. 1.2. UNSW requests information from suitably qualified service providers for the supply of: (a) Battery recycling and disposal, and/or (b) 1.3. Mobile phone re-use, recycling and/or disposal services.

Service providers are invited to submit proposals for either the battery recycling and disposal or mobile phone re-use/recycling service or both. Request for Information (RFI) The purpose of the RFI is to formalise existing arrangements that make available to students, staff and visitors to the UNSW campuses opportunities to re-use, recycle and responsibly dispose of batteries, and mobile phones. The University has a number of mobile phone and battery collection points across the campus, as depicted in Annexure A.

2. 2.1.



With respect to Mobile Phones, we request information from service regarding recycling and re-use options for mobile devices. From time to time a number of mobile devices are no longer used by senior management but may be less than 2 years old and may be suitable for resale and re-use.


With response to batteries the overwhelming majority are domestic rechargeable and norechargeable batteries (eg AAA, AA, A) however from time to time we receive requests to dispose of larger lead batteries.


Please provide details of any opportunities for group tours and any other education programs regarding your operations and recycling facilities. The University would like to offer half yearly tours to students and staff to inspect the recycling facilities as part of its Where your Recycling Goes public education and environmental awareness initiatives.

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For Mobile Phones please advice on any security issues specifically in the area of destruction or sanitisation as modern smart phones that are capable of carrying large amounts of data which may be sensitive or otherwise valuable.

3. 3.1.

RFI Process To participate in this RFI process, respondents (Respondents) must provide information and any relevant supporting documentation (the Information) to the University in both paper and electronic format in the form of an email attachment [pdf format]. The details of the Information requested are set out in Sections 3 and 4 of this RFI.

4. 4.1.

Contact Officer The contact officer for this RFI is: Aaron Magner UNSW Sustainability Room 224A Chancellery Building UNSW, Sydney 2052, Phone +61-2-9385 1038


Respondents must only contact the Universitys contact officer throughout the RFI process, to discuss any aspect of this RFI. Timetable RFI Process Issue of Request for Information Closing date for submission of Information Date 1 August 2011 21 August 2011


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Section 2 Conditions 1. 1.1. Status of this RFI This RFI does not constitute an invitation to treat or an offer capable of acceptance. It is simply a Request for Information. Lodgement of Information in the manner specified in this RFI will not create any contractual relationship between the parties except in respect of the obligations of confidentiality. 2. 2.1. Respondents acknowledgements The Respondent acknowledges that: (a) nothing in this RFI shall be construed to create any binding contract (express or implied) between the University and the Respondent except for obligations of confidentiality; (b) any conduct or statement, whether prior to or subsequent to the issue of this RFI is not, and must not be deemed to be an offer to contract, or a binding undertaking of any kind; and (c) it is responsible for all costs and expenses related to the preparation and lodgement of Information, any subsequent negotiations or other action or response relating to this RFI. 3. 3.1. Universitys rights Without limiting its rights at law or otherwise, the University reserves the right, in its absolute discretion at any time to: (a) (b) cease to proceed with this RFI process; refuse to consider or reject any or all Information at any time without providing any reasons; suspend or vary the RFI process or any part thereof; amend or add to this RFI at any time by providing written notice to each Respondent;


(c) (d)

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(e) (f)

require additional Information or clarification from any Respondent; forward any clarification of the meaning of the content of this RFI to all Respondents; negotiate with any one or more Respondents and allow any Respondent to change its Information; or


(h) 4. 4.1.

call for new Information.

Assumptions Respondents are required to clearly identify and detail all assumptions, qualifications and dependencies on which its Information has been based. The impact on the Respondents pricing of any assumptions, qualifications or dependencies contemplated by the Respondent must be identified and detailed. If no assumptions, qualifications or dependencies are identified, the University is entitled to assume that there are none.




If the pricing impact of any assumption, qualification or dependency specified in the Information is not identified, the University is entitled to assume that there is no pricing impact arising out of that assumption, qualification or dependency.

5. 5.1. 5.2.

Pricing Respondents should refer to the pricing detail required in Section 4. Prices and fees submitted as part of the Information must include Goods and Services Tax (GST) if applicable. All price adjustment methodologies must be disclosed. Alterations, erasures or illegibility Information submitted must be in English and clearly presented and pricing must be in Australian currency (A$).

5.3. 6. 6.1.

7. 7.1.

Respondents Point of Contact Respondents should provide details of appropriate company representative(s), including the names, email, addresses, telephone numbers and facsimile numbers of

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representatives who are able to answer technical and commercial questions in relation to the Information on behalf of the Respondent. 8. 8.1. 9. 9.1. Compliance and Authority Responses should be signed and dated by a Company Officer with due authority. Evaluation Information will be assessed to evaluate the products and services offered, and the Respondents capability to deliver. The evaluation may be based on, but is not limited to, the following criteria: (a) (b) (c) (d) 9.2. Environmental Sustainability; experience and capacity in providing similar services; cost of services offered and value for money; and the quality of reporting.

The above list of criteria is not necessarily exhaustive and is not in any order of importance.

10. 10.1.

Confidentiality All Information obtained by either party from the other through this RFI process, including any related discussions, meetings, interviews or correspondence must be treated as confidential and must not be disclosed to any other parties or be used for any purpose other than the RFI process.

11. 11.1.

Closing Date and Submission Guidelines All Information must be lodged by 4.00pm on 21 August 2011 Information received after this time may not be considered.


Information may be submitted: (a) (b) (c) By hand in a sealed enveloped addressed to the contact officer, or By post in a sealed enveloped addressed to the contact officer, or Electronically by email to the contact officer.

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Section 3 Information Requested 1. 1.1. Corporate profile Please provide information on your company, including company history, relationship to parent company, your main products/services, main market/customers and number of years you have been operating in the market. 1.2. Please describe your products and/or services that are already delivery to customers today, and could be comparable to what is requested in this RFI. 1.3. Please outline relevant information in respect of your office address and personnel available to support the recycling service. Please indicate if you foresee any changes/upgrades in the service you are offering within the next 48 months. Also describe your capacity conditions today and anticipated capacity conditions within 12 months.


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Section 4 Information Requested 1. Service information Please provide full specifications, publications, etc. referencing the service offered. This information should include all technical details including, without limitation; what happens to the batteries and/or mobile phones to be collected, costs to operate, service availability, service strategy including communication and logistic support, service implementation plan and service schedule; level of transparency in reporting. Please list any assumptions you have made in determining the service to be offered. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Pricing/Discounts Please list all prices for each element of the service if discrete pricing applies. Please detail any payment options offered. Please specify any discounts or rebates available. Such discounts or rebates could include things such as: (a) (b) 3. 3.1. early payment options; UNSW operating as a reference site for the service, etc.

Respondents Point of Contact Please provide details of the your representative(s), including the names, email, addresses, telephone numbers and facsimile numbers of representatives who are able to answer technical and commercial questions in relation to the Information on your behalf.

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Annexure A: Mobile phone and battery collection bins. Larger collection bins as depicted below found in the following locations: 1. Matthews Building FM Assist (upper campus) 2. Arc: student organisation foyer (lower campus) 3. UNSW Sustainability office Room 224A Chancellery Building

Smaller collection bins as depicted below found in the following locations: Contact (student help desk), Lowy Building, AGSM Building, NDARC.

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