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Causes of the popularity for Naga
Food challenges among young female
aged between 18-25 years.
To: Nausheen Shaba Siraj
To : Anisha Saha
ID: 2011296030
Course: ENG105
Section: 4
Research paper


First, I would like to take the name of God, who is the most merciful and great.

Then, my parents are the people who are giving their everything to make my path more

accessible. I would like to thank some of my close friends for helping me to shape my ideas for

this research .My deepest appreciation and respect for all the females who have participated in

the survey, without them my research would have been baseless. Finally, I would like to take the

name of the person who gave her everything to make this course as lively as possible to me. Her

proper guidance and instruction take this research paper to a whole new level. She is none other

than my honorable faculty member, Nausheen Shaba Siraj. Without her guidance , it wouldn’t

have been possible to complete this research paper.

Table of contents


Naga foods are mainly originated in Naga Land. Nagaland, located in the far north-east corner

of the country, is home to 16 major tribes and sub-tribes. Despite their great independence as a

tribe, Nagaland's cuisine is relatively similar, and they have little restrictions on the kind of meat

they eat. Meats and fish are frequently smoked, cured, or fermented in Naga cuisine. Although

the many naga tribes have their distinct cooking styles, they frequently swap recipes. Naga

cuisine is known for its spiciness. A naga table includes a meat dish, a boiled vegetable dish,

rice, and chutney called Tathu. Nagaland has a wide variety of chiles. Naga cuisine uses a spicy,

aromatic ginger that is distinct from other gingers. Nagas love non-vegetarian, spicy foods.

Nagaland is renowned for its unrivaled traditional and cultural history, as well as its distinctive

cuisines. It is a delicacy to eat their food. Naga cuisine isn't heavily influenced by other foods. A

pregnant woman is not expected to eat bear meat because it is regarded a foolish animal, and

also a woman is not allowed to eat monkeys since it makes her extravagant. Although rice,

veggies, and meat can supply essential carbs, proteins, and vitamins to some level but the
health advantages of Nagaland cuisines have not been thoroughly researched. The food, on the

other hand, is incredibly spicy and fiery, with the king chilli being used in almost all of the

recipes. Too much consumption can cause stomach problems like gastric and acidity,

sleeplessness,bad breath. It can also damage taste buds. Naga viper pepper is a hybrid spicy

pepper. The naga morich, bhoot jolokia, and trinidad scorpion peppers were crossbred to

create this pepper. This pepper is currently sold as a sauce and is used in spicy cuisines. It is

thought to numb the tongue and the entire body as it passes through the digestive tract. People

have done many challenge videos regarding tasting this pepper and many people felt sick after



Research Questions

In my research I plan to look into the causes of popularity for Naga foods and Naga food

challenges among young female aged between 18 to 25years. My research will address the

following research questions.

● What makes naga foods so interesting and challenging?

● Why a segment of people is not that much inclined towards this naga food challenge?

● Why are young female are more into Naga foods and challenges than young males?

● Why are food bloggers’ videos about naga food challenge are so appealing to the female

youth audience?

● Do these Naga food challenges seems exciting to female youths?

● Don’t this food challenges effect their health?

● Do female youths only take-up this challenges as its quite trending in social media and

they can post something regarding this? Or there’s some other reason

● What was the particular Naga food challenge they had taken up?


These Naga food challenges are quite exciting, challenging and sometimes quite harmful for

health also. For my research I expect to find that as female youths are much more into social

media nowadays, these Naga food challenges are now quite trending in social media, general

people specially female youths and also food bloggers puts a lot of these challenge videos in

social media. And after watching all these female youths wanted to try out all these challenges

and put a post/story/videos on their profile also. But some of them who try these foods and the

challenges are also because they like spicy naga foods and that challenges excite them. And a

handsome proportion of people is not that much into this naga food challenges, I expect to find

that its because they have low spice tolerance and also they don’t want to harm their health for

having such challenges because having too much spicy food can cause heartburn, stomach aches,

and seizures And I also think boys can not have that much spicy food compared to girls. I think

that girls have much more spice tolerance than boys, maximum girls like to have spicy food.

Specifically, female youths enjoy the taste of naga foods as they are spicy and they actually like

it and some males act to like naga foods because they think it makes them manlier but they don’t

actually enjoy it.

Research Methodology
The initial research was conducted on a target group of females between the ages of 18 and 25.

They were given a survey questionnaire with a variety of questions linked to the research theme.

The questions were divided into two sections: personal information and naga food challenges.

The first section consists of the name and age of the person. The second section focuses on

research-related questions. The majority of the questions are multiple choice, with one open

ended question. A total of 40 ladies, ranging in age from 18 to 25, were surveyed.

I used the internet to get data for my secondary research. The majority of my main research is

conducted on the web. I gathered data from academic publications, magazines, and health-

related websites. I also watched some youtube videos to get some idea about this challenges.

Data Presentation & Analysis

In order to collect sufficient data about the causes of the popularity for naga food challenges

among young female youths aged between 18-25 years, I hosted a survey including various

questions regarding the topic. The data collected helped me to draw a conclusion for my

research paper. The survey was completed by 44 females aged between 18-25 years. the data

collected is presented and analyzed in the following pages.

In my first question I asked my target audience about how often they have naga foods/naga

food challenges. The result didn’t fully matched with my expectations. 72.70% of my

respondents rarely have naga foods/naga food challenges. 15.90% have naga foods/naga food

challenges a few times in a month. And 11.40% said that they have it a few times in a week.

None of my respondents opted for everyday. That means no one actually have this everyday.
Majority of my respondents said that they have this rarely. A pie chart representing the data

is given in Figure-1.

How often you have naga foods/naga food

A few times in a week ;
How often you have naga
foods/naga food chal-
lenges?; 0.114; 11%
A few times in a
month; How of -
ten you have Everyday
naga foods/ A few times in a week
naga food chal- A few times in a month
lenges?; 0.159; Rarely

Rarely; How of -
ten you have
naga foods/
naga food chal-
lenges?; 0.727;

Figure 1: How often you have naga foods/naga food challenges?

The data collected clearly shows that most of my respondents don’t have this foods or take

up this challenges on a regular basis. They take it few times in a week or in a month. This

shows that though this naga foods and naga food challenges are exciting but people don’t

take this on a regular basis. This can also indicate that people maybe don’t want to second

time experience it or maybe they are conscious about their health as too much consumption

of this can cause health issues.

In my second question I asked my target respondents about which kind of naga food

challenges have they taken up. 32.60% said that they had Naga Wings Challenge. And
27.9% have said that they had Naga Burger/Spicy Ramen Challenge. And only 11.6% said

that they had Naga Drums Challenge. A pie chart representing the data is given in Figure-2.

Which kind of naga food challenges have you

taken up?
Naga Drums Challenge ; Naga Burger Chal-
Which kind of naga food lenge; Which kind
challenges have you of naga food chal-
taken up?; 0.116; 12% lenges have you
taken up?; 0.279;
28% Naga Burger Challenge
Naga Wings Challenge
Spicy Ramen Chal- Spicy Ramen Challenge
lenge ; Which kind
of naga food chal- Naga Drums Challenge
lenges have you
taken up?; 0.279;

Naga Wings Challenge ;

Which kind of naga food
challenges have you
taken up?; 0.326; 33%

Figure 2: Which kind of naga food challenges have you taken up?
This data given above shows a very mix response. It clearly shows that liking for foods varies

from people to people. Not everyone has same taste. This pie-chart clearly shows that most of

my respondents had taken up naga wings challenge. Some of them had taken up naga

burger/spicy ramen challenge. Very few had taken up naga drums challenge.

My third question was why they think naga food challenges are so much popular among

female youths. 38.60% of my respondents said that they got influenced by food bloggers.

29.50% thinks that its because its quite trending in social media. 25% of respondents said

that they think that its because they like naga foods a lot. Only 6.8% said that this challenges
are so much popular because they think those challenges excite people a lot. Got quite a

mixed response for this question. A pie chart representing the data is given in Figure-3.

Why do you think naga food challenges are

so much popular among female youths?
They got influ- Its quite trending
enced by food in social media ;
bloggers ; Why Why do you
do you think Its quite trending in social media
think naga food
naga food chal- challenges are so They like naga foods a lot
lenges are so much popular Those challenges excite them a
much popular among female lot
among female youths?; 0.295;
youths?; 0.386; They got influenced by food
30% bloggers
Those challenges They like naga
excite them a lot; foods a lot ; Why
Why do you do you think
think naga food naga food chal-
challenges are so lenges are so
much popular much popular
among female among female
youths?; 0.068; youths?; 0.25;
7% 25%

Figure 3: Why do you think naga food challenges are so much popular among female youths?

The data collected clearly shows that most people thinks that the reason for the popularity for

naga food challenges among female youths is because they got influenced by food bloggers and

its quite trending in social media. People are so much into social media nowadays, they are very

much influenced by social media. This data shown above in the pie-chart clearly states that

social media is one of the biggest reasons for the hype and the popularity for naga food


My fourth question is related with food bloggers those had posted about naga food challenges

and taken up those challenges. I had asked them about which food blogger influenced them to
take up naga food challenges. 62.50% said that Rafsan The Chotobhai had influenced them to

take up those naga food challenges. 22.50% had said that Petuk Couple had influenced them to

take up this challenges. And 15% was influenced by Khudalagse. None opted for Tawhid Afridi.

A pie chart representing the data is given in Figure-4.

Which food blogger influenced you to take

up this naga food challenges?

Rafsan The Chotobhai

Petuk Couple Which food blogger influenced you to take up this naga food challenges?
Petuk Couple 23% 23%
Tawhid Afridi
Khudalagse Which food blogger influenced you to take up this naga food challenges? 15% 15%
Rafsan The Chotobhai Which food blogger influenced you to take up this naga food challenges? 63% 63%

Figure 4

People are really into social media nowadays. They are very much influenced by social media.

They remains excited to try out those things which are quite trending in social media. Food

bloggers are someone who can really influence people to try out new things. This data showed

above says that majority of people are influenced by Rafsan The Chotobhai to try out naga food

challenges. Maybe it indicates that people enjoy his videos and contents more than any other

food bloggers.
My fifth question was if my respondents thinks that naga foods hampers their health. 40.90%

thinks that naga foods hampers their health. 34.10% said that maybe naga foods hampers their

health and only 13.6% said that it doesn’t hamper their health. And 11.4% are not sure about

this. Majority of people said that it hampers their health. It matches with my hypothesis. A pie

chart representing the data is given in Figure-5

Do you think Naga foods hampers your


Not sure ; Do you think Naga

foods hampers your health?; Yes; Do you think
0.114; 11% Naga foods ham- Yes
pers your health?; No
0.409; 41%
Not sure

Maybe ; Do you
think Naga foods
hampers your
health?; 0.341; 34%
No; Do you think Naga foods
hampers your health?; 0.136;

Figure 5

As the data given above shows that majority of people thinks that consumption of naga foods

hampers their health. That means people have knowledge about the health issues occur

because of this foods. And very few of my respondents are not sure about this.
My sixth and seventh question was related with each other. It was about have they faced any

kind of health problems because of this challenges and if yes, what kind of problems they had

faced. 57.5% said that they had faced health problems because of this challenges. And 42.50%

had not faced any kind of health problems because of this challenges. A pie chart representing

the data is given in Figure-6. Another question was what kind of health problems had they

faced.70.4% had faced stomach aches, 29.6% faced food poisoning, 25.9% faced diarrhea,

22.2% faced hearburn. No one of my respondents have faced seizures . A pie chart representing

the data is given in Figure-7.

Have you ever faced any kind of health prob-

lems because of this challenges?
No; Have you ever faced any kind of Yes No
health problems because of this chal-
lenges?; 0.425; 43%
Yes; Have you ever faced any kind of
health problems because of this chal-
lenges?; 0.575; 58%

Figure 6
If yes, then what kind of problems have you
Diarrehea ; If yes, then what Heartburn
kind of problems have you Heartburn; If yes, then what Stomach Aches
faced?; 0.222; 15% kind of problems have you
faced?; 0.259; 17% Seizures
Food Poisning ; If yes, then
what kind of problems have Food Poisning
you faced?; 0.296; 20% Diarrehea

Stomach Aches ; If yes, then

what kind of problems have
you faced?; 0.704; 48%

Figure 7

This 2 data chart given above gives a clear idea that consumption of naga foods can hampers

ones health in several ways. As it too much spicy, majority of people faced stomach aches.

My eight question to my target audience was about how much they agree that females have

much more spice tolerance than boys. 40.9% agrees that females have much more spice

tolerance than males. 25% strongly agrees about this. Whereas 27.9% was neutral and 4,5%

disagreed about it. A pie chart representing the data is given in Figure-8
How much do you agree that females have
much more spice tolerance than males?
Disagree; How much do Strongly Disagree; How
you agree that females much do you agree that
have much more spice tol- females have much more
erance than males?; 0.045; spice tolerance than Strongly Agree
4% males?; 0.023; 2%
Neutral ; How Strongly Agree;
much do you Neutral
How much do
agree that fe- you agree that Disagree
males have much females have Strongly Disagree
more spice tol- much more spice
erance than tolerance than
males?; 0.279; males?; 0.25;
28% 25%

Agree; How much do you

agree that females have
much more spice tolerance
than males?; 0.409; 41%

Figure 8

As my expectations majority of people agreed that females have much more spice tolerance

than males. Some of my respondents are neutral maybe they are females and they don’t have

that much idea about the preference of male in terms of spice.

My ninth and tenth question was related to each other about do they think that boys don’t participate

that much in this challenges compare to girls and if yes, why. Here 43.20% said that yes boys don’t

participate that much in this challenges compare to girls. 22.70% said no, they don’t think like that.

15.9% said that maybe and 18.20% are not sure. A pie chart representing the data is given in Figure-

9. Those who have said yes, 63% of them thinks that its because they have low spice tolerance.

29.6% thinks that its because they don’t like the taste of naga foods . 3,7% thinks that its because

they don’t want to hamper their health. This result matches with my hypothesis.

Do you think boys don’t participate that

much in this challenges compare to girls?
Not Sure ; Do you think boys Yes
don’t participate that much
in this challenges compare to Yes ; Do you think boys don’t No
girls?; 0.182; 18% participate that much in this Maybe
Maybe ; Do you think boys challenges compare to girls?; Not Sure
don’t participate that much 0.432; 43%
in this challenges compare to
girls?; 0.159; 16% No; Do you think boys
don’t participate that much
in this challenges compare
to girls?; 0.227; 23%

Figure 9: Do you think boys don’t participate that much in this challenges compare to girls?

If yes, then why?

Others; If yes, then They don’t like the taste of naga

They don’t want to foods
hamper their health; why?; 0.037; 4%
They have low spice tolerance
If yes, then why?; They don’t like
0.037; 4% the taste of naga They don’t want to hamper their
foods; If yes, health
then why?; Others
0.296; 30%
They have low
spice tolerance;
If yes, then
why?; 0.63; 63%

Figure 10: If yes, then why?

My eleventh question was why they think a segment of people is not that much inclined

towards these naga food challenges. 45.20% said that it's because they don't like spicy foods.

38.1% think that it's because those challenges don't seem exciting to them. 14.3% think that

they are not into these challenges because they are health conscious.

Why do you think a segment of people is not

that much inclined towards this naga food

Other; Why do you They don’t like spicy foods

think a segment of They are health conscious
people is not that They don’t like Those challenges doesn’t seem
much inclined towards spicy foods; Why excitingto them
Those challenges this naga food chal- do you think a Other
doesn’t seem excit - lenge?; 0.024; 2% segment of people
ingto them; Why is not that much
do you think a inclined towards
segment of people They are health con- this naga food
is not that much scious; Why do youchallenge?; 0.452;
inclined towards think a segment of 45%
this naga food people is not that
challenge?; 0.381; much inclined towards
38% this naga food chal-
lenge?; 0.143; 14%

Figure 11: Why do you think a segment of people is not that much inclined towards naga food

Though these challenges are quite exciting and trending there's a segment of people who are

not into these challenges . The data given above clearly shows that many people don't like spicy

foods and they are not in these challenges. And some of them are not excited by these


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