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Mathematical Model of Universal
Hypoid Generator With
Supplemental Kinematic Flank
Zhang-Hua Fong Correction Motions
Associate Professor,
National Chung-Cheng University, A mathematical model of universal hypoid generator is proposed to simulate virtually all
Department of Mechanical Engineering, primary spiral bevel and hypoid cutting methods. The proposed mathematical model
160 San-Hsin, Chia Yi 621, Taiwan, R.O.C. simulates the face-milling, face-hobbing, plunge cutting, and bevel-worm-shaped hobbing
e-mail: processes with either generating or nongenerating cutting for the spiral bevel and hypoid
gears. The supplemental kinematic flank correction motions, such as modified generating
roll ratio, helical motion, and cutter tilt are included in the proposed mathematical model.
The proposed mathematical model has more flexibility in writing computer program and
appropriate for developing the object oriented computer programming. The developed
computer object can be repeatedly used by various hypoid gear researchers to reduce the
effort of computer coding. 关S1050-0472共00兲01201-0兴

Keywords: Mathematical Model, Hypoid Gear, Spiral Bevel Gear, Supplemental Flank
Correction Motions

Introduction 关16兴 proposed several methods to optimize hypoid tooth surface

and kinematic error control. Program chain for bevel and hypoid
Most mathematical models proposed in the literatures are usu- gear calculation developed at the Machine Tool Laboratory of T.
ally bonded to specified gear cutting process with certain kind of H. Aachen are proved to have more flexibility in computer pro-
hypoid generator. Researchers are compelled to develop new gramming and can operate independently to any specific method.
simulation model whenever they try to develop new type of spiral Davidov 关17兴 proposed a general idea of generating mechanism
bevel or hypoid gears. Cumbersome computer programming and for bevel gear. Shunmugam, Rao, and Jayaprakash 关18兴 proposed
enormous debug process will ruin all the ingenuity thoughts and a new methodology to establishing tooth surface geometry and
creative ideas. Therefore, a mathematical model that can simulate normal deviation. The concept of universal hypoid generator
most existing hypoid generator and cutting method is undoubtedly model without machine-specific constants is originated by the
needed. Theoretically, a mathematical model that comply with the Gleason Works. Goldrich and Litvin 关6兴 develop a mathematical
modern six-axis CNC hypoid generator will offer highest degree model to simulate six-axis CNC hypoid generator 共Gleason
of freedom to develop new type of hypoid or spiral bevel gears. Phoenix兲.
However, such a six-axis model gives least kinematic information There are several existing hypoid cutting processes including
to the designer. Therefore, a mathematical model with clearly de- face-milling, plunge-cutting. face-hobbing, and bevel-worm-
fined supplemental motions is proposed to help designers to simu- shaped hobbing processes. The cradle of the hypoid generator is
late most existing hypoid cutting method and hypoid generator. arranged to resemble the imaginary generating crown gear. Cutter
Based on the proposed mathematical model, object oriented com- tilt is used to simulate the pitch cone angle of the imaginary gen-
puter programming 共OOP兲 for the simulation of the spiral bevel erating gear or to compensate the deviation of pressure angle.
and hypoid gears can be developed. The OOP object can be re- Several supplemental kinematic flank correction motions are ap-
peatedly used by various hypoid gear researchers to reduce the plied to improve the tooth contact characteristics including modi-
effort of computer coding. fied roll ratio, helical feed motion, vertical offset motion, and
Litvin et al. 关1–6兴 develop a series of mathematical models for cutter tilt. All above-mentioned cutting process and the supple-
the face-milling hypoid generating process. Various supplemental mental flank correction motions are included in the proposed
kinematic flank correction motions, such as Helixform®, modified mathematical model. The majority of the existing cutting method
roll and tilted head cutter, are discussed in different literature can be simulated by the proposed mathematical model with
written by Litvin. Huston and Coy 关7兴 derive a mathematical simple machine setting conversion. Based on the derived math-
model for circular-cut spiral bevel gears. Krenzer 关8兴 proposed a ematical model, an OOP object is developed to simplify the simu-
methodology to determine corrective machine setting that gives a lation of gear cutting and accelerate the tooth contact analysis of
close connection between measured surface data and theoretical hypoid and spiral bevel gears.
mathematical model. Gosselin et al. 关9–11兴 develop a methodol-
ogy to identify the machine settings that produce real tooth sur- Mathematical Model of Modified Universal Hypoid
face. Fong and Tsay 关12,13兴 derive several mathematical models Generator
to simulate cradle type hypoid generator with cutter tilt and helical
motion. Lin, Tsay, and Fong 关14,15兴 developed a mathematical There are three cutting methods used by industry: circular face
model to simulate the modified roll hypoid generator. Stadtfeld milling method, epicycloid face hobbing method, and the bevel-
worm-shaped hobbing method. As shown in Fig. 1, the face mill-
Contributed by the Power Transmission and Gearing Committee for publication in
ing process and plunge cutting method uses a circular face milling
the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received May 1999; revised cutter with all blades are mounted on the concentrical circles.
Jan. 2000. Associate Technical Editor: R. F. Handschuh. Therefore, the cutting blades of the face-milling cutter perform a

136 Õ Vol. 122, MARCH 2000 Copyright © 2000 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
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Fig. 1 Face milling method Fig. 3 Palloid bevel-worm-shaped hobbing method

circular motion on the imaginary generating plane. The face- Fig. 3, the bevel-worm-shaped hobbing cutter is similar to the hob
milling process is an indexed cutting process with plunge cutting of the cylindrical gear. The cutting edges of bevel-worm-shaped
or generating roll cutting. The circular face-milling cutter is fed hob perform an involute curve on the imaginary generating plane.
into the predetermined cutting depth to form one tooth slot and In this paper, the mathematical models of the above-mentioned
then withdraw to let workpiece index to the next tooth slot and cutters are assumed to be given and the position and unit normal
so on. vectors of the cutter are denoted as rt and nt , respectively.
As shown in Fig. 2, the face hobbing process uses a face-
hobbing cutter with continuous indexing. The imaginary generat-
ing gear consists of a roll circle that rolls with the ground circle rt 共 ␣ , ␤ 兲 ⫽ 关 x t ,y t ,z t ,1兴 T
关19兴. The cutter blade is attached to the roll circle while the (1)
ground circle is attached to the imaginary generating gear. The ⳵ rt ⳵ rt
trajectory of the cutting blades mounted on the roll circle 共head ⫻
⳵ ␣ ⳵␤

冏 冏
cutter兲 is an epicyloid curves. Therefore, the cutting blades of nt 共 ␣ , ␤ 兲 ⫽ 关 n tx ,n ty ,n tz 兴 T ⫽
face-hobbing cutter are divided into several groups and blades of ⳵ rt ⳵ rt

each group are aligned with the epicycloid curves. As shown in ⳵␣ ⳵␤

Based on the mathematical model developed by Litvin 关6兴, a

modified mathematical model for universal hypoid generator with
supplemental flank correction motions is proposed. As shown in
Fig. 4, the coordinate system S t is rigidly attached to the cutting
tool. The rotation angle of the cutter is denoted as cutter rotation
angle ␮ g . The tilt of cutter spindle denoted as tilt angle i. The
orientation of cutter tilt is denoted as swivel angle j. The distance
between the center of cutter to the center of cradle is denoted as
radial setting S R . The rotation of cradle is denoted as q and q
⫽ ␪ c ⫹ ␾ c , where ␪ c is the initial cradle angle setting and ␾ c is
the cradle generating roll angle during generating cutting of work-
piece. The angle between machine plane and the rotation axis of
workpiece is denoted as machine root angle ␥ m . The increment
between machine plane to the pitch cone apex of workpiece is
denoted as increment of machine center to back ⌬A. The move-
ment of sliding base, which carriers the workpiece, is denoted as
sliding base setting ⌬B. The vertical offset between cradle axis
and workpiece axis is denoted as offset E m . The rotation angle of
workpiece is denoted as workpiece rotation angle ␾ 1 .
The coordinate transformation matrix from cutting tool axis to
the workpiece axis is shown as follows:

M1t 共 ␾ 1 兲 ⫽M1 f •M f e •Med •Mdc •Mcb •Mba •Mat (2)

Fig. 2 Face hobbing method where

Journal of Mechanical Design MARCH 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 137

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冋 册
cos ␥ m 0 sin ␥ m ⫺⌬A
0 1 0 0
Mf e ⫽
⫺sin ␥ m 0 cos ␥ m 0
0 0 0 1

冋 册
1 0 0 0
0 cos ␾ 1 ⫺sin ␾ 1 0
M1 f ⫽
0 sin ␾ 1 cos ␾ 1 0
0 0 0 1

For the face hobbing method, the rotation of the roll circle is
simulated by the rotation of the cutter spindle. The roll circle
共head cutter兲 rolls with the ground circle 共cradle兲 which in turn
rolls with the workpiece. Therefore, the cutter rotation angle ␮ g is
proportional to the workpiece rotation angle ␾ 1 for the face hob-
bing method, i.e., ␮ g ⫽m g1 ␾ 1 , where m g1 is the angular speed
ratio between cutter spindle to the workpiece spindle. For the face
milling method, the cutter rotation angle ␮ g coincides with one of
the surface parameter of the circular face cutter. Therefore, the
cutter rotation angle ␮ g is irrelevant to the generating process. We
can simply set the cutter rotation angle ␮ g to zero for the simula-
tion of the face milling method. The radial setting S R is a machine
setting in the most hypoid cutting method. However, some re-
searchers are trying to use S R to perform elliptical motion on the
cradle to make miniature lengthwise crowning.
There are possibly five parameters, cutter rotation angle ␮ g ,
Fig. 4 Coordinate systems of the proposed mathematical cradle rotation angle ␾ c , cradle radial setting S R , vertical offset
model E m , and sliding base setting ⌬B are functions of workpiece rota-
tion angle ␾ 1 . The supplemental motions provide by the proposed
mathematical model are modified roll ratio ( ␾ c ⫽ ␾ c ( ␾ 1 )), helical

冋 册
feed motion (⌬B⫽⌬B( ␾ 1 )), vertical offset motion (E m
cos ␮ g ⫺sin ␮ g 0 0 ⫽E m ( ␾ 1 )), elliptical motion (S R ⫽S R ( ␾ 1 )), etc. The cutting
method could be simulated including face milling method ( ␮ g
sin ␮ g cos ␮ g 0 0 ⫽0), face hobbing method ( ␮ g ⫽m g1 ␾ 1 ), Spread Blade
Mat ⫽
0 0 1 0 method® with cutter tilt, Formate® method ( ␮ g ⫽ ␾ c ⫽0), Helix-
form® method 共␮ g ⫽ ␾ c ⫽0, and ⌬B⫽⌬B( ␾ 1 )兲, duplex helical
0 0 0 1
method (⌬B⫽⌬B( ␾ 1 )), etc. Most supplemental kinematic cor-

冋 册
rection motions used by the well-known cutting methods are in-
cos i 0 sin i 0 cluded in the proposed mathematical model.
0 1 0 0 The locus of cutting tool represented in the coordinate system
Mba ⫽ S 1 , which is rigidly attached to the workpiece, is shown as
⫺sin i 0 cos i 0 follows:
0 0 0 1

冋 册
r1 共 ␣ , ␤ , ␾ 1 兲 ⫽M1t 共 ␾ 1 兲 rt 共 ␣ , ␤ 兲
⫺sin j ⫺cos j 0 SR
cos j ⫺sin j 0 0
Mcb ⫽ n1 共 ␣ , ␤ , ␾ 1 兲 ⫽L1t 共 ␾ 1 兲 nt 共 ␣ , ␤ 兲
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

冋 册
where L1t ( ␾ 1 ) is the upper-left 3⫻3 submatrix of M1t ( ␾ 1 ).
cos共 ␪ c ⫹ ␾ c 兲 sin共 ␪ c ⫹ ␾ c 兲 0 0 Based on the differential geometry, the equation of meshing can
⫺sin共 ␪ c ⫹ ␾ c 兲 cos共 ␪ c ⫹ ␾ c 兲 0 0 be written as
Mdc ⫽
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 ⳵ r1

冋 册
f 1 ⫽n1 • ⫽a 1 ntx ⫹a 2 nty ⫹a 3 ntz ⫹a 4 共 x t nty ⫺y t ntx 兲
1 0 0 0
⫹a 5 共 x t ntz ⫺z t ntx 兲 ⫹a 6 共 y t ntz ⫺z t nty 兲 (4)
0 1 0 Em
Med ⫽
0 0 1 ⫺⌬B
0 0 0 1 where

138 Õ Vol. 122, MARCH 2000 Transactions of the ASME

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a 1 ⫽cos ␥ m 共 cos i cos ␮ g cos ␶ ⫺sin ␮ g sin ␶ 兲 ⌬B⫹ 共 cos ␶ sin ␥ m sin ␮ g ⫹cos ␮ g 共 ⫺cos ␥ m sin i⫹cos i sin ␥ m sin ␶ 兲兲 E m
⬘ ⫹S R 共 cos ␥ m cos ␮ g sin isin共 j⫺ ␶ 兲 ⫹ 共 cos i cos j cos ␮ g ⫺sin j sin ␮ g 兲
⫹cos ␮ g sin i⌬B ⬘ ⫹ 共 cos i cos ␮ g cos ␶ ⫺sin ␮ g sin ␶ 兲 E m
⫻ 共 sin ␥ m ⫺ ␾ ⬘c 兲兲 ⫺ 共 cos i cos ␮ g sin j⫹cos j sin ␮ g 兲 S ⬘R
a 2 ⫽⫺cos ␥ m 共 cos i cos ␶ sin ␮ g ⫹cos ␮ g sin ␶ 兲 ⌬B⫹ 共 cos ␥ m sin i sin ␮ g ⫹sin ␥ m 共 cos ␮ g cos ␶ ⫺cos i sin ␮ g sin ␶ 兲兲 E m
⬘ ⫹ 共 ⫺cos j cos ␮ g ⫹cos i sin j sin ␮ g 兲 S R⬘ ⫹S R 共共 cos ␮ g sin j
⫺sin i sin ␮ g ⌬B ⬘ ⫺ 共 cos i cos ␶ sin ␮ g ⫹cos ␮ g sin ␶ 兲 E m
⫹cos i cos j sin ␮ g 兲共 ␾ ⬘c ⫺sin ␥ m 兲 ⫺cos ␥ m sin i sin ␮ g sin共 j⫺ ␶ 兲兲

a 3 ⫽cos ␥ m cos ␶ sin i⌬B⫹ 共 cos i cos ␥ m ⫹sin i sin ␥ m sin ␶ 兲 E m ⫺cos i⌬B ⬘ ⫹cos ␶ sin iE m
⫺sin i sin jS R⬘ ⫹S R 共 cos j sin i 共 sin ␥ m ⫺ ␾ ⬘ 兲 ⫺cos i cos ␥ m sin共 j⫺ ␶ 兲兲
a 4 ⫽cos i 共 sin ␥ m ⫺ ␾ ⬘c 兲 ⫺cos ␥ m sin i sin ␶ ⫹ ␮ g⬘
a 5 ⫽cos ␥ m 共 cos ␮ g cos ␶ ⫺cos i sin ␮ g sin ␶ 兲 ⫹sin i sin ␮ g 共 ␾ c⬘ ⫺sin ␥ m 兲
a 6 ⫽⫺cos ␥ m cos ␶ sin ␮ g ⫺cos ␮ g 共 sin i 共 sin ␥ m ⫺ ␾ ⬘c 兲 ⫹cos i cos ␥ m sin ␶ 兲
␶ ⫽ j⫺ ␪ c ⫺ ␾ c

The apostrophe 共’兲 suffix shown in Eq. 共4兲 means the differentia- The cradle rotation angle ␾ c is zero for the plunge cutting
tion of the parameter with respect to ␾ 1 , for example, ␾ ⬘c method such as the Formate® method or the Helixform® method.
⫽d ␾ c /d ␾ 1 . The position vector of generated tooth surface can In general, the cradle rotation angle ␾ c is linearly proportional to
be obtained by solving the simultaneous Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲. the workpiece rotation angle ␾ 1 , i.e., ␾ c ⫽m c1 ␾ 1 . However, in
the modified roll method, for example, SGM® method developed
Discussions by the Gleason Works, the cradle rotation angle ␾ c is not linearly
proportional to the workpiece rotation angle ␾ 1 . We can assume
The existing cutting methods that can be simulated by the pro- cradle rotation angle ␾ c is a polynomial function of workpiece
posed mathematical model is listed in Table 1. The conversion rotation angle ␾ 1 , which will be discussed in the following
from specific hypoid generator to the proposed mathematical example.
model is depent on the machine constants of the machine. The The sliding base setting ⌬B and vertical offset E m are constant
conversion method can be found in various literatures 关3,4,12,13兴. machine settings in the most hypoid generating method. However,
Some notes for the conversion are discussed as follows. the sliding base setting and vertical offset E m are used to provide
The cutter tilt is simulated by setting cutter tilt angle i and helical motion in some special duplex cutting method. In HGDH®
swivel angle j. If the cutter spindle is not tilted with respect to the and SGDH® method, the sliding base ⌬B is a linearly function of
normal of the machine plane, simply set the cutter tilt angle i and the workpiece rotation angle ␾ 1 . However, we can expand the
swivel angle j to zero. The setting angles of the bevel-worm- relationship to higher order polynomial functions:
shaped hobbing tool used by the Palloid® method could be simu-
lated by the cutter tilt angle i and swivel angle j, as well. The ⌬B 共 ␾ 1 兲 ⫽⌬B 0 ⫹b 1 ␾ 1 ⫹b 2 ␾ 21 ⫹b 3 ␾ 31
conversion method from specified machine to the proposed math- (5)
ematical model is the same as proposed by Litvin 关3,4兴 or Fong E m 共 ␾ 1 兲 ⫽E m0 ⫹c 1 ␾ 1 ⫹c 2 ␾ 21 ⫹c 3 ␾ 31
and Tsay 关12,13兴 and thus is omitted here.

Table 1 The existing cutting method that can be simulated by the proposed mathematical

Modified Helical Vertical

Company Cutter Cutter roll ratio motion motion
name Method flank line tilted 共i, j兲 ␾ c( ␾ 1) ⌬B( ␾ 1 ) E m( ␾ 1)
Gleason SGT,HGT Circle Yes No No No
SGM,HGM Circle No Yes No No
LSVM Circle No Yes No Yes
SFT,HFT Circle Yes No No No
SFM,HFM Circle No Yes No No
HH Spiral No No Yes No
Helical Circle Yes No Yes No
Flare cup Circle Yes No Yes No
Oerlikon Spiroflex Epicycloid Yes No No No
Spirac Epicycloid Yes No No No
Eloid Episinoid No No No No
Klingelnberg Zyklo- Epicycloid No No No No
Zyklomet Epicycloid Yes No No No
Palloid Involute Yes* No No No

Journal of Mechanical Design MARCH 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 139

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where ⌬B 0 is the initial sliding base feed setting and ⌬E m0 is the Table 3 Machine settings for Gleason #463 hypoid grinder
initial vertical offset corresponding to the zero workpiece rotation
Item Machine settings of Gleason #463
angle ␾ 1 ⫽0.
Machine root angle 24D 30M 23S
Inc. of Machine center to back ⫺2.91029 mm
Sliding base 1.20717 mm
Example Blank offset Up 2.904 mm
Cam setting 76.2 mm
Gleason’s #463 hypoid grinder is used as an example to verify Cradle angle 331D 42M 34S
the proposed mathematical model. The mathematical model of Eccentric angle 38D 41M 47S
Cam guide angle ⫺0D 20M 0S
#463 hypoid generator has been proposed by Litvin 关4兴, and Lin, Generating cam no. #39
Tsay, and Fong 关14兴. Gleason #463 hypoid generator is a face Index interval 11
milling machine equipped with modified roll and no cutter tilt.
The generating cam mechanism of Gleason #463 is relatively
complex than other hypoid generating machine. The cradle rota-
tion angle ␾ c is not an explicit function of workpiece rotation ␾ c 共 ␾ 1 兲 ⫽d 1 ␾ 1 ⫹d 2 ␾ 21 ⫹d 3 ␾ 31 ⫹d 4 ␾ 41 ⫹d 5 ␾ 51 ⫹d 6 ␾ 61
angle ␾ 1 for the Gleason #463 machine. This is the reason why
Gleason #463 is chosen as an example to verify the proposed ␾ ⬙c 共 0 兲 2 ␾ ⬙c 共 0 兲 3
mathematical model. Based on the Lin, Tsay, and Fong’s 关14兴 ⫽ ␾ ⬘c 共 0 兲 ␾ 1 ⫹ ␾ 1⫹ ␾1
2 6
work, the conversions from machine settings on the #463 cradle to
the proposed mathematical model are listed as follows: ␾ IV
c 共0兲 4 ␾ Vc 共 0 兲 5 ␾ VI
c 共0兲 6
⫹ ␾ 1⫹ ␾ 1⫹ ␾1 (8)
␮ g ⫽i⫽ j⫽0 24 120 720
␪ c ⫽360°⫺ ␾ d ⫹ (6) m i 共 ␦ ⫹r u 兲
d 1⫽
␦ ⫹r u ⫹C cos ␸
S R ⫽2e•sin ⫺Cd 21 sin ␸
d 2⫽
2 共 ␦ ⫹r u ⫹C cos ␸ 兲
where ␾ d is the cradle angle setting of #463, ␾ e is the eccentric
angle of #463, and e⫽203.2 mm is a #463 machine constant.
By eliminating the initial rotation angle induced by cam guide ⫺C 3 d 31 cos ␸ ⫹6C 3 d 1 d 2 sin ␸ ⫺ 共 d 1 ⫺m i 兲 3 共 C 2 ␦ ⫹r 3u 兲
angle setting ␸, the cradle rotation angle ␾ c is set to zero when d 3⫽
6C 2 共 ␦ ⫹r u ⫹C cos ␸ 兲
workpiece rotation angle ␾ 1 is zero. The relationship between
cradle rotation angle ␾ c and workpiece rotation angle ␾ 1 is modi- d 4 ⫽ 兵 C 2 关 12Cd 21 d 2 cos ␸ ⫹C sin ␸ 共 d 41 ⫺12d 22 ⫺24d 1 d 3 兲
fied as follows 关14兴.
⫹12␦ d 2 共 d 1 ⫺m i 兲 2 兴 ⫹12d 2 共 d 1 ⫺m i 兲 2 r 3u 其 / 关 24C 2 共 ␦ ⫹r u

g 共 ␾ c , ␾ 1 兲 ⫽C sin ␸ ⫹sin冋 ru

共 ␾ c ⫺m i ␾ 1 兲 ⫹sin共 ␾ c ⫺ ␸ 兲 冎 ⫹C cos ␸ 兲兴

d 5 ⫽ 60␦ d 3 共 d 1 ⫺m i 兲 2 ⫺ ␦ 共 d 1 ⫺m i 兲 5 ⫹60␦ d 22 共 d 1 ⫺m t 兲
⫹ ␦ sin共 ␾ c ⫺m i ␾ 1 兲 ⫽0 (7)
where ␸ is the cam guide angle, ␦ is the cam setting, and C 1
⫽381 mm is a machine constant of #463. m i ⫽n 1 /n i is the roll ⫺ 关 C 5 共 d 1 cos ␸ 共 d 41 ⫺60d 22 ⫺60d 1 d 3 兲
ratio between generating cam and workpiece. n 1 is tooth number
of workpiece and n1 is the index interval. ⫹20 sin ␸ 共 d 2 共 6d 3 ⫺d 31 兲 ⫹6d 1 d 4 兲兲 ⫺60C 2 r 3u 共 d 32 ⫹d 3 共 d 1
Applying Taylor series expansion, the cradle rotation angle ␾ c
can be approximated by the polynomial of workpiece rotation
angle ␾ 1 : 冎
⫺m i 兲兲共 d 1 ⫺m i 兲 ⫹ 共 d 1 ⫺m i 兲 5 r 5u 兴 / 关 120共 ␦ ⫹r u ⫹C cos ␸ 兲兴

Table 2 The basic data of testing spiral bevel gear of the nu-
merical example

Workpiece blank data

Table 4 Machine settings for the proposed mathematical
Gear Pinion model for the example
Tooth number 52 40
Face width 31 mm Item Machine setting for the universal model
Module 3 mm
Spiral angle 35D ␮g 0
Pressure angle 20D i 0
Shaft angle 45D j 0
Pitch angle 25D 35M 33S 19D 24M 27S ␪c 47D 38M 20S
Outside diameter 160.04154 mm 125.39386 mm SR 134.64363 mm
Pitch apex to crown 161.88495 mm 169.35853 mm Em ⫺2.904 mm
⌬B 1.20717 mm
Grinding wheel data for Gear ⌬A ⫺2.91029 mm
Mean diameter 248.5147 mm ␾c 0.4446572␾ 1 ⫹5.2105088⫻10⫺4 ␾ 21 ⫹
Point width 1.524 mm
Blade angle 共I.B.兲 20D 30M 0S 1.6704324⫻10⫺6 ␾ 31 ⫹4.2930384⫻10⫺5 ␾ 41 ⫹
Blade angle 共O.B.兲 19D 30M 0S 2.7072484⫻10⫺7 ␾ 51 ⫹3.4528621⫻10⫺6 ␾ 61

140 Õ Vol. 122, MARCH 2000 Transactions of the ASME

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d 6 ⫽ 兵 C 4 关 ⫺Cd 61 sin ␸ ⫺30共 ␦ ⫹C cos ␸ 兲 d 41 d 2 ⫹120d 31 共 Cd 3 sin␸ ⫹ ␦ d 2 m i 兲 ⫹180d 21 共 Cd 22 sin ␸ ⫹2 共 ␦ ⫹C cos ␸ 兲 d 4 ⫺ ␦ d 2 m i2 兴
⫹120d 1 关 ⫺6 共 Cd 5 sin ␸ ⫹ ␦ d 4 m i 兲 ⫹d 2 共 6 共 ␦ ⫹C cos ␸ 兲 d 3 ⫹ ␦ m i3 兴 ⫹30关 4 共 ␦ ⫹C cos ␸ 兲 d 32 ⫺12Cd 23 sin ␸ ⫹12␦ d 4 m i2
⫺d 2 共 24Cd 4 sin ␸ ⫹24␦ d 3 m i ⫹ ␦ m i4 兲兲兴 ⫹120C 2 关 d 32 ⫹6d 2 d 3 共 d 1 ⫺m i 兲 ⫹3d 4 共 d 1 ⫺m i 兲 2 兴 r 3u
⫺30d 2 共 d 1 ⫺m i 兲 4 r 5u 其 / 关 720C 4 共 ␦ ⫹r u ⫹C cos ␸ 兲兴

Usually, fourth-order polynomial is accurate enough to simulate ematical model is listed in Table 4. The resulting tooth surface of
the function of cradle rotation angle ␾ c ( ␾ 1 ). The basic data of the the testing gear is shown in Fig. 5 while the normal deviation
testing spiral bevel gear is listed in Table 2. The summary of check of real tooth surface against theoretical tooth surface calcu-
machine settings on the Gleason #463 for the gear is listed in lated by the proposed model is shown in Fig. 6. The measured
Table 3 while the converted summary for the proposed math- data on Fig. 6 is obtained from Klingelnberg PNC 60 CNC gear
measuring machine with nominal data calculated from the pro-
posed mathematical model. The maximum surface normal devia-
tion is about 4.5 ␮m. The example shows the capability of the
proposed mathematical model.

A mathematical model of universal hypoid generator with
supplemental kinematic flank correction motions is proposed to
simulate virtually all primary spiral bevel and hypoid cutting
methods. The proposed mathematical model can simulate the
face-milling, face-hobbing, and bevel-worm-shaped hobbing pro-
cesses with either generating or plunge cutting for the spiral bevel
and hypoid gears. The supplemental kinematic flank correction
motions, such as modified generating roll ratio, helical motion,
and cutter tilt are included in the proposed mathematical model.
The machine setting conversion from the existing hypoid genera-
tor to the proposed mathematical model is very straight forward
for the most cutting machines except some special modify roll
machines. Techniques of the Taylor series expansion is required
for the simulation of such modified roll machines as shown in the
example. The proposed mathematical model has more flexibility
in writing computer program and appropriate for developing the
object oriented computer programming. The developed computer
object can be repeatedly used by various hypoid gear researchers
to reduce the effort of computer coding.

Fig. 5 Tooth surfaces of the numerical example

The author is grateful to the National Science Council of the
R.O.C. for their grant. Part of this work has performed under
Contract No. NSC 89-2212-E-194-004.

C ⫽ a machine constant of Gleason #463 hypoid grinder, C
⫽381 mm
E m ⫽ vertical offset
E m0 ⫽ initial vertical offset
Mi j ⫽ the 4⫻4 homogeneous transformation matrix from coor-
dinate system S j to coordinate system S i
Li j ⫽ the upper-left 3⫻3 sub-matrix of Mi j
S R ⫽ radial setting of the cardle
f 1 ⫽ equation of meshing between cutting tool and workpiece
a i ⫽ coefficients of equation of meshing (i⫽1⬃6)
b i ⫽ coefficients of modified sliding base feed setting (i⫽1
c i ⫽ coefficients of modified vertical offset (i⫽1⬃3)
d i ⫽ coefficients of modified cradle rotation angle (i⫽1⬃6)
e ⫽ a machine constant of eccentric mechanism of Gleason
#463 hypoid grinder, e⫽203.2 mm
i ⫽ tilt angle of the cutter spindle with respect to the cradle
rotation axis
Fig. 6 Tooth surface topology comparison between theoreti- j ⫽ swivel angle of cutter tilt
cal data and measured data m c1 ⫽ roll ratio between cradle and work spindle

Journal of Mechanical Design MARCH 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 141

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142 Õ Vol. 122, MARCH 2000 Transactions of the ASME

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