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Analysis of Technology and Privacy Ethics in Vivere Group

Group 8 :

Ferdyanto 13301910005

Vincent Pratama 13301910008

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

Tangerang Selatan
Table of Contents

1.1 Background 2

1.2 Company Profile 2

2.1 Technology and Privacy in the Workplace 4

2.1.1 Managing Employees Through Monitoring 4

2.1.2 The Purpose of Monitoring 4

2.1.3 Business Reasons to Limit Monitoring 5

2.1.4 The 10 Commandments of Computer Ethics 5

2.1.4 Antonio Argandoña’s Moral Use of Information Through Technologies 6

3.1 Employee Monitoring in Vivere Multi Kreasi 7

3.2 Vivere Multi Kreasi’s Purpose of Using Vivere Core Values Framework 8

3.3 Issues of Vivere Multi Kreasi’s Privacy Policy 8


4.1 Conclusion 9
4.2 Recommendations 9




1.1 Introduction

According to Oxford Dictionary, privacy is the state or condition of being free from being
observed or disturbed by other people. Every people should have the right to privacy. Privacy rights, as
defined by Hartman, are the legal and ethical sources of protection for privacy in personal data. However,
in this era, people’s privacy is very thin due to technological advancement. Every movement and
information made on the internet are carefully stored and monitored. The same thing happens in most
workplaces, whether the monitoring is for a utilitarian purpose or it is a breach of privacy rights. This
article will analyze the technological and privacy ethics of Vivere Multi Kreasi.

1.2 Company Profile

Founded in 2003, PT Vivere Multi Kreasi (VMK) is one of VIVERE Group’s subsidiaries that
specializes in manufacturing furniture for many brands including foreign brands. VMK was unified with
PT Laminatech Kreasi Sarana and PT Prasetiya Gema Mulia under the VIVERE Group in 2005 and
gained quality and world-class standards to provide a "comprehensive solution" for all projects
requirements, including standard and customized furniture, interior fit-out, and mechanical and electrical
installation. The international standard has been approved by certifications of ISO 9001:2015 and Health
Management and Safety System ISO 45001:2018. Furthermore, VMK’s reputation in both international
and national markets is solid.

VMK’s vision is “to be the first choice for lifestyle interior and exterior furnishings by delivering
quality products and services in Indonesia”. Moreover, VMK’s mission is “to become a world-class
business organization that grows continuously based on forefront employee competencies and to create
innovative quality products and services according to customers’ criteria of comfort, ergonomics, and

The brands whose products are manufactured and distributed by VMK are:

2. Home by VIVERE
3. Local by VIVERE
4. Gift & Accessories by VIVERE

5. Hospitality by VIVERE
6. Casaka
7. Working by VIVERE
8. Vinoti Office
9. Vitra
10. Steelcase
11. JEB Partitions
12. Milliken
13. Gerflor
14. Grado
15. Lightspace
16. Bolon
17. Woven Image



2.1 Technology and Privacy in the Workplace

2.1.1 Managing Employees Through Monitoring

One of the most common forms of gathering information in a workplace is through employee
monitoring. As mentioned in the book (Hartman, 5ed.), employers now have vast capabilities to do these
monitoring activities efficiently at a minimal cost due to technological advancements. There are several
reasons that make employers carry out monitoring activities. For example, when employees use their
email for things outside of their job, it will be difficult to supervise, unless there is a supervisor who is
always watching them closely, therefore the solution would be by using a software, there is a software
called Teramind that can monitor employees' email in detail (eg. checking employees’ inboxes).
Employers have to use this software responsibly because Teramind's capability to monitor employees'
email can be abused just like anything else.

According to a study by the American Academy of Management, approximately 80% of large

corporations monitor their employees' email, internet, and phone usage, the number increase to 90% if the
company is a sensitive information company for example a finance company. There are two forms of
monitoring in the workplace, which are email monitoring and internet use monitoring. Email monitoring
monitors email conversations of workers and others on a regular or temporary basis for various business
goals meanwhile internet use monitoring monitors the internet use of workers for various business goals
based on visited content and time spent on a regular or temporary basis.

2.1.2 The Purpose of Monitoring

Firms conduct monitoring activities for a reason; they are aware of the benefits that will be
acquired, for example, when they monitor employee health, they can create a better working environment
by tracking their health condition. Additionally, by monitoring employee communication, they can protect
the employees’welfare by minimizing the chances of bullying as well as sexual harassment. Furthermore,
the information gathered can be used to place people in appropriate positions and ensure that their
working environment is appropriate for them. Employers also claim that when their employee knows that
they are being watched, it is more likely for them not to do anything inappropriate.

Another reason firms monitor technology usage is to safeguard valuable information such as intellectual
property and data, prevent theft, protect their equipment and bandwidth investment, and avoid legal
liabilities because those assets are very important for the firm. However, it is important to keep in mind
that there are also problems that are needed to be faced when it comes to privacy; 1. Vagueness of law and
2. Preferences of individuals.

2.1.3 Business Reasons to Limit Monitoring

Businesses have a limit in monitoring their employees. There are 3 reasons for limiting the
monitoring process; first, it can generate feelings of distrust and uneasiness, as well as an uncomfortable
working environment, this happens because employees believe their working environment is nothing like
what they imagined it to be. It will make them feel like they don't have the freedom to work in their own
way even though it doesn't harm or disturbs others. Secondly, it can cause workers to experience stress
and depression, which influences their performance and can lead to a variety of illness consequences.
Monitored workers had higher rates of depression, anxiety, extreme fatigue and exhaustion, strain injuries,
and neck problems than unmonitored workers, according to a study. Employees will be unable to see and
review the results of their monitoring and if they are unable to see and review the results of their
monitoring, They will feel agitated and stressed, which will eventually influence their work performance,
resulting in higher costs and lower financial returns for the business Lastly, employees may argue that it is
a violation of privacy because they have no control over who learns about them.

2.1.4 The 10 Commandments of Computer Ethics

As written by Computer Ethics Institute, the following are the 10 Commandments of Computer Ethics:

● Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.

● Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work.
● Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's computer files.
● Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.
● Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.
● Thou shalt not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid (without
● Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization or proper
● Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output.

● Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you
are designing.
● Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that ensure consideration and respect for other humans.

2.1.4 Antonio Argandoña’s Moral Use of Information Through Technologies

Antonio Argandoña, Emeritus Professor of Economics and Business Ethics at IESE, has defined
four moral use of information through technologies, which are: 1. Truthfulness and Accuracy; 2. Respect
for Privacy; 3. Respect for Property Rights and Safety Rights; 4. Accountability.

Firstly, truthfulness and accuracy means ensuring that the individual giving the information must
ensure that it is, at the very least, truthful and accurate. Secondly, respect for privacy means the person
receiving or accumulating information must take into account the ethical limits of individuals’ (and
organizations’) privacy. Thirdly, respect for property rights and safety rights means defending the areas of
possible risk, such as network security, sabotage, data theft, and impersonation. And finally,
accountability means technology offers for more anonymity and remoteness, necessitating a larger
demand for personal responsibility and accountability at the same time.


3.1 Employee Monitoring in Vivere Multi Kreasi

Employee monitoring in Vivere Multi Kreasi has not become something they are so strict about.
This can be seen from our interview with Mr. Raymond, one of the General Managers of Vivere Multi
Kreasi. He said that the monitoring activities carried out were still in the form of basic activities such as;
office inventory data collection using company’s Laptop/PC brought home to allow Work From Home
(WFH), employees VPN usage to access office databases using the internet at home, appeal to only use
office equipmen for business purposes and not for personal use, appeal not to use pirated software and for
email, obligatory use of work email especially regarding essential company data. Vivere Multi Kreasi also
follow the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics.

Graph 3.1 Vivere Core Values Framework

The following are the fundamental principles that Vivere Multi Kreasi upholds. As stated by Mr.
Raymond, Vivere Multi Kreasi wants its employees to respect these core values. They use these Core
values as their guiding principles when hiring new employees and implanting them into their employees.
In terms of hiring new employees, it is possible for job candidates who regularly consume alcohol to work
at Vivere Multi Kreasi because they do not view this as a problem as long as it does not affect their

performance, generate concern for other employees or the general public, or damage the company's
reputation. In other words, Vivere Multi Kreasi will uphold their employees’ privacy as long as it does not
affect their productivity.

All the following policies and rules mentioned above are to comply with Antonio Argandoña’s
moral use of information through technologies. The four values mentioned in the moral use include: 1.
Truthfulness and Accuracy; 2. Respect for Privacy; 3. Respect for Property Rights and Safety Rights; 4.
Accountability. Since VMK does not pry too much into their employees’ privacy (protecting privacy
rights), VMK solves the problems that are needed to be faced when it comes to privacy, which are 1.
Vagueness of law and 2. Preferences of individuals.

3.2 Vivere Multi Kreasi’s Purpose of Using Vivere Core Values Framework

The purpose of VMK adopting Vivere Core Values Framework is that they believe in freedom. As
mentioned above, by limiting monitoring, many benefits will come. Firstly, doing this allows fostering
trust between staff members and the business rather than impose harsh rules on them. By doing this, trust
between workers and the company will be stronger and a better working environment will be made.

3.3 Issues of Vivere Multi Kreasi’s Privacy Policy

Vivere Multi Kreasi’s unstrict privacy policy gives the worker freedom, which may be
advantageous for the company as it has been using the policy for a long time. However, being not strict
will also bring problems to Vivere Multi Kreasi . Vivere Group is exposed to the possibility of lowering
the productivity of the workers because giving freedom to workers will give them more opportunities to
slack off at work. Furthermore, there is also a chance of information or intellectual property thefts, which
could be dangerous for Vivere Multi Kreasi



4.1 Conclusion

To conclude, Vivere Multi Kreasi respects their employees’ privacy rights. VMK adopts Vivere
Core Values Framework and the 10 Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics. Furthermore, VMK gives
more freedom and limit monitoring due to its benefits. As a respecter of Antonio Argandoña’s moral use
of information through technologies, VMK also tackle the two problem of pracicing privacy. However, an
issue that VMK may face for adopting these privacy policies (giving more freedom) are: 1. High
probability of worker slacking off; 2. Intellectual property or information theft.

4.2 Recommendation

To avoid the issues that VMK may face, it is highly recommended for VMK to ban personal use
of phone during working hours or in the workplace in order to maintain productivity. Furthermore, to
tackle intellectual property theft, it is recommended to keep an eye on the movement of workers who have
access to confidential information. All in all, the overall solution is to reduce freedom in the workplace
and promote more monitoring.


Ethical Decision Making: Technology and Privacy in the Workplace, Hartman, 5ed. - Business Ethics:
Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility Chapter 7

Conrad, E., Misenar, S., & Feldman, J. (2012). Domain 9. CISSP Study Guide, 389–427.



Interview Questions

1) Apakah ada peraturan terkait dengan penggunaan teknologi di VMK, kalau ada apa

saja? (contoh, harus menggunakan email perusahaan)


1. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people

2. Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work.

3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's computer files.

4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.

5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.

6. Thou shalt not copy or use proprietary software for which you have

not paid (without permission).

7. Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization or proper compensation.

8. Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output.

9. Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are

10. Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that ensure consideration and respect for other humans.

Untuk penggunaan teknologi sangat di booster sejak adanya pandemi, terutama karena adanya WFH. Jadi
rules nya cukup basic mulai dari :
* Pendataan inventoris kantor (laptop/pc) yang dibawa ke rumah untuk
bisa tetap bekerja.
* Penggunaan VPN untuk bisa akses database kantor dengan menggunakan internet di

Himbauan untuk hanya menggunakan peralatan kantor tidak untuk kepentingan pribadi.

Himbauan untuk tidak menggunakan software bajakan.

Untuk email harus menggunakan email kantor terutama menyangkut data penting perusahaan.

Kurang lebih sama dengan 10 rules diatas.


Apakah Vivere sudah sepenuhnya mengadopsi kesepuluh commandments of computer

ethics untuk diterapkan di linkup kerja?

Sepengetahuan saya, hal tersebut dijalankan namun memang dalam pengawasan nya tidak sampai terlalu
strict, dikembalikan lagi kepada Pribadi masing-masing. VIVERE menganut Core Values Quality People,
Quality Work, Quality Life. Dimana masing-masing karyawan diharapkan memegang teguh Core Values

3) Jenis monitoring apa saja yang dilakukan Vivere gun untuk memonitor karyawan dari

segi kinerja, perilaku, dan kehidupan pribadi mereka? Cth: email monitoring, internet use

monitoring, dil

As far as I know, tidak ada pengawasan yang terlalu signifikan, mengacu ke statement saya di poin 2.

4) Tujuan mengambil data dan memonitor karyawan (seputar penggunaan teknologi atau

kehidupan personal)? Apakah dengan mengetahui serta memonitor karyawan, maka

Vivere akan dapat menciptakan lingkup kerja yang lebih baik?

Lingkungan kerja yang lebih baik akan tercipta kalau adanya Trust yang terbangun antara perusahaan dan
karyawan. Maka dari itu, kembali lagi dari proses recruitment yang dilakukan, VIVERE selalu mencari
pribadi-pribadi yang memiliki Core Values VIVERE. Saya Pribadi selalu melakukan background
checking dalam setiap proses recruitment yang saya lakukan, termasuk mencari tahu social media yang
bersangkutan paling tidak dalam 3 bulan terakhir untuk mencari gambaran kepribadian seperti apa calon
karyawan yang akan direkrut.

5) Misalkan jika ada seorang karyawan merupakan seorang pecandu berat alkohol, apakah

akan ada sanksi terkait hal tersebut? Atau akan diljinkan selama hal tersebut tidak

mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan tersebut?

Menurut pendapat saya, selama kehidupan Pribadi orang tersebut tidak mempengaruhi kinerja dan juga
tidak menimbulkan keresahan karyawan lain atau masyarakat atau mencoreng nama baik perusahaan,
maka tidak menjadi masalah. 

6) Apakah hal personal seperti pecandu berat alkohol, atau seorang difabel atau seorang

LGBT dapat berpengaruh dalam proses pelamaran pekerjaan? Apakah hal itu akan

menjadi pertimbangan sat Vivere ingin merekrut karyawan meskipun skill dan

pengalaman dari pelamar tersebut dapat memberikan benefit bagi Vivere?

Skill dan Pengalaman tentu menjadi alasan utama yang dicari pada waktu proses recruitment. Namun,
kembali lagi kepada Core Values VIVERE yang menjadi patokan utama dalam proses recruitment


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