Twinkler Investiture

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Girl Scout of the Philippines

Rizal Council



Once upon a time, there was a girl named Mia.
Dark nights made Mia sad.
But when she looked at the sky and saw many twinkling stars, Mia felt happy.
Mia said, “Pretty stars, pretty stars, you look happy. You make me happy”.
She added, “I wish you could come down to our land and show us how to be like
The next day, the sun shone and Mia could see everything clearly.
Then, she saw some girls playing in the park. They were happy and cheerful, too.
Mia remembered her wish last night. These girls are like stars. Here are the stars
– twinkling all around!
Suddenly, the sun seemed to speak, “Look at the cheerful girls. They are
twinkling like stars! You can be like them too. Do something good each day and see how
bright and shiny you will be.”
Mia and her friends started to play with the cheerful girls. As they played, they
became more cheerful.
They started to think kind thoughts. They started to be helpful at home. They
made their parents happy because they were obedient, kind, and loving.
They planted seeds and made them grow! They helped grow gardens at school and
at home. They took better care of their pets.Doing good made them happy and their
faces began to shine like stars.Like stars, all the little girls twinkled! Mia was surprised!
She became so happy!
Everyone who saw the girls were happy when they saw their kindness and smiles.
Their families all smiled and thanked them for what they did. People started
calling them Twinklers.
The Twinklers were making everyone happy.
Everybody said: “Twinklers, go ahead and bring joy to everyone in your family!
Bring love to your neighbors! Make your neighborhood a happy place to live in because
you are Twinkler!”
Girl Scout of the Philippines
Rizal Council

The Troop Leaders design the Twinkler’s Investiture Ceremony to include the three required parts:

Part I: Making the Girl Scout Promise and reciting the Girl Scout Law

Part II: Receiving the Investiture Pin; and

Part III: Being welcomed to the Girl Scouting movement


Theme: Twinklers Find the Magic Star

Setting: A large hall decorated with twinkling Stars hung all over the place. A large star covered with tin is
set in front of the hall. At the center of the star is a mirror, big enough for the Twinkler to see
her own face. Before the Ceremony, the star is covered with a piece of cloth, which will be
removed at a certain part of the Ceremony. Place the GSP Logo beside the star in the center of
the stage. Play some lively music to start the Ceremony as the new Twinklers skip gaily into the
hall searching for something.

Shining Star: (Meets the new Twinklers) Hello there, little friends. May I know why you are here?

New Twinklers: We are looking for the Magic Star. We want to know if we can become

Shining Star: Well then, come along! I shall take you to Guiding Star. She will show you the Magic Star.
(Shining Star takes the girls to Guiding Star)

Shining Star: Guiding Star, these little girls are looking for the Magic Star. They wish to become
Twinklers and they wish to know if they can become one.

Guiding Star: Welcome, my little friends

This is the land of the Twinklers.
But first, you must tell me why you want to become Twinklers.

Twinkle 1: I want to be cheerful.

Twinkle 2: I want to be kind.

Twinkle 3: I want to be helpful.

Twinkle 4: I want to make other people happy.

Guiding Star: Come and see the Magic Star. (Approaches the Magic Star and removes the cloth covering
it while appropriate music played.)

Each Twinkler looks into the mirror and upon seeing her face shouts joyfully – “I’M A TWINKLER!”
Provide some suitable background music.

Shining Star: The Magic Star says you can all be Twinklers.
Twinklers are little Girl Scouts who are always happy because they do good deeds and
make others happy. Now, Guiding Star will hear you make your Twinkler Promise. (She
now stands before the logo, which represents the Girl Scouts of the Philippines.)

Each girl takes a few steps towards the Guiding Star and recites the Twinkler Promise as she executes the
sign. All Candidates Recite the Twinkler Girl Scout Promise:

Guiding Star: I place this pin-holder on your uniform to welcome you to the Girl Scout Movement. You
are now a member of Twinkler Girl Scout Troop No.________. Let us shake hands (left
hand to left hand).

Guiding Star places the Twinkler Girl Scout Pin on each Twinkler who is now a member of the Twinkler
Girl Scout Troop and the Girl Scouts of the Philippines.
Guiding Star and Shining Star execute the Girl Scout sign after the girl has recited her Promise and pins
the investiture pin on her uniform.

Guiding Star: Welcome to the Girl Scout Movement as a member of Twinkler Girl Scout Troop

Guiding Star and Shining Star shake the left hand of each Twinkler Girl Scout
Twinklers all together sing “HAPPY LITTLE TWINKLER” (with appropriate action)

I’m a happy little Twinkler

Marching on for you and me
Jolly cheerful Twinkler
For my heart full of glee.
I love God and Country and
All those around me.
I’m a happy jolly little Twinkler
Marching on for GSP.

Everyone sings the song again as Twinklers exit with light skipping steps.
Girl Scout of the Philippines
Rizal Council


Theme: A Dream Come True – the Investiture Ceremony
Venue: A hall or a garden
Formation: Circle
Guiding Star: Shining Star, little playmates are coming today. Have they arrived yet?
Shining Star: Listen, listen, and here they come.
TWINKLERS Enter in single file on tip toe singing a lively song as they move into circle formation.
Guiding Star and
Shining Star Little girls, what do you love to do
Twinklers: We love to listen to the merry rain.
RAIN (action song)
Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop
Twinklers Listen to the merry rain.
all sing: Hear the rain dancing on the pane.
Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop
Listen to the merry rain
Guiding Star and Ohhhh! Where do you want to go?
Shining Star:
Moon Rock (action song)
I want to zoom off to the moon soon,
I’ll wear my spacesuit to the moon soon,
Twinklers: I’ll get some moon rocks and put them in my socks
O, I want to zoom off to the moon soon.
Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Zero!
Blast off!
Guiding Star: Now we know what you like to do. Welcome, Twinklers.
Now, turn around to face your parents.
Parents and Guardians stand behind the Twinklers and at a given signal, put on the Twinkler’s cap.
Each Twinkler says her Promise individually to Guiding Star who is also the investing officer.
If there are many girls being invested, some can go to shining star who can also invest them.
Twinklers Recite I love God, my country, and the people around me.
the Promise:
Guiding Star and
Shining Star: Now that you have made your Promise, be sure to follow it all the time.
Twinklers: Yes, we will.
Guiding Star and Now it is time to recite the Twinkler Girl Scout Law.
Shining Star:
Twinklers The Twinkler Girl Scout Law: A Twinkler is cheerful, kind, and helpful
(all together):
Guiding Star and Now that you have recited the Twinkler Girl Scout Law, be sure to follow it all
Shining Star: the time.
Twinkler Yes, we will.
(all together):
(Twinklers sing the Twinkler Song)
FLY AWAY LITTLE STAR (action song)
(The Twinklers exit to the tune of this song)
Twinklers Exit Fly away little STAR
Singing: Way up in the sky,
Will you tell me dear STAR
Who taught you to fly?
Girl Scout of the Philippines
Rizal Council


Sample Bridging Activities:
At a planned date, Guiding Star and Shining Star will tell the Twinklers what
Bridging Activity 1: a Star Girl Scout does in a Star Girl Scout Troop. Troop Leaders invite Star
Girl Scouts to talk to the Twinklers about what they do as Stars.
Bridging Activity 2: At a next planned date, Guiding Star will tell the Twinklers to try to do some
of the things that stars do.
At a next planned date, Troop Leaders will plan a visit so the Twinklers can
Bridging Activity 3: see the troop meeting place of the Star Girl Scouts and be their guest during
their troop meeting. Twinklers can also be invited to a Star Holiday for a
short period just to see what Stars do during the Star Holiday.
Bridging Activity 4: Guiding Star will invite a Star Girl Scout Troop to the Twinkler troop’s
birthday or during a meeting of the Twinkler Girl Scout Troop.
Guiding Star and Shining Star will prepare an activity where the Twinkler Girl
Bridging Activity 5: Scout Troop and the Star Girl Scout Troop can sing together, work, and play

Sample Bridging Ceremony

A bridge can be constructed out of just about anything; the point is for it to be a symbolic crossing from one level
to the next.

 A rustic bridge out – of – doors

 An arch of colored paper
 Stepping stones cut out of cardboard
 Anything else the troop leaders and the girls can think up!

1. Troop Leaders prepare a simple bridge made out of sturdy low ladder steps where the Twinklers who are
getting ready to become Star Girl Scouts can step on. There will be five steps going up and five steps going
down with level platform in the middle.
2. The first Twinkler stands on the lowest ladder step and says, “I have met my sisters in the Star Girl Scout
Troop # _____. I like what they are doing and I want to join them soon.” She goes up one ladder step. (if
there are more Twinklers leaving the Twinkler Girl Scout Troop and joining the Star Girl Scout Troop, more
girls can go up each ladder step of the bridge. Troop Leaders must make sure that the ladder steps in the
bridge are safe sturdyin order to avoid any accident.)
3. The second Twinkler stands on the lowest ladder step and says, “I have worked with my sisters in the Star
Girl Scout Troop Number_____. I like to work with them and I want to join them soon.” Twinkler 1 goes up
one ladder step and Twinkler 2 goes up one ladder step.
4. The Third Twinkler stands on the lowest ladder step and says, “I have sang and danced with my sisters in
the Star Girl Scoup Troop Number _____. I like to sing and dance with them soon.” Twinkle 1 goes up one
ladder step, Twinkler 2 goes up one ladder step, and Twinkler 3 goes up one ladder step.
5. The fourth Twinkler stands on the lowest ladder step and says, “I have played with my sisters in the Star
Girl Scout Troop Number _____. I like to play with them soon.” Twinkle 1 goes up one ladder step,
Twinkler 2 goes up one ladder step,Twinkler 3 goes up one ladder step, and Twinkler 4 goes up one ladder
6. The fifth Twinkler stands on the lowest ladder step and says, “I have prayed with my sisters in the Star Girl
Scout Troop Number _____. I like to pray with them soon.” Twinkle 1 goes up one ladder step, Twinkler 2
goes up one ladder step, Twinkler 3 goes up one ladder step, Twinkler 4 goes up one ladder step, and
Twinkler 5 goes up one ladder step.
7. When the first Twinkler reaches the top platform, a Star Girl Scout goes up the opposite steps and takes
her down to become part of the Star Girl Scout Troop. The same goes for the second Twinkler until the last
Twinkler reaches the top of the bridge, is met by a Star Girl Scout and joins the Star Girl Scout Troop.
8. The Bridging Ceremony ends with a simple Girl Scout song.
9. Snacks may be served.

Troop Leaders must prepare more steps and more sentences for the Twinklers to say if there are more than five
Twinklers bridging over to a Star Girl Scout Troop.
Girl Scout of the Philippines
Rizal Council


Troop Leaders will prepare an archway and decorate it. Each Twinkler who will move on to
become a Star Girl Scout will cross the archway from one side to pass through the archway to the other
side. The Twinkler Girl Scout Troop Leaders and the Troop will be on one side of the archway to bid
farewell to the Twinklers who will move on; meanwhile the Star Girl Scout Troop Leaders and the Troop
will be on the other side of the archway to welcome the Twinklers who will now join the Star Girl Scout

Dear Twinkler Girl Scouts who have grown up:

Your experiences will help you become
A better person every day in your own way
Guiding Star: Take my hand in friendship
After saying this introduction, I give to you this day
Guiding Star gets the hand of each Remember all the good times
Twinkler Girl Scout and leads her We had along the way.
to the other side of the archway. You are now ready
To become a Star Girl Scout
Bring with you all the joys
That we Twinklers have enjoyed.
As I cross this archway with love and peace
Twinkler 1: I bring with me sweet memories
Good- bye to Twinklers, hello to Stars
I hope to join you soon, I know.
I will meet new friends
Twinkler 2: Among the stars
I will learn from them
And become a Star.
The more I learn
Twinkler 3: The more I grow
In this new world
Where Stars are a – glow.
My Girl Scout life will now expand
Twinkler 4: To a land of new friends called the Stars
To a way that’s clear and strong for me
To new trails and songs and out – of – doors.
Guiding Star should add more lines if there are more Twinklers who will cross the archway to
become Star Girl Scouts. The last words, however, should be said by the last Twinkler who
will cross the archway.
Thanks to you dear Guiding Star
Last Twinkler: Thanks, too, to Shining Star
Dear Venus, you helped us find
True friendship in our daily life.
North Star, the Star Troop Leader, So take my hand to follow
meets the Twinklers and says: New Star Girl Scout paths in sight
We’re joining hands with each
And in friendship, we’ll unite.

Twinklers are welcomed into the Star Girl Scout Troop.

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