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What have I learned about What are the current and How can I contribute to the

the importance of developing outdated practices that I development of new

a professional development? have searched about writing practices about developing a
curriculum vitae, resume and professional profile?
cover letter
Many people, do not invest in These are the practices that These are the ways for me to
their professional the resume look outdated, contribute to the developing
development. One-third of first is you’ve listed a home of a professional profile first is
employees say they don't do address, you have an to continue education,
anything to develop or update objective or statement of participating in professional
their current skills. These purpose, the template is text organizations, research,
individuals are unconcerned heavy, there are too many improve job performance,
about their future stylistic embellishments, you increased duties and
employment prospects. Many include personal preferences, responsibilities, approaches to
people are competent in their you address basic professional development,
work, but they are either proficiencies and the skills base training and job
comfortable with where they formatting is inconsistent. assignments.
are or are unconcerned about The current curriculum vitae
their professional future. is have a list of al significant
Our knowledge base grows as achievements in career, also,
a result of professional includes education, research,
development. Professional work experience,
development and continuing publications, presentations
education options can and anything else we’ve done
introduce young and in our professional life
experienced professionals to
new ideas, strengthen existing
knowledge, and expand our
competence in their industry.
Those who actively seek out
these learning opportunities
will reap the greatest

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