Procedimientos de Traduccion

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1) Transposición / Transposition or Shift:

In order to preserve the fluent naturalness of the target language a

translator need change syntactical patterns from one language into
another. A shift or transposition precisely consists in translating by making
grammatical changes from the source language into the target language.

Se pasa de una categoría gramatical a otra sin alterar el significado del

texto original


Translation course (two nouns in a

Homepage (noun) rendered structure of complementation) Make a payment
as “página de inicio” (a rendered as “curso de rendered as
head noun post-modified by traducción” (a head noun post- “pagar”
a prepositional phrase) modified by a prepositional

2) Modulación / Modulation:

Translate by modulating a sentence consists in changing its point of view

(whether a passive voice into an active voice, a negative into an
affirmative or vice versa) or geographical, seasonal or referencial

Es variar la forma del texto mediante un cambio semántico o de



I was given a book (passive That is unclear (affirmative) “…like a summer with a
voice) thousand Julies”

Eso no queda claro

Me dieron un libro (active (negative) “…como un verano con
voice) miles de eneros”
3) Transference (loanword) / Transferencia (préstamo)

It consists in failing to translate by directly “importing” the SL word into the TL.
This mostly occurs (or is convenient to apply) in the case of proper and/or
proprietary names, as well as in either highly technical or scientific contexts
or heavily culture-bound settings whenever there is no fully accurate
equivalent term in the TL/TC.

Consiste en utilizar una palabra o expresión del texto original en el texto de

destino, ya que existe un vacio lexico en la lengua de llegada.


Internet / The Beatles / COVID-19 / iPhone / vegemite / (contrato de) leasing

4) Naturalization /Naturalización

In order to naturalize a SL term into the TL, you need to adapt the SL term into
the TL orthography and phonology so as to make it sound fluently natural in the
TL. It typically happens in names of games or sports, institutional references and
IT terms.


Football fútbol Tweet tuit

5) Equivalencia funcional, cultural y descriptiva/Functional, cultural and

descriptive equivalence:
It consists in reaching semantic, communicative and discursive parity of
meaning between the SL and the TL.
a. Functional equivalence: it is mostly applied in contexts of social
use of language. There is a term/expression in the source
language that fulfils the same communicative function in the
target language. EXAMPLES:
You’re welcome! = ¡De nada! Cheers! = ¡Salud! He finally showed his true colours! = ¡Finalmente
mostró la hilacha! – Good evening! = ¡Buenas noches! (como saludo de bienvenida) Oops! = ¡Epa!

b. Cultural equivalence: reemplazar un elemento cultural del texto

original por otro que se adapte mejor a la cultura del target
Language. EXAMPLES:

House of Lords = Senado / Barbecue = asado/ Times Square = (la Plaza de la República
donde se encuentra) el Obelisco (as a popular meeting center for massive celebrations)/
vegemite = salsa golf
c. Descriptive equivalence: is required when no straightforward
equivalent term is available (due to cultural, scientific, or other
reasons) in the TL, since there is no such an equivalent concept in
the TL, thus requiring the translator to describe (i.e. paraphrase)
rather than directly translate the SL term to be rendered.

House of Commons = Cámara baja del Parlamento británico; probation = suspensión del
juicio a prueba; leasing = arrendamiento financiero; common law = derecho
(consuetudinario y jurisprudencial) anglosajón/angloamericano; slowbalization = ralentización
del proceso de globalización mundial

6) Compensación por expansión/reducción (Compensation by

It consists in making up for any potential shortage/addition of meaning that
might result either from an excessively literal or straightforward translation.
Specially in phrasal verbs or all those verbs showing miscellaneous “ways
of… (performing certain actions)”
Expansión: amplificacion necesaria por motivimos estructurales o estilísticos
del lenguaje receptos
Reducción: a veces la versión en castellano es mas concisa que la original
Translation applying Translation applying compensation
compensation by expansion: by reduction:

She slammed the door = Cerró He got away with it = ¡Zafó!

la puerta de un portazo.

7) Calco o traducción directa –(calque/through-translation):

It consists in either naturalizing the SL term into the TL orthography (i.e.

morphology and phonology) or reproducing the same literal (i.e. basic
primary) meaning of the words composing the institutional term or
Se toma prestado de la lengua extranjera el sintagma, pero se traducen
literalmente los elementos que lo componen.

Football = fútbol / folklore = folklore/ Cape Horn = Cabo de Hornos;/ FBI, Federal Bureau of
Investigation = Oficina/Buró Federal de Investigaciones.

8) Traducción oficial o reconocida/Official or recognized translation

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