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Ethical Considerations 

During the conduct of the study several considerations were taken into account to guarantee that
the study was conducted in an appropriate manner. Protecting the participants information was
made with maximum confidentiality to maintain a good functioning relationship between the
researcher and the participants and for the future research by researchers. Ethical considerations
were taken and followed for the success of the researchers in order for them to have a good
working relationship with the researchers. 
Informed consent was given by the researchers to the participants as seen in Appendix 
1. It was considered important to send a letter of consent online to make sure that the
upcoming interview will be done voluntarily without any hesitations. The content and
purpose of the study were explained well to the participants. The confidentiality of
the participants was maintained well during and after the conduct of the study. Asking
permission to record the whole interview was also obtained from the participants. It
was explained clearly to the participants that their information would remain
confidential and the content of the interview would only be discussed with the
researcher and the adviser. In the final results of the study, the identity of the
participants was removed and changed to pseudo names were used for the
participants. The result of the personal nature of the content of the research interview,
the researchers found it appropriate to emphasize the confidentiality of the
information and to establish trust with the participants in the early phase of the
While conducting the actual interview, personal biases and opinions of the researchers
were set aside. During the interview, the conversations between the researcher and the
participants were recorded. After the interviews, the video recording was stored in the
researchers Google Drive and kept with confidentiality. This confidential material is only
of access to the research only. After a couple of years, the recordings will be permanently
deleted from the researchers Google Drive. Also, the participants were informed by these
actions of the researchers to maintain confidentiality.  
At the last part of the interview, both the researchers and the participants debriefed by the
talking and asking questions about the interview process itself and the impact of the
interview to the participants. The goal of the debriefing is to make sure that the
participants of the study were not left emotionally harmed or harassed from the interview
It is interesting to say that the participants were active and enjoyed the interviews.

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