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Molecular Simulation
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A density functional study of chemical, magnetic and

thermodynamic properties of small palladium clusters
a a
Ngangbam Bedamani Singh & Utpal Sarkar
Department of Physics, Assam University, Silchar, 788011, India
Published online: 16 Jan 2014.

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Molecular Simulation, 2014

A density functional study of chemical, magnetic and thermodynamic properties of small

palladium clusters
Ngangbam Bedamani Singh and Utpal Sarkar*
Department of Physics, Assam University, Silchar 788011, India
(Received 10 April 2013; final version received 30 October 2013)

Structural, chemical, magnetic and thermodynamic properties of palladium clusters Pdn with n ¼ 2– 11 are studied using
density functional methods. The average bond length, entropy, enthalpy and polarisability are observed to increase as the
cluster grows in size. The binding energy per atom also increases with cluster size. Stability function and atom addition
energy change predict that Pd4, Pd6 and Pd9 are relatively more stable than their neighbouring clusters. Electron affinity,
electronegativity and electrophilicity values suggest that larger clusters have stronger tendency to accept electrons, thereby
supporting the relative stability of Pd4 and Pd6. Chemical hardness is also seen to decrease with cluster size, which suggests
that large clusters are more prone to changes in their electronic structure. The magnetic properties of these clusters are
Downloaded by [Assam University, Silchar] at 23:25 16 January 2014

Keywords: palladium cluster; DFT; reactivity parameters; magnetic moment; thermodynamic property

1. Introduction their successful applications in the nanoscale devices and

Atomic cluster is an important class of material consisting catalytic uses. Generally, the catalytic activity is directly
of a few to hundreds of atom, which is in fact, either large proportional to the size of the catalytically active species,
to be considered as molecules or too small to be considered and catalysed reactions also exhibit structural sensitivity to
as bulk material. Compared with their bulk counterparts, the size of the active species. Thus small metal clusters
cluster shows distinct physical and chemical properties whose sizes are in the range of few nanometers emerge as
which arise due to the quantum size effects. High surface the most suitable candidate to serve as catalytic particles.
to volume ratio and significant change in electronic These further arises a need to study and understand the
chemical reactivity of these small clusters. In order to
structures are the important features of the clusters. Their
understand the physical and chemical properties of these
study can bridge the gap between the atomic and the
clusters, the determination of atomic configurations is
macroscopic solid-state physics. They exhibit extraordi-
essential. Hence, our primary interest is to find out the
nary size-dependent physical,[1] chemical,[2 – 4] magnetic
equilibrium configurations of the small Pd clusters and
[5 – 9] and electrical properties.[10 –12] One of the most
correlation of their electronic properties with cluster size.
significant features of atomic clusters is drastic changes in
This may lead to understand the catalytic activity of such
their structures even with the addition of a single atom. clusters thus designing more efficient catalysts. Based on
Palladium is one of the most promising catalyst this, a detailed systematic study is necessary to design
materials for many applications, mainly in hydrogenation more efficient catalysts, although there have been a
and dehydrogenation reactions.[2] Their unusual closed- number of studies (both theoretical and experimental) on
shell 4d10 electronic structures make them interesting as the Pd clusters.
well as challenging. Earlier study shows that the Experimental studies have been carried out for
promotion of electrons to the 5s (and sometimes even investigating many of the cluster properties such as
5p) orbital [5] shortens the bond lengths and increases the ionisation potential (IP), electron affinity (EA), reactivity
binding energy (BE) thereby stabilising small Pd clusters. and magnetic behaviour.[9,13,14] Clusters of particular
The small Pd clusters Pdn (n # 30) not only open the stability, i.e. magic number clusters, can be observed with
possibility of tuning a catalytic process by changing the help of mass spectrometroscopy measurements,[15]
cluster size but can also be used to catalyse chemical but experimental determination of geometrical structure of
reactions at low temperatures.[3] Pd also plays integral clusters, particularly in the gas phase, is very difficult.
roles in a number of nanoscale devices, e.g. Pd nanowire- Theoretical calculations can help in determining the
based hydrogen sensors and carbon nanotube field effect equilibrium geometries of these clusters and can
transistors.[10] So a clear and in-depth understanding of complement the experimental studies. Advancement of
the electronic properties of metal clusters is essential for computational techniques in these days has enabled to

*Corresponding author. Email:

q 2014 Taylor & Francis
2 N.B. Singh and U. Sarkar

predict the structure and also properties of clusters with a electrophilicity (v),[31 – 33] and polarisability (a) [34]
high degree of accuracy. are investigated for these clusters, and their dependence on
In the bulk form, Pd has no magnetic moment due to its the cluster size is discussed thoroughly. The stability of the
closed electronic configuration of 4d105s0. However, in the clusters is also discussed with the help of these reactivity
cluster form, the delocalisation of electrons and depletion parameters. The magnetic moments for each of the clusters
of states because of sp-d hybridisation may give rise to are also computed. Thermodynamic functions such as heat
magnetism. The answer to the question ‘whether Pd capacity at constant volume, entropy and enthalpy are
clusters have magnetic properties or not’ is still a calculated for small palladium clusters Pdn (n ¼ 2 –11) at
controversial issue. Experimental studies either find non- different temperatures. The knowledge of these properties
magnetic or very weak magnetic moments. For example, may be useful to understand how these small clusters work
Pd clusters do not show any magnetic moment in Stern- as catalysts.
Gerlach deflection experiments,[9] whereas photoemis-
sion studies show Ni-like magnetic behaviour in Pdn
(n ¼ 3 –6) and non-magnetic behaviour in n . 15.[14] 2. Theoretical background
Theoretical calculations predict very weak ferromagnetic DFT successfully provides the theoretical basis for many
properties,[16] while in some cases, large magnetic chemical concepts, e.g. IP, EA, chemical potential (m),
Downloaded by [Assam University, Silchar] at 23:25 16 January 2014

moments.[5,7,8] In view of the present circumstances, it electronegativity (x), chemical hardness (h), electrophili-
seems reasonable to analyse the magnetic properties of the city index (v) and polarisability (a) to explain the stability
Pd clusters by using an appropriate exchange-correlation and chemical reactivity of atoms, molecules and clusters.
functional and basis set suitable for describing transition [21 – 39]
metals. IP and EA have been calculated using finite difference
The structural and electronic properties of neutral, approach [28]:
anionic and cationic Pd clusters atoms have been studied
[17] using density functional theory (DFT). Pd4, Pd6 and IP ¼ EðN 2 1Þ 2 EðNÞ; ð1Þ
Pd8 are observed to be relatively more stable compared
with others with relatively high value of stability function and
(DE2 ).[17] Pd4 (with 40 valence electrons) is found to be
the magic cluster with relatively high BE and stability EA ¼ EðNÞ 2 EðN þ 1Þ; ð2Þ
function (DE2 ). The second energy calculations of Pd
clusters using DFT have shown that Pdn (n ¼ 4, 6, 8, 10
where EðN 2 1Þ, E(N) and EðN þ 1Þ are the energies of the
and 13) clusters are relatively more stable.[18] Using DFT,
(N –1), N and (N þ 1) electron systems. Koopmans’
Zhang et al. [6] have studied the energetic, electronic and theorem [35] also provides an alternative way to predict IP
magnetic properties of Pd nanoparticles of up to 55 atoms and EA. It is also reported that IP may be calculated by
and showed that the stability of the nanoparticles increases using shape function.[36] With the help of IP and EA, we
with cluster size and dimensionality. have computed chemical potential, electronegativity and
Thermodynamic study is useful in understanding the chemical hardness [28]:
behaviour of clusters with change in temperature. In the
realm of small clusters, phase transitions are not sharp but IP þ EA
gradual,[19] and the thermodynamic properties are greatly m¼2 ; ð3Þ
dependent on size.[1] Theoretical study can predict the
structural transitions on increasing temperature for small
clusters. For example, theoretical prediction of structural x¼ ; ð4Þ
change from fcc to decahedral and icosahedral structures 2
was made and observed in many systems.[20] The
stability, reactivity and aromaticity of metallic species IP – EA
h¼ : ð5Þ
can be successfully explained [21 – 39] using DFT-based 2
descriptors and occasionally augmented by the maximum
hardness principle (MHP).[23,24] In this paper, we have According to Parr’s prescription, electrophilicity index
studied the dependence of stability, chemical, magnetic (v) [33] is defined as
and thermodynamic properties on the structures of small
Pdn (n ¼ 2– 11) clusters. The stability of the clusters is m2
v¼ : ð6Þ
examined with BE per atom, atom addition energy change 2h
and the stability function. Chemical reactivity parameters
such as IP,[28] EA,[28] chemical potential (m),[28] The static electric dipole polarisability (a) is the
electronegativity (x),[29] chemical hardness (h),[30] second-order variation of energy (E) with respect to the
Molecular Simulation 3

applied electric field (F) and is defined as structural changes and we recorded the energy and
  geometries of the cluster during simulation and choose
›2 E some (three structures for small cluster and five for large
aa;b ¼2 ; a; b ¼ x; y; z: ð7Þ
›F a ›F b cluster) of those structures based on minimum energy
criterion with reasonably different geometry. These
The polarisability (a) is then given by minimum energy structures of molecular dynamics run are
considered as initial geometries (or conformers) of
, a .¼ : ð8Þ palladium clusters Pdn (n ¼ 2–11) (given in Figure S1 and
3ðaxx þ ayy þ azz Þ Table S1, Supplementary material, available via the article
webpage). Then optimisation is performed on each
The above-mentioned descriptors can be properly
conformer to determine the geometry having the lowest
understood in terms of their related electronic structure
energy in each of the cluster sizes. The optimisation is
principles such as the electronegativity equalisation
principle (EEP),[29,37] the MHP,[23,24] the minimum performed within the framework of DFT using the
polarisability principle (MPP),[34] and minimum electro- GAUSSIAN 09 suite of program.[42] In this study, we
philicity principle (MEP).[38 –40] The statement of EEP used B3LYP,[43,44] B3P86 [43,45] and B3PW91 [43,46]
[29,37] is functionals and LanL2DZ [47], LanL2MB [47–49] and
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Stuttgart/Dresden basis sets (SDD) [50–52] to see the effects

during an electron-transfer process in a chemical reaction, of functionals and basis sets on the calculated properties.
electrons flow from a species of lower electronegativity Thermodynamic functions for the lowest energy
(higher chemical potential) to one with higher
electronegativity (lower chemical potential) until the structures are calculated at the same level of theory and
electronegativities get equalized to a value equal to the also at different temperatures.
geometric mean of the electronegativities of the isolated
The MEP [38 –40] is stated as ‘electrophilicity will be 4. Results and discussions
a minimum (maximum) when both chemical potential and A number of structural isomers of Pdn clusters (n ¼ 2 –11)
hardness are maxima (minima)’. have been investigated using DFT methods. All the
The binding energy per atom (BE/atom) is calculated clusters were fully optimised with three functionals and
as follows: three basis sets, and the most stable structures having the
  lowest energy are determined. The optimised palladium
BE nEatom 2 Ecluster cluster geometries with B3LYP functional and LanL2DZ
¼ ; ð9Þ
atom n basis set are presented in Figure 1. The number of
imaginary frequency for the geometries shown here are
where n is the number of atoms in the cluster, Eatom and zero signifying that they correspond to minimum energy
Ecluster are the energies corresponding to single atom, and structure on the potential energy surface.
cluster, respectively. Pd2 dimer shown in Figure 1 is found to have inter-
The change in energy upon the addition of atom atomic Pd – Pd bond length of 2.53 Å which is in
[DE1(Pdn)] and the stability function [DE2(Pdn)] are conformity with the results found by other researchers.
defined as [53,54] Optimised structure of Pd3 is an isosceles triangle
with bond lengths 2.55 and 2.76 Å and the symmetric point
DE1 ðPdn Þ ¼ EðPdn Þ 2 EðPdn21 Þ 2 EðPdÞ; ð10Þ
group is C2v. Our obtained geometry is in agreement with
and those reported by Zanti et al. [55]. The lowest energy
structure for Pd4 is tetrahedron with C3v symmetry and an
DE2 ðPdn Þ ¼ EðPdnþ1 Þ 2 EðPdn21 Þ 2 2EðPdÞ; ð11Þ average bond length of 2.66 Å, whereas Pd5 isomer is
square pyramidal with C4v point group symmetry and
respectively. A large negative change in DE1(Pdn) implies average bond length 2.67 Å. Pd6 is regular octahedron with
that the cluster Pdn is more stable than the preceding Pdn – 1 D4 h symmetry. Both Pd7 and Pd8 have C2 symmetry, but
structure. the structure of the former is pentagonal bipyramid and the
latter is bicapped octahedron. The average bond lengths of
Pd6, Pd7 and Pd8 are 2.72, 2.75 and 2.74 Å, respectively.
3. Computational method Our observed bond lengths are in good agreement with the
We performed an ab initio molecular dynamics run at a previously reported values.[17] Pd9 has the ground-state
temperature near the melting temperature of bulk palladium, structure of double trigonal antiprism with C3h symmetry.
using SIESTA 3.1 software,[41] for each cluster. During the Two octahedrons sharing one common edge is found to be
simulation process, the cluster goes through various the most stable structure for Pd10, which has C2h
4 N.B. Singh and U. Sarkar
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Figure 1. Most stable structures of Pdn clusters (n ¼ 2 – 11).

symmetry. We have found average bond lengths of 2.74 that BE per atom is 1.249 and 1.301 eV/atom, respectively,
and 2.76 Å for Pd9 and Pd10 clusters, respectively. The which is higher than that observed by Qui et al. [4], which
average bond length of Pd11 is observed as 2.79 Å. In is 1.020 and 1.148 eV/atom, respectively, and lower than
general, the average bond length shows increasing that calculated by Kalita et al. [17], which is 1.41 and
behaviour as the cluster grows in size. 1.48 eV/atom, respectively. In the case of Pd6, Pd7, Pd8,
The variation in BE per Pd atom with cluster size is Pd9 and Pd10, we found BE per atom as 1.411, 1.439,
plotted in Figure 2(a). It is clear from Figure 2(a) that as the 1.467, 1.528 and 1.555 eV/atom, respectively, which are
cluster becomes larger in size, the BE per atom increases greater than 1.295, 1.321, 1.372, 1.407 and 1.449 eV/atom
due to the increased number of bonds in the larger cluster. [4] and less than 1.878, 1.903, 1.982, 2.037 and 2.095
However, this increment is not homogeneous. For cluster eV/atom [12], respectively. Pd11 has a BE per atom of
containing 2 – 4 atoms, the BE per atom increases rapidly 1.745 eV/atom.
compared with cluster containing more than 4 atoms. Since The change in energy upon the addition of an atom and
the experimental BE for the bulk is 3.91 eV/atom,[56] the stability functions of the Pdn clusters are presented in
much higher than the BE of our studied clusters, we infer Figure 2(b),(c), respectively. The change in energy upon
that large numbers of atoms are required in the cluster to the addition of atom shows that at n ¼ 4, 6 and 9, the
obtain the bulk behaviour. In this work, the BE of Pd2 is change is more negative as compared to their neighbouring
calculated as 0.96 eV at B3LYP/LanL2DZ level, which is clusters, indicating that Pd4, Pd6 and Pd9 are more stable.
very close to the experimental value of 0.73 ^ 0.26 eV. The stability function ðDE2 Þ has relatively high value for
[57] For Pd3, our calculated BE per atom (0.853 eV/atom) n ¼ 4, 6 and 9 (Figure 2(c)), which clearly implies that
is close to the results depicted by other researchers [4,58] these clusters are relatively more stable than their
using DFT calculation. For Pd4 and Pd5, this study shows neighbouring clusters. The change in IP with respect to
Molecular Simulation 5
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Figure 3. (a) Variation in IP with number of atoms in palladium

clusters. (b) Variation in EA with number of atoms in palladium

Figure 2. (a) Variation in BE per atom with cluster size, n. (b) calculation with B3P86 functional and SDD basis set
Variation in atom addition energy with cluster size, n. (c) shows EA values 1.257, 1.418 and 1.342 eV for Pd2, Pd3
Variation in stability function with cluster size, n. and Pd4, respectively. Therefore, EA value depends on the
functional and basis set used in the calculation. Our
the cluster size is depicted in Figure 3(a). The variation in IP calculated EA value, using B3LYP functional and
(with the size of the cluster) is more prominent up to Pd5. IP LanL2DZ basis set, for Pd5, Pd6, Pd7, Pd8, Pd9, Pd10 and
for Pd2 is 8.70 eV, which is higher than the result (7.69 eV) Pd11 clusters are 1.243, 1.215, 1.754, 1.865, 1.869, 2.207
of Kalita et al. [17]. In the case of Pd3, Pd4, Pd5, Pd6 and and 2.204 eV, respectively, which are close to the
Pd7, we found IPs as 7.86, 7.00, 6.67, 6.70 and 6.44 eV, experimental results of 1.45 ^ 0.10, 1.65 ^ 0.10,
respectively, which are greater than 7.56, 6.86, 6.60, 6.33 1.70 ^ 0.15, 1.85 ^ 0.25, 1.95 ^ 0.25, 2.00 ^ 0.25 and
and 6.30 eV, respectively, of Kalita et al. [17]. It may be 1.95 ^ 0.25 eV, respectively.[59] Among the functionals
noted that IP calculated using B3P86 functional (see and basis sets considered here, B3P86 functional gives the
Figure 3(a) and Table S2(i)–(viii)) is higher than the other highest EA, and LanL2DZ basis set gives the lowest EA
two functionals considered here. (see Table S2(i)–(viii), Supplementary material, available
The EA values for Pd2, Pd3 and Pd4 at B3LYP/ via the article webpage). The overall trend of EA with the
LanL2DZ level of calculation are observed to be 0.630, variation in cluster size, with three functionals and three
0.837 and 0.726 eV, respectively, which are lower than the basis sets, is depicted in Figure 3(b). EA increases with
values observed by Kalita et al. [17] using BLYP increasing number of atoms in the cluster. Such close
functional and DNP basis set where they have found EA agreement of the observed EA with the experimental
values of 1.5809, 1.486 and 1.2388 eV, respectively. Our results implies the validity of our calculation methods.
6 N.B. Singh and U. Sarkar

Among the clusters in our study, Pd4 has the highest value
of 2 3.865 eV of chemical potential and Pd2 has the lowest
chemical potential of 2 4.670 eV using B3LYP/LanL2DZ
level of calculation. In DFT, chemical potential measures
the escaping tendency of an electron cloud.[28] So higher
chemical potential implies higher escaping tendency of the
electron cloud from the system. Hence when Pd2 or Pd4
clusters interact with any other cluster, Pd4 shows the
highest electron donating power, whereas Pd2 shows the
highest electron accepting power, since the chemical
potential of Pd4 is the highest and Pd2 is the lowest among
the other clusters. This result is also in conformity with the
The electronegativity (x) as defined above is the
measure of attracting electrons towards itself and is equal
to the negative of chemical potential. In interacting
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systems, electrons flow from a region of low electro-

negativity to a region of high electronegativity until the
electronegativity values of the constituent systems
equalise. The behaviour of electronegativity (x) as a
function of the cluster size is shown in Figure 4(b). It is
clear from Figure 4(b) that in general the electronegativity
of the cluster increases as the size of the cluster increases
albeit after a sudden decrease from Pd2 to Pd4. In other
words, the larger clusters have stronger tendency to attract
electrons. The observed trend is consistent with the
behaviour shown by EA. It is clear from Figure 4(b) that the
electronegativity (x) of Pd4, Pd6 and Pd9 clusters is lower
compared with that of their neighbouring clusters. The
B3P86 functional shows similar trend and similar value for
Figure 4. (a) Size dependence of chemical hardness in chemical hardness with the other two functionals due to the
palladium clusters. (b) Size dependence of electronegativity in mutual cancellation of the differences shown by IP and EA
palladium clusters. ðh ¼ ðIP 2 EAÞ=2Þ; however, for electronegativity, it
shows similar trend but a comparatively large value due
to the addition of the differences shown by IP and EA
Thus, the larger clusters have higher tendency to gain ðx ¼ ðIP þ EAÞ=2Þ. The electrophilicity (v) is a measure
electrons and become negatively charged species com- of the stabilisation in energy when the cluster acquires an
pared with the smaller clusters. Pd4 and Pd6 are seen to additional electronic charge from the surroundings. It is
have lower EA values than their neighbouring clusters, closely related to EA and shows same variation with
which support the higher stability of these two clusters as changing cluster size. In Figure 5(a), we present the
suggested by the atom addition energy change and the variation in electrophilicity with respect to the number of
stability function. atoms in the cluster. In the case of B3P86 functional, the
The variation in chemical hardness with respect to the electrophilicity values are higher compared with those of
number of atoms is plotted in Figure 4(a). The hardness the other two functionals. We observed that in general v
value is seen to decrease with increasing cluster size increases as the cluster grows in size, i.e. the larger cluster
except for a small shoulder at n ¼ 6, 8 and 11. The has stronger tendency to accept electrons. It is consistent
observed trend is expected since in larger clusters the with what we observed from EA and electronegativity. The
electrons are more loosely bound, and the clusters are electrophilicity for Pd10 is the highest (4.532 eV at B3LYP/
more prone to change their electronic structure.[60] The LanL2DZ level of calculation) as expected as Pd10 was
chemical potential measures the escaping tendency of found to have the highest value of EA among the clusters in
electrons, and electrons tend to flow from a region of high this study. Pd4 has the lowest value of electrophilicity
chemical potential to a region of low chemical potential. (2.379 eV at B3LYP/LanL2DZ level of calculation) and is
The difference in chemical potential causes electron least prone to gain electrons from its surrounding. The
transfer and the flow of the electrons is linearly electrophilicity value of Pd4, Pd6 and Pd9 is found to be
proportional to the difference of chemical potential. lower than their neighbouring clusters, which supports the
Molecular Simulation 7

Polarisability as a function of cluster size is presented in

Figure 5(b). It is to be noted that the polarisability of the
Pdn clusters depends almost linearly on the cluster size, and
it is revealed that smaller clusters have lower polarisability
and higher value of chemical hardness, while larger
clusters have higher polarisability and lower value of
chemical hardness (see Tables S3(i) –(viii)). The observed
trend is expected from the principles of minimum
polarisability [34] and maximum hardness.[23,24]
In this study, we observed that magnetism is
associated with the Pd clusters. In Table 1, we present
the magnetic moment per atom for the lowest energy
structures of Pd clusters with B3LYP functional and
LanL2DZ basis set and are compared with the results of
other DFT calculations. The other two functionals and
basis sets also give the same values (see Table S4). Our
Downloaded by [Assam University, Silchar] at 23:25 16 January 2014

calculated magnetic moments for Pdn clusters up to

n ¼ 11 are exactly same with the results of Granja et al.
[7], with the only exception of Pd10 for which they have
obtained 0.60 mB per atom, greater than our result of
0.40 mB per atom. The magnetic moments for Pdn clusters
up to n ¼ 7 are same with Futschek et al. [8], with the
only exception that Futschek et al. [8] observed zero
magnetic moment for Pd3. The observed magnetic
moments also agree with the results of Kumar et al. [5]
up to Pd7, except for Pd6, which they found to be non-
magnetic. In the case of Pd8, our magnetic moment is
similar to Granja et al. [7] but differ from Kumar et al. [5]
and Futschek et al. [8]. In the case of Pd9 and Pd11, our
calculated magnetic moments are in agreement with the
results of Kumar et al. [5] and Granja et al. [7]. For Pd10,
Figure 5. (a) Change in electrophilicity with number of atoms our calculated magnetic moment 0.40 mB per atom is in
in Pdn (n ¼ 2 – 11) clusters. (b) Change in polarisability with
number of atoms in Pdn (n ¼ 2 – 11) clusters. agreement with the results reported by Futschek et al. [8].
Therefore, in general, our calculated magnetic moments
for Pdn clusters are in good agreement with other DFT
result of their higher stability as predicted from high study.[5,7,8] It is to be noted that clusters studied here are
stability function and low atom addition energy. The very floppy and so many isomeric structures with very
relative stability of these clusters also mimics the validity close in energy exist. These isomers are not only
of MEP since the electrophilicity of these clusters is structural but also magnetic. Researchers have found very
relatively less than that of its neighbouring counterparts. small difference in total energy [61] due to the presence

Table 1. The variation in magnetic moments (mB per atom) with cluster size calculated in this work at B3LYP/LanL2DZ level, and by
Kumar et al. [5], Granja et al. [7] and Futschek et al. [8], is presented.

Magnetic moment Magnetic moment Magnetic moment Magnetic moment

Cluster size in this study by Kumar et al. by Granja et al. by Futschek et al.
Pd2 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Pd3 0.666 0.666 0.666 0.000
Pd4 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500
Pd5 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400
Pd6 0.333 0.000 0.333 0.333
Pd7 0.290 0.290 0.290 0.290
Pd8 0.500 0.250 0.500 0.250
Pd9 0.444 0.444 0.444 0.222
Pd10 0.400 0.600 0.600 0.400
Pd11 0.550 0.550 0.550
8 N.B. Singh and U. Sarkar

Figure 6. (a) Heat capacity (Cv) as function of temperature (at B3LYP/LanL2DZ method). (b) Entropy as function of temperature and
Downloaded by [Assam University, Silchar] at 23:25 16 January 2014

cluster size (at B3LYP/LanL2DZ method). (c) Enthalpy as function of temperature and cluster size (at B3LYP/LanL2DZ method).

of different magnetic moments in cluster and the low- 5. Conclusion

lying spin states are basically controlling the electronic Palladium clusters Pdn containing up to 11 atoms are
and magnetic properties of the cluster. Due to the closed studied using DFT and analysed in terms of various
shell electronic configuration, palladium atom shows no reactivity parameters such as IP, EA, chemical potential,
magnetic moment. This closed shell results weak bonding electronegativity, electrophilicity, chemical hardness and
in the small cluster. However, in cluster, the aggregation polarisability. As the cluster grows in size, the average
of atoms leads to delocalisation of electrons. Upon bond length, BE per atom of the clusters, entropy and
bonding, sp-d hybridisation develops with the depletion enthalpy are found to increase, whereas chemical hardness
of 4d states in each atom. This depletion may be the decreases. Larger clusters have higher polarisability and
reason for magnetism in the small palladium cluster. lower chemical hardness value, which are consistent with
Thermodynamic properties, such as heat capacity at the MPP and MHP. Stability function and atom addition
constant volume (Cv), entropy (S) and enthalpy (H), for energy change predict that Pd4, Pd6 and Pd9 are relatively
these Pdn clusters at different temperatures are computed more stable than their neighbouring clusters. Chemical
and analysed. The vibrational zero-point energies for the reactivity parameters such as EA, electronegativity and
clusters Pd2, Pd3, Pd4, Pd5, Pd6, Pd7, Pd8, Pd9, Pd10 and electrophilicity suggest that larger clusters have stronger
Pd11 are 1.220, 2.790, 4.970, 8.510, 8.130, 9.890, 12.240, tendency to accept electrons. The trend of reactivity
14.400, 16.180 and 17.600 kJ/mol, respectively, in the parameters mimics the result of the change in energy upon
B3LYP/LanL2DZ level of calculation. Increasing the the addition of atom and stability function. All the Pd
number of atoms in the cluster resulted in increase in its clusters are found to be magnetic.
vibrational zero-point energy due to increase in vibrational
modes. As the cluster size becomes larger, the heat
capacity (Cv) of these clusters also becomes higher. The
variation in the heat capacity (Cv) with temperature for Pdn Acknowledgement
is presented in Figure 6(a). It is clear from Figure 6(a) that Dr U. Sarkar acknowledges the support from SHARCNET
Canada for providing computational facilities for this research.
(Cv) is a monotonically increasing function of temperature
and ultimately levels off for high temperatures. Entropy (S)
and enthalpy (H) of Pdn at different temperatures are
presented in Figure 6(b),(c), respectively. Heat capacity,
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