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Hypnosis Winter-Spring, 1999 Vol. 8, No.


(An Invited Address for Division 30)
Charles T. Tart vestigating the FOOLING me that suggestion and expecta-; OURSELVES dimension. It tions had major effects on
took a number of tries before I whether someone even got in-
could find a journal that would toxicated and developed an
August 14, 1998
accept my article for publica- ASC from using marijuana.
Waking from Sleep at a tion. Half the journals had refe- They had an even stronger ef-
Pre-selected Time: rees who rejected it because fect on determining the nature
Impossible and Too Easy? they said the idea that a person of the particular state they got
~ -

That was the MORE dimen- could have that kind of timing into. The proper way to re-
sion, but as I mentioned, the accuracy was ridiculous, "the search this would have been to
FOOLING OURSELVES di- participants must have been run thousands of laboratory par-
mension always comes through. faking it, don't publish the arti- ticipants under all varieties of
In 1970 I was finally able to cle." The other half of the jour- psychological conditions to
publish a study I had carried out nals rejected it because their work out all the interactions.
while at Stanford on waking referees said "Of course, any- This was practically and legally
) from sleep at a pre-selected one can wake up anytime they impossible, given the hysteria
time. Since I had been a child, want to, why bother to waste about marijuana intoxication at
I had the ability to wake up journal space on this?" that time, yet something needed
whenever I wanted to if it was to be done to get an accurate
The ASC Induced by phenomenology and to counter-
necessary to get up early for a Marijuana:
trip or the like. I found no sci- act the rather ridiculous ideas as
entific literature on this ability, In the late sixties and early to the nature of marijuana in-
so I thought I would check it 70's I also began systematic toxication that seemed preva-
out. I had a group of Stanford work on the nature of the ASC lent in the scientific literature.
students take booltlets that gave induced by marijuana intoxica- The literature tended to concen-
various, random, times to wake tion, resulting in a publication in trate on "objective " effects, and
up scattered through the night. Nature on this and a book, On if one gave much weight to that
They mailed their results to me. Being Stoned: A Psychological criterio'n, it seemed that people
I found that there were an ex- Study of Marijuana Intoxica- risked going to jail in order for
tremely high number of exact tion. The book is officially out their eyes to get red and their
time awakenings (editor's note: of print now, but it and the arti- heart rate to be slightly slower
a recent study in Nature sug- cle are available in their entirety than normal! Needless to say,
gests that the hormone adreno- on the Internet from my web something was missing in this
corticotropin surges about an site. description.
hour before anticipated awak-
ening). I thought I was investi- In looking at earlier research I took a practical route. After
, gating the MORE dimension, on psychoactive drugs like confidential, informal, open-
but it turned out I was also in- marijuana, it became obvious to ended interviews with a number
Winter-Spring, 1999 Vol.8, No. 1 Psychological

of marijuana users, I developed tried many systems. The sult is that I now meditate rather
a detailed questionnaire in Beatles then popularized the regularly, enjoying these peri- >-

which users could rate how meditation teachings of the Ma- ods of quiet and clarity, and
often they experienced a par- harishi Mahesh Yogi, his Tran- occasionally teach basic medi-
ticular effect and the minimal scendental Meditation system, tation procedures to others. I
level of intoxication necessary and since they advertised that would not characterize myself
for such experience to occur. this would work for anybody, as a person who experiences
Users could return this question- including "idiots" at medita- wild or unusual or profound
naire anonymously, and the re- tion, I figured it was the system meditative states, but I have
sult was the first systematic for me. So I got trained in it and certainly gotten something very
catalog of the nature of the ASC practiced it fairly regularly for valuable out of it that has
that could be induced by mari- a couple of years. A report of helped me personally and in-
juana. Note that I say "could what I experienced appeared in formed my research.
be." the Journal of Transpersonal
Psychology. Basically, I found Pain Alters One's State and
it relaxed me, and it seemed to Leads to.. .
Psychological factors are im-
portant, and changes in cultural take a lot of incompletely proc- The early and mid 1970's
and psychological variables essed psychological material saw what is probably my most
since doing that study may mean and bring it up to consciousness creative contribution to the sci-
that what people experience to- so that it was processed. It also entific enterprise, namely my
day is somewhat different from had another interesting effect: I proposal, published as a feature
what they experienced then. found it more difficult to enjoy article in Science, to create
the slight intoxication effect state-specific sciences. This
that a glass of wine before din- had its genesis in a Rolfing ses-
I mentioned earlier that I was
ner could bring on! I wasn't sion. Rolfing, as it is collo-
ambivalent about my Altered
sure whether I liked that or not. quially known, or structural
States of Consciousness book
I liked the feeling of clarity that integration to give it its more
still being a good book today
came afeer my transcendental proper name, is a system of
instead of being totally outdated
meditation sessions, but I also deep body work designed to re-
by research. I have the same
liked to take a break into a little lieve stress in the body caused
feelings about my On Being
fuzziness with my glass of wine by old injuries and the like that
Stoned book: I had hoped that
before dinner. have become embodied in the
my work would inspire much
more extensive studies on the connective tissue, the fascia, re-
phenomenology of marijuana I kept up Transcendental sulting in chronically poor pos-
intoxication, but that didn't oc- Meditation for a couple of ture and subsequent chronic
cur and so this book still remains years, then let it slide. In the strains from living in a gravita-
an important reference source. 1980's I met a Westerner who tional field. I was having a Rol-
had trained in the East but then fing session in San Francisco
Opening Up A Little: given a lot of thought to how to and all sorts of creative energy
Meditation for Idiots effectively train people in our and thoughts broke loose,
culture to become effective brought on by the pain of the
The early 1970's also saw an-
meditators. This was Shinzen session: Rolfing was very
other change in the MORE di-
Young, a genius at teaching painful for me, and pain does
mension, in terms of my
meditation, and I learned more indeed alter one's conscious- ,
experiential capacity to under-
stand meditation. I was still a traditional Buddhist meditation ness! By the time 1 had driven -- ,'

procedures from him. The re- from San Francisco back to

poor meditator in spite ofhaving
Hypnosis Winter-Spring, 1999 Vol. 8, No. 1 Page 11

Davis, a little over an hour's make predictions that follow My proposal for states specific
I ) drive, the entire essence of my logically from your theory and sciences was socially premature
state specific sciences proposal take the next step of conducting when it appeared in Science in
had come to me and I had a experiments and gathering ob- 1972, although it drew a great
hundred copies of the lengthy servations to test the validity of deal of comment. Most of our
paper ready to take with me to a your predictions. scientific articles receive no
conference two weeks later. An comment whatsoever by anyone,
updated version of this proposal All of these three steps, ob- unfortunately, even if they con-
has just been published in Cien- servation, theorizing, predic- tribute to the long term building
cia e Cultura, the Journal of the tionltesting could be done by a of the corpus of our knowledge,
Brazilian Association for the ad- single individual, but science is but over I00 Letters to the Editor
vancement of Science, in a spe- a collective enterprise, so there were written to Science as a result
cial issue devoted to developing is a fourth step of sharinglcom- of my article. They could only
a science of consciousness. municating one's activities and publish a few, but they passed all
This new version is also avail- findings in all these other steps, the letters on to me. I noticed an
able on my web site. so that others confirm, deny, or interesting two-fold division in
expand your data, check your them. Most ofthe letters thought
State-specific Sciences theorizing and predictions, etc. the idea of doing science in an
Proposal: ASC was ridiculous: altered
Since not all scientists have ex-
Basically I brought my al- actly the same biases, we get states were degenerations from
tered states of consciousness important relief from the sub- normal, and so my proposal
perspective to the process of sci- jectivity that might otherwise made no sense. I noticed that
ence. Essential science, as I like exist. practically all the writers of these
; .
to call it, begins with curiosity letters were older, established
and humility. You want to scientists in a variety of disci-
What I basically proposed is
know about some aspect of real- plines. The other writers tended
that essential science has so far to be younger people and they all
ity and you admit that your cur- been (officially) done in our or-
rent knowledge is incomplete thought the proposal to establish
dinary state of consciousness, state-specific sciences was won-
and probably biased. So you go but my understanding of any
out and observe what there is to derful and we should get on with
state of consciousness is that
be observed, you get the data. it! Still being fairly young my-
any state has both advantages self, it was rather easy to identify
Then you theorize about it, try- and disadvantages. There is no
ing to be logical in your theoriz- with the younger folks.
one state that is uniformly supe-
ing. At this point in ordinary rior in all regards. Each has its
life, when you come up with a state-specific perceptions, state- The most interesting letter
good theory, you tend to stop, specikc logics, state-specific came from a young psychiatrist
because it's so satisfying to actions, and state-specific com- who sided with the older people:
think you understand some- munications. Thus, if we want all altered states were degenera-
thing. But the basic requirement a complete understanding of tions and pathological, you
of essential science stems from consciousness, we must prac- couldn't possibly do science in
the recognition that any theory tice essential science in a variety them. A few days later, how-
may be a post hoc rationaliza- of states of consciousness, and ever, he followed this up with a
tion, rather than a deeper under- second Letter to the Editor. In

' standing of the phenomenon, so

you are required to test the con-
sequences of your theory: You
create and refine complemen-
tary bodies of state-specific
this he indicated that he was em-
barrassed about writing the sec-
ond letter, but his scientific
Winter-Spring, 1999 Vol.8, No. l Psychological

honesty compelled him to. He maticians who are able to get systems see the psychological
had been thinking about my state into the state of consciousness universe in rather different ways r).
specific sciences proposal while appropriate to understanding than we do. The FOOLING
in an ASC the night before, and them. Not being mathemati- OURSELVES dimension be-
found it made perfect sense in the cally inclined myself, I find this came apparent as the book was
ASC! Since that proposal, inves- fascinating, but will have to take about to be published.
tigation of lucid dreaming is these mathematicians' word for
moving toward becoming a state it, as I'm not capable of getting Just before press time, I re-
specific science. In lucid dream- into an ASC where higher ceived a somewhat frantic call
ing, one is physiologically in a mathematics makes any sense to from the publisher. It seemed
stage 1-REM state, while psy- me ! that one of the major psychologi-
chologically/experientially in a cal book clubs had seen the
dream world, but the pattern of manuscript and wanted to have
consciousness is approximately Broadening Out to the
Psychologies Implicit in the book as their next monthly
that of one's normal waking Spiritual Systems: selection, but, there was a prob-
state, so you can question what is lem. At that time the book was
happening ("How can I obvi- The mid-1970's were an es- titled Spiritual Psychologies.
ously be fully conscious and per- pecially productive time on the
Psychologists, said the book club
ceive what looks and feels like a MORE dimension for me. As a
manager, could not deal with the
real world around me when I result of encounters with vari-
word spiritual! Could we change
know I'm dreaming?"), carry out ous spiritual systems, I came to
the title? Thus the change to
experiments, etc. Lucid dream- realize that there were full- Transpersonal Psychologies, as
ers now have their own cornrnu- fledged psychologies implicit '
the word transpersonal was still
nication media and are within all the world's great
new enough at that time that there
exchanging observations with spiritual systems. I decided to
were no habitual prejudices
each other (print and web-based), bring these out as a way of be- against it !
carrying out experiments and ginning to get us out of our cul-
sharing their results, making ture-boundedness, so I recruited
a group of people who were I also learned a lot about both
some predictions about the na-
very knowledgeable in various the MORE dimension and the
ture of lucid and ordinary dreams
spiritual systems (like Sufism, FOOLING OURSELVES di-
based on theories, testing them,
Yoga, Gurdjieff s Fourth Way mension as I lightly edited the
etc.. Stephen LaBerge at Stan-
system, Christianity, etc.) to contributors' chapters for uni-
ford is a leader in this activity, so
write about these systems as formity of presentation. I con-
I fully expect a state specific sci-
psychologies rather than as re- stantly found myself reading
ence of lucid dreaming to be cre-
ligions. The result was my various psychological ideas and
Transpersonal Psychologies automatically rejecting them as
book. not making sense. Yet I kept re-
Since making the original pro- alizing that I had recruited a
posal, several mathematicians bunch of clearly successful, intel-
have pointed out to me that My Transpersonal Psycholo-
ligent, mature people, getting
mathematics is already a well-de- gies book illustrated both the
along well in the world. Could
veloped state specific science. MORE dimension and the
they really be full of nonsense?
The basic data are internal obser- FOOLING OURSELVES di-
Or was it that my implicit cultural
vations of mathematical "truths," mension. The MORE dimen-
prejudices were getting in the ,,,;
data from which theories are de- sion is clear: People raised in k
rived and tested by other mathe- other cultures and other spiritual
Hypnosis Winter-Spring, 1999 Vol. 8, No. 1

I realized that the latter was the the same thing and don't look at Time is running out but I'll
problem, and so, constantly it. I should've had sense mention just one more major
stimulated by the editing, I con- enough to name the second one thrust of my work, a book pub-
tributed a chapter to the volume Altered States Strikes Back or lished in 1986 called Waking Up:
on the implicit assumptions of Son of Altered States, to keep Overcoming the Obstacles to Hu-
Western psychology and culture. them distinct! man Potential, whose points
This was a real eye opener for were expanded in 1993 in a fol-
me, to realize how many things States of Consciousness is a low-up book called Living the
we just assume and have always quite different book from my Mindful Life. One of the great
assumed as true, but we don't earlier Altered States of Con- influences on my psychological
really know, they are just as- sciousness. The latter was an understanding was the work of G.
sumptions. anthology, covering all sorts of I. Gurdjieff, who was a genius in
fascinating data on many differ- trying to translate Eastern psy-
Another lesson in FOOLING ent ASCs, but States is my syn- chological understandings into
OURSELVES resulted when, thesis of what it all means, a terms suitable for Westerners to
several months later, I told some systems approach, based partly work with. Easterners have an
friends about this chapter I had on my engineering background, idea that we live in samsara. This
written. Each one was interested as to what constitutes a state of Sanskrit term is usually inaccu-
and would ask me "What are consciousness, how any par- rately translated to mean that the
some of these implicit assump- ticular state is stabilized, how world is somehow not real, but
tions?" To my amazement, I one induces an altered state by the point of this concept is really
generally could not remember a interfering with such stabilizing a psychological one, that our per-
single one of them! Since I was processes and then adding dis- ceptions and our thoughts are so
no longer working daily with the rupting and patterning proc- neurotic and distorted that we
material in editing it, they had all esses, etc.. It's not a simplistic live our psychological lives
become implicit again! This was view of consciousness, and I badly out of touch with our true
a good lesson about assumptions recognize that we really like nature and what actually goes on
and the power they have over us, simple sorts of views. But my the world, and consequently have
which I've tried to keep in mind. background in engineering was a great deal, of unnecessary suf-
The problem is, of course, that in work with complex systems, fering.
it's hard to remember the as- and consciousness is more com-
sumptions we make. plex than anything I've ever What amazes me is that while
worked with in the physical this concept of living in samsara
Making Sense of the Variety world, so I don't expect an un- is strange by contemporary
of Altered States: Western standards, we Western
derstanding to be simple. While
psychologists probably know a
In the same year that I publish- the States of Consciousness
great deal more about the nuts
ed my Transpersonal Psycholo- book is officially out of print, it and bolts of exactly how one
gies book, I also published my is also available in toto online lives in samsara than they do in
States of Consciousness book. via my web site, as are articles the East! We know about things
A word of advice for you book in which I've now greatly ex- like perceptual defense, the con-
writers out there: never publish panded this systems approach structed nature of perception, de-
two books with similar titles! framework by using analogies fense .mechanisms, neuroses,
People who have to read my Al- from computer-generated vir- psychoses, and many more ways
.) tered States of Consciousness tual reality devices to show how in which we do indeed live in a
book automatically think that the we already live in a biological- biological-psychological virtual
States of Consciousness book is psychological virtual reality. reality, bearing only a partial re-
Winter-Spring, 1999 Vol.8, No. 1 Psychological

semblance to actual reality. I tions, one kind of research I am met so many scientists over the
could go on at length about this following is looking at strong years who, after they realize it's ,
work, as a practical application emotions as ASCs. It's now safe to talk to me, will reveal that
of mindfulness training to help clear to me that within our ordi- they've had some profound
us be more intelligent and effec- nary state of consciousness we spiritual or psychic or transper-
tive in the world, quite aside can have mild levels of any sonal experiences, but they have
from its psychological import, emotion but still remain in our never been able to talk about
but I am out of time. same, baseline state of con- them in their own scientific com-
sciousness. I can be a little sad, munity for fear of being laughed
In Conclusion? or a little angry, but I'm still at and rejected. I'm in the proc-
basically me with all my habits ess of setting up a TSEOS web
In a talk like this the conven- of thought and perception. But site where such people will be
tion is that I should reach some once almost any emotion goes able to anonymously share their
sort of conclusion. Certainly I beyond a certain threshold, an experiences with each other.
can say that we can be so much ASC is induced. Depression, That will help get them get their
more than we are now, that there for example, is not ordinary experiences off their chests,
are transpersonal/spiritual di- consciousness with lot of sad- which should be good for peo-
mensions of existence whose re- ness instead of a little sadness, ple, it will help to dispel the
alization and development are it's a state in which time percep- stereotype that "real scientists"
essential for full health and de- tion changes (this terrible state don't have spiritual experiences,
velopment. But I also have to will go on forever. ...), and some and will provide some very in-
balance this by saying that it is people literally see red in the teresting research data, as scien-
clear that we can fool ourselves ASC of rage, which is not the tists are good observers.
badly, we thoroughly live in illu- same thing as our ordinary state
sion, in samsara, often illusions plus a lot of anger. Finally, I am really enjoying
that are shared by our culture and teaching our graduate students
colleagues and so very difficult Another direction I'm going at the Institute of Transpersonal
to detect. These illusions can be in, almost another dimension Psychology how to develop
"spiritual" illusions, i.e., we can that bridges all my work, is to mindfulness in everyday life.
believe in ideas about apparent try to form bridges between the I'm an old-fashioned psycholo-
spiritual reality that are indeed open minded scientific commu- gist in one sense: I think psy-
illusory. But these illusions can nity and the open minded spiri- chology is and should be the
also be "n~aterialistic,"fashion- tual community. I think both study of the mind. But, you
ably scientistic, and put us just as communities have a great deal have to learn how to observe the
much out of touch. to teach each other, and working mind in a thorough fashion, so
in both of them is not really mindfulness training is not only
So, there really is no "conclu- incompatible. Being closed useful in everyday life, but it
sion" to my life's work. The dy- minded, being narrow in either also creates the possibility of a
namic between discovering the sphere, is what leads to conflict. real psychology. Thank you
MORE that is possible for us and To me there is no essential con- again for asking me to speak
the ways we call fool ourselves flict between essential science with you today!
about both the MORE in the or- and true spirituality, but there's
dinary and in the extraordinary plenty of conflict between dog-
still continues to go on. It's ex- matic scientism and dogmatic
citing, it's frustrating, it's inspir- religiosity.
ing, and it's fun!
A third line I'm working on
Directions Into the Future: is what I call my TSEOS pro-
ject, Transpersonal/Spiritual
Where am I going with all Experiences of Scientists. I've
this? To illustrate just four direc-

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