Incident After School On Wednesday 12th October 2022

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Headteacher: Andy Stainton B.Ed MBA NPQH FRSA

Worcester Crescent, Mill Hill, London NW7 4LL

Tel: 020 8238 8180
Aiming Higher – Promoting Harmony – Achieving Excellence

13th October 2022

Dear Parents Carers,
RE: Incident after school on Wednesday 12th October 2022
At the end of the school day on Wednesday 12th October, there was a situation where two young
people appeared at the school gate demonstrating aggressive and threatening behaviour, causing
some concern amongst a small proportion of the school community.
The school actioned our safeguarding procedures immediately which involved calling the police to
ensure our students remained safe. There was a quick response from the police who attended and
dealt with the incident swiftly.
We have subsequently been made aware of some rumours circulating citing the possession of a knife,
somebody getting stabbed, and our school security guard being injured. I am pleased to confirm that
this is not true.
I would like to reassure parents that safeguarding our young people will always be the number one
priority for the school and that the school remains a safe space for students.
Kind regards,

Steve Booth
Deputy Headteacher
Mill Hill County High School Registered in England No. 7713287

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