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1. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about the Saga Dawa
Festival of Sikkim.

Saga Dawa is an important festival for the Mahayana Buddhists as it ............(i) the three most
important phases of Gautama Buddha – his birth, his enlightenment and his attaining nirvana.
This triple celebration, which is the biggest in Sikkim, .................(ii) on the full moon of the
fourth month of the lunar calendar of the Buddhists and typically falls between the end of
May to beginning of June – what the rest of India celebrates as Buddh Poornima. The day is
celebrated with people ..................(iii)a visit to the Sikkim monasteries and offering lamps of
butter to show their devotion and love.
i) a) celebrates b) is celebrated c) celebrating d) was celebrated
ii) a) observes b) is observed c) was observed d) observed
iii) a) pays b) payed c) paying d) were payin
Read the dialogue and complete the following passage based on it.

2. sanjau: I am surprised to see you here in delhi. When did you come?

Madan: I came here yesterday. I have been offered a job here.

Sanjay told madam………………. and asked ………………Madan replied that he had come
there the previous day and added that……………………….

3. The hospital board clearly mentioned that you …………… not smoke in the hospital as
it is a health hazard for all.

4. Madam , when _______ you be able to spare sometime for it?

a. would b. could c. might d. Should

5. I had to live in florida and california for many years because of my studies but I don't
like _____ state much

(a) both (b) two (c) either (d) neither

6.Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine report and supply the

Delhi deputy CM Manish Sisodia, who also holds the education portfolio, on Sunday
tweeted that all schools in Delhi to remain shut till October 31 due to poor air quality.

Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction

7. Report and convert the following instruction that a parent gave to their children.

Don't go now for getting some ice cream and cake.

8. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the quote by a philosopher.
Man's goodness is a flame that……………….be hidden but never extinguished.

(i) can (ii) may be (iii) will (iv) must

9. Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between a Guru and his

Disciple: Is courage the absence of fear?

Guru: A brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

A disciple asked his Guru if courage was the absence of fear to which the teacher replied that
a brave man……………………………………………………….

(i) is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

(ii) was not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

(iii) is not he who did not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

(iv) is not he who did not feel afraid, but he who conquered that fear.

10. identify the error issued by the traffic police department and supply the correction, for
the following instruction:

Be Wish, Obey Traffic Rules

Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction


1. Celebrates, is observed, payed

 2.Sanjay told Madan that he was surprised to see him there in Delhi and asked when did he
 Madan replied that he had come there the previous day and added that he had been
offered a job there.

3. must


5. both remain, will remain

7.a parent advised their children, not to go then for getting some ice cream and cake

8. can

9. is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear

10. wish- wise

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