Laporan: Bahril Fahmi Bahtiar (19562020041) M.Rizky Choirudin A (19562020054)

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Menganalisi Dataset Cryotherapy Menggunakan Weka Dan Perhitungan

Decision Tree Dengan Sampel Dataset Cryotherapy

Disusun oleh;

Bahril Fahmi Bahtiar (19562020041)

M.Rizky Choirudin A (19562020054)


1. Cari dataset yang ada di uci machine learning, dan proseslah sehingga proses nilai akurasi
menjadi bagus, (metode yang digunakan di weka bebas) dan jelaskan prosesnya
bagaimana ?
Kami Mengambil data set yang ada di uci machine learning yaitu Cryotheraphy

Cryotherapy Dataset Data Set

Download: Data Folder, Data Set Description

Abstract: This dataset contains information about wart treatment results of 90 patients using cryotherapy.

Data Set Number of

Univariate 90 Area: Life
Characteristics: Instances:

Attribute Number of 2018-01-

Characteristics: Integer, Real Attributes: 7 Date Donated

Number of Web
Associated Tasks: Classification Missing Values? N/A 61723

Name: Fahime Khozeimeh, MD
email: fahime.khozeime '@'
institution: Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.

Name: Pouran Layegh, Professor of Dermatology

email: layeghpo '@'
institution: Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
website: 000703

Name:Roohallah Alizadehsani, PhD student

email: alizadeh_roohallah '@'
institution: Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (IISRI), Deakin University, Victoria 3217,

Name: Mohamad Roshanzamir, PhD candidate

email: mohamad.roshanzamir '@'
institution: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.

Data Set Information:

Provide all relevant information about your data set.

Attribute Information:
Provide information about each attribute in your data set.

Relevant Papers:
1. F. Khozeimeh, R. Alizadehsani, M. Roshanzamir, A. Khosravi, P. Layegh, and S. Nahavandi, 'An expert system for
selecting wart treatment method,' Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 81, pp. 167- 175, 2/1/ 2017.
2. F. Khozeimeh, F. Jabbari Azad, Y. Mahboubi Oskouei, M. Jafari, S. Tehranian, R. Alizadehsani, et al.,
'Intralesional immunotherapy compared to cryotherapy in the treatment of warts,' International Journal of
Dermatology, 2017, DOI: 10.1111/ijd.13535
3. Intralesional immunotherapy with Candida antigen compared to cryotherapy in the treatment of warts. M
Teimoorian, F Khozeimeh, P Layegh, R Alizadehsani
American Academy of Dermatology, 2016
Berikut tampilan menggunakan sebagian data set dari Cryotheraphy:
 Hasil uji coba menggunakan metode Cryotheraphy

Pada gambar di atas dapat di ketahui nilai Correctly dan Incorrectly sebagai

berikut: Correctly Classified Instances 77%

Incorrectly Classified Instances 23 %

 Hasil uji coba menggunakan metode Cryotheraphy

Pada gambar di atas dapat di ketahui nilai Correctly dan Incorrectly

sebagai berikut: Correctly Classified Instances 85%

Incorrectly Classified Instances 15%

 Perhitungan Decision tree pada data set Cryotherapy

sex age Number_of_Warts Type Area
1 3 5 1 100 0
1 2 5 1 100 1
1 3 5 3 150 0
1 3 10 3 150 0
1 3 5 1 100 0
1 3 5 2 100 1
1 2 10 1 100 1
2 2 5 3 150 0
2 2 5 1 150 0
2 1 5 1 100 1
2 1 5 1 100 1
2 1 5 3 150 1
2 1 5 1 100 0
2 1 5 1 100 1

 Mencari entropi semua

E ( semua )=−( ( 1|semua )∗log 2 ( p ( 1|semua ) ) +¿ ( 2|semua )∗log 2 ( p ( 2|semua ) ) )

E(semua) = - (7/14)*log2(7/14)+(7/14)*log2(7/14)
E(semua) = 1

 Mencari nilai entropi masing-masing nilai fitur age

E( Semua1)=−( ( 1|1 )∗log 2 ( p ( 1|1 ) ) +¿ ( 2|1 )∗log 2 ( p ( 2|1 ) ) )

E( Semua1)=¿ -(0/5*log2(0/5) + (5/5*log2(5/5)

E( Semua1)=¿ 0

E( Semua2)=−( ( 1|2 )∗log 2 ( p ( 1|2 ) ) +¿ ( 2|2 )∗log 2 ( p ( 2|2 ) ) )

E( Semua2)=¿ -(2/4*log2(2/4) + (2/4*log2(2/4)

E( Semua2)=¿ 1

E( Semua3)=−( ( 1|3 )∗log 2 ( p ( 1|3 ) ) + ¿ ( 2|3 )∗log 2 ( p (2|3 ) ) )

E( Semua3)=¿ - (5/5*log2(5/5) +(0/5*log2(0/5)

E( Semua3)=¿ 0

Hasil perhitungan entropy dan gain

node     Jumlah 1 2 Entropy Gain

1 Total   14 7 7 1  
  age 1 5 0 5 0 0,7143
    2 4 2 2 1  
    3 5 5 0 0  
  Number_of_Warts 5 12 5 7 0,9799 0,1601
  10 2 2 0 0  
  Type 1 9 4 5 -0,0561
    2 1 1 0 0  
    3 4 2 2 1  
Area 1,19836
  100 9 5 4 -0,1171
    150 5 2 3  
  0 7 4 3 0,0148
Result_of_Treatmen 8
t 0,98522
  1 7 3 4  

Hasil Pemisahan data oleh Age

age Number_of_Warts Type Area Result_of_Treatment sex

1 5 1 100 1 2
1 5 1 100 1 2
1 5 3 150 1 2
1 5 1 100 0 2
1 5 1 100 1 2
2 5 1 100 1 1
2 10 1 100 1 1
2 5 3 150 0 2
2 5 1 150 0 2
3 5 1 100 0 1
3 5 3 150 0 1
3 10 3 150 0 1
3 5 1 100 0 1
3 5 2 100 1 1
Untuk node di cabang 1,3 entropynya bernilai 0 sehingga dapat dipastikan semua node 1,3 masuk
dikelas yang sama dan node yang dituju oleh cabang 1,3 menjadi daun (node terminal)

Perhitungan entropy dan gain setelah pemisahan dengan fitur Age

node     Jumlah 1 2 Entropy Gain
1 Total   4 2 2 1  
  Number_of_Warts 5 3 1 2 0,9183 0,3113
  10 1 1 0 0  
  Type 1 3 2 1 0,7318
    3 1 0 1 1  
  Area 100 2 2 0 0 1,0000
    150 2 0 2 0  
  Result_of_Treatmen 0 2 0 2 0 1,0000
  t 1 2 2 0 0  

Hasil Akhir Induksi decision tree


Area Result_of

1 2 1 2

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