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We acknowledge our Regional Director___________________, our Assistant Regional

Director for Administration ___________________, our Assistant Regional Director for

Operations ______________________, our Regional Chief of Directorial Staff,
_______________, all the Chiefs and Heads of Divisions and Offices, Jail Officer Ranks,
Jail Non-Officer Ranks, Non-Uniformed Personnel and all joining us thru Zoom platform
online, Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning.
Welcome to our traditional Monday virtual flag ceremony live here at the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology Regional Office- National Capital Region, Quezon City.
To begin the ceremony, let us all sing “Ang Pambansang Awit ng Pilipinas”.
Please remain standing as we invoke for a Divine Intervention through a prayer to be
led by ___________________.
The “Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng Pilipinas ” and the “Panunumpa ng
Lingkod Bayan” will be led by _____________________. To be followed by the singing
of the “Awit ng Serbisyo Sibil”.
Before we end this Monday Flag Ceremony, let us all sing with pride and honor the
BJMP Hymn.
And that concludes this Monday morning ceremony. In behalf of the ______________,
we would like to thank you for joining us in our Virtual Flag Ceremony. Have a
wonderful and blessed anniversary week to all of us. Once again good morning!

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