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X: Hello, you are my new roommate, right?

Y: Hello, yes, my name is (..........................) I am doing a student exchange. I'm

sorry but what is your name

X: oh, sorry, my name is (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,). where are you from?

Y: I'm from Australia

X: Well, we have different times, I hope you don't feel tired

Y: Yes, I hope so too, but I adapt quickly.

X: that sounds good what is your routine?

Y: I get up early at 6 and I make breakfast at 7. then I have breakfast and I try to
make it fast because I have to go to class. And you?

X: I get up early at 8 and eat bread, cheese and coffee to

breakfast. And then I go to my classes. What do you do in your livery timepos?

Y: I'm going to the beach house. when I arrive home. There I play soccer with
my brothers and you

X: I visit tourist places, eat ice cream and buy desserts for myself.

Y: How did you decide to do an exchange?

X: Well, I got a scholarship.

Y: Oh well, I'll apply to one too, but I'm on my fourth cycle.

X: Well, but tell me, how did you decide to study this career?

Y: Well, I like math and science too and I love helping people, how about you?

X: I would like to help my parents in their businesses.

Y: How long do you stay here at the university?

X: if it goes well I stay for a cycle or two, if not I have to go back

Y: I hope we get along because we will share the same room and good luck
with your start of classes.

X: Good luck to you too and I hope we get along, nice to meet you

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