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Lilith: Letter 1

Meditation is something that has always come easy to me. I began practicing when I was a
young teen to deal with anxiety and depression. It has proven to be a useful tool even before my
involvement with Dragon Rouge. DR has however helped me hone this ability. Through the training
provided I find myself able to stay in meditation much longer and have much greater effects than I ever
have before.

My dreaming however, needs much improvement. I have begun to keep a journal and I have only been
able to utilize it 4 or 5 times in the last few months. I’ve never slept well and have always kept
inconsistent hours. So, certainly something to work on. I’m actively making efforts to fix my sleeping
schedule and patterns and I’m noticing an impactful change already. I’ve begun to go to sleep earlier
and at the same times every day, making sure I get at least 6 hours sleep. I’m also making efforts to
decompress before bed and cutting things out like napping which is harder than I expected thanks to
having a very mentally taxing job. As of now the effects of sleeping have drastically improved but, dream
recall has not. I’m expecting this to improve over time as I make efforts to facilitate better dreaming.

As for the act of will and courage, I’ve made numerous. I received a promotion and raise at work after
proving myself as well as a shift change to better facilitate sleep. I reestablished a connection with my
mother after not talking for years for several reasons, though the connection has faded once more. This
was not my doing however and I made all the effort necessary to continue the relationship. I’ll waste no
more energy on it. I also attempted to contact my step father only to finds that he has passed. This
brought to me an unexpected lesson and I feel may have been one brought to me by forces unseen....

Last but not least I’ve been making greater strides in my life to live more consciously. I’m no longer
satisfied with remaining a passenger in my own life. This too, I feel is an act of will. I picked back up
painting and learning my instrument of choice. I’m learning Swedish and then maybe French. I’m using
my time more wisely and consciously. All in all life has improved greatly since I’ve started this course
and I’m very excited to see where this path leads and who I’ll become while following it.

Ho Drakon Ho Megas

Kurt Dunbar

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