Agile Seminar

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Karnatak Law Society’s


Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Udyambag Belagavi -590008
Karnataka, India.

A Course Activity Report on

“ClickUp Tool”
Submitted for the requirements of 7th semester B.E. in CSE

for “Agile Development Methodology”

Submitted by


1)Rufiya Choudhari 2GI19CS119

2)Rehan Gadag 2GI19CS114

3)Rashmi Kadam 2GI19CS113

4)Sumedha Kulkarni 2GI19CS156

Under the guidance of

Prof. Raghavendra Jadhav

Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE

Academic Year 2022-23 (Odd semester)

 Introduction

 How to Get Started with ClickUp?

 Click Up Features

 ClickUp Software Pros and Cons

 How to implement an Agile workflow with ClickUp

- I. Manage different Agile frameworks with multiple views

- II. Visually keep track of your progress with Dashboards

 Conclusion

 References

What is ClickUp?
A cloud-based project management solution called ClickUp
manages projects while striking a difficult balance between offering an astounding
number of features and ensuring they are affordable and easy to use. To better
align workflows with objectives, it allows teams the ability to collaborate and
define shared tasks, complete with status updates and project updates. It is one of
the top project management software solutions available due to its high degree of
customization and ability to provide excellent visibility into each project and job.
How to Get Started with ClickUp?

 Register for a Free plan by going to the official ClickUp website. Since
everything is done through your browser, there is no need to download any apps
to your computer. But if you want to, you can download it. 
 Enter your name and email address on the sign-up page, create a secure
password, then click the Play with ClickUp button.
 A 4-digit verification number will then be sent to your email by ClickUp. The
software will bring you to your individual ClickUp workspace after you enter
the code. You can now set up your workstation as you like since everything is

Click Up Features

 Multitask Toolbar

You may manage multiple things at once with the multitask toolbar in ClickUp.
Your tasks can easily have their due dates, statuses, or dependencies changed by
selecting them as a group and making the appropriate changes. This capability will
come in handy for project managers when they need to update tasks for specific
projects in bulk or redistribute them when a team member cannot work.

 Customization

Customizability is one of ClickUp's main selling factors. This kind of fully

configurable online solution enables you to manage your projects however you see
fit, alter your workflow and business model, as well as your preferences and any
other factors that are necessary.

 Real-Time Reporting

Create, import, and customize reports easily with the ClickUp app. With the help
of this tool, you can have a better picture of how your team is performing,
including which projects each member is presently working on as well as any
missed deadlines and tasks that have been finished.
 Time Tracking

You can more effectively manage your time at work and focus on your work,
thanks to ClickUp's customizable time tracking functionality. 

 Mobile App

Given that conducting business while on the go has grown frequent, ClickUp is
one of the few project management solutions to include a well-designed mobile
app that may help with completing tasks, reading essential notifications, and
assigning projects.

ClickUp Software Pros and Cons


 Customer-centric

Based on the requirements of its users, ClickUp continuously adds new features,
upgrades, and additions. 

 Simple Design

Everything is made simple to observe and comprehend using ClickUp. Teams can
manage numerous projects with the layout.

 Amazingly Customizable 

You receive an utterly scalable project management solution that enables you to
customize your tasks and adapt the system to your individual tastes, business
model, and work processes. 

 Automation 

Within ClickUp, automating routine procedures is straightforward. Teams have the

choice of using pre-built automation recipes or customizing them on the platform.
Teams can automatically assign work or archive jobs once they have passed their
due dates, thanks to these automation tools.

 Appropriate For Both Groups and Individuals 

If you're a freelancer, the free plan is reasonably generous and perfect for you.
There are also four paid plans available that offer various feature sets and support
teams of varying sizes.


 Can Be Tough to Learn

ClickUp is a complex piece of software that takes some time to understand because
of the sheer amount of functions and the breadth of customization choices. 

 Loaded With Features

ClickUp is highly durable and has a wide range of functionality. This has the
potential to be both beneficial and detrimental. Users who require more
straightforward software that is easier to use may need to find something else.

How to implement an Agile workflow with ClickUp?

Implementing Agile workflow management is far easier once you’ve got the right
project management tool. Luckily, Agile workflow management is what ClickUp
was built for. ClickUp is one of the world’s highest-rated Agile tools. It’ll help you
implement the principles of Agile to manage your tasks and sprints effectively. 
Here’s a quick breakdown of ClickUp’s features:
I. Manage different Agile frameworks with multiple views
As Agile is all about adapting to changes, your project management tool needs to
be adaptable too! Instead of using rigid management tools that force you to
adapt to their interface, ClickUp gives you multiple views that adapt to your
team’s Agile frameworks. Additionally, unlike other Agile tools, you can switch
between views in the same project! Here’s a closer look at these views:
1) Required Task Views
ClickUp has two required task views to adapt to two popular Agile
development approaches:
A. Board View
If you’re a fan of Kanban based development methods, this is the view for you. 
Here’s how you use this Kanban view for Agile Development
This Kanban board interface helps you quickly move items around to keep up with
the Agile process.

B. List View
This is the perfect view for fans of GTD-style to-do lists. Here, your tasks are
listed down in a simple checklist that can be checked off as you progress. 
Here’s how you use this view for Agile Project Management
Use this view to keep track of your sprint lists. As your backlog items are listed
down sequentially, you tackle them easily.

2) Box View
The Box view is a great view for workflow management. It gives you a high-level
overview of all your current tasks.
Here’s how you use this view for Agile Development
Use this view for high-level views of your project activities. As each sprint’s tasks
are sorted by assignee, a project manager can quickly identify who’s working on
3) Calendar View
ClickUp’s Calendar view helps you quickly plan and manage your work schedule
and sprints. You can view all your upcoming tasks to quickly prepare for them.
Here’s how you use this view for Agile Development
Use this view to carefully plan your upcoming sprints and identify when you can
add items from your backlog. 

You can even toggle between calendar views for added flexibility:
 Days: To view project tasks scheduled on a given date
 4-Days: To view scheduled tasks over a rolling four-day period
 Week: For your weekly sprint schedule
 Monthly: For your project roadmap for the next month
4) Me Mode
ClickUp’s “Me” mode will only highlight comments, subtasks and task lists that
are assigned to you. This minimizes distractions – helping you focus better
on your deliverables.
II. Visually keep track of your progress with Dashboards
ClickUp’s Dashboards are perfect for high-level overviews of all your Agile
projects. Simply add your sprint lists and tasks to these Dashboards to see how
things are going.
Here’s a closer look at what you can track:
A. Velocity
ClickUp’s velocity charts help you track the completion rate of your tasks. Tasks
are broken down into weekly or bi-weekly intervals and their average velocity is

B. Burndown Charts
ClickUp’s burndown charts help you track how well you’re doing against a target
line. It highlights how much work is still left to be done. 
Here’s what each release burndown chart highlights:
 Target progress: The ideal pace needed to meet your deadlines
 Projected progress – Your current progress rate based on tasks currently
 Active – The actual number of tasks you’ve completed
C. Burnup Charts
Burnup charts highlight what’s been completed against your remaining
This helps you view what you’ve accomplished so far to motivate your team to the
finish line.

D. Cumulative Flow Charts

Cumulative flow charts help you visualize and track project progress over time. As
tasks are colored based on their status, you can easily see where things are and
identify bottlenecks quickly!
A superb and adaptable platform with many cutting-edge features, ClickUp. It
enables users to personalize the view kinds, making it simple to keep up with the
business's activity. Small firms and budget-conscious sole proprietors stand to gain
the most from this software. ClickUp is one of the ultimate agile management
tools. It is used for anyone who uses agile methodology. It is the only project
management tool whose goal is "to move quickly and easily". ClickUp is in the
hand of some of the most famous agile team, including Google and Apple! It is a
free forever plan, so, the team can get their hand of ClickUp.


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