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Chapter 1

Background of the Study

Lumpiang shanghai is also known as Filipino spring rolls or simply Lumpia. It is a Filipino deep
fried appetizer consisting of mixture of (Ground Pork) wrapped in a thin egg crepe. Lumpiang shanghai
is regarded as the most basic type of Lumpiang shanghai in Filipino cuisine, and it is usually smaller and
thinner than other Lumpia variants despite the name of the dish, it does not originated from shanghai or
china. It is a Filipino version of Taquizo, it is named after its resemblance to the generic Chinese cuisine
spring rolls. The early version of the wrap is made of tortilla from Spanish corn flour masa until Chinese
migrants opened business in the Philippines and introduced their own version wrap made from rice
flour, hence, it is called Lumpia wrapper. Lumpia itself is combined Spanish and Chinese Filipino
influence origin, brought by migrants from Fujah and early Spanish colonial era but Filipino Lumpia
varieties as well as the wrapped used which are thinner in comparison to Chinese spring roll wrapped
hane been native.
Eggplant (Solanum Melongena) is also known as Aubergines, belong to the nightshades family of
plants. Although often considered as vegetable, they are technically a fruit. Eggplant being a low on
carbohydrate and calorie, feature high on loss diet plant. Also the saponin in the eggplant abstract fat
accumulation and absorption in the body. Thereby making it a great addition to your diet. Eggplant
contains a Phytonutrients (plant anemically with nutritional benefits) and antioxidants, protecting from
cells damage, supporting brain and health and a great source of fiber, copper, potassium, and B-vitamin.
Tofu, also known as curd in English, is a food prepared by coagulating soy milk and then pressing
the resulting curds into solid white blocks varying softness; it can be silken, soft, firm, extra firm or
super firm, beyond these broad textual categories. There are many varieties of tofu. Tofu contains
several anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant phytochemicals making it great addition to an anti-inflammatory
diet. It is also good source of “complete” protein- meaning that that is has a well-balanced Amino acid
provide in addition to fiber, potassium, magnesium iron, copper, and manganese. Tofu is a super food
not just for vegans or vegetarians. Tofu is also considered as stapled foods eaten daily in Asia. It is good
memory and brain health. Tofu has fiber, and higher diets keeps colon and cancer risk low. Some studies
suggest soy foods like tofu might prevent memory loss and trouble thinking.
The Researcher have chosen Lumpiang shanghai Eggplant with Tofu because this is one of the
favorite food of Filipino and it is easy to make at home, this is special because this dish is always served
every time there is a special occasion, it is like the main dish for the occasions. We innovate on the
ingredients and made it healthier. Instead of using pork in our Lumpiang Shanghai we substitute it with
tofu because pork is not healthy in our body. And also the ingredients is always available in the market.
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literatures and Studies
This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies about Lumpiang Shanghai Tofu with
Eggplant of a Senior High School Students at Camalig National High School. This chapter also shows
the synthesis of the art, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, and paradigm.

Related Literature
The name of Lumpiang shanghai hints at the Chinese origin of Lumpia, which first traveled at the
Philippines with ninth-century Chinese traders. Rolls similar to Lumpia are made throughout Asia-in
China, they are friend and called spring rolls. It is a Filipino and Indonesian adaptations of the Fujianese
and Teochew popiah, which was created during the 17th century in the former Spanish Colonial era. In
the Philippines, Lumpia is the one of the most common dishes served in gathering and celebrations. A
Lumpiang Shanghai recipe is know all Filipinos are proud of!

Related studies
There is a common saying that vegetarian do not get as much nutrient as meat lover, the difference
between the tofu and meat is that tofu is the most nutrients food, the more you eat tofu the more you
become healthier. Meat do not contain much proteins and it is not meet the dietary levels. Lumpiang
Shanghai does not contain any meat, it is good for those kids who do not want to eat vegetables and to
those people who want to maintain their healthy diet. To those who are interested about Lumpiang
shanghai tofu with eggplant, it is an eggplant mixed with tofu.

Synthesis of the art

This study were found useful because it related to the present study and it can help the researcher to
make a product that not well-known in taste of the customer. With these study reviewer, the researcher
were able to know that there is no similar product to their study.
Theoretical Framework
Eggplant are considered as one of the useful health foods because their rich contents of proteins,
carbohydrates, vitamins, fibers, and minerals and very low fat. Though eggplant provide lots of health
benefits, their consumption is confined mostly to china, followed by India, Egypt, Turkey and Iran.
Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Spain and the Philippines complete the top 10. It is always considered as health
food especially in the new millennium because of its high dietary fiber and low fat content.

Conceptual Framework
To explain this study the researcher used data gathering.The input, output and process to explain the
flow of this study. As you can see the third column shows the output of the study, the researcher used
this data gathering to gesture the study of marketing price of this product in Camalig, Albay.
Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined operationally to provide common reference

Lumpiang Shanghai. It is a Filipino-style spring rolls usually made of ground pork,

chicken, or beef filling wrapped in thin crepes called Lumpia Wrappers.

Tofu. Is made by pressing curdling soy milk into a solid block. Some tofu is firmed while others
are more soft and smooth.

Eggplant. Also known as Aubergines, belong to the nightshade family of plant and are used in
many different dishes around the world. Eggplant with a deep purple skin are most common, they can be
red, green or even black.

Nutrients. Foods that naturally are nutrient-rich include fruits and vegetables. Lean meats,
fish, whole grains, dairy, legumes nuts, and seeds also are high in nutrients.

Health. Eating a wide variety of healthy foods helps to keep you in good health and protects you
against chronic disease. Eating a well-balanced diet means eating a variety of foods from each of the 5
foods groups daily, in the recommended is also important to choose a variety of foods from
within each food group.

Lumpia Wrapper. Is also referred to as Popiah and more generally as spring roll
wrapper are thin paper-like skins. They are soft and light texture but they are strong enough to wrap and
hold your fillings without breaking apart.

Market. A place where parties can gather to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. Most
markets rely on sellers offering their goods or service to buyers in exchange for money.




Lumpiang Shanghai Tofu with Eggplant

Input Process Output

1. What is the level of
>Distribution of the >To evaluate the
acceptability of
Lumpiang Shanghai acceptance of Tofu
Lumpiang Tofu with
Tofu with Eggplant and Eggplant as one
Eggplant in terms of;
to the respondent. of the ingredients in
a. Appearance
>Distribution of making Lumpiang
b. Texture
survey form Shanghai.
c. Taste
>Statistical >Tofu and Eggplant
d. Aroma
Treatment of data to be the alternative
>Tallying Analysis ingredients in
2. What is the
and Interpretation of making a Lumpiang
proportion of the
Data. Shanghai.
ingredients of
Lumpiang Shanghai
Tofu with Eggplant?

3. What is the
procedure for making
the Lumpiang
Shanghai Tofu with

Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm

Chapter 3

This research will be conducted to identify the determinants of making the Lumpiang Shanghai Tofu
with Eggplant. This represent the comprehensive description about research design, samples and
sampling techniques, research instruments, validation of instruments, data gathering procedures,
statistical tools, and treatments to obtain the research of the study of this paper.


Research Design
This study “Eggplant Tofu with Eggplant”

Samples and Sampling Techniques

This research study was conducted by the Grade 12 students from the strand of Technical Vocational
Livelihood (TVL) on the Camalig National High School. The participants of this research study are five
students and all of them are still studying at the public school. The researchers are four females and one
boy. The four females ages ranged from 17-18 years old while the one boy is 18 years old

Research Instrument

Validation of Instrument

Data Gathering

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