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Research Template

Target Market
- What kind of person is going to get the most out of this product?

Insecure men who have self-confidence issues, martial arts fans who have
never trained, and men who have trained in certain martial arts that did not
help them in a fight.

- Who are the best current customers, with the highest LTV?

Men 18-30 years old

- What attributes do they have in common?

They lack of self-confidence or they love MMA

- Name, age and face. This makes it much easier for you to imagine them as
a real, individual person.
- Background and mini life history. You need to understand the general
context of their life and previous experience.
- Day-in-the-life. If you can get a rough idea of what the average day in their
life looks like you will be able to relate more easily to them.
- Values. What do they believe is most important? What do they despise?
- Outside forces. What outside forces or people does the Avatar feel
influences their life?

John is a 20-year-old overweight lazy student. In his free time, he plays

video games and goes to parties to get drunk. He suffers for Emily, who he
has been in love with since high school because she is with Nick, who is
better looking than him but is a Jerk. John is a good shy guy. He never had a
girlfriend because all the girls are with boys who are transparent about
themselves. He got into a fight with Nick once and got beaten up. His
parents think he's withdrawn and overprotective of him.

He feels insecure and has an inferiority complex. He hangs out with friends
who are similar to him. He jerks off 10-15 times a week. He eats at
McDonald's and can't do 5 push-ups. He watches videos of Andrew Tate and
similar "ALPHA MALE" personalities and dreams of being an "ALPHA".
He trained karate as a child, but it didn't help him beat Nick. He desperately
wants people to take him seriously, but he doesn't know what to do. His days
are mostly the same and every night he dreams of change.

Current State
- What is painful or frustrating in the current life of my avatar?

He doesn’t have a girlfriend, he is insecure, he is overweight, he feels weak,

he got beaten up in a fight, he trained karate but it didn’t help him.

- What annoys them?

No one takes him seriously, he is often offended by other guys who are
stronger-leaner than he is. He doesn’t have self-confidence. His parents
think that he is still a baby. He trained but it didn’t pay off in his fight.

- What do they fear?

That he will never find girlfriend. That he will never become strong man.
That he will play video games and cry every night until the rest of his life.
That everyone will be better than he is.
- What do they lie awake at night worrying about?

About his future, about his weight, about lack of self-confidence, he feels
rejected. He desperately dreams of change. He knows he is lazy.

- How do other people perceive them?

As a sloppy boring guy who is fat and unattractive. As he is less valuable than they
are. Girls perceive him as lazy BETA and a weakling.

- What lack of status do they feel?

He lacks of respect from his friends and family. He feels like he’s always at the
bottom of the pack.

- What words do THEY use to describe their pains and frustrations?

All women are evil! It’s not everything about looks! Man can cry! Man can be
emotional and overweight! Why no one will accept me as I am?! I will die alone! I
do not need friends who will make jokes of me!

Dream State
- If they could wave a magic wand at their life and fix everything, what would
their life look like?

I would have a girlfriend that sees me as a strong individual who can protect and
provide for her. She will feel safe when she’s around me. I would have status in
my environment. My friends won’t mock me, instead they are going to look at me
as their equal. I will have confidence to challenge any upcoming problem. I will be
happy with the way I feel and with the way I look. I won’t be scared of fighting for
something in life. They won’t be lazy anymore.

- What enjoyable new experiences would they have?

Girls, respect, more friends, status he would feel like he is important and as equal
to his friends. He would be more self-disciplined. He would look better, feel better.

- How would others perceive them in a positive light?

They would perceive him as their equal, as someone who they respect, as someone
who they would like to be around. Girls would perceive him as a man with status
as someone who can protect them, as someone they could brag their friends about
that he is in love with her and feel proud and important.

- How would they feel about themselves if they made that change?

He would be happiest man in the world. He would feel confident, his motivation
would go off the roof. He would be proud of himself and would feel nice in his
skin. He would not be afraid to confront any problem and would not be afraid to
talk with girl’s. He would feel important in his environment.

- What words do THEY use to describe their dream outcome?

I would become a MAN! All girls would love me! My friends wouldn’t mock me
anymore! I will beat the hell out of Nick! Emily is going to regret that she picked
Nick over me! No one can mess around with me anymore! I am finally important!
Look at me NOW!!! - Leon Edwards

- What is keeping them from living their dream state today?

Their habits, their lifestyle, they are insecure, they are afraid, they think that
nothing can help them, they are overweight and ashamed to be surrounded by
people who are better than them. They think they aren’t capable of doing it.
- What mistakes are they making that are keeping them from getting what
they want in life?

They start training and then quit, they spend too much time on instagram, facebook
and other unnecessary platforms that install false image in their washed brains.
They need to find job or already have job that takes their everyday time. They are
shy, insecure and they aren’t using opportunities that they get. They lack of
discipline and they are lazy.

- What part of the obstacle does the avatar not understand or know about?

Self-discipline, being surrounded by man that are better than u at something will
only make you become better. About various programs that can teach them and
help them become better version of themselves. That by fixing some habits in their
life or finding some sort of hobby that makes them happy and helps them would
improve their state of mind and body.

- What is the one key roadblock that once fixed will allow them to move
forward toward their dream outcome?

Start training and get coached and surrounded by people who had similar problem
as they had but overcame it.

- What does the avatar need to do to overcome the key roadblock?

To start changing their lifestyle and start training with personal coaches that will
make them better. To regain self-confidence. To lose some weight and get in better
fighting shape.

- “If they <insert solution>, then they will be able to <insert dream outcome>”
If they start training at RealMMATraining, then they will be able to become
“ALFA” version of themselves and get respect they desperately need.

- How does the product help the avatar implement the Solution?

It directly teaches them about MMA about psychology of a real MAN and warrior
mindset. They get boost in moral, self-discipline and get coached by the best of the

- How does the product help the reader increase their chances of success?

If he starts training then his lifestyle will change and he will feel comfortable in
various situations. He would deal with any problem better. They would be proud of
themselves and would acquire new positive habits.

- How does the product help the reader get the result faster?

By being surrounded by well trained man who suffered in their life and have self-
discipline to transfer on their students. By listening and training with help of their

- How does the product help the reader get the result with less effort or

Because program would have been designed for beginners so they don’t feel like
they lack of potential. They wouldn’t have to spar with others and they wouldn’t
get beaten up.
- What makes the product fun?

Coming out of your comfort zone to become a new, upgraded version of yourself.
Having opportunity to chat with people who are “ALPHAS” and who can teach
them about life and what it means to be a “MAN”.
They potential to become someone who is respected and fearless in any given

- What does your target market like about related products?

That they get chance to listen people who have years of experience in MMA and
they consider “ALPHA”. The fact that it will help them get stronger, more
confident, and disciplined. That girls like strong man, and that would make them
one of them.

- What does your target market hate about related products?

That it is not personalized. They don’t like violence. They think that they can’t
upgrade themselves by learning how to fight. That MMA is trained mostly by jerks
and egoistical people. That they will waste their money and they won’t get positive

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