ROLE-1 - Handout 1 - Curriculum Syllabus - VF

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ROLE-1 - Handout 1 - Curriculum Syllabus


Performance Goals

Cloud Engineer graduates will be able to:

a. Effectively troubleshoot problems to then implement sustainable solutions in a timely manner

b. Use established best practices to execute assigned tasks
c. Efficiently multitask and prioritise competing workstreams to ensure timely completion of
project deliverables
d. Proactively learn new technical and non-technical skills in order to consistently improve
performance and stay abreast with industry updates.
e. Effectively communicate and collaborate with coworkers and other stakeholders using a
variety of platforms

Breakdown Moments
Breakdown Moment What do high performers do to face this challenge?
● Ask clarifying questions about the task overview when it is
1) Work efficiency and presented to them to make sure they understand it correctly.
quality of outputs - ● Discuss how long the task should take and align on
Critically analyse a task completion dates.
and accurately determine ● Find the best approach to solve the problem.
the steps and time to ● Share initial and ongoing outputs with their team and
complete it supervisor in order to make sure they are aligned on the
way that the task should be completed.

● Realise how much time they should spend trying to solve a

2) Work efficiency and
technical problem independently before reaching out for
quality of outputs -
Determining the best
● Determine when to seek support from others and who best
approach to solve a
to seek it from.
problem (e.g problem
● Leverage and prioritise different sources of knowledge to
solve independently,
find the best solution for their problems (e.g., online forums,
seeking support from
colleagues, company-created resources, etc).
colleagues or supervisors)

© 2021 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

ROLE-1 - Handout 1 - Curriculum Syllabus

● Know how to code more things by themselves without

having to research for solutions.
● Remember situations where they have had to use a similar
3) Work efficiency and coding structure and recycle it.
quality of outputs - ● Recycle coding structures that are available online.
Coding in an efficient and ● Organise code in files and folders so it is easy to locate and
streamlined manner recycle.
● Use a consistent structure throughout code that others can
easily understand (e.g. application of functions that
decrease complexity level).
● Think of multiple ways in which an error can occur and
4) Work efficiency and perform tests to check the code is "bulletproof" in all
quality of outputs - situations/for all variables/ in multiple platforms and
Performing exhaustive browsers.
tests to identify and ● Demonstrate oriented to detail.
correct errors and prevent ● Use a variety of approaches to avoid errors like asking
potential bugs colleagues to review their work, running unitary tests, using
an ineffective approach to their work.
● Keep pace with the expected learning curve.
● Create a plan on what new skills are important to learn to
solve more complex problems and advance in their career
(e.g various certifications).
5) Innovate and grow in
● Develop a solid understanding of the industry they are
the role - Identifying
working in, and know what business problems their
opportunities for upskilling
company is trying to solve.
and learning a variety of
● Identify areas in the company where they can grow in their
new skills (e.g. technical,
management, business
● Volunteer to do more complex tasks outside the scope of
knowledge, market trends,
their role.
etc) while still effectively
● Take notes and practise what they learn and don't ask the
completing core duties.
same questions several times.
● Don't give up while learning complex things.
● Find opportunities to learn new skills outside of work hours
(e.g. on slow days, after or before work, during breaks).

6) Effective
collaboration with
● Clearly and fluently translate technical information into
stakeholders - Adapting
business insights to non-technical audiences (e.g. business
communication style and
word choice in order to
clearly explain technical
information to a variety of

© 2021 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

ROLE-1 - Handout 1 - Curriculum Syllabus


7) Effective
● Take positions of leadership and offer advice to
collaboration with
stakeholders when appropriate.
stakeholders -
● Listen well. Give and receive feedback in a professional and
Contributing to the
effective manner.
team/company/client by
● Teach others about new technologies or other skills they
proactively participating in
meetings, suggesting
● Proactively ensure that they share learnings, best practices,
solutions and offering new
and solutions with stakeholders.
knowledge and support to
those who need it.”.

Technical Sessions Overview

Introduction to the Cloud Engineer Role

● ROLE-1 Introduction to the Cloud Support and DevOps Curriculum

● ROLE-2 Introduction to the Cloud Associate Role
● ROLE-3 Effective Workplace Communication and Collaboration
● ROLE-4 Staying Up to Date
● ROLE-5 Problem Solving


● LINUX-1 Linux Essentials

● LINUX-2 Finding Your Way
● LINUX-3 Command Line
● LINUX-4 Operating Systems
● LINUX-5 Security
● LINUX-6 Practise Exam


● PYTHON-1 Getting Started with Python

● PYTHON-2 Basic and Intermediate Scripting
● PYTHON-3 Libraries: PIP,Virtual/Env
● PYTHON-4 Building a Web Application with Python and Flask


● DEVOPS-1 DevOps Theory and Practise

● DEVOPS-2 Source Control with Git
● DEVOPS-3 Containerization with Docker

© 2021 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

ROLE-1 - Handout 1 - Curriculum Syllabus

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

● MAF-1 Introduction
● MAF-2 Cloud Concepts
● MAF-3 Azure Architecture
● MAF-4 Compute
● MAF-5 Networking
● MAF-6 Storage
● MAF-7 Database
● MAF-8 Authentication and Authorisation
● MAF-9 Azure Solutions
● MAF-10 Security
● MAF-11 Privacy, Compliance and Trust
● MAF-12 Pricing
● MAF-13 Support

Microsoft Azure Administrator

● MAA-1 Identity
● MAA-2 Governance Compliance
● MAA-3 Role Based Access Control
● MAA-4 Azure Administration
● MAA-5 Virtual Networking
● MAA-6 Intersite Connectivity
● MAA-7 Network Traffic Management
● MAA-8 Storage
● MAA-9 Virtual Machines
● MAA-10 Webapps & Containers
● MAA-11 Backup & Recovery
● MAA-12 Monitoring

Automating Everything

● AUTO Automating Everything in Azure Environments

© 2021 Generation: You Employed, Inc.


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