Type 4 Self-Awareness: Offshore Frontend Java Java

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This is a psychological term.

This AI technology can think and learn about things around it to

apply itself to a specific thing. This kind of AI technology is not feasible at the moment.
Type 4:Self-awareness
AI systems even have their awareness, consciousness, and behaviors like humans. They can have
emotions and understand other’s. Of course, this kind of AI technology is not feasible at the
It will be a long time before we can reach level 3 and 4 of AI technology. Therefore, do not
worry too much about the prospect of the movie Terminator. We hope this article helped you
understand more about the types of AI technologies.
Hachinet provides services according to various needs, from system development consulting to
residential development in the customer's office and offshore development in Vietnam.
Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, AngularJS, CoffeeScript
Backend: Java, C #, ASP.NET, C ++, VB.NET, COBOL, Python, Ruby, PHP
Mobile: iOS, Android
Web technologies: Ruby, .Net, PHP, C #, Java, COBOL ...
Web application development
Medical system
Reservation system
Speech processing
High quality
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The personal information you submit will be used only for responding to inquiries, providing
information on products and services, and providing useful information, and will not be used for
any other purpose.
mail: contact@hachinet.com
website: http://hachinet.com
 AI


 AI
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Hachinet is an IT professional team that was founded in 2018 and currently operates in 4 countries with a system of 150 people.
80% of employees are engineers, product development including system design, UI / UX design, design, infrastructure construction,

startup acceleration program,

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