Group 5 - Assignment 1 - Artifical Intelligence

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Assignment 1-12/10/2022

YASHIKA GARG-80012100082-B057
KARTIK ANEJA-80012100285-B018
SHUBHAM MEGHE-80012100053-C043
HARVEEN KAUR BHATIA-80012100419-B012
SIMRAN MITTAL-80012100681-C045
Summary of AI in DHL
Artificial intelligence can be defined as human intelligence exhibited by machines or ability to automate,
replicate, mimic and improve on human thinking. Long back, huge programming was required to process
inputs from outside world but since then there’s been seen continuous advancements in AI enabled
computing systems.

Machine learning and Deep Learning are integral parts of AI. Machine Learning, which is a subset of AI,
refers to the systems that are designed to take in the information, learn from what have been given and
then drawing inferences after data structuring. For eg: image recognition software that with the help of
machine learning algorithms analyses image pixels for known patterns. Deep Learning is a subset of
Machine Learning, which refers to continuous learning by the system and updating the learning model as
it takes new insights. This is typically done with neural networks by establishing, strengthening, and
diminishing the connections between data. Generally, AI consists of two main components: firstly, sensing
components which basically means the ability to understand text, capture images, sound and video and
environmental conditions such as temperature. For eg: smart speakers with AI-driven voice assistant. AI
use supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement techniques to process the information.

Although AI has become predominant today, it poses few threats in the form of Super Intelligence, Narrow
Intelligence and General intelligence but since these threats currently don’t exist in industrial applications,
they are not critical as of now. AI-driven automation will substitute repetitive tasks and low to medium
skilled human labour and create jobs for us. For eg: growth of medium skilled labor to operate non-
industrial robots. It is the need of the hour for the logistics industry to leverage AI.

One of the prominent advancements is Google Pixel Buds which allow real-time translation of up to 40
languages breaking down linguistic barriers. It also helps in catering customers with highly personalized
products. In enterprises AI helps in improving customer support, expert assist, input management and
content discovery. This includes automation of customer interactions by voice or chatbots, usage of
automatic clustering and visual recognition technologies, automatic processing of emails and analysis of
unstructured data from emails, PDFs, pictures, and videos. AI is also leveraged by retail industry not only
online but also brick-and-mortar.

Consumer AI
63% of global consumers use AI daily. Experience personalized service at global scale
79% of the global internet population are active on social media organizations can develop deeper
understanding of their customers using AI-based sentiment analysis tools. E.g., IBM Watson’s Personality
Insights tool (NLP can help understand persons character) (helps in Investment Advisory & lending

Enterprise AI
AI can augment the productivity & effectiveness of individual knowledge workers.
Customer support - automation of customer interactions by voice or chatbots. Highly effective for
automating low-level customer service inquiries. (Reduction in customer response time by 99%). High
quality & lower cost.
Expert Assist - Enables knowledge workers to retrieve & produce information in a highly efficient manner.
Reduce search time by 50% or more by using automatic clustering, ontologies, and visual recognition
technologies to identify for the knowledge workers the right information, content & person.
Input Management - automate (pre)processing of incoming email, invoices, spreadsheets, PDFs, etc. with
help of AI. Identify the topics & sentiment from text in incoming emails & letters to prioritize & route
these items to the correct department
Content Discovery - AI helps to understand different data formats & allows companies to analyze relevant

Cognitive automation, which is a combination of AI and robotic process automation, is another

lucrative. RPA can take care of repetitive data-related tasks when humans can involve in more complex
tasks such as interpretation and decision making. Lot of detail-oriented tasks to be done by humans. AI in
combination with RPA can be advantageous here. RPA is rule bind and cannot do tasks which are not
reinforced by humans, and this is its intended functionality because the backend work needs to be done
in set rules of an organization.

Financial Anomaly detection- RPA takes the data to input in the accounting software provided by AI
which extracts dates, addresses etc. from an unstructured invoice, and send confirmation to customers.
It can be used for fraud invoices also which is prevalent in EY fraud detection systems.
Machine based learning systems helps in predictive n/w management for DHL and analyzing freight transit
time delays. Multiple variables are from various countries are segregated and fed into the learning and
predict every situation. The data from satellite ensures predictive risk management and helps planning
and optimizing routes. Autonomous guided vehicles are playing a bigger role and takes in consideration
the path planning, zoning and speeds as well as self-learning. Visual inspection by IBM Watson does
tremendous jobs in identifying damage and the type of damage in train wagons.
Computer vision based Qopius, and others AI uses shelf measure and imaginary, to analyze which products
are stock out and need for replenish the inventory. It also helps to prevent shop picking and other
accidents as well at retail stores.

Conclusion- In conclusion, artificial intelligence and data analytics are poised to revolutionize a wide
range of industries. Significant deployments have already changed decision-making, business models, risk
mitigation, and system performance in the financial, national security, healthcare, criminal justice,
transportation, and smart city sectors. These changes are producing significant economic and social
advantages. It is one of the most revolutionary technologies in the digital transformation history. The
adoption of AI can be seen worldwide in businesses as well as our personal lives. With the help of language
focused AI and computer vision logistics can reap the benefits it has never seen before. However, the
journey of AI is not as rosy as it seems as it comes with various challenges too such as bias of AI developer
leading to complications in AI models. Thus, we should develop such standards in prior to regulate and
ensure continuous improvement of AI for benefit of all.

What’s Next?

AI might enable next-Gen consumer experiences It will encourage users to focus more on their vision and
creativity, rather than looking into minor details of production. It would turn ‘One Click’ experience to
‘Zero Click’ in future, providing target audience with a quick and seamless experience. It will improve
connectivity networks and encourage the idea of gathering and employing unbiased society data and
deliver quality to all. The creation of personalized treatments for patients might be an intriguing new use
of AI. In addition, AI has the ability to one day synthesize and forecast tailored treatment modalities in
close to real-time without the need for clinical trials. It may make educational system quite efficient and
tailored to each student's personality and skills. It would give students an opportunity to shine and to
imbecile a better way to cop up.

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