Mos 6

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Experiment#6: To perform the flexural test on wooden beam

ASTM Standard:

Bending test according to ASTM E290


1. To dermine the flexural behavior of wooden beam.

2. To determine the modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture of wood.


The modulus of elasticity in bending and bending strength is determined by applying a load
to the center of a test piece supported at two points. The modulus of elasticity is calculated by
using the slope of the linear region of the load-deflection curve.

The bending strength of each test piece is calculated by determining the ratio of the bending
moment M, at the maximum load Fmax, to the moment of its full cross-section.
For a simply supported beam with central loading, deflection under the load is given by.

Where W = load acting at the center, n.

L = length of the beam between the supports, mm.

E = young’s modulus of material of the beam, n/mm2.

I = second moment of area of the cross section (moment of inertia) of the beam, about the
neutral axis, mm4.


Timber is prepared for use in building and carpentry, trees grown for timber, or a wooden
beam or board used in building a house, ship, or other structure. Timber is wood that is used
for building houses and making furniture. You can also refer to trees that are grown for this
purpose as timber. Timber or Lumber is a wood or firewood of growing trees. Any wood
capable of yielding a minimum dimensional size can be termed as a timber or lumber.
Uses of Timber:

1. For heavy construction works like columns, trusses, piles.

2. For light construction works like doors, windows, flooring and roofing.
3. For other permanent works like for railway sleepers, fencing poles, electric poles and
4. For temporary works in construction like scaffolding, centering, shoring and strutting,
packing of materials.
5. For decorative works like showcases and furnitures.
6. For body works of buses, lorries, trains and boats.
7. For industrial uses like pulps (used in making papers), card boards, wall papers.
8. For making sports goods and musical instruments.

Flexure Test:

Flexural testing measures the force required to bend a beam of plastic material and
determines the resistance to flexing or stiffness of a material. Flex modulus is indicative of
how much the material can flex before permanent deformation.

Modulus of Elasticity:

It is the ratio of stress to strain and is determined by the slope of stress strain diagram from 0
to proportional limit. (i.e., within elastic limit).

Flexural Stress:

As per bending equation,

M/I = бb / y

Where m = bending moment, mm

I = moment of inertia, nmm4

Бb = Bending stress, n/mm2

Y= Distance of the fiber of the beam from the neutral axis.


1. Universal Testing Machine

2. Beam of different cross-sections and materials
3. Ruler

Figure 1: Universal Testing Machine Figure 2: Wooden Sample


1. Insert the bending device in the UTM.

2. Measure the width and depth of the wooden beam.
3. Adjust the support for the required distance and clamp to the lower table.
4. Fix the transverse test pan at the lower side of the lower cross head.
5. Fix it on the rollers of the transverse test brackets such that the load comes at the
center and measure the length of the span of the beam between the supports for
central loading.
6. Adjust the load pointer to zero by lifting the lower table. While applying the load, the
deflection corresponding to each load is found out from the Vernier scale on the
7. Note down the maximum deflection and the maximum load.

Material and Specimen:

Wood to be used in the experiment with clear grains and free from defects. And the
specimen of wood placed in the centre of machine and the load is applied in the centre of
wooden beam.

Figure 3: Wooden sample during test

Observations and Calculations:

Sr # Sample Name Cross Section Length Load Strength

Proportional Limit:

Elastic Limit:
Youngs Modulus:

Graph Pictures:

Figure 4: Graph picture of Ultimate strength

Figure 5: Max Load and Strength


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