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Teach For India Emergent-level Assessment: Student Form

1. Read the story and answer the questions:


There was once a mother duck and her

little ducklings.
They were on their way to the lake one
The ducklings were very happy
following their mother.

All of a sudden the mother duck saw a

fox at a distance.
She was scared and shouted to them,
“Children, hurry to the lake. There’s a
fox!” The ducklings hurried.

The mother duck wondered what to do.

She began to walk slowly dragging one
wing on the ground.
When the fox saw her he became happy.
He thought that she was hurt and
couldn’t fly!
I can easily catch and eat her!

He ran towards her.

She ran, leading the fox away from the
lake. The fox followed her.
Now he wouldn’t be able to harm her

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The mother duck looked around.

She saw that her ducklings had reached
the lake.
She stopped and took a deep breath.

The fox thought she was tired.

He came closer.
But the mother duck quickly spread her
wings and flew.

She landed in the middle of the lake.

Her ducklings swam to her.
The fox stared at them in shock.
They were swimming happily in the
middle of the lake.
He could not reach them now.
He learnt his lesson.

(i) Read the sentence from the story.

The mother duck quickly spread her wings and flew.
What does the word quickly mean in this sentence? (_____/1 mark)
(a) slow
(b) run
(c) fast
(d) lazy

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(ii) Read the sentence given below and tick () the correct opposite of
the underlined words.
I. The ducklings were very happy following their mother. (_____/1 mark)
(a) pretty
(b) lead
(c) sad
(d) merry

II. She was relieved. She stopped and took a deep breath. (_____/1 mark)
(a) sit
(b) excited
(c) started
(d) relaxed

(iii) Who began to walk slowly dragging one wing on the ground? (_____/1 mark)

(iv) What did the mother duck do when she saw the fox? (_____/1 mark)

(v) Tick () the correct option. (_____/1 mark)

The fox:
(a) caught the mother duck
(b) caught the ducklings
(c) could not catch the mother duck and ducklings
(d) was too tired to chase the ducklings

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(vi) Rewrite the sentence given below using capital letters and full
there was once a mother duck and her little ducklings
(_____/2 marks)

(vii) I. Fill in the blanks with ‘this’ or ‘these’: (_____/2 marks)

(a) ____________ is a duck.

(b) ____________are ducklings.

II. Fill in the blanks with ‘that’ or ‘those’: (_____/2 marks)

(a) ___________ were the ducklings

going to the lake.

(b) ___________was the

fox wanting to eat them.

(_________/12 marks)

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Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Krish and Yash were on a holiday. They

planned to go fishing after dinner. That
night, they ran down to the beach. They
pushed a small boat into the sea. Then
they rowed to the cliffs.
They started to fish. They caught one fish, two fish, and three fat fish! They were
very happy.
Suddenly, the wind blew their boat. It went on to hit
some big rocks. Water started to come into the boat.
The boat was sinking!
The two boys did not feel scared. Krish and Yash
held on to their boat. They paddled with their legs.
They pushed the boat back to the beach. Both lay on
the beach and rested.
Later on they looked into the boat. They saw that it was empty! All the fish had
swum away!

1. What did Krish and Yash plan to do after dinner? (___/ 1 mark)

(A) Go fishing
(B) Go for a walk
(C) Sleep at home
(D) Sit on the beach

2. How many fish did the boys catch? (___/ 1 mark)

(A) One
(B) Five
(C) Three
(D) Four

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3. What happened when the wind blew the boat? (___/ 1 mark)


4. Why do you think the water entered the boat? (___/ 1 mark)


5. When their boat started to sink, Yash and Krish were: (___/ 1 mark)
(A) brave

(B) careless
(C) frightened

(D) naughty

6. Read the sentences and answer the question. (___/ 2 marks)

Water started to come into the boat. The boat was sinking!

What would you have done if you were in the place of Yash and Krish?



7. Krish and Yash planned to go fishing on a holiday.

What would you like to do on your holiday? (___/ 2 marks)



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8. The boat was sinking! Tick the word which is closest in meaning to the
underlined word: (___/ 1 mark)

(A) Floating
(B) Swimming
(C) Going under
(D) Turning upside down

9. Make a sentence using the given word. (___/ 2 marks)

(A) Beach- _______________________________________________


(B) Scared- _______________________________________________


10. Fill in the blanks with ‘this’/ ‘that’. (___/ 1 mark)

_______________ is a boat.

________________ is Krish, sitting in

the boat

11. Fill in the blanks with ‘these’/ ‘those’. (___/ 1 mark)

_______________ are fishes.

________________ are the boys, sitting

on the beach.

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12. Write any two naming words in the sentence given below. (___/ 2 marks)
“Krish and Yash were on a holiday. They planned to go fishing after dinner.”

(A) _______________________

(B) _______________________

13. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the correct action word in the
sentence given below: (___/ 1 mark)

The boys are ______________.

14. Rewrite the sentences using capital letters and full stops. (___/ 5 marks)

the boat hit the rocks krish and yash did not fed scared

15. Look at the picture and answer the question given below. (___/ 1 mark)


Which picture shows an action? Write the action word in the space given

(_________/23 marks)
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Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
The Samosa Thief

It was Saturday. Mum was making

samosas. Sunny and Bunny loved
samosas. So did Benji the dog. The
samosas were hot! Mum left them on
the shelf to cool. She went out to the
shops. When Mum came back, the samosas were gone! Who ate them? It wasn’t
Sunny or Bunny. Was it Benji? No, he couldn’t reach up to the shelf. So who ate
the samosas?

Sunny had an idea! Mum made more samosas.

She left them on the shelf to cool. Sunny brought
Dad’s video camera. He put it near the samosas. He
turned it on. They all left the kitchen.

When they came back, the samosas were gone!

Now they would see who ate the samosas.

Bunny took the video camera. Everyone came to watch the video. Even Benji

Everyone watched the T.V. They saw

Benji trot into the kitchen. He pushed a
chair to the shelf. Up he jumped onto the
chair. Now he could get the samosas. He ate
them all!

No dinner for you tonight, Benji!

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1. What was Mum doing on Saturday? (_____/1 mark)

(A) Baking a cake
(B) Knitting a sweater
(C) Planting seeds in the garden
(D) Making samosas

2. Who had eaten up the samosas on the shelf? (_____/1 mark)

(A) Mum
(B) Benji
(C) Sunny and Bunny
(D) Bunny

3. Fill in the blank in the sentence with the right word from the box.
(_____/1 mark)

hated loved made bought

Sunny, Bunny and even Benji ______________ samosas!

4. After reading the story, what do you think of Benji? (_____/1 mark)
Benji was
(A) Lazy
(B) Clever
(C) Dull
(D) Scared

5. What would you do if your pet dog ate up your favourite food? (____/1 mark)

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6. The samosas were hot! Mum left them on the shelf to cool.
What is the opposite of the word cool? (_____/1 mark)
(A) Cold
(B) Warm
(C) Windy
(D) Chilly

7. Match the following words to their correct meanings. (_____/1 mark)

A meal you eat at night.


To hurry; scamper

A room where food is cooked.


8. Underline two naming words in the following sentence. (_____/1 mark)

The baby plays with the toy.

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9. Match the pictures with the correct action word. (_____/1 mark)

Lady dancing

Girl running

Boy cycling

10. Rewrite the following sentence putting capital letters (upper case) and
full stops at the correct places. (_____/1 mark)
agra is famous for the taj mahal

11. Fill in the blanks with the right word: (_____/1 mark)
(A) Is __________ the boy who won the race? (These, This)
(B) ___________ shells in my hand are from the beach. (Those, That)

12. Tick the right word in each sentence. (_____/1 mark)

(A) Ritu had an / a apple for lunch today.
(B) The / An horse ran very fast.

(_________/ 12 marks)
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(B) We swim in the river.

9. Match the action words with the correct pictures: (_____/1 mark)

Drawing a picture

Reading a book

Drinking milk

Washing hands

10. Fill in the blanks with the right words from the brackets. (_____/1 mark)
(A) ___________________ (Those/This) boys over there are my
(B) ____________________ (That/Those) shop across the street sells
(C) ____________________ (These / Those) books right here are
(D) I bought ______________ (these / this) dress last week.

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Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:


There was once a green frog and a yellow fish. They lived in the
same pond.

The green frog thought the yellow fish was

pretty. He didn’t like being green. He wished
he was yellow like the fish.

The yellow fish thought green was a pretty color. Besides, the green frog could
hop! The fish wished he could hop too! But he could only swim.

The green frog thought about it.

Yes, he could hop in and out of the water. He was

Now the green frog doesn’t mind being green.

1. What did the frog wish? (_____/1 mark)

He wished
(A) he was bigger
(B) he was yellow like the fish
(C) he had a tail
(D) he could fly

2. What did the fish think of the frog's colour? (_____/1 mark)
(A) He thought it was pretty
(B) He thought it was ugly
(C) He thought it was ordinary
(D) He thought it was creepy

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3. Fill in the blank with a word from the box. (_____/1 mark)

fly swim hop dance

The frog thought he was lucky because he could _______________ in

and out of the water.

4. How do you think hopping helps frogs? (_____/1 mark)

(A) To come first in a race
(B) To show they are happy
(C) To easily escape from enemies
(D) To exercise their legs

5. What do you like the most in your best friend? (____/1 mark)

6. “The green frog thought the yellow fish was pretty”.

The opposite of the underlined word in the sentence is (_____/1 mark)

(A) Ugly

(B) Beautiful

(C) Tiny

(D) Big

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7. Match the following pictures to their correct meanings. (_____/1 mark)

You can swim in it.



It lives in water.


8. Fill in the blanks with the opposite of the underlined word. Choose the
right word from the brackets. (_____/1 mark)
(A) Fire is hot, but ice is _______________ . (heavy, cold, warm)
(B) An elephant is big, but a mouse is ___________ .
(large, small, light)

9. Fill in the blanks with the right words from the brackets. (_____/1 mark)
(A) Is _____________ (that / those) Minu running down the road?
(B) _____________ (These / This) is where the treasure is buried.
(C) Are _________________ (this /those) your boots?
(D) I picked _________________ (that/ these) apples from my tree.

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10. (A) Underline one naming word in the sentence below. (_____/1 mark)
There is a beautiful bird in the cage.
(B) Underline one action word in the sentence below.
The teacher writes on the blackboard.

11. Fill in the blanks with `a', `an' or `the'. (_____/1 mark)
Tinu had_________ egg and _____ banana for breakfast. He took
_________ apple from ______________ basket to school.

12. Look at the two sentences given below. Tick the sentence which uses
the right capital letters and full stops. (_____/1 mark)
(A) Anu and tanu are friends they like to play with their dolls
(B) Anu and Tanu are friends. They like to play with their dolls.

(_________/ 12 marks)

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Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

The Blue Feather

Mona was playing with her friend Loki near

the river. Mona found a pretty blue feather. She
showed it to Loki. But the wind blew the feather
away. It flew high up into the air. Mona couldn’t
catch it.
Then Loki saw a red
flower. She put it in Mona’s basket.
A yellow butterfly flitted in front of Mona. She ran
after it. The flower fell out of
the basket. The wind carried it
out onto the river.
Mona looked for the butterfly. It sat near a
bluebird on a tree. The
bluebird flew away. It
dropped one of its blue
feathers near Mona’s feet!
Mona picked up the feather and gave it to
Loki. Loki was happy!

1. What was Mona doing when she found the blue feather?
She was (_____/1 mark)
(A) Swimming in the pool with her sister
(B) Reading a book in her room
(C) Playing by the river with her friend, Loki
(D) Watching television
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2. What happened to the blue feather that Mona found by the river?

(A) She threw it away (_____/1 mark)

(B) She put it in her basket

(C) A dog ran away with it

(D) The wind blew it away

3. Fill in the blank with the right word from the box. (_____/1 mark)

hand pocket basket bag

Loki put the red flower in Mona’s_______________.

4. Why do you think the wind blew Mona’s feather away? (_____/1 mark)

(A) Because the feather was heavy

(B) Because the feather was blue

(C) Because the feather was hard

(D) Because the feather was light

5. How would you like to make your friend happy? (____/1 mark)




6. Mona picked up the feather and gave it to Loki. (_____/1 mark)

The opposite of the underlined word is :
(A) Walked

(B) Dropped

(C) Flew away

(D) Sat

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7. Match the following pictures to the correct meanings. (_____/1 mark)

Water flowing to the sea

It can fly

River You can carry things in this

8. Underline one action word and circle one naming word in the following
sentence. (_____/1 mark)
The artist paints a beautiful picture.

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9. Match the following words to their opposites. (_____/1 mark)



10. Rewrite the following sentence putting capital letters (upper case) and
full stops at the correct places. (_____/1 mark)

Noni went to rita’s birthday party yesterday

11. Complete the following using ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’. (_____/1 mark)

(A) Jitu saw ________ elephant on ____________ road yesterday.

(B) I have _______ orange tree and ______ mango tree in my garden.

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12. Fill in the blanks with the right word from the brackets. (_____/1 mark)

(A) ______________ (that/these) flowers are beautiful.

(B) Is _____________ (those/that) my book you are reading?

(C) I made ________________ (those/this) biscuits on the table.

(D) _____________ (that/this) is Dad’s car, not that.

(_________/ 12 marks)

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Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:


There was once a kitten who had no home. It saw a

den and said, “I‟ll live in this den. It‟s clean and dry.”

“This is our den! Go away!” shouted the

foxes. The kitten ran away.

It saw a cave and said, “I‟ll live in this cave.

I‟ll be safe and warm here.” Out of the cave
came a big bear, growling “Get away from
my cave!”

Then the kitten saw a house. It rested on the steps. A little girl in
the house saw the kitten on the steps. She came out with a bowl
of milk. “Here‟s something to drink. Please stay with me and be
my friend. The kitten did just that!

2. Where did the kitten go when the foxes and

1. What was the kitten looking for?
the bear chased it away?
(A) A friend
(A) To the playground
(B) Some food
(B) To the marketplace
(C) Its mother
(C) To a little girl‟s house
(D) A home
(D) To the school
3. Fill in the blank in the sentence below with
the right word from the box. 4. “Please stay with me and be my friend.”
Why did the little girl say this?
water tea milk soup (A) Because she didn‟t like kittens
(B) Because she wanted a friend
The little girl gave the kitten some __________ (C) Because she liked dogs better
to drink. (D) Because her mother wanted a kitten
5. Fill in the blank below using 3 words of your own. (____/1 mark)

If I saw a homeless kitten I would______________________________________________.

6. It saw a den and said, “I‟ll live in this den. It‟s clean and dry.”(_____/1 mark)

The underlined word in the sentence above is the opposite of

(A) Hot (B) Cold (C) Wet (D) Windy

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7. Match the words correctly to their meanings in 8. Tick the right words from the brackets.
(A) Ask ___________ (that/ those)
policeman the way to the hospital.

(B) ___________ (This/ These) flowers are

very beautiful.

(C) ___________ (Those/This) children

over there are my friends.

(D) ___________ (These /This) book

belongs to Arjun.


9. Do as directed:
(A) I like to eat apples. (Underline one naming word)

(B) Children played in the park. (Underline one action word)

10. Fill in the blanks with the opposites of the underlined words. Choose the right words from
the box.
warm laugh read cold

(A) Tea is hot, but ice cream is __________.

(B) We cry when we are sad and __________ when we are happy.
11. Fill in the blanks with „a‟, „an‟, or „the‟.
(A) Father took _________ umbrella with him when he went out.

(B) I saw _________ tiger at the zoo.

(C) I opened _________ window to let _________ beautiful sunlight in.

12. Tick the sentence with the capital letters and the full stops in the right place.
(A) father always tells Raja a story at bedtime

(B) Father always tells Raja a story at bedtime.

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Page 28

Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow:

Minnie the dog loved watching the birds. The

birds would dance across the grass when no one was
looking. They seemed very happy as they hopped
around the yard. Minnie wanted to dance with the
birds but they flew away every time she got close.

Minnie sat sadly in the yard when she heard a

“tweet! tweet!” from high above. It was a bluebird in the tree. “What do you want,
dog?” asked the bluebird. “Why do you chase us?”

“I don’t want to chase you,” said Minnie. “I only want to dance with you.”
The bluebird laughed loudly. “Dogs don’t dance,” said the bird. “You are too large.
You will fall.”

Minnie knew she could dance if she tried because she was a clever little dog.
“Show me, and I will learn the steps,” she said.

The bird moved around the yard like a cloud in the sky. Minnie
watched carefully and when he finished, Minnie danced. The bird was
pleased. This dog could dance! The other birds too, came to watch the little
dog. The birds and Minnie happily danced together every day. Minnie
proved that dogs could do anything!

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1. What did Minnie the dog love to do? (____/1 mark)

(A) She loved to watch the birds

(B) She loved to chase the cats
(C) She loved to chase away the birds
(D) She loved to run on the grass

2. Why did the bluebird laugh loudly at Minnie? (____/1 mark)

(A) Because Minnie was doing funny tricks
(B) Because the bird always laughed at Minnie.
(C) Because the bird thought that dogs couldn’t dance
(D) Because the bird and her friends were sharing a joke.

3. Why did Minnie think she could dance if she tried? (____/1 mark)

4. In the end, what did Minnie prove? (____/1 mark)


5. Which of the following titles would best suit the story? (____/1 mark)
(A) The Dancing Birds
(B) Dogs Can Dance!
(C) The Bird and Minnie
(D) The Proud Bluebird

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6. Why do you think the bird agreed to teach Minnie to dance? (____/1 mark)



7. How would Minnie have felt if the bluebird had not wanted to teach
her to dance? (____/1 mark)

(A) Happy

(B) Sad

(C) Cheerful

(D) Glad

8. Who would you like to be – the bluebird or Minnie the dog? Give
reasons for your answer. (____/1 mark)



9. Fill in the blank with one word. (____/1 mark)

If I were Minnie, I would want to learn to ___________________


10. The bluebirds in the story hopped and danced and seemed to be
happy. (____/1 mark)
What do you do when you are happy?

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11. The bird moved around the yard like a cloud in the sky. (____/1 mark)
The underlined words in the sentence mean the same as
(A) Heavily
(B) Floated lightly
(C) Raced around
(D) Jumped about

12. Make sentences with the following words. (____/1 mark)

(A) Steps – ____________________________________________
(B) Clouds – ___________________________________________

13. Circle the correct word from the given options that is the exact
opposite of the underlined word in the sentence. (____/1 mark)

(A) This bed is soft. (rough, hard, cold)

(B) The baby is laughing. (smiling, talking, crying)

14. Do as directed in the sentences below. (____/1 mark)

(A) I like to play in the park on a sunny day. (Underline one

(B) The dog chases butterflies. (Underline one verb)

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15. Where is Mintu the Mouse? Fill in the blanks with the right words
from the box. (____/1 mark)

under over in front of behind

(A) Mintu is ____________ the box.

(B) Mintu jumps __________ the box.

(C) Mintu is ____________ the box.

(D) Mintu is ____________ the box.

16. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable pronouns
from the box.
(____/1 mark)

I you we he she it

(A) _________ are going to the circus. Would _________ like to

come too?

(B) _________ gave her book to me, but _________ have lost it.

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Page 33

17. Join the sentences given below with `but’ or `because’ to make a
single sentence. (____/1 mark)

Tinu slipped on the wet road. It had rained.


18. Look at the picture and answer the questions. (____/1 mark)

(A) Tick the word that rhymes with the picture above.

(B) Tick the correct sentence from those given below.

I There are many tiger in the forest.
II There are many tigers in the forest.

( ________/ 18marks )

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Page 38

Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow:

My dad, my hero, is in the military. He wears a uniform.

His job is to keep people in the world safe.

Dad and I do lots of fun things together. We play drums

and guitar. Mom calls us her “rock stars.”
I look forward to the bedtime stories from dad. They
always end with a great big good night hug.

One morning, I saw mom and dad talking. “You

know that dad has a very important job,” mom
said. I nodded.
Dad told me he had to leave me and mom for a
while. He gave me a big hug. We waved good-bye
to him. I was sad after he left.

Mom pulled out a large basket from the closet.

“Remember,” she said, “Every time we want to
share something with dad, we will write it down or
draw a picture.
Then we will put it in this basket. At the end of the
week we will send everything in a box to dad.”
I filled the basket with lots of things. But something
was still missing in the basket. “I wish I could send him a good night hug,” I said.
The next morning, mom traced my body on a big piece of paper. The cut out
looked like me. She said, “Now it will hug dad.” The cut out was sent to Dad.
After two weeks, I got a letter from dad. It had a special note just for me:
Thank you for the hug. I look forward to it every night.

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Page 39

1. Where does Sarah’s dad work? Tick the correct option. (____/1 mark)

(A) Military
(B) Navy
(C) Air force
(D) Railways

2. How did Sarah feel after her Dad left? (____/1 mark)

3. Number the sentences as they occur in the story: (____/2 marks)

Mom pulled out a large basket from the closet.

Dad told he had to leave me and mom for a while
I filled the basket with lots of things.
After two weeks, I got a letter from dad.

4. What things do you think Sarah would have put into the basket for her
Dad? Write the names of any four things. (____/2 marks)

5. Which of the following titles would best suit the story? (____/1 mark)
(A) Daddy’s Hug
(B) Mom and Sarah
(C) Sarah, The Rockstar
(D) Mom’s Hug

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6. Sarah has fun with her Dad.

Who do you have fun with? Write down any two fun things that you
do. (____/3 marks)



7. Do you think you should wear uniform in school everyday?

Give reasons for your answer. (____/2 marks)



8. Below are the pictures of two musical instruments that you will find in
the story. Write the correct name of each picture in the space provided
below. (____/2 marks)

9. Make sentences using the words given below: (____/2 marks)

(A) Basket-
(B) Picture-

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Page 41

Read the poem and answer the following questions.

A bird said to squirrel one day.

“You are a fool to hide those nuts away.”

“My friend,” said Mr. Squirrel

“The cold winds soon will blow.”

Nuts will be hidden deep under snow.

I am working with all my strength today.

When winter will come,

“I shall have time to play.”

10. Who is the bird calling a fool? (____/1 mark)

(A) Squirrel
(B) Rabbit
(C) Dog
(D) Cow

11. What is the squirrel hiding? (____/1 mark)

(A) Rice
(B) Nuts
(C) Grains
(D) Beans

12. What will happen when the cold winds blow? (____/1 mark)

13. Why does the squirrel say that it would have time to play in the winter?
(____/2 marks)

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14. Which of the following titles is best suited to the main idea of the
poem? (____/1 mark)
(A) The Wise Squirrel
(B) The Cold Winter
(C) The Colorful Bird
(D) The Cruel Bird

15. What do you learn from the squirrel? Tick the correct option. (____/1 mark)
(A) Use your time wisely
(B) Winter is fun
(C) Never listen to a good advice
(D) Keep playing all the time

16. Do you also think the squirrel was foolish? Give reasons. (____/2 marks)

17. “I am working with all my strength today.” Underline the suitable

meaning for the highlighted phrase. (____/1 mark)
(A) working with full energy
(B) will not work tomorrow
(C) many squirrels are helping me
(D) nobody will help later on

18. Make a sentence of your own using the given phrase. (____/1 mark)
All my strength- __________________________________________

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Page 43

19. Underline any two pronouns in the verse given below. (____/1 mark)

“You are a fool to hide those nuts away.”

“My friend,” said Mr. Squirrel

“I shall have time to play.”

20. Look at the pictures. Describe each picture using suitable action
words from the box below. (____/2 marks)

flying talking

21. Rewrite the given sentence using capital letters, full stops and
question marks. (____/3 marks)
“where are you hiding the nuts” the bird asked


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Page 44

22. Look at the picture and answer the question: (____/2 marks)

Squirrel Bird

(A) Who is sitting on the tree?



(B) Which picture shows a cold day? ‘I’ or ‘II’


( ________/ 35 marks )

- 10 -
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Page 45

Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

How the Firefly got its Light

Little Fly was sad because there wasn't anything special about
him. He looked at Bee and admired his big wings. He thought
Bee’s buzz was special. One night, Little Fly stayed awake.
Nobody noticed him. Even Moth and Mouse who were wide
awake didn't notice him. Little Fly looked up sadly at the
shining stars in the sky. He wished he could shine like them. “That would be really
special,” he said.

Moon heard him and said, “Little Fly, don't be sad. If you can help me, I will
help you shine.”

“How can I help?” asked Little Fly.

Moon replied, “I get lonely when I come out at night as most animals are
asleep. If you stay awake every night and be my friend, I will help you shine.”
Little Fly agreed and Moon whispered the secret words in his ear.

The next night, Little Fly excitedly said the secret words. He was shining!
On, off, twinkled his body light. It looked magical.

“Look,” said Mouse and other animals. “That fly is shining.

He’s special.”

Little Fly happily promised to be friends with Moon forever.

From then on, he always shone his light to welcome Moon every

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Page 46

1. Why was Little Fly sad at the beginning of the story? (____/1 mark)
He was sad because
(A) He wanted to be a lion
(B) There wasn't anything special about him
(C) He was not clever
(D) Everyone thought he was important.

2. What made Little Fly happy at the end? (____/1 mark)

(A) He found hidden treasure
(B) His friend gave him a present for his birthday
(C) He became King of the Flies
(D) He was shining like the stars and felt special

3. How did Moon feel at night when all the animals were asleep? (___/1 mark)

4. How did Little Fly help Moon? (____/1 mark)


5. Which of the following tells you best about the lesson of the story?
(____/1 mark)
(A) Always do things for your own good only.

(B) Don't try to be special

(C) Trick others to help yourself

(D) You can make friends by helping one another.

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Page 47

6. Moon kept his promise of helping Little Fly shine like the stars. What
does this tell you about Moon? (____/1 mark)




7. Moon and Little Fly became good friends forever because (____/1 mark)

(A) Moon was up in the sky and Little Fly was down on earth

(B) Little Fly was not telling the truth

(C) Moon bossed over Little Fly

(D) They trusted each other and kept their promise faithfully

8. Complete the following sentence below with one word of your own.

Little fly shouldn't have felt sad, because everyone has something
_______________ inside them. (____/1 mark)

9. Did Little Fly do the right thing to stay awake in the night and be
Moon's friend? Give reasons for your answer. (____/1 mark)



10. If your friend feels he or she is not special, you should (____/1 mark)

(A) be mean to him or her

(B) make fun and laugh at him or her

(C) point out and praise something that he or she is good in

(D) stop being friends with him or her.

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Page 48

11. Little Fly agreed and Moon whispered the secret words in his ear.
(____/1 mark)
The underlined word in the sentence above means the same as
(A) Shouted loudly into Little Fly's ear
(B) Made signs with his hands
(C) Yelled, so that everyone could hear
(D) Spoke softly, so that nobody could hear except Little Fly
12. Make a sentence of your own with the following word. (____/1 mark)
Promised – ____________________________________________

13. Tick the right conjunction in the brackets in the following sentence.
(____/1 mark)
Mother told Kanak not to go out to play (but / because / and) it was

14. Tick the right opposites from the brackets to complete the following
sentences. (____/1 mark)

(A) A tree is large but a plant is ___________. (heavy, small, light)

(B) A rock is hard, but ice cream is _____________. (soft, big,


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Page 49

15. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the words from
the box. (____/1 mark)
under over behind above

(A) The cat jumps ________ the wall

(B) The rabbit hid _______the bushes box.

16. Fill in the blanks with suitable words as directed. Use the words from
the box. (____/1 mark)
chair, fluffy, bridge, sharp
(A) Grandma knitted a __________ sweater for me.
(choose an adjective)
(B) We can cross the river on a wooden ___________.
(choose a noun)

17. Rewrite the following sentences using capital letters, commas, full
stops and question marks correctly. (____/1 mark)
(A) Did Father give raju a toy truck for his birthday
(B) I had bread butter and eggs for breakfast today

18. Which of the following sentences is right? Tick the correct sentence.
(____/1 mark)
(A) The monkey uses his long tail to swing from a tree.
(B) The monkey uses his long tale to swing from a tree

( ________/ 18marks )

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Page 50

Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow:

Long, long ago the first animals could not

make any sound. Then Earth decided to give
each animal a voice. She gave Bear a growl. She
gave Mouse a squeak. She gave Wolf a howl.

Sky also decided to give voices to the

creatures of the air. She would watch the birds
carefully first. Only then would she give each one a special voice. Sky watched for
weeks. Then she gave Canary a sweet song, and a pretty whistle to Bluebird.

It was Crow’s turn next. But where was he? Sky had been watching Crow,
who seemed always busy, looking round to see what was happening. One minute
Crow was flying over the forest. Then he was studying something in a field. Later
he was watching other animals. It seemed that Crow was always searching for
something interesting to watch.

Sky finally found Crow tangled in a hunter’s net. Crow could not call for
help because he didn’t have a voice yet. All he could do was try to fight his way
out. Sky freed him from the net. She gave Crow a loud, sharp Caw! If ever again
Crow got into trouble, he could call for help.

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Page 51

1 How does the story begin?

It begins by saying that (____/1 mark)
(A) The first animals couldn’t make any sound.
(B) Sky watched the birds carefully.
(C ) Crow gets tangled in the hunter’s net.
(D) Crow seemed to be a busy bird.

2. Why couldn’t Crow cry for help when he was in trouble? (____/1 mark)
(A) Because he thought he could get free on his own.
(B) Because he didn’t want to disturb anyone.
(C) Because he didn’t have a voice yet.
(D) Because he was afraid the hunter would hear him.

3. What did Sky notice about Crow’s activities while she was watching
him? (____/1 mark)

4. What was Crow doing when Sky finally found him? (____/1 mark)

5 Which of the following tells you best about the story? (____/1 mark)
(A) Crow’s search for something interesting to watch.
(B) Earth gives each animal a voice.
(C) Canary and Bluebird are given sweet voices.
(D) Sky gives busy Crow his voice to help him when he is in trouble.

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Page 52

6. ‘One minute Crow was flying over the forest. Then he was studying
something in a field. Later he was watching other animals. It
seemed that Crow was always searching for something interesting
to watch.’
Based on your knowledge, do all crows that you see behave that way?
Give reasons for your answer. (____/1 mark)

7. Why did Earth give Mouse a squeak? (____/1 mark)

(A) To suit its tiny size.
(B) To scare away big animals like lions.
(C) So that people will know a fierce animal is near.
(D) To help it swim underwater.

8. Sky gave Canary a sweet voice. What do you think the canary must look
like? (____/1 mark)
The canary must look _________________________ .

9. If you had a choice, would you choose to have the voice of Canary or
the voice of Crow? Give one reason for your answer. (____/1 mark)

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Page 53

10. What do you learn from the way in which Sky decided which voice to
give each bird? (____/1 mark)
(A) It’s important to think carefully before doing something
(B) It’s not important to know all the details.
(C) There is no need to think before taking action.
(D) Sky’s way was useful only long, long ago.

11. ‘She would watch the birds carefully first.’ (____/1 mark)
The underlined word in the sentence above means the same as:
(A) attentively
(B) carelessly
(C) lazily
(D) angrily

12. Make a sentence of your own with the following word: (____/1 mark)
Interesting – _____________________________________________

13. Fill in the blank with the opposite of the underlined word in the
sentence. Choose the right word from those in the box. (____/1 mark)

Uncle Brother Father Cousin

My sister and I visited Grandfather last month.

My ______________________ and I visited Grandfather last month.

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Page 54

14. Look at the picture given below. (____/1 mark)

Which of the following words rhymes with the name of this animal?
(A) Bus
(B) Pencil
(C ) Rabbit
(D) House the following pair of sentences into one sentence, using and, but or
because. (____/1 mark)
(A) Ranu is good at sports.
(B) Banu is better than her.

16. Do as directed. (____/1 mark)

(A) The _______________ (child) enjoyed the picnic.
(Fill in the blank with the plural form of the word in the bracket)
(B) The ________________ (ladies) was smiling at me.
(Fill in the blank with the singular form of the word in the

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Page 55

17. Complete the sentences with a suitable verb or a noun. Choose the right
word from the box. (____/1 mark)

swims pond school goes

(A) Raju_________________to the market everyday. (Choose a verb)

(B) The frog lives in the ___________________. (Choose a noun)

18. In the two sentences given below, one shows the proper nouns and
common nouns correctly. Tick the sentence that is correct. (____/1 mark)
(A) varun and nakul played with their new Football.
(B) Varun and Nakul played with their new football.

 ________/ 18 marks 

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Page 56
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

The Cap Seller and the Monkeys

There was once a cap seller in a village. He walked
many miles every day to sell his caps in the markets.
Sometimes, he had to pass through jungles too. One hot
afternoon, the tired cap seller lay down for a nap under
a mango tree.

Some monkeys were sitting on this tree. They saw the

cap seller sleeping with his bag of colorful caps nearby.
The monkeys jumped down and took the caps. They
wore them on their heads. They were excited!
The cap seller awoke. He saw his empty bag. All the caps were gone! He looked around, but they were
nowhere. Then he looked up at the tree. All the monkeys were wearing his caps!

The cap seller angrily shook his fist at them. The monkeys too, did the same. He threw a stone at the
monkeys to scare them. The monkeys threw mangos back at him.

He was very upset, and threw his cap on the ground. Seeing this, all the monkeys imitated him. They
too, threw the caps they were wearing down on the ground. The cap seller was very happy now. He
collected his caps, stuffed them back in his bag, and hurried away.
1. The cap seller lay down for a nap under the 2. In the end, how did the cap seller get his
mango tree because caps back from the monkeys?
(A) He was lazy (A) He scared the monkeys away
(B) He was tired (B) He pleaded with the monkeys
(C) He was waiting for his friend (C) He threw his cap on the ground because he
(D) He had nothing else to do was upset and the monkeys imitated him.
(D) He gave them all his food to eat

3. What did the monkeys do when they saw the bag of colourful caps?
4. What did the monkeys do when the cap seller threw a stone at them?
5. Why do you think the monkeys took away the caps?
(A) They were attracted to the bright colours
(B) They wanted to make the cap seller angry
(C) They wanted to protect their heads from the hot sun
(D) They wanted to look smart
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Page 57
6. What do you think of monkeys, after reading this story?
7. Which of the following do you think is the main idea of the story?
(A) The cap seller who is tired of selling his caps
(B) How the cap seller got his caps back from the mischievous monkeys
(C) The villagers who love to buy caps from the cap seller
(D) The jungle where the cap seller goes to sleep under a mango tree
8. Fill in the blank in the sentence below with one word of your own.
If I was the cap seller, and the monkeys took my caps, I would have felt _________________.
9. If you were the cap seller, would you have thrown stones at the monkeys? Give a
reason for your answer.
10. What would you do if your friend likes to copy 11. ‘Seeing this, all the monkeys
the way others speak, dress or talk? imitated him.’
(A) Tell him it is good to copy others The underlined word in the sentence
(B) Tell him that he will become popular if he above means the same as:
copies others (A) laughed
(C) Laugh at him and call him a copycat (B) copied
(D) Explain to him that should be himself and not (C) irritated
copy others. (D) amused
12. Make a sentence of your own with the word given below.

Collect - _____________________________________________________________________
13. Underline the adjective in the following 14. Underline two pronouns in the following
sentences. sentence.
She is drinking cold milk. (A) I love going to the school on my bicycle.
15. Fill in the blanks with ‘where’ or ‘wear’ 16. Use ‘a’, ‘an’ ‘the’ to complete the
correctly. sentences
(A) Don’t forget to ___________ a jacket (A) She saw _______owl.
when you go out.
(B) ____________ are you going so early in (B) _______ sun is shining.
the morning?
17. Fill in the blanks with the right preposition from the brackets
(A) I live _________________ my school. (on / near)
(B) The cat is sleeping __________________ the table. (in / under)
18. Tick the sentence with the correct capital letter and question mark.
(A) have you ever seen the taj mahal
(B) Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal?

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Page 58

Teach For India Grade 2: Student Form

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Mouth piece

My brother Shiv plays the trumpet in his school band.

He always tells me about it. He says, “Playing the Trumpet is fun."
The trumpet is a musical instrument made of brass. It is shiny and golden in

A trumpet has three buttons on the top. It also has a mouth piece, a finger hook
and a bell. Shiv blows into the mouthpiece at one end of the trumpet. It looks
like a little cup. He holds his mouth just right to play different notes.
That’s how he can make music sound good.

He practises a lot to keep his lips strong. He shapes his mouth

into smiles, circles, and yawns. Sometimes he misses a note.
We laugh when he does that.Shiv practises the trumpet every
Friday with his friends Raj and Yash. I want to learn to play
the trumpet too.

(i) What is a trumpet? What is it made of? (______/2marks)


(ii) I. Tick the correct answer. Shiv says: (______/1 mark)

(a) “Playing the trumpet is boring.”
(b) “Playing the trumpet is fun.”
(c) “Playing the trumpet is difficult.”
(d) “Playing the trumpet is not important.”

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Page 59

II. Say whether True or False: (______/1 mark)

Shiv practices the trumpet every Monday.

(iii) Why does the author laugh? (______/2 marks)


(iv) Name one musical instrument that you might have seen at home or
in school or in pictures. (______/1 mark)

(v) Which musical instrument does the author want to learn?(______/1 mark)

(vi) Fill in the blanks with the singular or plural of the given words
singular/plural. (______/2 marks)
(a) trumpet - ______________
(b) circles - ______________

(vii) The trumpet is shiny and golden in colour.

In the sentence given above: (______/1 mark)
(a) underline one adjective
(b) circle one noun.

(viii) Fill in the blanks with ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’. (______/1 mark)
(a) A trumpet has three buttons on ______________top.
(b) I want to play ______________ trumpet too.

(ix) Find a word in the story above that rhymes with (______/1 mark)
‘took’ ______________

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Page 60

2. Read the story and answer the following questions:

Snowy, the cat belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Roy.

She was white like snow. That is how she got her name. She was a tidy pet.
She even had a bump on her leg.
The Roy family lived in Kerala. They had lived there for a long time.
Now they had to move to another state. It would be a long drive to their new
home. Snowy didn’t like car rides. The family did not know what to do. The
Roys packed. They said goodbye to Snowy. They would miss their cat, but
Snowy would have a new comfortable home.

The Roy family moved to Goa. It was far from

Kerala. They started a new life there but they
thought of Snowy often. One day Mrs. Roy was
in the garden. A cat came inside. It was wet and
dirty, but underneath, its fur was white. It was
white like Snowy. The cat purred softly and
jumped into Mrs. Roy's arms. Mrs. Roy felt she
knew the cat, but her cat was far away in
Kerela. Then she saw a bump on the cat's leg.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy learned that Snowy had run away from home. Somehow
she had walked miles. The trip had taken her more than one year. They did not
understand how Snowy had found them. But they were delighted that she did.

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Page 61

(i) Which of the following titles best describes the main idea of the
story? (______/1 mark)
(a) The Car Ride
(b) Snowy Comes Home
(c) Moving to Goa
(d) The Black Cat

(ii) Why did the family not take Snowy with them in the car? (______/1 mark)

(iii) Do you think this is a true story? Why? (____/2 marks)


(iv) Which of the following things would you most likely find in Goa?
(______/1 mark)
(a) Taj Mahal
(b) Beaches
(c) Snow peaks
(d) Gateway of India

(v) Mr. and Mrs. Roy were: (______/1 mark)

(a) angry that their cat had followed them to Goa
(b) sad to see their cat in Goa
(c) delighted to see their cat back home with them
(d) found it funny to see their cat back

(vi) Do you like cats? Give a reason why or why not. (______/2 marks)

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Page 62

(vii) Number the sentences in the way they occur in the story. One has
been done for you. (______/3 marks)
They said goodbye to Snowy.
Mrs. Roy felt she knew the cat, but her cat was far away in
Then she saw a bump on the cat's leg.
1 The Roy family moved to Goa. It was far from Kerala. They
started a new life there but they thought of Snowy often.

A cat came inside. It was wet and dirty, but underneath, its
fur was white.
They did not understand how Snowy had found them. But
they were delighted that she did.

(viii) How would the Roys feel if Snowy had not returned? Why? (__/2 marks)

(ix) ‘The cat purred softly and jumped into Mrs. Roy's arms.’
Underline one verb in this sentence. (______/1 mark)

(x) Complete the following sentences using the correct verb or noun
from the words in the brackets. (______/2 marks)
(a) The Roys ____________ and said goodbye to Snowy.
(car, packed)
(b) Snowy had run away from ____________. (home, walked)

(_________/29 marks)
Page 62 of 149
Page 63

Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow:

Turtle lived in a muddy pool. He loved to

talk to the animals. They called him a

One day, Turtle saw two geese by the pool.

“We live far, far away on a beautiful blue
lake,” they said.
“I wish I could go there,” he said.

“Why don’t you fly back with us?” asked the two geese. “I can’t fly,” Turtle told

“We’ll carry you to the lake,” said the geese.

The geese found a long stick. They held it in their beaks. “Hold onto this with your
mouth,” they said. “But you must not talk. Not a word. Or you will fall.”

Turtle put the stick in his mouth.

The two geese flew up into the sky. They flew over the trees. Two parrots saw
them. The monkeys saw them. “Where are you going, Turtle?” they called. Just in
time, he remembered not to talk.

“I bet you can’t stop talking, Turtle,” said Snake.

“Yes, I can!” shouted Turtle.

Down, down, down he fell. Bump, bump, bump

he went.

“You were right,” he said. “I can’t stop talking.”

“But now that I’ve flown, I’ve got even more to
talk about,” he laughed.
And he went all the way home to his muddy

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Page 64

1. What did the animals call the turtle? (____/1 mark)

(A) A gossip
(B) A chatterbox
(C) A lazy fellow
(D) A sly turtle

2. How did the geese carry the turtle to their lake? (____/1 mark)
(A) They lifted him with a rope
(B) They carried him in a basket
(C) They asked him to follow them on the ground
(D) They told him to hold on to a long stick which they held in their

3. What did the geese tell the turtle not to do? (____/1 mark)

4. Why did the turtle open his mouth? (____/1 mark)


5. Which of the following is best suited as the title for this story? (____/1 mark)
(A) The Two Geese
(B) The Adventurous Animals
(C) Chatterbox Turtle
(D) In the Jungle

6. From the story, do you think that the turtle and the snake were good
friends? Give reasons for your answer. (____/1 mark)



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Page 65

7. “But now I’ve been flying. I’ve got even more to talk about,” he
laughed. (____/1 mark)

These lines tell us that the turtle

(A) is angry with the snake for his fall

(B) is feeling foolish at falling down halfway to the lake

(C) is as jolly as ever and finds even more to talk about

(D) is sad at not being able to see the beautiful lake

8. Complete the sentence using one word.

If someone, like the snake in the story, teased me, I would feel
_________________________________________. (____/1 mark)

9. If you were the turtle, would you have accepted the geese’s offer of
being carried to their lake far away? Say why or why not. (____/1 mark)


10. From this story, I learn that (____/1 mark)

(A) animals talk like people

(B) animals have different personalities too
(C) chatterboxes are admired by others
(D) we can be cheerful even when we face a problem

11. Make a sentence with the given word (____/1 mark)

Beautiful- _______________________________________________

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Page 66

12. Find a word from the story which means- (____/1 mark)
A person who talks a lot – __________________________

13. Complete the sentences with suitable proper nouns and common
nouns from the box. (____/1 mark)

Dr. Das bicycle Rahul books medicine

(A) ____________ gave me some ____________ when I was ill.

(B) ____________has a shiny, new ____________.

14. Fill in the blanks correctly with `hair’ or `hare’. (____/1 mark)
(A) She has beautiful, curly _________ .
(B) The ___________ is a very fast animal.

15. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets.
(____/1 mark)
(A) The fish jumped _____________ the water. (behind/out of)
(B) The mouse ran _________ the chair. (in /under)

16. Write the singular or plural of the underlined words in the blanks, as
directed. (____/1 mark)
(A) A flock of _____________ crossed the road. (plural of sheep)
(B) The ______________ played with his dog in the garden .
( singular of children)
17. Join the following sentences using ‘and,’ `but’ or ‘because’ suitably.
(____/1 mark)
(A) Varun likes reading. Tarun prefers sports.
(B) Nina went to the seaside. Tina went to the seaside.

Page 66 of 149
Page 67

18. One of the sentences below has an error. Tick that sentence. (____/1 mark)
(A) I had a wonderful time at Mala’s birthday party yesterday.
(B) I had a wonderfully time at Mala’s birthday party yesterday.

( ________/ 18marks )

Page 67 of 149
Page 68

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Page 69

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Page 70

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Page 71

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Page 72

Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow:

The Lost Toby

Hi, I’m Sam, and I love to play video games. I stay with my mom and my dog,
"Sam, will you feed Toby, please?"
“I'm in the middle of a game. I'll finish this level and then I'll feed him.”
45 minutes later, I hear Mom calling for dinner. I go to the table and Mom asks
about Toby.
"Mom I forgot. I'll feed him now." I go to the
backyard to bring Toby in, but I can't find him.
Oh no! Toby is gone. "Mom, Toby isn't in the
yard. I think I might have left the gate open this
morning. I think he escaped."
“He’s not there? Sam, this is bad news." Mom
Mom calls everywhere trying to locate Toby. But no one has seen him, and I'm
worried. We make pictures and signs to put up in the
park or the nieghbourhood.We go to grandpa's house
all tired and hungry. It doesn’t seem like we'll ever
find him.
As Grandpa opens the door, Toby jumps up and licks
my face. I hug him and pat him. I rub his stomach
just where he likes it.

"Sam, what happened?" Grandpa asks.

"I was playing my video game and I couldn't get past a level. Then I realized Toby
was gone."
"Is your video game more important than your dog?" Grandpa asks.


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Page 73

"It's not," I said. I'm happy Toby is safe. I feel awful

that my dog could have got hurt because of me.
“Mom, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, and Toby, I'm
sorry I forgot about you.”
“Thank you for the apology, Sam," says Mom. "Let's
go home and eat.”

1. What did Sam love to play? (____/1 mark)

(A) Football
(B) Basketball
(C) Video games
(D) Computer games

2. In the story, Toby is Sam’s pet. What is he? (____1 mark)

(A) A cat
(B) A dog
(C) A rabbit
(D) A tortoise

3. Why did Sam not feed Toby when his mother asked him to? (____/1 mark)

4. Why were Sam and his mother all tired and hungry? (____/1 mark)


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Page 74

5. Read the sentences and answer the question given below.

“I'm in the middle of a game. I'll finish this level and then I'll feed him.”

45 minutes later, I hear Mom calling for dinner. I go to the table and
Mom asks about Toby.

"Mom I forgot. I'll feed him now." I go to the backyard to bring Toby
in, but I can't find him.

Describe Sam. (____/1 mark)


6. If Toby was your dog, what would you have done to find Toby?
(____/2 marks)



7. Which of the following signs do you think Sam has put up to find
Toby? (____/1 mark)

Page 74 of 149
Page 75





8. Make sentences using the given words. (____/2 marks)

(A) Backyard- __________________________________________
(B) Forgot- ____________________________________________

9. Use ‘then’, and ‘after’, to complete the following sentences: (____/2 marks)

(A) Sam said, “I'll finish this level and____________ I'll feed him.”
(B) ____________45 minutes, Mom called Sam for dinner.

Read the poem given below and answer the questions.

“Think…” said the robin,

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Page 76

“Think…” said the jay,

sitting in the garden,
talking one day.

“Think about the people –

the way they grow;
they don’t have feathers
at all, you know.”

“They don’t eat beetles,

They don’t grow wings.
They don’t like sitting
On wires and things.”

“Think…” said the robin,

“Think…” said the jay,
“Aren’t people funny
To be that way?”

10. Which two birds is the poem about? (____/1 mark)

(A) The crow and robin

(B) The robin and the jay

(C) The eagle and the crow

(D) The jay and the eagle

11. What were the birds doing? (____/1 mark)



12. The birds think people are funny. From the poem, give any one reason
why they think so. (____/1 mark)

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Page 77



13. Which of the following titles is best suited to the main idea of the
poem? (____/1 mark)

(A) What Birds Eat

(B) The Fighting Birds

(C) Bird Talk

(D) Bird Walk

14. In the poem, what gives you the idea that the birds are not busy
working? (____/1 mark)


15. What else do you think birds could talk about? Give reasons for your
answer in 2-3 sentences. (____/2 marks)



16. (i) If you could become a bird, which of the following would you like
the best? (____/1 mark)

(A) eat insects and worms

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Page 78

(B) grow soft, colourful feathers

(C) fly freely in the sky

(D) live in a nest in a tree

(ii) Give one reason for your choice in the space below. (____/1 mark)



17. “Think…” said the robin,

“Think…” said the jay,
“Aren’t people funny
To be that way?”

In the lines above, replace the underlined word with another word
which is closest in meaning to it. Tick the correct option. (____/1 mark)

(A) odd

(B) lovely

(C) angry

(D) wicked

18. Make sentences using the given words: (____/2 marks)

(A) Grow


(B) Beetles


19. Find a word from the poem that rhymes with the word given below.

‘Say’ -______________ (____/1 mark)

- 10 -
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Page 79

20. Use the nouns given in the box to write the answer. (____/2 marks)

How do you think humans are different from birds?

feathers wings wires beaks



21. Look at the picture and answer the questions using the appropriate
preposition from the brackets. (____/2 marks)

(A) Where are the birds sitting? (in/on)

- 11 -
Page 79 of 149
Page 80



(B) Where was the bench placed? (on/under)



22. The verse given below has only 2 lines. Write two sentences using any
two action words given in the cloud to complete the verse. (____/2 marks)

- 12 -
Page 80 of 149
Page 81

flying eating
talking sleeping
dreaming thinking

“Think…” said the robin,

“Think…” said the jay,



( __________/ 31 marks )

- 13 -
Page 81 of 149
Page 82

Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

The Cloud

It was a hot summer morning. A little Cloud floated

happily across the blue sky. She looked down at earth.
The poor people of the earth were working in the hot
fields. They were suffering.

She wished she could help them. She wished she could
give the hungry ones food and the thirsty, a drink. As Cloud became larger, the
wish to help the people became greater too.

On earth it grew hotter and hotter. The poor people had to go on with their
work. Sometimes they looked up longingly at Cloud.

I must help them, thought Cloud. She began to sink softly down toward the
earth. Suddenly, she remembered that if Clouds go too near the earth, they would

She stopped for a minute thinking. At last, she said, "Men of earth, I will give
my life to help you!"

Then a wonderful light glowed from her heart. The sound of thunder rolled
through the sky. Cloud fell to earth in a cool, healing shower of rain.

People cheered. A lovely rainbow crossed the sky over the whole countryside.

Long afterwards, whenever there was a rainbow, men and animals

remembered Cloud’s great deed.

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Page 83

1. Why did Cloud wish to help the people of the earth? (____/1 mark)

(A) Because they were happy

(B) Because they were suffering on the hot earth
(C) Because they asked her for help
(D) Because her teacher had told her to help them.

2. What did Cloud wish she could give the people? (____/1 mark)
(A) Schools and hospitals
(B) Roads and trains
(C) Lots of fresh air
(D) Food for the hungry and water for the thirsty

3. What did Cloud suddenly remember as she began to come down to

earth? (____/1 mark)

4. What did Cloud decide to do at the end? (____/1 mark)


5. "Men of earth, I will give my life to help you!" (____/1 mark)

What does this line tell you about Cloud?

(A) She does not care about the suffering of the people
(B) She is too lazy to help the people
(C) She is very kind-hearted and wants to help people who are in
(D) She is too busy floating across the sky to help.

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Page 84

6. Why did the people look up longingly at Cloud? (____/1 mark)



7. The main idea in this story is (____/1 mark)

(A) Do not think of helping anyone if it doesn't help you

(B) Help yourself first before helping others
(C) People are ungrateful and will never remember your help
(D) When you help someone in trouble without caring for your own
life, it is a great deed.

8. Fill in the blank with a suitable word of your own.

Reading about the Cloud who gave up her life to help people made me
feel _________________________________________. (____/1 mark)

9. Was Cloud's `great deed' really great? Say why or why not. (____/1 mark)

10. How do you think clouds really give us rain? (____/1 mark)
(A) When clouds decide to do so.

(B) When the sun shines brightly.

(C) When clouds become too heavy with moisture and drop to earth

(D) Whenever men and animals wish for rain

Page 84 of 149
Page 85

11. ‘As Cloud became larger, the wish to help the people became greater
too.’ (____/1 mark)

The underlined word in the sentence is the opposite of

(A) Happier

(B) Bigger

(C) Smaller
(D) Heavier

12. Make a sentence of your own with the word given below. (____/1 mark)
Floated –

13. Tick the correct word in the brackets. (____/1 mark)

(A) Have you seen (a/ an) aeroplane?
(B) (A/ An) magician came to our school yesterday.

14. Underline the pronouns in the sentences below. (____/1 mark)

(A) Uncle Ramu painted his house last year.

(B) Mother took the cake from the oven and put it on the table.

15. Fill in the blank with the right words from the box.
(____/1 mark)

climb, swim, walk, park

(A) I go to the _______________ to play with my friends everyday.

(Choose a noun)
(B) My dog loves to ______________ in the river.
(Choose a verb)

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Page 86

16. Join the pairs of sentences below with `but' or `and'. (____/1 mark)
(A) Romi likes carrots. Romi likes beans.
(B) Vijay likes football. He does not like cricket.

17. Rewrite the following sentence using capital letters, commas, full
stops and question marks correctly. (____/1 mark)

seema made this cake Would you like a slice for tea

18. Which of the two sentences given below is correct? Tick the right one.
(____/1 mark)
(A) Tina and Raja are jogging in the park.
(B) Tina but Raja are jogging in the park.

 ________/ 18marks 

Page 86 of 149
Page 87

Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow:

A tiny orange elf called Kesari lived in the

Narangi plains. It hardly ever rained and oranges
grew there. Kesari wanted to see the world and other

First he went to Assam. He saw alligators in

big rivers, and oranges too. Then he went to the hills
of the Nilgiris. He saw lots of tea bushes, and oranges
too. Then he went to the Himalayas. He saw hundreds
of apple orchards, and oranges too. Then he went back to the Narangi plains where
he came from.
He lived in the roots of an orange tree that only had green oranges. Then
harvest time came. The farmer came to cut the tree down because the green
oranges did not become orange oranges. He lifted his axe. Kesari cried, “Stop,
stop!” The farmer stopped his axe just in time. “The green oranges haven’t
become orange oranges because I’ve been on
holiday,” said Kesari. “ Come back again

The farmer came back the next day. All

the oranges were orange. The farmer smiled
and picked an orange. It was sweet and juicy.
The farmer and Kesari pranced and danced.

Never again did Kesari the elf leave the

Narangi plains.

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Page 88

1. Which of the following takes place in the beginning of the story?

(____/1 mark)
(A) The farmer comes to cut down the orange tree.
(B) All the green oranges become orange oranges.
(C ) Kesari leaves Narangi plains to see the world and other oranges.
(D) Kesari returns to Narangi plains.

2. In the end, the farmer picked an orange that (____/1 mark)

(A) was green and sour
(B) was not sweet
(C) was not juicy at all
(D) was sweet and juicy
3. Why did the farmer come to cut down the orange tree at harvest time?
(____/1 mark)

4. Why did the green oranges not become orange oranges at harvest time ?
(____/1 mark)

5 How do you suppose the farmer would have harvested the ripe oranges?
(____/1 mark)
(A) Training squirrels to drop the oranges to the ground.
(B) By picking them one by one carefully by hand
(C) Cutting down the tree to get to the oranges
(D) Waiting until they fall off the tree by themselves in a storm

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Page 89

6 Why do you think Kesari wanted to see other oranges too, on his
travels? (____/1 mark)

7. He lifted his axe. Kesari cried, “Stop, stop! The green oranges
haven’t become orange oranges because I’ve been on holiday.”
(____/1 mark)
What does this sentence tell you about Kesari?
(A) He was a coward and was afraid the farmer would hurt him.
(B) He was selfish and didn’t care that the tree was being cut down.
(C ) He was caring and didn’t want the tree to suffer because of him.
(D) He was greedy and wanted all the oranges for himself.

8. Fill in the blank with a word of your own to complete the sentence.
I think Kesari returned to the plains where he lived because he felt
_________________________________________. (____/1 mark)

9. Would you like Kesari to be your friend? Why or why not? (____/1 mark)

10 How do you think green oranges turn into ripe oranges? (____/1 mark)
(A) By the magic of elves and fairies.
(B) With the changing seasons and the warmth of the sun.
(C ) By spraying them with orange paint.

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Page 90

(D) By watering the trees with orange-flavoured water.

11 ‘Then harvest time came.’ (____/1 mark)

Harvest means -
(A) sowing the seeds of the crop
(B) cutting and gathering the ripened crops
(C ) selling ripe crops in the market
(D) watering the crops

12. Make a sentence of your own with the following word. (____/1 mark)
Pranced – _________________________________________________

13. Look at the picture and complete the sentences. Pick the right word
from the box (____/1 mark)

in on under behind over

(A) The cat is __________ the stool.

(B) The cat is jumping __________ the wall.

(C) The cat is __________ the box.

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Page 91

(D) The cat is __________ the suitcase.

14. Tick the correct pronouns from the given options. (____/1 mark)
(A) Rita ran to the river. She / It found some shells there.
(B) Boys wear white shirts. He / They look smart.

15. Read the pairs of sentences below. Fill in the blanks from the given
options in the second sentence with the opposite of the underlined
(A) The clown is very happy.
(B) The clown is very __________ (cute / sad).

16 Punctuate and rewrite the following. Use capital letters, full stops,
commas and question marks. (____/1 mark)
where is neelu going with her big red ball

17. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives from the words in the
brackets. (____/1 mark)
(A) Ranjit likes to collect ____________ stamps . (delicious / rare)
(B) The ___________ parents clapped as their son received a medal.
(proud / paper)

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Page 92

18. One of the sentences below is correct. Tick that sentence. (____/1 mark)
(A) Sita writes a letter to Grandfather every weak.
(B) Sita writes a letter to Grandfather every week.

 ________/ 18 marks 

Page 92 of 149
Page 93
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Grandpa‟s Plant
Grandpa loved gardening. He grew flowers and vegetables in pots in his tiny
garden. Grandma liked to pick the flowers for her vase. The flowers made the
living room look so cheerful.
One day, Grandpa and Grandma went to buy some more plants for their garden.
They enjoyed looking at all the plants in the shop. They admired the beautiful
“I’ll buy a tomato plant,” said Grandpa. He picked up a pot with a small plant in it. “I’ll take this
one”, he said.
“Is it a tomato plant?” asked Grandma. “Of course!” Grandpa laughed. “I know what a tomato plant
looks like!”
Grandpa took the plant home and kept it in a sunny place. He watered it every day with just
the right amount of water. He had read that tomato plants didn’t like too much water.
“Soon we’ll have many tomatoes,” Grandpa said. He couldn’t wait for the ripe,
red tomatoes to appear. One day, Grandma said, with a twinkle in her eye, “Go
and look at your plant. You will be surprised.”

“Tomatoes at last!” he said as he ran happily to the garden. He looked at his plant.
It was covered all over………….with bright orange marigold flowers!
1. What do you learn about Grandpa at the 2. What did Grandma like to do with the
beginning of the story? flowers from Grandpa’s garden?
(A) He loves cooking (A) She liked to give them to people
(B) He loves swimming (B) She threw them away
(C) He loves gardening (C) She liked to put them in her flower vase
(D) He loves reading comics (D) She liked to paint pictures of them
3. What had Grandpa read about tomato plants?
4. What is the surprise that Grandpa got in the end?
5. What do you think Grandma felt when she saw marigold flowers and not tomatoes, on
Grandpa’s plant?
(A) Angry (B) Worried (C) Amused (D) Bored
6. What do you think Grandpa said when he saw his plant was not a tomato plant?
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Page 94
7. “Is it a tomato plant?” asked Grandma.
“Of course!” Grandpa laughed. “I know what a tomato plant looks like!”
From the sentences given above, which of the following best describes Grandpa?
(A) Scared (B) Certain (C) Timid (D) Weak
8. Complete the following sentence with one word of your own.
It is possible to mistake a tomato plant for a marigold plant because they have similar
9. Did you like the ending of the story? Say why or why not.
10. What is the best thing to do if you made a silly 11. The flowers made the living room
mistake? look so cheerful.
(A) Run away and hide in my room The underlined word in the sentence
(B) Feel silly, but have a good laugh at myself above is the opposite of
(C) Get angry if anyone talks about the mistake (A) happy (B) colourful
(D) Cry and cry, so that people feel sorry for me (C) glum (D) smiling
12. Make a sentence of your own with the word given below.

Admired - _______________________________________________________________
13. Tick the opposites of the underlined words below
(i) Arun is tall, but Varun is _________________ . (small / short)
(ii) Butter is _______________, but a stone is hard. (soft / dry)
14. Underline the adjective in each of the following sentences.
(A) The thin boy ran fast.

(B) Arun couldn’t climb the tall tree.

15. Choose the right words from the brackets to fill the blanks.
(A) Father gave Ajay a ___________for his birthday. (book / reading)
(B) Maya and Billu are ___________ in the garden. (house / playing)

16. Use „a‟ ,‟an‟, „the‟ to complete the sentence

(A) __________ building is very tall.
(B) She eats _________ apple every day.
(C) There is _________ comb and _________ umbrella in the bag
17. Fill in the blanks below with the plurals of the words in the brackets.
(A) The _________________ were crying because they were hungry. (baby)
(B) Nilu saw lots of __________________ on the farm. (sheep)
18. Tick the right sentence from those given below.
(A) Sita combed her long, shiny, black hair
(B) Sita combed her long, shiny, black hare.

Page 94 of 149
Page 95

Read the passage and answer the questions.

Long ago, the sun and the moon lived on the land.
They lived in a house which was as big as a lion and
which was just big enough for the sun and the moon.

The sun and the moon had many neighbors. They

invited the neighbors to come and visit them, but the
neighbors could not visit because the little house
could only hold the sun and the moon.

“We must build a bigger house,” they said. So together they worked and they
worked until they had built a house as big as an elephant.

“Now, please come and visit,” said the sun.

The neighbors looked at the big house. It looked big enough so they came to visit
with all their family and even brought the old grandpas and grandmas too.

“No, wait!” said the moon. “The house is not big enough for so many people.”

And the sun and moon worked even harder until they had built a bigger house. It
was as big as a ship.

The neighbors came and brought all their friends and their friends’ families too.
“No more!” said the sun.

Before long, there was no room in the house so the sun and the
moon climbed up onto the roof. Soon there was no room on the
roof. The sun and the moon looked up. “There is plenty of room
up there,” they said and they flew up into the sky.

“This is better,” said the sun.

“Yes it is,” said the moon.

So they decided to stay up in the sky forever.


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Page 96

1. How big was the house of the sun and the moon at the beginning of the
story? (___/1 mark)
(A) As big as ship
(B) As big as an elephant
(C) As big as a lion
(D) As big as the sky
2. Where did the sun and moon decide to stay in the end? (___/1 mark)
(A) in the sea
(B) in another town
(C) in the sky
(D) in another bigger house

3. Why did the sun and moon decide to stay up in the sky forever? (___/1 mark)

4. Who all came to visit the sun and the moon when their house was as big
as an elephant? (___/1 mark)

5. Complete this sentence in your own words. (___/1 mark)

When the sun and moon were forced out of their biggest house by their
visitors, they must have felt __________________________________


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Page 97

6. Which of the following describes the main idea of the story? (___/1 mark)
(A) Cunning people who trick others into giving up their money.
(B) Being neighbors is not just being friendly but also being courteous
and respectful.
(C) Hard work is always the answer to one’s problems
(D) It is better to live alone, and not amongst people.
7. Do you think the sun and moon should have built bigger and bigger
houses just to fit in all their neighbors? Give reasons for your answer.
(___/1 mark)

8. Complete this sentence with one word of your own. (___/1mark)

If my neighbors had come crowding into my house, I would be

9. If you had to build another house for the sun and the moon, what
would it be like? Describe it. (___/1 mark)

10. What would have happened if the sun and moon had remained on earth
and not in the sky? (___/1 mark)

11. “There is plenty of room up there,” they said and they flew up into the sky.
The underlined word in the sentence means the same as (___/1 mark)
(A) little
(B) not enough
(C) lots of
(D) not much


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Page 98

12. Make a meaningful sentence with the following word. (___/1 mark)
Invite – ___________________________________________________________

13. Circle one noun and underline one verb in the sentence given below.
Long ago, the sun and the moon lived on the land. (___/1 mark)

14. Complete the sentences using suitable pronouns from the box. (___/1 mark)
I she it we
(A) The sun and the moon built a house. ______ was as big as a lion.
(B) “_____ will build a bigger house for ourselves,” said the sun and

15. Join the sentences with `and’ or `but’ to make a single sentence.
The neighbors looked at the big house. They came to visit with their
families (___/1 mark)
16. Tick the correct sentence. (___/1 mark)
(A) (i) Many neighbors came to visit the sun and the moon.
(ii) The sun and the moon had much neighbors.
(B) (i) The little house did not have few room for all the visitors.
(ii) The little house did not have much room for all the visitors.

17. Tick the sentence which is in the past tense. (___/1 mark)
(A) The Sun and the Moon flew up into the sky.
(B) The Sun and the Moon will fly up into the sky.


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Page 99

Read the poem and answer the following questions.

Keep a poem in your pocket

and a picture in your head
and you’ll never feel lonely
at night when you’re in bed.

The little poem will sing to you

the little picture bring to you
a dozen dreams to dance to you
at night when you’re in bed.


Keep a picture in your pocket

and a poem in your head
and you’ll never feel lonely
at night when you’re in bed.

18. What time of day or night is the poet talking about? (___/1 mark)
(A) Morning
(B) Afternoon
(C) Night
(D) Evening

19. What is the poet asking you to keep in your pocket? (___/1 mark)
(A) Money
(B) A poem
(C) A handkerchief
(D) A pen


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Page 100

20. Find the word from the poem to complete the sentence.
The poet says you will never feel lonely at night because `the little
poem will _____________________ to you’. (___/1 mark)

21. ‘the little picture bring to you

a dozen dreams to dance to you
at night…’

What do you think the poet means in the lines above? (___/1 mark)
(A) a dance show on TV
(B) dreams in which people are dancing
(C) comforting thoughts at night
(D) dreams of becoming a famous dancer

22. Who do you think this poem has been written for? Give reasons for
your answer. (___/1 mark)

23. Why do you think the poet wrote this poem? (___/1 marks)
(A) Because she had to write a poem for homework
(B) Because she may have been a lonely child
(C) Because she wanted to become a dancer
(D) Because she liked to daydream

24. After reading the poem, do you feel like ' keeping a poem in your
pocket. '? Write why or why not. (___/1 mark)


Page 100 of 149

Page 101

25. ‘Keep a poem in your head’ (___/1 mark)

In this line from the poem, the underlined words mean the same as
(A) to learn the poem
(B) to memorize the words
(C) to keep a poem on top of your head
(D) to keep a poem in your thoughts

26. Make a meaningful sentence with the following word. (___/1 mark)
Picture – _______________________________________________

27. Do as directed in the following sentence. (___/1 mark)

Rinku wanted a puppy for her birthday.
(Underline one common noun and circle one proper noun)

28. Do as directed in the following sentence. (___/1 mark)

The boy climbed the high mountain.
(Underline one verb and circle one adjective)

29. Fill in the blanks with the right word from the bracket. (___/1 mark)
Mita lifted the injured bird ___________________. (care/ carefully)

30. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns from the box. (___/1 mark)

my he you it

(A) I like this book because _____ has colorful pictures.

(B) I am Rini. That is ______ house.

31. Underline the prepositions in the following sentences. (___/1 mark)

(A) Ronu banged into the gate with his bicycle.
(B) Monu slipped and fell to the bottom of the stairs.


Page 101 of 149

Page 102

32. Join the two given sentences to make a single sentence using ‘because’
or ‘but’. (___/1 mark)
Maya wanted to play with Nina. Nina was her best friend.

33. Use ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ correctly in the following sentences. (___/1 mark)
(A) I played ____________ guitar at the school’s Talent Show.
(B) There is _____________ apple tree in my garden.

34. Use the correct form of the given words in the following sentences.
(___/1 mark)

shine happy

(A) Hari was given a ________________ medal for his act of bravery.
(B) Mala laughed _______________ when she saw her birthday gift.

35. Look at the following sentences. Tick the sentence which is correct.
(___/1 mark)
(A) Neeru went to the market tomorrow to buy a new dress.
(B) Neeru will go to the market tomorrow to buy a new dress.

36. Look at the sentences below. One of them is incorrect. Rewrite it in the
correct form. (___/1 mark)
(A) “Oh look! There’s a tiger.”
(B) would you like to have an ice cream, nitin.”

( __________/ 36 marks )

Page 102 of 149

Page 103

1. What is Owl doing at the beginning of the story? (_____/1 mark)

(A) He is looking at the stars
(B) He is watching the moon coming up in the sky
(C) He is looking for seashells in the sand
(D) He is fishing

2. What, according to the story, makes Owl think that the moon and he must be
very good friends? (_____/1 mark)
(A) Both Owl and the moon are looking at each other
(B) Both Owl and the moon are awake only at night
(C) The moon said Hello to Owl first
Page 103 of 149
(D) The moon did not follow Owl to his home
3. What happened to the moon when Owl climbed to the top of a hill and
Page 104
shouted good-bye? (_____/1 mark)

4. How does Owl feel about the moon at the end of the story? (_____/1 mark)

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Page 105

Page 105 of 149

Page 106

Page 106 of 149

Page 107

Page 107 of 149

Page 108

Page 108 of 149

Page 109

Page 109 of 149

Page 110

Read the following passage and answer the following questions:

Manatees are marine mammals. Earlier, people believed
that manatees were mermaids or ‘sea sirens’. Some
called them sea cows. They graze on plants for many
hours. Manatees are shaped like very chubby dolphins.
They have a paddle shaped tail. They have pudgy,
wrinkled faces like walruses. They have heavy, solid
bones. The closest well-known living relative of the
manatee is the elephant.
Manatees live in both shallow fresh water and salt water.
They prefer water temperatures higher than 20 degrees
Celsius. A thick layer of blubber protects them from the
cold. They migrate or travel between summer and winter.
Manatees spend up 8 hours a day eating. They are
vegetarians that feed on floating or underwater plants.
They rest up to 12 hours a day. They rest on the surface of
the water or at the bottom. While manatees are loners, they do sometimes get
together. They talk with each other using chirps and whistles. Like other
mammals, manatee mothers give birth to live young. It is born under water. It must
be brought to the surface right after to breathe air. It drinks its mother’s milk for up
to two years.
Threats to survival
All manatees are in great danger of becoming extinct.
Their numbers are low because of many reasons. They
also die when they get trapped in fishing nets. One of the
biggest dangers to manatees comes from power boats.
They move slowly and cannot escape a boat. Another
threat to manatees comes from pollution of the water they
live in. Laws have been passed to protect them. Many
groups are working to save these polite mammals. They are trying to educate
people about these gentle creatures and the threats to their survival.
Page 110 of 149
Page 111

1. What type of creatures are manatees? (___/1 mark)

(A) Marine mammals
(B) Land mammals
(C) Flying creatures
(D) Cave animals

2. What does a manatee look like? Describe it. (___/2 marks)


3. Manatees talk to each other: (___/1 mark)

(A) by barking at each other
(B) using body movements
(C) using chirps and whistles
(D) trumpeting at each other

4. Read the sentence and answer the question. (___/1 mark)

‘The closest well known living relative of the manatee is the elephant.’
What does this tell you about the size of the manatee?
(A) It is large
(B) It is small
(C) It is tiny
(D) It is thin

5. “They rest up to 12 hours a day.” What do you understand about the

behavior of the manatee from this statement? Explain. (___/2 marks)

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Page 112

6. A thick layer of blubber protects Manatees from the cold.

How do you protect yourself when it is cold? (___/2 marks)

7. ‘All manatees are becoming extinct.’ (___/2 marks)

Suggest one way in which you would save these mammals from
becoming extinct.

8. “Many groups are working to save these polite mammals.” Which word
from the options given below is closest in meaning to the underlined
word in the sentence? Tick the correct option. (___/1mark)
(A) Well behaved
(B) Rude
(C) Impolite
(D) Talkative

9. Make sentences with the following words: (___/2 marks)

(A) Gentle-_______________________________________________
(B) Surface-______________________________________________

Page 112 of 149

Page 113

Read the passage and answer the following questions:

It was Ryan’s first day of school in Ms. Rose’s class.

He was nervous because he’d heard Ms. Rose was
very strict. But she looked nice.
Ms. Rose started with an overview of what they’d be
doing this year. Then she gave them homework and
said that it was not to be handed in late. She assigned
the class to do some
Math problems and
read a story. It wasn’t due until Thursday and she
suggested they do it immediately that night.
“Homework has a way of piling up,” she said. But
today was only Monday, I have lots of time, Ryan
thought. When school was over, he played
baseball and watched his favorite TV show. His
mom asked about homework and he said he didn’t
have any.
Next day, Ms. Rose gave them more homework. It
was a poem and it wasn’t due until Thursday. Ryan
didn’t bother so he stacked it on his desk. At school,
Ms. Rose just smiled and reminded them about their
assignments. She gave them some more Math
homework. That night Ryan played with his cousin
Donny who had come to visit. Next day, after dinner,
when Ryan went up to his room, he suddenly realized
that it was Wednesday and his homework was due for the next day. Ms. Rose had
warned them that it could pile up. Ryan tried but it was too much, he gave up soon.
Next day, Ms. Rose was angry as no one had finished. “Nobody leaves this room
until everyone is finished!”
They worked hard. They missed lunch as they stayed in and worked. After being
locked up for a day, they finished. They were glad to get out! Ms. Rose taught
them their lesson and she assigned some homework.
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Page 114

“I hope you’ll do your homework right away

instead of piling it up,” she said.
“Oh yes,” they all promised. “We will do it as soon
as we get it.”
Now Ryan does his homework regularly.

10. Why was Ryan nervous on his first day at school? (___/1 mark)
(A) He was late for school
(B) He did not have any friends
(C) His teacher was very strict
(D) He was not interested in studying

11. Why did Ms. Rose ask the students to do their homework immediately?
(___/2 marks)

12. What did Ryan do after school got over? (___/1 mark)

13. At the end of the story, Ms. Rose was angry as no one had finished their
homework. “Nobody leaves this room until everyone is finished!” Did
it make a difference on the children’s behavior? If so, how? (___/2 marks)

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Page 115

14. Which of the following titles is best suited to the main idea of the
story? (___/1 mark)
(A) The first day at school
(B) The homework lesson
(C) Ms. Rose and her class
(D) Ryan and his teacher

15. Which of the following options, according to you, is the lesson that you
learn from the story? (___/1 mark)
(A) We must never obey our teachers
(B) We should not tell lies to our elders
(C) We should never postpone our work
(D) We should only do what we want to do

16. If you had been in place of Ryan, how would you feel on the first day
of school? Explain in two to three sentences. (___/2 marks)

Page 115 of 149

Page 116

17. Rewrite the following sentences to make a meaningful paragraph, using

‘then’ and ‘because’. One has been done for you. (___/2 marks)

He played baseball and watched his favourite TV, show

and played with his cousin Donny.
Ms. Rose started with an overview of what they’d been
doing this year.
She assigned the class to do some math problems and
read a story.
(D) Ryan couldn’t finish his homework on time.

Ms. Rose started with on overview of what they’d been doing this
year. Then, _______________________________________________

18. Look at the picture and describe it one sentence using action words.
(___/2 marks)



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- 10 -
Page 117

19. Tick (√) the correct phrase. (___/2 marks)

(A) many books much books

(B) some math problems much math problems

20. Underline the pronouns in the given sentences: (___/2 marks)

(A) Jim studies in fourth grade. He loves to read books.
(B) This year we will start our summer vacation from 15th May.

21. Underline the prepositions in the sentences given below: (___/2 marks)
(A) The cat is hiding under the table.
(B) The car parked in front of our gate was hit by a truck.

22. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate singular or plural in the brackets.
(___/2 marks)
(A) The Roy ____________ is organizing the animal society fair.
(B) The big peepal tree on the road is shedding its _______.

23. Fill in the blanks with ‘a,’ ‘an,’ ‘the,’ in the given sentences: (___/2 marks)
(A) __________streets were flooded because of heavy rains.
(B) Is your father’s office in __________old building?

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- 11 -
Page 118

24. Change the given adjective to adverb and make sentence using the
adverb. (___/2 marks)
Slow - _______________

25. Rewrite the following sentences using capitals, full stops, commas,
exclamation marks and question marks. (___/4 marks)
Mrs. Khanna is taking a lesson now. “does anyone know what reptiles
are” she asks “Yes I do” says Neha. “they are cold-blooded animals”
Mrs. Khanna is pleased. she says, “that’s correct”

26. Rewrite the given sentence(s) choosing the appropriate word from the
brackets. Your answer must be in one sentence. (___/2 marks)
The meaning of your sentence must be the same as the meaning of the
given sentences.
(A) I am going to the dentist. I have a toothache. (but/because)
(B) Anjali can go jogging. She can also go swimming. (or/so)

Page 118 of 149

- 12 -
Page 119

27. Look at the example. Change the sentences as directed in the brackets. (___/2 marks)

I am tired. (Change into past tense)

I was tired.

(A) They were not at home. (change into present tense)

(B) I am going to a birthday party. (change into past continuous)

28. Read the paragraph and write the correct form of the underlined verb in
the given box. (___/2 marks)
Both my parents works. My elder sister help

to take care of my younger brother in the day. When my

parents come back from work, it was time for her to

rest. She goes to her room to finished her homework.

Page 119 of 149

- 13 -
Page 120

29. Read the paragraph. Use the correct pronoun from the box and write it
in the space provided. (___/2 marks)

He, We, I, It, Them, You

We like to make our own sandwiches. We usually spread cheese on the

bread first. like jam on my sandwiches but my brother

does not. prefers ham sandwiches. Sometimes we toast

our sandwiches before eating . We are careful not to

toast them for too long because will turn black.

 __________/ 52 marks 

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- 14 -
Page 121

Read the passage and answer the questions.

The Catching Tree

Maya looked up at the big tree. It was an old jamun tree and
was the biggest tree in the village. It was so big that it caught
things that people lost. If something floated away or blew away,
it was usually caught in the tree.

Maya had lost her kite. She thought she saw it in one of the branches. She had
to climb the tree to make sure but the branches were too high for her. She needed a
ladder to start climbing up the tree.

She began to climb the lowest branches. She found bird nests and chattering
squirrels that were feasting on the jamun fruit. She went higher and found a plastic
ball, a newspaper that was caught in one of the branches and some string. A
balloon was trapped in the leaves and there were more birds, too. She went even
higher and came across plump, ripe jamuns and filled her pockets with some of
them. Next she found a hanky and even a dirty old shoe caught in some twigs. She
went even higher to the top.

At last, she found her kite and freed it, tying it to her waist. She found other
odd things too, like a toy rocket, a badminton racket and a TV antenna. There was
a crow’s nest with four eggs, too.

Before she climbed down, she shook down all the things that belonged to
people. She left the animals alone. They belonged in the tree. By the time she
reached the ground again, the area around the tree was covered with things she had
shaken loose.

Many people were surprised, but they were happy to get their things back.
She was just happy to have her kite.
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Page 122

1. What did Maya think she saw on the big jamun tree? (___/1 mark)

(A) Her cat

(B) Her hat

(C) Mother's scarf

(D) Her kite

2. Which of the following sentences from the story tell you that the tree
was indeed a `catching tree'? (___/1 mark)

(A) She thought she saw her kite in one of the branches

(B) If something floated away or blew away, it was usually caught in

the tree.

(C) She began to climb the lowest branches.

(D) She was just happy to have her kite.

3. How high did Maya have to climb until she got to her kite? (___/1 mark)



4. What did Maya not shake down from the tree before she climbed
down? (___/1 mark)



5. Fill in the blank with a word of your own to complete the sentence. (___/1 mark)

Besides the `Catching Tree' another name for the big jamun tree could
be the ‘_____________________________ Tree'.

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Page 123

6. She left the animals alone. They belonged in the tree. (___/1 mark)

What do these sentences tell you about Maya?



7. She found other odd things too, like a toy rocket, a badminton
racket and a TV antenna. (___/1 mark)

Why do you think these objects were ‘odd’?

(A) They were too heavy to be blown away by the wind

(B) They were brand new

(C) They belonged to her neighbours

(D) They looked strange stuck on the tree

8. Fill in the blank below with one word of your own. (___/1mark)

If I was a bird or a squirrel living in the tree, I would feel


9. How else could Maya have reached up to climb the lower branches?

(___/1 mark)



10. If there really was such a tree, (___/1 mark)

(i) it should

(A) be cleared regularly of things that might get stuck on it

(B) be cut down

(C) be made into a tourist attraction

Page 123 of 149
Page 124

(D) left alone, as it is

(ii) Give a reason for your option.


11. A balloon was trapped in the leaves and there were more birds, too.

(___/1 mark)

The underlined word in the sentence is the opposite of

(A) Walked

(B) Freed

(C) Cried

(D) Smiled

12. Make a sentence of your own with the following word. (___/1 mark)

Ripe- ____________________________________________________


13. Do as directed in the following sentences. (___/1 mark)

(A) Maya tied the kite to her waist. (Underline one Proper noun)
(B) Maya filled her pockets with plump, ripe jamuns.
(Underline one adjective)

14. Join the two sentences into one, using `because’ or `and’. (___/1 mark)
She left the animals alone. They belonged in the tree.

Page 124 of 149

Page 125

15. Fill in the blanks in the sentence below using the right words from the
(A) There were _____________ things stuck on the tree's branches.
(many, much) (___/1 mark)
(B) Maya saw a nest with ____________________ eggs in it.
(much, some)

16. Tick the sentence which is in the past tense. (___/1 mark)

(A) She went even higher to the top. ( )

(B) She goes even higher to the top. ( )

17. Which of the following sentences is correct? Tick that sentence. (___/1 mark)

(A) Maya looked up at an old jamun tree. ( )

(B) Maya looked up at a old jamun tree. ( )

Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

The Moon

The moon has a face like the clock in the hall;

She shines on thieves on the garden wall,

On streets and fields and harbor quays,

And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees.

The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse,

The howling dog by the door of the house,

The bat that lies in bed at noon,

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Page 126

All love to be out by the light of the moon.

But all of the things that belong to the day

Cuddle to sleep to be out of her way;

And flowers and children close their eyes

Till up in the morning the sun shall arise.

18. How does the poet describe the face of the moon? (___/1 mark)
(A) Like a coin
(B) Like a flower
(C) Like a box
(D) Like a clock

19. The second verse of the poem tells us about (___/1 mark)
(A) Creatures that are awake at night
(B) Children who are awake at night
(C) Things to do in the morning
(D) The light of the sun

20. From the first verse, name any three places upon which the moon shines.
(___/1 mark)




21. The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse

What do you think the poet wants you to imagine when you read the
line given above? (___/1 mark)

(A) The cat and the mouse singing together

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Page 127

(B) The cat and the mouse having a conversation

(C) The cat chasing a frightened mouse who is running away

(D) The cat and mouse laughing at a joke

22. After reading the poem, what can you say about things that happen at
night? (___/1 mark)




23. What is the poet trying to tell us in the poem? (___/1 marks)

(A) Night time is a peaceful time

(B) Not to go out at night

(C) Both good and bad things happen at night

(D) There are creatures who are busy by the light of the moon.

24. Do you agree with the poet's view of night time? (___/1 mark)





25. ‘But all of the things that belong to the day’. (___/1 mark)

The line given above means the same as:

(A) creatures that sleep during the day
(B) Birds that are awake at night
(C) all things that are awake during the day
Page 127 of 149
- 10 -
Page 128

(D) only animals who awaken with the sun

26. Make a sentence with the given word. (___/1 mark)

Shines – _______________________________________________


27. Underline the adjectives in the following sentences: (___/1 mark)

(A) The angry man shouted at the boys who broke his window.
(B) We had a wonderful time at the picnic.

28. Underline the pronouns in the following sentence: (___/1 mark)

Can we play outside with our toys?

29. Fill in the blanks with the right adverbs in the following sentences.(___/1 mark)

(A) Tarun ate his lunch ___________ so that he could go out.

(quick, quicker, quickly)

(B) The policeman shouted _____________ at the thief.

(louder, loudly, loud)

30. Fill in the blanks with the right word from the brackets. (___/1 mark)
(A) All the _________ at the party were very pretty. (lady, ladies)
(B) There were lots of ____________________ on the farm.
(sheeps, sheep)

31. Change the following sentence into future tense. (___/1 mark)
Sita goes to Hong Kong to visit her sister.

32. Change the following sentence from plural to singular. (___/1 mark)

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- 11 -
Page 129

The children were laughing at the clowns.


33. Use ‘above' or ‘into' as suitable. (___/1 mark)

Sunil banged _______________ the table in his hurry to catch the bus.

34. Use ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ wherever suitable to fill in the blanks. (___/1 mark)
The old man chased ____________ boys away with ____________

35. Correct the following sentence and rewrite it in the space provided.
(___/1 mark)
There a lot of peoples walking in the park.

36. Correct the following sentence and rewrite it in the space provided. (___/1 mark)
What a naughty boy arun is. will Father punish him

( __________/ 36 marks )

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- 12 -
Page 130

Read the following passage and answer the following questions:

Sharing is Fun
Rajesh and Ranjana love to help their
parents. Rajesh helps his Dad to cut the grass
in the garden and to wash the car every
morning. He likes to cycle to the shops too, or
the Post Office. Ranjana enjoys helping her
Mum do the household work. She makes breakfast for all of them on Sundays to
give Mum a rest.
One day Ranjana and Mum were drying the clothes in the backyard. There
was a big mango tree nearby. The golden yellow mangoes were becoming ripe and
fragrant. Ranjana’s Mum picked a ripe, juicy mango from the tree. She gave it to
Ranjana, saying, “Might as well eat it before the monkeys get to it.”
Ranjana was about to take a big bite when she saw her little brother who
was standing beside her. “Here Rajesh, you may have this mango. I know you like
Rajesh gladly took the mango from his sister and thanked her for it. “This
mango smells yummy,” he said to himself. He decided to eat it after he had
finished his homework. Just then he saw Dad coming back from work. He looked
tired. Rajesh thought he would cheer up when he saw the lovely mango.
So he ran to his father and said, “Daddy, here’s a nice mango. I want you to
eat it. You have been working so hard.”
“Thank you, Rajesh, but Mummy loves
mangoes too. I’m sure she will be pleased to have
this mango because it is one of the first ripe
ones.” Finally, the mango came back to Mummy.
She cut the mango into small pieces and shared it
with her family.
The mango was delicious! Perhaps sharing it with others made it seem tastier!
Page 130 of 149
Page 131

1. What does the first paragraph of the story say about Rajesh and
Ranjana? (___/1 mark)
(A) They are quarrelsome children and help out only if they want to.
(B) They are helpful and love to share their parents’ work.
(C) They are lazy and don’t do any work at all.
(D) They will only help if they are rewarded

2. Which of these sentences best brings out the main idea of the story?
(___/1 mark)
(A) One day Ranjana and Mum were drying the clothes in the backyard.
(B) Rajesh and Ranjana love to help their parents.
(C) Rajesh gladly took the mango from his sister and thanked her for it.
(D) The mango was delicious! Perhaps sharing it with others made it
seem tastier!

3. What action happens in the story to tell us that sharing is fun? (___/1 mark)

4. Why did Rajesh give his mango to his father? (___/1 mark)

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Page 132

5. Fill in the blank with one word to complete the sentence. (___/1 mark)
I think sharing things with others makes a person
_____________________________ .

6. Do you think the story of the mango is a good example to explain the
idea of sharing things with others? Say why or why not. (___/1 mark)

7. “Thank you, Rajesh, but Mummy loves mangoes too. I’m sure she
will be pleased to have this mango because it is one of the first ripe
What do these words tell you about the character of the childrens’
father? (___/1 mark)
(A) He was unselfish and cared about the happiness of his wife and family.
(B) He was a selfish man and didn’t care about his family.
(C) He was a lazy man and didn’t like mangoes.
(D) He was too tired and didn’t want Rajesh to bother him.

8. Complete the sentence below by filling in the blank with one word of
your own. (___/1mark)
If I was the author, I would have shown Rajesh and Ranjana sharing
__________________________ _______________________________

Page 132 of 149

Page 133

9. Does this story make you feel like sharing things with others? Give a
reason why or why not. (___/1 mark)

10. Which of the following is not an example of sharing? (___/1 mark)

(A) Helping mother in the daily household work
(B) Giving your friend the answers during an examination
(C) Offering your tiffin to a classmate who has forgotten to bring hers to
(D) Telling Dad to buy one box of colors for both your kid brother and you.

11. Rajesh thought Dad would cheer up when he saw the lovely mango.
(___/1 mark)
The underlined word in the sentence above means the same as:
(A) to feel tired
(B) to feel happier
(C) to greet someone
(D) to praise someone

12. Make a sentence of your own with the word given below. (___/1 mark)
Pleased- ________________________________________________

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Page 134

13. Do as directed in the following sentences. (___/1 mark)

(A) Ranjana cooks breakfast on Sundays. (Underline the verb)
(B) Mum picked a ripe, juicy mango from the tree. (Underline one adjective)

14. Join the two sentences into one, using `because’ or `and’.
Ranjana gave Rajesh the mango. She knew he loved mangoes.

15. Rewrite the following sentence in the present tense. (___/1 mark)
Rajesh ran to Dad and gave him the mango.

16. Tick the correct sentence from those given below. (___/1 mark)
(A) The big mango tree nearby had much ripe mangoes.
(B) The big mango tree nearby had many ripe mangoes.

17. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Tick that

sentence. (___/1 mark)
(A) “Thank you for this mango Ranjana said Rajesh.
(B) “Thank you for this mango, Ranjana,” said Rajesh.

Page 134 of 149

Page 135

Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

My Favorite Sweater

My favorite sweater grew too small.

I loved that sweater best of all.

My grandma made it when I was three.

She made that sweater just for me.

I picked the yarn, a special blue.

The color of bluebells, wet with dew.

When I was four I was very small

But now I’m nine and much too tall.

I have a new jacket now that’s green

So I gave my sweater to our cat, Queen.

Queen just had kittens out in the shed.

My favorite sweater is now their bed.

18. What does the poem tell you about the speaker in the first verse?
(___/1 mark)
(A) That the speaker is nine years old and much too tall
(B) That the speaker’s favourite sweater was made by grandma when
he or she was 3 years old.
(C) That the speaker gave the sweater to Queen, the cat.
(D) That the speaker now has a new green jacket.

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Page 136

19. What did the speaker do with the sweater? (___/1 mark)
(A) He or she gave it away to another child
(B) Mum made mittens out of it
(C) It was packed and put away in the store room
(D) It became a bed for Queen and her kittens out in the shed.

20. Pick out the lines in the second verse that tell you about the colour of
the favourite sweater and write them down in the space below. (___/1 mark)

21. What do you think the poet is telling us in the poem? (___/1 mark)
(A) Make the best use of things that we are fond of but can no longer
(B) Favourite things that have become old must be thrown away.
(C) It’s silly to become fond of our things.
(D) Clothes we have outgrown must be stored and re-used by younger
children in the family.

22. Do you think the speaker sounds happier at the end of the poem? Say
why, or why not. (___/1 mark)

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Page 137

23. a special blue. (___/1 mark)

The color of bluebells, wet with dew.
This is the description of the colour of the speaker’s sweater in the
poem. What picture do the words bring to your mind?

24. What was one thing that you liked best in the poem and one thing that
you didn’t like? (___/1 mark)
I liked ________________________________________________
I didn’t like ____________________________________________

25. My favorite sweater grew too small. (___/1 mark)

This line from the poem means the same as
(A) The sweater shrank in the washing
(B) The speaker grew taller and bigger and outgrew the sweater
(C) The sweater grew smaller as the years passed
(D) The sweater was small and didn’t fit properly in the first place

26. Make a sentence of your own with the following word:

(___/1 mark)
Yarn - ____________________________________________________

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Page 138

27. Underline as directed in each sentence. (___/1 mark)

(A) Our school has a big library. (Underline the adjective)
(B) The king deserves respect from his people. (Underline the preposition)

28. Underline as directed in each sentence. (___/1 mark)

(A) The water is very hot. (Underline an uncountable noun)
(B) The cows were grazing in the field. (Underline a countable noun)

29. Fill in the blanks with a suitable pronoun from the box. (___/1 mark)

She it you her our my

(A) Sita loves to dance. __________ is good at drawing too. Have you
ever met __________?
(B) My father got me a pen. __________ is blue in colour.
(C) Would __________ like to go on a picnic?

30. Fill in the blanks with a suitable adverb from the box. (___/1 mark)

Bravely gently hungrily heavily

(A) The kind man watched as the little boy ate his food __________.
(B) The soldiers fought __________ in the war.

31. Join the two sentences given and make a single sentence using
‘because’ or ‘but’. (___/1 mark)
(A) She did not drink her tea. It was cold.

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Page 139

32. Rewrite the sentence, doing as directed. (___/1 mark)

(A) The gardener waters the plants.
(Change the sentence into past tense)

33. Use ‘into’ or ‘under’ as suitable. (___/1 mark)

(A) Rajiv looked for his slippers ____________ the table.

34. Use ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ wherever suitable. (___/1 mark)

(A) The gardener chased ____________ birds away with
____________ stick.

35. Tick the correct sentence from those given below. (___/1 marks)
(A) The telephone is ring.
(B) The telephone is ringing.

36. Which of these sentences is in the future tense? Tick that sentence.
(___/1 mark)
(A) Uncle Raj left for Singapore last night.
(B) Uncle Raj will leave for Singapore tomorrow.

 __________/36 marks 

Page 139 of 149

Page 140

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Jeetu Can’t Wait

Jeetu was going to be in the third standard in just two weeks.
Last year he had been in the second standard and it had been
wonderful. Jeetu was eight years old now, and on his way to the
new class. He was excited! Kumar Sir was going to be his new
teacher. He and his friends had heard that Kumar Sir would do
some clever magic tricks for a treat in class!

Jeetu’s family went on vacation to Kerala to see his Aunt Leela,

who lived near the sea. They had fun playing in the sand, picking
seashells and eating ice-cream! Then they came home to Bhopal.

School was only one week away now and Jeetu’s mother took
him to the shop to buy new school clothes and new shoes. They
wore uniforms at his school, so Jeetu and his mother didn’t have to
spend a lot of time choosing the clothes. They only had to find the
right size. He liked the blue pants and white shirts they bought.
Jeetu’s mother also bought him a new school bag, crayons, pencils,
and paper.

The night before school started, Jeetu laid his clothes out and
carefully packed his school bag with everything he needed for the
first day of school. The next morning Jeetu woke up very early and
went downstairs to see if his mother was in the kitchen. She wasn’t
there. It was very dark outside. Jeetu went back upstairs and
looked in his parents’ room. They were still sleeping.

Jeetu went back to his room quietly and looked at the clock. It
was two o’clock in the morning! Jeetu felt very silly. He went back
to bed and fell asleep, dreaming about school and his new class. He
knew he was going to have a great school year!

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Page 141

1. Why was Jeetu excited? (___/1 mark)

Jeetu was excited because

(A) He had got a new bicycle

(B) He was going on a holiday to the seaside

(C) Uncle Mani was taking him to the cricket match

(D) He was going to a new class when school reopened

2. What had Jeetu and his friends heard about Kumar Sir?

(___/1 mark)

(A) Kumar Sir was very strict

(B) Kumar Sir would do clever magic tricks in class

(C) Kumar Sir was not at all strict

(D) Kumar Sir was always telling funny jokes in class

3. What did Jeetu do the night before school started? (___/1 mark)





4. Why does Jeetu feel silly at the end of the story? (___/1 mark)





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Page 142

5. An enjoyable holiday makes children _________________ to

go back to school. (___/1 mark)

6. The night before school started, Jeetu laid his clothes

out and carefully packed his school bag with
everything he needed for the first day of school. (___/1 mark)
What do you think of Jeetu from these sentences in the

7. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the

story? (___/1 mark)

(A) Jeetu’s new classteacher, Kumar Sir

(B) Getting up early in the morning is a good habit

(C) Jeetu’s first day at school

(D) Excitement of a new school year and a new class

8. Fill in the blank in the sentence below with one word of

your own. (___/1mark)
I think wearing uniforms to school is _________________.

9. Do you think teachers should be like Kumar Sir? Say why

or why not? (___/1 mark)




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Page 143


10. (i) Which of the following do you think, is not part of

getting ready for the first day in a new class at school?

(___/1 mark)

(A) Polishing your shoes

(B) Covering your new books with brown paper

(C) Checking to see that homework is done

(D) Buying new uniforms

(ii) Give one reason for your choice.



11. Kumar Sir would do some clever magic tricks for a

treat in class! (___/1 mark)

The underlined word in the sentence above is the opposite of

(A) Smart

(B) Foolish

(C) Good

(D) Brainy

12. Make sentences with the word given below. (___/1 mark)

Excited -


13. Underline one adverb in the sentence given below. (___/1 mark)

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Page 144

The night before school started, Jeetu laid his clothes

out carefully.
14. Rewrite the following sentence in the future tense. (___/1 mark)
Jeetu’s mother took him to the shop to buy new
school clothes.

15. Complete the following sentence with the right words from
the box. (___/1 mark)

yours his she their

Jeetu and _______ friends were excited to go to

______________ new class.

16. Tick the sentence with the right verb. (___/1 mark)

(A) Jeetu’s mother bought a new school bag for him. ( )

(B) Jeetu’s mother buy a new school bag for him. ( )

17. Tick the sentence with the right noun. (___/1 mark)

(A) Jeetu picked much sea shells from the sand. ( )

(B) Jeetu picked many sea shells from the sand. ( )

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Page 145

Read the following poem and answer the questions.

The Fisherman

The fisherman goes out at dawn

When every one's abed,

And from the bottom of the sea

Draws up his daily bread.

His life is strange ; half on the shore

And half upon the sea —

Not quite a fish, and yet not quite

The same as you and me.

The fisherman has curious eyes ;

They make you feel so queer,

As if they had seen many things

Of wonder and of fear.

They're like the sea on foggy days, —

Not gray, nor yet quite blue ;

They 're like the wondrous tales he tells

Not quite — yet maybe — true.

He knows so much of boats and tides,

Of winds and clouds and sky!

But when I tell of city things,

He sniffs and shuts one eye!

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Page 146

18. When does the fisherman go out? (___/1 mark)

(A) At midnight
(B) In the evening
(C) At dawn
(D) In the afternoon

19. The speaker in the poem compares the fisherman’s eyes to

(___/1 mark)
(A) The rain in the monsoons
(B) The sun on a hot summer day
(C) The clouds of a thunderstorm
(D) The sea on a foggy day

20. According to the speaker, what does the fisherman know a

lot about? (___/1 mark)




21. And from the bottom of the sea

Draws up his daily bread.

What do the words `daily bread’ refer to? (___/1 mark)

(A) Bread that the fisherman eats at dinner every day

(B) The fish that the fisherman catches and sells to get
money to buy food.

(C) A drawing of bread made by the fisherman

(D) The loaf of bread that the fisherman buys every day.

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Page 147

22. But when I tell of city things,

He sniffs and shuts one eye!
What do the two lines of the poem given above, tell you
what the fisherman thinks of ‘city things’? (___/1 mark)

23. (i) Which of the following would most probably also tell
you ‘wondrous tales’ like the fisherman? (___/1 marks)

(A) A school teacher

(B) A shopkeeper

(C) A tailor

(D) An astronaut

(ii) Give a reason for your choice.



24. Does the life of a fisherman seem interesting to you? Give

a reason for your answer. (___/1 mark)





25. The fisherman goes out at dawn (___/1 mark)

When every one's abed,

The underlined word in the lines above is the opposite of
(A) On the bed
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Page 148

(B) Asleep
(C) On a boat
(D) Awake
26. Make a sentence with the following word. (___/1 mark)

Curious – ______________________________________________


27. Underline the right word from the brackets: (___/1 mark)
(A) How (much/ many) does this bag cost?
(B) There are (much/ many) ducks in the lake.

28. Do as directed: (___/1 mark)

(A) The sky was covered with gray clouds. (Underline one adjective)
(B) The baby smiled sweetly at its mother. (Underline one adverb)

29. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. (___/1 mark)

into out on above

(A) The magician changed the hanky ___________ a rabbit.

(B) The sky ___________ was clear and blue.

30. Fill in the blanks with ours, yours, you, or me. (___/1 mark)
(A) This is my pen. Which one is _______________?
(B) Would _______________ like to come to my party

31. Change the following sentence into the future tense. (___/1 mark)
Mother knits a white sweater for Baby.
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Page 149

32. Change the following sentence from singular to plural.
The man bought a hat from London last week. (___/1 mark)

33. Use ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ wherever suitable to fill in the blanks.
Grandma gave me ________ orange cake and ________ book
to give to ________ lady next door. But ________ door was
locked. (___/1 mark)

34. Using capital letters, comma, full stops exclamation mark

and question marks, rewrite the following sentences. (___/1 mark)
(A) when will the train from Kanpur arrive
(B) how delicious those cakes look

35. Correct the sentence below with the correct plural word.
There are noisy, green parrot on the trees. (___/1 mark)

36. Rewrite the sentence using the correct conjunction. (___/1 mark)
Nilesh didn’t go to the farm and he was ill.

 __________/36 marks 

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