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Overview: In this lab we had wanted to develop latent fingerprints and tool marks from surfaces

using the superglue method. The chemical method that is used to receive the latent fingerprints

on surfaces like glass, wood and plastic is Cyanoacrylate fuming and is dependent on the

fingerprint residue that gets left behind. Within an ester there is an acrylate ester that has triple

bonded carbon-nitrogen called Alkyl 2-cyanoacrylate and it forms vapors that then mixes with

the fingerprint residue that gets left behind and polymerizes and turns a whitish color.

Equipment and supplies:

1) object that were brought to class and were to be used to be fumed with the glue

2) Super glue packet

3) Red solo cups

4) Magnifying glass

5) Dusting powder

6) Slate of glass

7) Hair dryer

8) Wood

9) Screw driver


1) Fingerprints were placed on the objects by students

2) Use the dusting powder where prints were put to uncover them

3) Use the glue over the powder to capture

4) Wait for glue to dry and slowly peel it off and examine print

In this experiment we were successful in retrieving the latent prints from the objects that

were brought into class. Even without using the chamber the prints came out and we were able

to examine them. We had also pulled nail impressions from the piece of wood.


In this lab we had wanted to use the superglue to be able to pull prints and tool marks off

of different objects. We had used objects with different textures and different materials like glass

and wood. We looked at how to get latent finger prints and gather tool marks that could get left

behind at the scene.

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