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is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred." (William O. Douglas)


Table of Contents
Overview .................................................................................................................... 3 Objective .................................................................................................................... 4 General Approach ..................................................................................................... 4

I. General approach .............................................................................................. 4 II. The advantage of the beach wedding ................................................................ 5 III. Date determination and Reception Location Selection ...................................... 8
Schedule ..................................................................................................................... 9 Resources-manpower ............................................................................................. 12 Budget ...................................................................................................................... 13 Potential problem and risk management ............................................................... 14 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 14


There is no doubt that the wedding day is very important for a couple . Even though

the concept and definition will change over time, value of the marriage is unchanged. Marriage is a most important event in life. Legally, it binds two people together by a contract that they accept sharing their possession, income and life. However, more people consider it more than a legal contract. Marriage is also an agreement between man and woman that they vow loving and respecting each other, sharing every sweet and difficult time, being together regardless of sickness or healthy, rich or poor. Wedding is a ceremony in which the couple informs to every one they know about their marriage. It is an important milestone of life. So this is not only an own thing of husband and wife, but also related to their families, their relatives and their friends. For the special and great signification of wedding, this party should be planned carefully. A good wedding plan is really necessary for the couple to prepare and reduce mistake in wedding.


Wedding is a very important event in life. There is a lot of stress because you want it to be great and perfect. Some marriages become crisis due to a bad wedding, wife complains about it all the time. "Is not marriage an open question, when it is alleged, from the beginning of the world, that such as are in the institution wish to get out, and such as are out wish to get in?" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). Wedding date is the door will be opened for the marriage life. Because of the important of wedding date, the objectives of wedding are listed as following: Conducting a great and perfect wedding in the way to express your love and celebrate it within your means Celebrating a wedding within the budget. Because of desiring a perfect wedding, the cost of wedding will be easy out of control if we do not have a plan.

I. General approach
Before the most important day as wedding day, you may have hundreds of ideas swirling in your head about what you want for your wedding. And you may not know where to start. These following steps you can take to set your wedding planning foundation under you. Decide on a wedding season: It is not only a wedding date but also the season and year you are considering. In this way, you know how much time you will have to plan for your wedding, and which types of celebrations will be considered. Decide on your level of formality: Do you want a formal, traditional wedding with all of your friends and family in attendance? Or you want to avoid the


stress and expense of a giant hometown wedding? You want to plan a destination wedding with just a few friends and family? Create your Priority List. Whats most important to you? Make a list of what you both decide on as your top priorities in your most wished-for wedding day ideas. Work up a realistic budget. Find out what parents will contribute, see what you can contribute without getting too far in debt, and then make your plans from there. With these foundations set, then you can move into the next phases of your wedding plans: choosing your locations and determining a wedding date. After that, you can plan what to prepare for your wedding. For the couple who want to have a special, romantic memory about their wedding, beach wedding is the best choice. There are many of advantage of celebrating wedding party in beach.

II. The advantage of beach wedding

1. Romance:
The first impression of beach wedding party is romance. A wedding with the wave, wind, long sand-band and blue sea is totally different with a crowded, luxurious wedding in hotel, restaurant. This is definitely a best choice for a couple who take interested in romance and unique wedding.


2. Special wedding dress

The interesting of beach wedding is the Bride dress. For most tradition wedding in restaurant, the Bride wears long, sophisticated and heavy dresses and she will change her dress through the party. It is really waste time and money about dress. In beach country, the long, sophisticated dress can not be used, and it is replaced by a simple and light dress, the bride will not feel tired due to not changing dress any more. A short dress will cause surprised to all guest.

3. Interesting honey-moon trip

Most traditional weddings are divided into two parts, first part is the party and the second one is honey-moon trip. Because of separation, some new couples spend their honey-moon holidays long time after wedding. It is quit expensive and reduce the significant of honeymoon.

Otherwise, a resort will be booked if the wedding celebrate at beach, so they can travel this place like honey moon after wedding. That mean the honey moon is placed immediately, it is save time and energy for moving, booking hotel or choosing a honeymoon destination.

4. Creating new and different wedding:

Weddings at church, restaurant and hotel are become familiarly with many people. A wedding at beach is definitely different. And its ceremony at beach is also different with others: guests are required wearing same color, for example white for lady and black for gentleman, soft music and wave crashing and light food. Certainly, this wedding will be remembered to all the guests.


5. Limited invited guest:

The Vietnamese traditional concept of

wedding party is the more wedding guests you have, the more success your party is. Because of this concept, guest may be someone who the couple do not know but is invited by their parents, brothers or sister, or relatives. So they will be very exhausted, and it is waste money also in the case booking for unfamiliar guest but they will not come. In addition, some one will angry due to not invite them to the party. To avoiding these hassles, beach wedding is the best choice. Beach is far away from city so not everyone can go. And it is also required limited number of guests invited to create warmth. Thus, conducted the wedding at the beach is a wonderful suggestion to have a party could quietly beside their loved most.

6. Avoiding pressure
There will be many complex rituals for the wedding at the restaurant or hotel. And many guest need to be entertained will be easy to make mistake. However a beach wedding with limited guest will be easy to welcome. Furthermore, the mistake is easily forgiven by familiar guest. There will be a company or the resort which take-care every thing in wedding, so the couple does not feel nervous, tired and stress about organization wedding ceremony.

7. Saving cost
Most people will think that a beach wedding is more expensive than tradition wedding. But it might be not true. Besides that, we can get more value in the beach wedding.


Comparison beach wedding and traditional wedding Beach wedding Food Guest Rituals Impression Feeling Light meal Limited, maximum is 80 Simple Romantic and unique Relax and enjoy with the closest people Tradition wedding Main course of meal Unlimited, as many as you want Complex Normal Tired

III. Date Determination And Reception Location Selection

Before planning detail jobs to prepare a perfect wedding, Wedding Date and Reception Location must be chosen first. Choosing a wedding date can be tougher than you'd think. There are a few things to consider: How much time will you need to prepare for your wedding? Do any loved ones having a conflicting graduation, vacation, or pregnancy due date? The wedding should be taken place in the weekend. It is convenient for guest to join and share happiness. In Vietnamese traditional thinking, the wedding date must be chosen carefully and it depends on the age of the couple. However, when you want to celebrate the beach wedding, you must to care the weather. Summer is suitable for wedding in the beach. Choosing the Reception Location by considering four destinations for beach wedding, some criteria are given to evaluate the candidates. After rating and calculating the weighted scored for each candidate, the fitted one will be picked. The following table shows the result, Phu Quoc Island is preferred.


Rating to select Reception Location

Criteria Weight Romance Accommodation expenditure Tourist destinations Experience of celebrate wedding Traveling expenses Organization expenses Total 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 MUI NE NHA TRANG Beach Beach Score Weighted Score Weighted score score 8 6 6 8 8 5 41 2.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.25 7.05 7 4 8 9 7 4 39 2.1 0.8 1.6 1.35 0.7 0.2 6.75 PHU QUOC CON DAO Island Island Score Weighted Score Weighted score score 8 8 9 6 6 7 43 2.4 1.6 1.8 0.9 0.6 0.35 7.65 8 8 8 6 6 8 42 2.4 1.6 1.6 0.9 0.6 0.4 7.5

Once you have picked the date and location, start the plan for your wedding.

There are two major parts in the plan including preparation planning before wedding and activities in the wedding day. Especially, in the wedding day, the plan is done during the wedding ceremony. In the other time, the guests can enjoy their own available time. Two following tables show the plan in the preparation period and in the wedding day.


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16h00-17h00 17h00-17h30 17h30-19h00 19h00-21h00 21h00-21h30

II. In the wedding date 1. Welcoming guest 1.1 Signing in Memory Book 1.2 Pining corsage for famale guests 1.3 Wearing boutonniere for male guests 1.4 Serving soft drink 1.5 Playing music 1.6 Showing wedding photo 1.7 Taking Photo with guests 2. Wedding Ceremony 3. Party 3.1 Serve buffet 3.2 Taking Photo 3.3 Playing music 3.4 Dancing II. Post wedding party Giving souvenir for guests
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Budget planning Wedding date selection Reception location selection Booking flight ticket for family Booking hotel for family List of guest Choosing invitation card Preparing for wedding party Taking wedding photo Preparing custom Inviting Priest Preparing souvenir for guest Welcoming guest

Bride + Groom Family + Bride + Groom Bride + Groom Bride + Groom Bride + Groom Family + Bride + Groom Bride + Groom Wedding service+ Bride + Groom Bride + Groom+ Photographer Family + Bride + Groom Bride + Groom Family + Bride + Groom Family + Bride + Groom+ Wedding service

Party Giving souvenir for guests

Wedding service Family

A good planning can certainly help you to achieve your dream wedding within your budget. You can make your wedding a unique one even if you have limited budget.

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Budget for the beach wedding Unit cost 1. Reception location selection Organization fee for wedding service Food Drink Music Wedding cake 2. Wedding invitation card 3. Flight ticket for family 4. Cameraman and photographer in wedding 5. Wedding photo 6. Wedding custom 7. Jewellery 8. Booking rooms for family 9. Souvenir 10. Flower Bouquet Boutonniere corsage 11. Other (prevention-10%) Total $1,000 $50 $20 $1,000 $250 $2 $150 $500 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $200 $20 $100 $2 Quantity Max Min 1 50 50 1 1 50 20 2 1 2 1 10 50 2 50 1 30 30 1 1 30 10 2 1 1 1 5 30 1 30 Maximum cost $1,000 $2,500 $1,000 $1,000 $250 $100 $3,000 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 $200 $100 $2,000 $20,150 Minimum cost $1,000 $1,500 $600 $1,000 $250 $60 $1,500 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $1,000 $600 Contribution Bride + groom Bride + groom Bride + groom Bride + groom Bride + groom Bride + groom Groom and Brides family Bride + groom Bride + groom Bride + groom Grooms family Groom and Brides family Groom and Brides family

$100 Bride + groom $60 Bride + groom $1,500 $14,170

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POTENTIAL PROBLEMS AND RISK MANAGEMENT Problem Description of problem Risk response

Weather change It will be a disaster, if rain comes A back up plan is essential: Most when a ceremony is taking place. venues that host beach weddings on a regular basis own tents that are ready to be erected at a moment's notice. Guests come late There are no guests when the ceremony starts because the bus carrying guests is broken Unhealthy The guest feel tired after a long trip Arrange transport arrive before starting wedding at least one hour. Updating the transport arrival state. Arrange transport arrive before starting wedding at least two hours so guest can have time for rest. Uncomfortable with the weather The guests feel sick due to the weather changing Inform to them the weather situation in venue. Ask the resort manager prepare the medicine treatment.

A perfect wedding is a dream of every one and people always try their best to make this come true. However, a wedding is just a beginning of marriage. Like the symbol of ring, marriage is based on the couples love and binds them together. However, love and a beautiful wedding are not enough for a happy marriage. It depends on confidence, respect, support and sympathy they have for each other. There are many challenges waiting young couple overcome to reach happiness.

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