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1. What is the difference between Simple and Automatic Credit Check ?

Simple Creditcheck Automatic
Credit Check

a. In Simple credit, if customer credit limit exceeds, In

Automatic credit check if Customer credit limit exceeds
then we can block only at sale order level. then it
block at Sale order lever, Delivery level & PGI level

b. In Simple credit, there no concept of In

Automatic credit check has 3 Risk category.
Risk Category
1.High risk cusotmer block at order lever
2.Medium risk
customer block at delivery level

3.Low risk cutomer block at PGI level

c. In simple credit consider only recivable
open item. But
Automatic credit check system conisder all open order values,
line items, open invoice value

2. What do you mean by Centralized and Decentralized credit process ?

Centralized credit process:- If Credit control area is taking care if multiple
company code .

Decentralized Credit process:- If compnay code has is having different credit

control area.

3. What is update group ?

Update group controls which sales document should be updated in credit

4. Explain 12, 15 and 18 update groups?

000012- It update all open sale order values, all open delivery values, all open
invocice values , all open line items,

000015 -It updateds all open delivery vaules, all open invoice values and open
line items (Credit delivery without order)

000018- It update all open order values,open invoice values, open item,

5. Where we maintain credit limit for new customer?

In Credit control Area.

6. In simple credit limits ., what is A , B and C ?

A- Means run simple credit check and give warning message.

B- Means run simple credit check and give error warning.

C- Means run simple credit check and assign delivery block.

7. After releasing the order which is blocked for credit, user is changing the
value in to the sale order, i want to restrict theat where is the control ?

Deviation in percentage [ check box ]

8. After releasing the order which is blocked for credit , if there is no future
procecss within two days , i want to block order again, where is control ?.

9. During pariticual season , i want increse the credit limit to all customer ,
where is the control ?

credit limit seasonal factor.

10. I want system to check credit limit for each and every line item where is the
control ?

Item check [] check box

11. What is the purpose of payer check in automatic credit mgmt ?

Payer checkn will come into picture if we have multiple payers.

12. When system is updates the values in receiables ?

Invoice raised but not yet paid.

13. My client req is the want diff control for dealer, distributors and direct ,
how to do this ?
Define risk category by distribution channel wise.

14. What is credit representative group in credit mgmt ?

KB - Credit representative.
KM - Credit Manager.

15. What is the purpose of total limit and inidiuval limit in fd32 ?

ans. If singel customer is doing bunisiness with multiple company codes.

16. Can i see the biphercation of open orders, open delivery and open invoice in

17.Partner fun for credit mgmt?

KM- Credit Manager.
KB - Credit Rep

18. What is the sub total we use to update values into credit mgmt ?
We maintina A.

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