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International Education Fee Scholarship Application

Scholarship Guidelines:

Before beginning this application, please thoroughly review the IEFS Policies and Procedures to
ensure you meet eligibility requirements and properly complete your application.

Applicant Information:

Name: PSID:

Email Address: Phone:

Academic Information:

College: Major:

Minor: Career/Classyear:

Current GPA: Completed UH Credit Hrs.:

Please note the 2.5 GPA minimum for Undergraduate students (3.0 for Graduate students). Undergraduate students
must have completed 12 UH credit hours by time of application (9 for Graduate students).

Program Information

Program Type: If Other, Short Description:

Faculty Leader or Program Provider or University Abroad:

Program Country/Countries:

Program City/Cities:

Program Length (in days; exact number):

Program Term: Accepted Into Program?:

Are You Seeking Credit?: If Yes, How Many Credits?:

Have you ever been outside of the United States before?

Have you ever participated in a UH Learning Abroad program before?

Updated July 2017 1

Financial Information:

Tuition & Fees:


Room & Board*:

Other Costs**:

Total Cost:

*If not included in program fees. **Must provide additional documentation including a written justification for why
the other costs should be considered. “Other Costs” without supporting documentation will not be considered.


Your essay should be no longer than two pages, typed, double-spaced, and in 12pt standard font.
Your essay should describe how the Learning Abroad program you have selected will enhance your
education at the University of Houston. Also, please include:

Personal, professional, and academic goals.

How this program will help you reach your goals.
What you hope to gain from your program abroad.

Additional Documents:

Please attach a digital copy of the program cost information from a flyer or the program’s
information page.

**If you noted any other costs in Financial Information above, also include the documentation for

Application Checklist:

Ensure that you have completed and included the following items:
Application Form
Program Cost Information
**Other Costs (if applicable)
Letter of Reference (submitted by referee; may be submitted separately but prior to deadline)

Submission Instructions:

Please submit completed application and supporting documents in one email to All
documents must be submitted in the same email, except for letters of reference, which may be
submitted separately. Materials received after October 4, 2017 at 5pm Central will not be considered.

Updated July 2017 2

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