HU STAGE 5 Mission Example

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Stage 5 Mission Example

Chris Jones

MISSION: Take the sales page you have been analyzing and write 100
Fascinations. After you have written 100, review your work, filter out the bad
Fascinations, and improve the rest.

1. How to stop spinning your “mental wheels” and push your creativity into

2. The simple natural formula scientifically proven to increase focus and


3. Trouble staying focused at work? Here’s a quick fix:

4. How to end brain-fog for good… In only a few seconds per day

5. The REAL reason you struggle to focus on tasks, and how to easily fix it

6. The secret formula for unlocking 100% of your brain’s creative potential

7. How to laser-focus on tasks and get more work done in less time with this
quick and easy remedy

8. Why your brain always fights back when you’re trying to be creative, and
how to win the battle for good

9. A small daily habit that will boost your creativity up to 90% and make it
easy to focus on a task for hours at a time
10. Did you know you have 2 types of creative thinking—divergent thinking
& convergent thinking? Here’s how to use each one to maximize

11. Why coffee actually damages your creativity… And what to use instead

12. Caffeine on (natural) steroids: The new herbal super-supplement that can
boost your brain function up to 200%!

13. Mental Multivitamin: Give your brain everything it needs to work at its full
potential and become a creative powerhouse

14. High-octane brain-fuel: Get your thinkbox firing on all cylinders with this
scientifically-proven formula

15. The natural supplement with all 28 ingredients necessary to provide your
brain with the “4 M’s of Inspiration”

16. Nearly unlimited focus and motivation with just 2 natural pills per day

17. Why you should toss coffee in the trash can and go with this healthier,
more potent alternative

18. Dramatically increase your mental energy and memory, PLUS unlock a
flood of motivation to become a creative MACHINE

19. Coffee gives you more focus and energy, right? Wrong! It actually drains
you by stealing energy from the future and giving it to the present. Here’s
20. SUPER-PRODUCTIVITY: After a 30-day trial run of this natural
supplement, participants told us that their “focus and clarity was so fine-tuned
that they completed work tasks that usually took all day in one morning.”

21. The ultimate brain-hack that increases focus over 50%, lets your creative
juices flow freely, and makes you GET MORE DONE

22. The “4 M’s of Inspiration” that make up the difference between a

productive work day full of ideas, completed tasks, and satisfying ✅check
marks… and a distracted day full of scrolling your phone and procrastinating

23. A simple “One-size-fits-all” natural remedy to cure your brain fog and
mental lethargy

24. If you struggle to stay focused at work, it’s not your fault—your brain is
just playing a trick on you, and there’s an easy fix

25. Is your attention span too short to accomplish any meaningful work? It’s
because your brain has been trained a certain way. Here’s how to retrain it:

26. ADHD is no match for this natural powerhouse pill: Knock out your ADHD
like Mike Tyson and crush your daily work tasks

27. WARNING: If you don’t address your short attention span NOW, it’ll
continue to get worse until your productivity drops to zero…

28. Inspiration in a bottle! This new scientifically-backed, doctor-approved

herbal supplement will supercharge your creativity and have you creating
new ideas faster than you can write them down!
29. How to give yourself endless energy WITHOUT caffeine or other

30. The once-a-day mind hack to unlock deeper levels of focus and creativity
than you knew you were even capable of

31. The simplest way to bang out your to-do list with ease (NOT Adderall…)

32. We took all the vitamins and herbs that the ancient Wise Men used and
combined them into a super-formula that will open your mind to new levels
of creativity and focus

33. 77% of adults report difficulty focusing on a task for longer than 15
minutes… If only they knew about this new fix that’s sweeping through
workplaces like mad!

34. Get Clarity. Get Creativity. Get Mental Motivation. Get SMARTER. Get them

35. When coffee doesn’t work anymore, we’ve got the next step

36. Better than Adderall, better than caffeine, better than meditation—the
ultimate brain-fuel to maximize your mental performance

37. The secret that entrepreneurs use to get MORE done every day… That
they don’t want you to know (you might start outcompeting them!)

38. Ever had your mind wander off mid-conversation? Ever forget people’s
names? We know why, and also know how to easily fix it
39. The “QM Magic Pill” that will take your brain from average to brilliant in
under 30 days

40. We ran the numbers: Coffee is down bad. With better, more powerful
alternatives like Qualia Mind hitting the shelves, it’s no wonder coffee sales
are down by 39%

41. Say it ain’t so… You’re still drinking coffee?? See what millionaire
entrepreneur Buzz Killington has to say about that (Hint: He didn’t become
successful until AFTER he made the switch)

42. The single fastest way to squeeze more performance out of your brain
WITHOUT prescription drugs, weird hour-long morning rituals, or stimulants

43. Get a creative edge over everyone else in your niche with this natural
formula to boost your mental power

44. BRAIN-BOOSTING MANIA! Grab this super-potent blend of ancient natural

ingredients that will turn you into an idea FACTORY!

45. Defeat your technological addiction once-and-for-all with a healthy

natural supplement, so you can focus deeply on the things that truly matter
in your life

46. They’ve been trying to keep this secret from you for too long, but the
curtain has finally been pulled away and you can now get a sneak-peak at the
potent nootropic that fuels thousands of top-performing entrepreneurs and

47. How to activate both “Divergent” and “Convergent” thinking to put your
brain in the sweet spot for massive creativity
48. Workspace too loud and distracting? Having trouble focusing on your
tasks? This “focus pill” works better than noise-canceling headphones!

49. The “focus pill” that harnesses the natural power of ancient remedies and
combines it with modern doctor-approved nootropics to create the ultimate
blend of brain-boosting power

50. You’ll NEVER use more than 10% of your brain’s potential power unless
you learn the secrets of accessing the other 90%

51. Balance in a bottle: This scientifically-balanced formula will give you

perfect focus, zen, and creativity all day long

52. Outthink your competition with this ultra-potent “neurohacking”

supplement that will put you in a bigger league

53. Cool, calm, collected… Nothing will phase you for AT LEAST 8 hours after
taking Qualia Mind

54. Red-hot, ice-cold: “Your Brain On Steroids” (Natural, legal, and a whole
lot cheaper, too)

55. Did you know studies show that working memory is closely correlated with
creativity? Improve one, and the other improves, too… but what if you could
improve BOTH at once?

56. Delve deep into your inner-brain with botanical compounds Ginkgo biloba
and Bacopa monnieri, as well as many others in this potent formula that lets
you access the hidden 90% of available brain power you don’t normally use
57. NO jitters. NO crash. Clean, pure, powerful energy all day long with NONE
of the nasty side effects you get from coffee and energy drinks… and did we
mention it's completely natural?

58. See the insane “soft launch” trial results of this breakthrough new
memory & focus supplement that’s taking the nootropics world by storm

59. “New”-tropics—this doctor-formulated nootropic supplement will

increase your focus and boost your creativity, so you can get more done at
work and have energy to spare once you get home (finally get started on ‘That
Project’ you’ve been dying to get underway!)

60. How to mine ancient botanical secrets to massively improve your mental
clarity and motivation and GET MORE DONE

61. “I can’t focus! My work isn’t getting done! My boss is going to fire me! HELP!”
Don’t worry. Take a breath, then take a Qualia Mind. You’ll be back in action
in 5 minutes.
62. Do you have tons of creative ideas floating around in your head all the
time that you can’t seem to ever turn into anything REAL? There’s a simple
reason involving “convergent thinking,” and an even simpler solution

63. The secret to Unlimited mental motivation, WITHOUT any OTC drugs or
side effects

64. Why the modern world makes it easy for your brain to generate new
ideas, but nearly impossible to focus and refine them into anything USEFUL

65. Why your short attention span isn’t your fault, and how to uncover and fix
the hidden culprit permanently
66. THINK fast, CREATE solutions fast, and EXECUTE even faster with this
“mental fast-forward” supplement

67. The reason your ideas rarely become reality is because your focus is too
easily interrupted. With Qualia Mind, you don’t have to worry about this
anymore… Your focus will be like a steel vice

68. 3 ways to stimulate your brain’s creativity center and push it into

69. The new “Limitless pill” that takes all the gray storm clouds in your brain
and turns them into thunderbolts of insight and creativity ⚡
70. From blurry mind to razor-sharp focus in an instant

71. “I don’t know where this has been all my life… Incredible.” - A happy
customer who wishes he’d found Qualia Mind decades ago

72. Creativity: “The courage to think outside the box… The courage to play.” How
to quickly and easily develop your creativity skills and think BIG

73. Think SHARPER. Think BIGGER. Think BETTER. You give your body good
fuel to function optimally… It’s time to do the same for your brain

74. The “mental gym” supplement that makes you smarter and sharper…
WITHOUT any actual work

75. The underhanded method top entrepreneurs and business moguls have
been using for decades to outthink their competition
76. Did you know that there are a few particular botanical compounds that
not only ENHANCE the effects of caffeine, but also take away all of caffeine’s
side effects? Read more…

77. If you ever have trouble focusing and being creative when you need to
get work done, there’s a simple reason and an even simpler fix to make sure
you never have trouble again

78. If you want a huge boost of mental clarity and creativity with no weird
tricks or gimmicks, check out this new botanical formula that’s guaranteed
to sharpen your mind

79. The “beginner-friendly” Nootropic supplement that you can pop

whenever you need that extra boost to complete tasks faster and get more
work done

80. Support and strengthen your neural pathways for optimal brain function
and mental performance using some simple natural compounds

81. Ancient philosophers relied on a handful of different herbs to stimulate

their brains into genius. We’ve put all of them—as well as 20+ more—into
this new supplement that will boost your brainpower 10x

82. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by it all… Work, kids, bills, stress, more
work… It seems to never end. We can’t change your life for you, but we CAN
“change” your brain so you can handle everything easier

83. Find Zen anytime you need it, without spending hours meditating or
repeating affirmations
84. The most powerful source of energy for your body AND brain: NOT
coffee, NOT stimulants, NOT exercise

85. THE TRUTH about creativity, and how ANYONE can tap into endless
wellsprings of it (no, it has nothing to do with “genetics”)

86. Everyone is creative, at least deep down. Most people’s brains have just
“turned off” their creativity. We have a simple way to flip the switch back

87. Never “wait for your muse” again to be creative. Now, you can make your
muse come to YOU whenever you need her

88. We are all good at “divergent” thinking, but what separates the top 1% of
thinkers from the rest is the next step: “Convergent” thinking. Learn why it’s
so important, and how to easily do it yourself

89. Imagine turning your thoughts from a jumbled and messy third-story
apartment to a big, spacious penthouse suite. Room to work, room to play,
tons of space… Making the upgrade is easier than you think

90. “I’m not a very creative person…” WRONG! Everyone is creative. Most
people just don’t know how to tap into their deep creativity. Here’s how:

91. The single biggest lie the coffee industry has told us all for hundreds of
years… You need to learn the truth ASAP (Your livelihood depends on it)

92. Inject pure power directly into your brain so it can conquer ANY task with
ease (well, not DIRECTLY into your brain… Read more)
93. This groundbreaking nootropic supplement is nearly impossible to keep
on the shelves… The word has gotten out, and the demand is so high that
they’ll be gone again any minute. There’s nothing else like it, so grab yours

94. This powerful botanical blend is a “piercing light” that cuts through your
brain fog and delivers clarity, positivity, and concentration, WITHOUT any
side effects

95. THE TRUTH about caffeine… What coffee manufacturers have kept
hidden from you because they want to keep you HOOKED

96. Do you feel lost without your morning coffee? Join 86% of other
Americans who feel the same. Or, a much better choice—join the small (and
powerful) group of Americans who have discovered this super-potent
alternative that gives them sky-high energy and focus all day with NO crash

97. MENTAL BLOCK BUSTER: Crush your mind’s limitations and bring your
thinking to a whole new level with this scientifically-proven natural nootropic

98. Take advantage of all the mind-improving benefits of Adderall without

any of the negative side effects: Focus, mental clarity, extreme
productivity… NO addiction or crash

99. “Qualia Mind for the WIN! I got 99 problems but my focus ain’t one!

100. The ultimate all-in-one brain-boosting nootropic that gives you all the
focus, clarity, and creativity you need to crush your to-do list every day and
have endless energy left over for the things you REALLY care about

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