HU STAGE 2 Mission Example

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STAGE 2 Mission Example

Chris Jones

MISSION: Start another G work session and based on context clues inside the
sales page, answer these questions:

- Who do you think the ideal target market for this product is?

Busy working professionals. Low-mid level corporate desk workers. 30-50

years old. Middle class. Families, kids, hectic lives.

- Create an Avatar that embodies the target market you determined.

List out some of their qualities.

Scott. 36-year-old accountant. Pale, slightly out-of-shape, beginning to bald,

blames it on his stress levels from working 50-60 hours a week crunching
numbers. Underappreciated at work.

He slaves away every day, has a huge impact on his boss’s revenue (he
thinks), but never gets recognition because he’s just working with data
behind the scenes and never truly gets a chance to show off his intelligence
or ideas.

His productivity is slipping because he’s not motivated to get ahead of his
work, so he keeps lagging behind. “Is this really what I spent 6 years in college
for? Is this really what I’m going to do for the rest of my life? All I want is to get my
SaaS side business profitable so I can leave my boss in the dust, but I’m always
too tired and stressed from work, and I never have enough time to focus on it…”
He’s like a zombie at home, dead-tired and barely present for his wife and
kids. They don’t really care about him, don’t get excited when he comes
home, and THEY don’t appreciate him either.

He believes if he could just get his work done more efficiently, he’d have
more free time, more energy for his family, and could finally put some real
effort into his side business.

But instead, he slams coffee all day at work in a desperate attempt to work
faster, but somehow always seems to fall farther behind…

Hard work and duty to his family are his most important values. He doesn’t
want to let them down, but he feels stuck spinning his wheels at work. He
knows he could be a better father and husband if he worked less hours and
had more energy left over afterward.

He complains about his boss all the time to his wife, because his boss always
gives him too much work and tells him it should be “easy.” He struggles to
keep up with it—to prove his worth—but the more he does, the more work
his boss ends up giving him.

He’s stuck in a vicious stress cycle and wants nothing more than to go all-in
on his side business, but every time he finally sits down to work on it at night,
his eyelids end up drooping and he says, “Tomorrow I’ll work on it…”

He tells himself he’ll get up early to work in it, but when his alarm clock goes
off, he pounds the snooze button and grumbles back to sleep, fogbrained
and desperate for just a few more minutes.

“Tonight I’ll work on my side business, after work…”

- What are the pains and frustrations your avatar is experiencing?

Work saps all his energy and drive. His family doesn’t admire or respect him.
He works way too much and gets barely any recognition for it. He feels like
he’s wasting his college education.

He has tons of great ideas for his business, but by the time he sits down to
work on it, he’s distracted, tired, and ends up playing on his phone instead.

- What does your Avatar desire? What does their dream life look like?

Scott wants to be free of his corporate job and crappy boss and run his own
business. He wants his family to look up to him as more than just “the money

He wants to tell his boss to shove it and spend his time executing all of his
ideas for his own business.

He wants to maximize his potential because he knows he’s capable of much

more than he does at work. He’s smarter and more talented than just
crunching data, and he wants his family, his mom, and the rest of the world
to recognize him as a brilliant innovator.

- What is the key Roadblock keeping your Avatar from achieving their
Dream State now?

He doesn’t have the energy or drive to focus on his side business. He’s
sluggish at work and takes too long to complete his tasks, so he doesn’t have
enough time left over. Whenever he DOES have the free time to work on his
own business, he can’t focus and is too scatterbrained and distracted to
make any real progress. He ends up crashing on the couch and watching TV
or scrolling news channels on his phone instead.

- What is the Solution that will allow the Avatar to achieve their Dream

He needs something to bring back mental clarity. He needs something that

will allow him to focus at work, get his tasks done quickly and efficiently, and
then have leftover energy to work on his side business at home.

If he could just FOCUS on the creative tasks of his side business for even one
hour every single night, he could make massive progress.

He needs something to clear his brain fog once and for all, because coffee
doesn’t work well enough anymore…

- How does the Product make it easier for the Avatar to implement the
Solution and achieve their Dream State?

With the simple pill, he can finally focus again. He can bang out his work
faster, come home earlier, spend more time with his family, and STILL have
the leftover energy and mental clarity to work on his side business at night.

He can finally innovate in the SaaS world the way he has always wanted to,
and will finally get the appreciation he deserves.

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