The Most Dangerous of Deceptions (Rev 6)

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of the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
S.E.L.F. Publishing Division


The Most Dangerous of Deceptions

(The Attempt to Destroy the Spirit of Truth Seeking)
By Rev. Dr. Ray Pasold
Copyright 2011 Sacred Eternal Life Fellowship

This is mainly about the deceptions of most Christian belief systems but can be applied to
any religion such as Islam that deviates from the concept of attaining knowledge of God, the
mastery of the self, and the attainment of Spirit Consciousness. It is not meant to be a tool for
any form of religious argumentation but to provide you with clarity of these deceptions. In other
words, this is another tool to help you stay on the path of genuine Truth Seeking and save you
from the most dangerous of deceptions.
Be on guard against those who spread false teachings about Truth Seeking and Christ,
Jesus! Some call themselves academicians, who demand you prove the Truth to them. Some call
themselves Muslim Imams, Fundamental and Orthodox Christians, and proclaim those names
proudly! All of these state that you must believe in a strict standard of doctrine that is objective,
somewhere out there, where you can see it, read it, and swear to it! They will attempt to make
you believe as they do, in their belief system, stealing your freedom to experience Truth and
thereby stopping you from Truth Seeking. Please pay attention to what I have underlined below.
Academician: Function: noun 1 a: a member of an academy for promoting science, art, or literature b: a follower of
an artistic or philosophical tradition or a promoter of its ideas 2. A scholar who is skilled in academic disputation
or-tho-dox (or daks) adj. [[< Fr or LL: Fr orthodoxe < LL orthodoxus < LGr(Ec) orthodoxos, orthodox (in
religion) < Gr orthos (see ORTHO-) + doxa, opinion < dokein, to think: see DECENT]] 1 conforming to the
usual beliefs or established doctrines, as in religion, politics, etc.; approved or conventional [orthodox ideas] ;
specif., a) conforming to the Christian faith as formulated in the early ecumenical creeds and confessions b) [O-]
strictly conforming to the rites and traditions of Judaism, such as kashrut, the Sabbath, etc., as formulated by the
Torah and Talmud 2 [O-] designating or of any of the churches comprised in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
fun-da-men-tal-ism (-izm) n. [sometimes F-] 1 religious beliefs based on a literal interpretation of the Bible,
regarded as fundamental to Christian faith and morals 2 the 20th-cent. movement among some American
Protestants, based on these beliefs --funda-mental-ist n., adj

The Most Dangerous of Deceptions

If you read these definitions slowly and let them sink into your mind, only one conclusion
can be reached. These academicians and religious leaders base their teachings strictly on beliefs,
and reject any personal experiences at variance with those beliefs. They do not realize they are
promoting the most dangerous of deceptions, the attempt to destroy the Spirit of Truth Seeking.
(Genuine Truth Seeking is found within every religion but is not a religion or formal
organization. It consists of every Truth Seeker who has the burning, unquenchable desire to
KNOW, and not just believe. They aspire to Master Self to become divine like, to be graced by
God with Gnosis (knowledge of spiritual truths) and divine perfection, as taught by Jesus the
Christ and all genuine Truth Teachers.)
The false academicians will try to convince you that Truth Seeking demands your ability
to prove your findings to them and not just yourself. If you cant prove it to them, you havent
discovered the Truth, but only a delusion of your mind. They claim that those of higher academic
standing, who have proven academic credentials, can only do Truth Seeking through the study of
written works and reproducible results. Their idea of knowing is limited to science, theory, and
philosophy. They deny the value of personal experience, the existence of the Spirit Realm, and
the existence of a higher state of consciousness. They see no value in self-mastery, and will not
do the work of genuine Truth Seeking. They will seek to ensnare you in their definition of Truth
Seeking, limited to the Mental and Physical Realms, denying the existence of the Spirit Realm,
and therefore of Spirit Consciousness. Some profess belief in a god. However, they state this is
only belief and a matter of personal choice, which cannot be proven or known, and therefore, not
a part, as they define it, of Truth Seeking!
The fundamental and orthodox Christians and Muslims will seek to ensnare you into their
belief system and make you like them, a child of ignorance and spiritual sleep. They believe their
belief system is the absolute truth. They will try to do this with FEAR. Believe as they do, or
their god will punish you forever! However, in the book they (Christians and Muslims) claim to
believe in, the Bible, we find a warning against such deception.
Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, saying, I
am the Christ, and will deceive many. (Matthew 24:4) (See Aquarian Gospel 157:31-34)
They interpret their belief system to have the power to save you from the destruction of
your Soul in a hell. What Jesus warned against in Matthew 24:4 is the deceiver, the lie, the Spirit
of falsehood that will stop you from seeking Truth. This will lead to your deception, ensnaring
you in their erroneous belief system and what Jesus, again in the Bible, called the dead.
But Jesus told him, Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead. (Matt 8:22)
He said to another man, Follow me. But the man replied, Lord, first let me go
and bury my father. Jesus said to him, Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go
and proclaim the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:59-60) (See Aquarian Gospel 117:27.)
In their own Bible are numerous passages that teach the Kingdom of God is here now, and to
be found within the self. Is this just a matter of interpretation? No. The words are clear and
Neither shall they say: Behold here, or behold there. For lo, the kingdom of God
is within you. (Luke 17:21) (See Aquarian Gospel 71:4)

The Most Dangerous of Deceptions

Now lets point out the main problem. I call it, Book Bellowing. It means they worship
a book, not God. Such writings are meant to inspire the seeker to find the Truth, not to worship
these printed words as God. The Word of God is not a book or written words. The Word of God
is alive, the Truth, and as described in the book they worship, is the Christ. Therefore, the Truth
is alive, it walks, it talks, and it is the vibrating power of the Universe. Christ Jesus proved this.
1 Corinthians 15:1-8 (Orthodox Christian Commentary)
Paul stresses the basics every Orthodox Christian must believe: that Christ died for our sins, that he was
buried (really dead), and that he rose again. Listing some of the many people who saw Jesus after his
resurrection, Paul includes himself, last of all. He is referring to his encounter with Christ on the road to
Damascus (see Acts 9).

This is the main Orthodox Christian Bible belief, which does not come from the Christ,
but is attributed to Paul! Notice the use of the word must believe instead of must know. Orthodox
religious leaders stress the belief that you can never know, but instead, can only believe as they
do. If you dont understand something in their version of the Bible (and there are many different
translations), simply ask and they will tell you what they believe it means.
In the above Bible verses, Paul states, according to the scriptures two times and we
ask, what scriptures? Was it the Old Testament? There were no formalized New or Old
Testament writings accepted at that time as the Scriptures, which states you must believe Jesus
died to save human kind from the wrath of an angry god. The Four Gospels of the New
Testament that are interpreted to state that belief were either not yet written or not available to
Paul! (Matthew 80 C.E., Mark 65 C.E., Luke 62 C.E., and John 70 C.E. Paul left earth life in 68
C.E.) That, of course, makes this entry into the accepted New Testament highly suspect as a
forgery! The words and teachings of Jesus before his physical death are only quoted two times
by Paul from Romans through Revelations! Get a red letter edition and check it for yourself.
How could Christ die for our sins, when CHRIST is the Love of God made manifest and
can never die? Yes, they are confusing the man Jesus with His title, Christ, and this is the reason
they think Christ is Jesus last name! Having belief in Jesus means to follow His teachings and
be born again of the Spirit. It does not mean that if you believe he existed, that he had the name
Jesus, was the only Son of God, died for your sins and arose from the grave, you are instantly
born again. Where it so, no one could have been forgiven sin, error, or healed, or be born again,
until after Jesus was crucified. Therefore, believing in what Jesus said and did is only the
beginning of rebirth and the journey from belief into knowing, from intellectual consciousness of
thinking into Spirit Consciousness of the Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Truth, and Christ within you.
Jesus Himself put it this way in the Bible:
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and
of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is
spirit. (John 3:5-6) (See Aquarian Gospel 75:10-13)
Jesus never said you have to wait until Im crucified to be born of the Spirit and forgiven.
Such false beliefs defile the great accomplishments and wondrous achievements of Jesus.
However, since the Christ is within your being, you can contact the Spirit of Truth and have the
Christ teach you directly. Beware! These Orthodox Christian leaders will tell you that such

The Most Dangerous of Deceptions

knowledge is subjective and not reliable. According to them, you must depend upon an objective
strict standard of doctrine to believe in based upon writings in a book. Never will they mention
that such doctrine is the subjective opinion of the majority vote of the so-called Church
Fathers, conducted centuries after Jesus walked the earth! This is not inline with the teachings
of the Christ nor with the works performed by Jesus and therefore, FALSE.
The idea that the wrath of an angry god must be subdued by the death of his one and only
son is disgusting. Jesus was killed because of error (sin), ignorance, intolerance, and plain
stupidity. However, He allowed it, to save us from Spiritual ignorance and show the possibilities
of humankind. He taught that conquering death is not only the survival of the personality, the
consciousness of the individual, but the conscious awareness of Spirit Life, Spirit Consciousness.
He arose from physical death for our benefit, in a manifested physical body, to prove for all that
there is NO DEATH, except that of the Spirit; the walking dead, content with their beliefs of
Spirit life, stopping Truth Seeking, and staying in a state of Spiritual ignorance.
These Spiritually dead people say, Just believe the basics, and youll be saved. Saved
from what, the wrath of an angry god? This god does not exist! God is so awesome that you have
already been forgiven any errors you have committed as soon as you recognize the error and just
ask. Thats called unconditional Divine love. Born again because you believe someone existed
who was named Jesus is only an intellectual rebirth, a decision to follow His teachings. Now you
must continue the process of your rebirth into Spirit Consciousness to be saved from the
ignorance of Spirit life. This starts with the belief that the Truth can be known, and ends in
knowing it. Genuine Truth Seeking puts you on the path of spiritual experience, as taught by
Christ, turning your beliefs into knowing. Jesus turned His Apostles beliefs into knowing when
he performed miracles before them and appeared to them after his physical death. When that
miraculous illumination leads you to direct contact with the Christ, you are born again into Spirit
Consciousness. All of this is just the beginning of your journey into Light, Love, and Freedom!
The worst of all, they declare that Jesus did not come in the flesh, was not a human who
overcame trials multiform and did not attain the Christ. They say he was born God and Christ.
How easy for a God who knows he cant die to allow his death in the surety he will raise from
the dead. This false belief is also exposed in the book they claim to follow!
For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ
as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves, that we do
not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward. Whoever
transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who
abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you
and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; for he
who greets him shares in his evil deeds. (2 John 7-11)
This is a strong warning against the teachings of Orthodox Christians who say that Jesus
was born God and therefore, did not come in the flesh as a human. Any achievements he made to
show us the way to self-mastery and the achievement of Spirit Consciousness are totally negated
by such a lie. These people hate experience and the knowledge it brings. Knowledge takes away
their power to lord over you their superiority and the ability to trap you in their belief system.
The only attribute that saves you from such false beliefs is the burning, unquenchable desire to
KNOW and not just believe.

The Most Dangerous of Deceptions

This false belief, that Jesus was born God and did not come as an ordinary human, was
fought against in those early times by genuine Truth Seekers who had attained re-birth, Spirit
Consciousness, and knew the Truth of the achievements of Jesus. The enemies of the True Christ
ascribed the name heretic to these Truth Seekers, just as they do today to anyone who does not
believe in Jesus as they do. To explain their own error, the Orthodox Christians decided, by
majority vote (!), that Jesus came as both God and ordinary man! Today these enemies of the
True Christ are called erroneously, the Church Fathers. Their answer to anyone who disagreed
with them, especially other Christians, was simple and proves their error. Kill them all they
decided! They actually tried to do this and with their influence over the governments at that time,
slaughtered millions of people, far more than the First Century Romans did! This is simple
history, available in your local library. (See footnote 1)
They harp on about the way to salvation, using the belief that God is angry and will burn
you in eternal Hell fire, if you dont believe as they do. They preach, Believe as we do and be
saved! This salvation, from an angry god that does not exist, is false. They claim to have a
secret knowledge that you can have too, if you only believe as they do, and become their version
of born again. Simply believe that Jesus did exist as the messiah, that Jesus really was his name,
and that he died for your sins, was buried, and rose again. Presto! Youre born again! Now that
you believe as they do, send in your money! They do not realize that intellectual rebirth is a start
on the path, not the end of it.
Who in their right mind would limit the limitless to a book of about three-hundred pages?
The deceived, the lazy, and the greedy religious leaders do just that. They will not accept any
Spiritual truths outside of their book (the Bible, Koran, etc.); unless they wrote it or it follows
their belief system. They will not do the work of self-mastery and will not follow the true
teachings of Christ Jesus, who instructs us to become perfected in the Bible they teach from!
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Matthew
5:48) (See Aquarian Gospel 97:32)
I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the
world may know that thou has sent me, and has loved them, as thou hast loved me. (John
Instead, they bellow forth Bible passages proclaiming that their belief system is the only
true one, and all those who decline that belief, oh well, to HELL WITH YOU! That kind of
thinking is sick and disgusting. This is exactly the kind of thinking Jesus fought against in his
time here on earth, and now fights against from the Spirit Realm. Jesus saves genuine Truth
Seekers from the snares of those who attempt to destroy the Spirit of Truth Seeking. Christ
teaches us how to do the same. Nothing you do is more Christ-like than to save genuine Truth
Seekers from this most dangerous deception.
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. (Luke
23:34) (See Aquarian Gospel 170:15)

The Most Dangerous of Deceptions

The Ten Commands
Another dangerous doctrine these Orthodox Christians leaders teach is the belief that the
Ten Commandments of the Bible are not recognized by Truth Seekers, whom they call heretics,
even ignored. Jesus was asked about this in the Aquarian Gospel and answered this way:
One morning after service in the synagogue the rabbi said to Jesus as he sat in
silent thought, Which is the greatest of the Ten Commands?
And Jesus said, I do not see a greatest of the Ten Commands. I see a golden cord
that runs through all the Ten Commands that binds them fast and makes them one. This
cord is love, and it belongs to every word of all the Ten Commands. If one is full of love,
he can do nothing else than worship God; for God is love. If one is full of love, he cannot
kill; he cannot falsely testify; he cannot covet; can do naught but honor God and man. If
one is full of love he does not need commands of any kind. (Aquarian Gospel 17:2-7)
Curious, the Rabbi then asked who the teacher was that taught him this truth.
And Jesus said, I do not know that any teacher opened up this truth for me. It seems
to me that truth was never shut; that it was always opened up, for truth is one and it is
everywhere. And if we open up the windows of our minds the truth will enter in and make
herself at home; for truth can find her way through any crevice, any window, any open
door. (Aquarian Gospel 17:9-10)
Orthodox religious leaders hate the Aquarian Gospel because it reveals their willingness
to worship a book, not God, to feel saved, and to ignore the Truth. Most importantly, it removes
their ability to manipulate you with their false beliefs about Jesus the Christ. These beliefs are
not in line with the teachings of the Christ, are not knowledge, and therefore, not the Truth.
To those Christian leaders (not the deceived followers) who claim to be completely
Born Again and represent the Christ, but follow Orthodox Christian Bible beliefs, if you have
Truth, teach it. Why cloak your words in Bible passages and then snicker about it because you
think you are so illumined? If you truly were, you would show your love and mercy and tell us of
the wonders of the Spirit Realm you have experienced. You would show us how to experience
the Truth you have discovered. You would provide us with the tools to achieve Spirit
Consciousness and have direct contact with the Christ for ourselves. Yet all you do is bellow
forth the Bible passages you prefer, from whatever Bible version you have deemed accurate, and
then demand that we believe you without question and worship the god of this book as you
define god, or suffer eternal damnation!
That is dishonest, outrageous, evil, and the most dangerous of deceptions, the attempt to
destroy the Spirit of Truth Seeking, the burning, unquenchable desire to KNOW and not just
There are those who kill, maim, and butcher the bodies of people, and this is evil.
However, those that kill the Spirit, the Spirit of Truth Seeking, are the true enemies of Gods
children, and there is not a greater evil in the Universe.

The Most Dangerous of Deceptions

My Personal Declaration

I proclaim eternal vigilance and enmity against the most dangerous of

deceptions, the attempt to destroy the Spirit of Truth Seeking, the burning,
unquenchable desire to know and not just believe.
For God and Freedom, I AM
Rev. Dr. Ray Pasold
Footnote: 1
Atrocities Link 1
Atrocities Link 2
Atrocities Link 3
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