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DELHI - 110091

“Let your light shine before others,
so that they may see your good SUMMER
works and give glory to your
father in heaven”
Mathew 5:16 (Holy Bible) HOME WORK
* Complete the question - answers of The third Level and Lost Spring in your notebooks.

*Do the following pages in your Together with Pull out worksheets :
* Lost Spring - 225-234
* The Third Level- 323-328
* Keeping Quiet- 299-304
Also practice (Any Two )Job applications and ( Any Four) Comprehension passages in your
Together with Pull out worksheets.


• The marks allotted for ASL PROJECT 10marks(5 +5) project and viva on the same taken by the


1. Cover page with the title of the project, school details of the student
2. Acknowledgement

3. Certificate of completion

4. Learning objectives

5. Topic of the project and its introduction

6. Content of the project ( 800-1000 words essay report) Supported with pictorial evidence,
newspaper clippings and relevant data to support the theme of the project.

7. Action plan of the project

8. Project Report ( Your views and suggestions)

9. Photographs ( Your photographs preparing the project)

10 . List of resources and bibliography



This is to certify that _____________, of Class-XII __ session 2022-23 from Mother Mary’s
School, East Delhi has completed her project work titled ____________ as a part of the ALS
project, English Core CBSE, Under the guidance of the undersigned

Signature of Teacher

Points to remember:
• The project will be assessed on the basis of the Rubrics given and their relevance.

• All the given guidelines are to be incorporated into the project.

• Viva-voce will be conducted by the External based on the theme of the project.


Note: Students are free to choose ANY ONE of the topics given below in consultation with the
teacher and work according to the guidance given :

Interview Based Research:

• Students can choose a topic on which to do their research/ interview. e.g., a student can
choose the topic: Artificial Intelligence - Change in human life / Generation Gap / Education and
Technology or Corona pandemic and the fallout on families.

• The student will conduct interviews with a few immediate neighbors/friends/relatives on the

• The student will then write an essay/ write up / report etc. up to 1000 words essay on her
research and submit it. She will then take a viva on the research project.

• This project can be done individually or in pairs/groups of five-six students.

Suggested Topics/Themes

The students may choose from any one of the following topics :

1. Most of us do not raise our voice against injustice in our society and tend to remain mute
spectators , Anees Jung in her story ‘Lost Spring' vividly highlights the miserable life of street
children. She wants us to act What values do we need to inculcate to bring back the Spring in the
lives of these children.

2. The story ( The Third Level) reveals refuge from reality to illusion . Do you think it is obvious to
escape from reality of life?

3. The plight of street children forced into labour early in life and denied the opportunities of
schooling .(Lost Spring )

4. Analyse the concept of losing our dear ones on account of Old age in the context of the poem
,’My Mother at Sixty-Six ‘.

5. Imbibing Mindfulness through Self- reflection and Introspection (Keeping Quiet).

2. Listen to podcasts/ interviews/radio or a TV documentary ( based on inspirational stories or life
lessons )

• Student can listen to any podcast/ interview/ radio/ T.V documentary,( should discuss the
selected topic with their teacher and then proceed )

• Student will prepare a report countering or agreeing with the speakers. Write an essay/report in
about 800 - 1000 words and submit.

• The class will be divided into groups of five-six students/ Pair/Individual

The following points will be considered while assessing the Project :

1. Quality or content of the project

2. Relevance and accuracy of information

3. Clarity of thoughts and ideas

4. Creativity

5. Expression (Grammar & spellings )

6. Research Work

Viva Voce will be conducted based on the theme of the project and the students will be assessed
on the following parameters.

1. Pronunciation

2. Vocabulary

3. Fluency

4. Relevance

5. Accuracy




1. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”- Walt Disney.
There is a constant need to reinvent and change ourselves. The stories we have read so far
instill thoughtfulness and courage . Express your views about the need for evolving and adapting
ourselves to circumstances in about 120- 150 words.

2. Draw the mind maps of any two chapters of your choice. This is a small activity which will help
you to memorize it in detail.
3. Draw the Character sketch of Franz or M.Hamel (The Last Lesson) and Charlie ( The Third
Level) in about 120 – 150 words.

4. Prepare a Travelogue on any Hill Station and also prepare a PPT describing its climate,
cuisine, festivals, language etc.

5. Draw the mind maps of any two poems of your choice in an A4 size sheet . Analyse the poetic
devices that the poet adopts in the poem.
1. Complete Chapter 1 and Chapter 2- Relation and Functions and Inverse Trigonometric
Functions from N.C.E.R.T Exemplar in practice register.

2. Do the following 5 Mathematics Lab activities in your mathematics file. Mention the Dates as
per your work.


How will you treat the following while estimating the National Income of India? Give reasons also.
1. Construction of a new house.
2. Increase in the prices of stocks lying with a trader.
3. Purchases by foreign tourists. Or Food purchased by a foreign tourist at a hotel in New Delhi.
4. Rent received by Indian residents on their buildings rented out to foreigners in India. 5. Payment
of fees to a lawyer engaged by a firm.
6. Profits of Reliance Industries from its chemicals business in Australia.
7. Subsidized lunch served to workers in a factory
8. Old age pension
9. Durable goods purchased by a household.
10.Expenditure on advertisement by a firm.
11.Petrol used in police vehicles
13. Dividend received by an Indian from his investment in shares of a foreign company. 14.Purchase
of raw materials by a production unit.
15. Earnings of a self-employed doctor having a clinic at his own residence
16. Money received from sale of second-hand goods. Or Money received by the Government from
sale of public sector firm to a private owner
17.Imputed rent of self-occupied houses.
18. Expenditure on the construction of a flyover by the government.
19.Growing vegetables in a kitchen garden of the house.
20.Insurance premium paid by employees.
21. Mineral wealth of a nation.
22.Payment of wealth tax.
23. Entertainment tax received by the government.
24.Salaries paid to Russians working in Indian Embassy in Russia.
25.Destruction of building due to an earthquake.
26.HP uses its own new Laptops in its office for self-consumption.
27.Purchase of a truck to carry goods by a production unit.
28.Receipt from sale of property, inherited from a relative.
29. Entertainment allowance to an employee for entertaining business guests. 30. Expenditure by
father on marriage of his daughter.
31. Expenditure on the purchase of an old house.
32. Insurance money received from Oriental Insurance due to destruction of factory due to fire.
33.Interest paid by banks on deposits by individuals. OR Payment of interest by a Government firm
34.Interest received on loans given to a friend for purchasing a car.
35.Interest received on loan given to a foreign company in India.
36.Expenditure on improvement of fixed capital asset.
37.Expenditure on education of children by a family
38.Payment of excise duty by a firm.
39. Value of interest foregone on loans provided by the employer to employees. 40.Capital gains to
Indian residents from sale of shares of a foreign company.
How will you treat the following while estimating the national Income of India? Give reasons also.
1. Salaries received by the Indian residents working in Russian embassy in India. 2. Profits earned
by an Indian bank from its branches abroad
3. Entertainment tax received by the Government
4. Salaries paid to Russian working in Indian Embassy in Russia
5. Profits earned by Indian company from its branches in Singapore 6. Capital gains to Indian
residents from sale of share of foreign company 7. Interest received on debenture
8. Financial help received by flood victims
9. Capital gains on sale of house
10.Price won in a lottery
11.Interest on public debt
12.Dividend received by an Indian from his investment in shares of foreign companies. 13.Money
received by a family in India from relatives working abroad. 14.Dividend received by a foreigner from
investment in shares of an Indian company. 15.Profits earned by a branch of Indian bank in Canada.
16.Scholarship given to Indian students for studying in India by a foreign company. 17.Value of
bonus shares received by shareholders of company. 18.Fee receipts from students.
19.Interest received on a loan given to a foreign company in India. 20.Family members working free
on the farm owned by the family. 21.Payment of interest on borrowings by general government.
22.Social security contributions by employees.
23.Pension paid after retirement.
24.Expenditure on maintenance of a building.
25.Expenditure on adding a floor to the building.
26.Payment of Income tax by a firm.
27.Festival gifts to employees
28.Subsidy on output produced.
29.Contribution to provident fund by the employees.
30.Contribution to provident fund by the employers.
31.Free dress provided to nurses by the hospital.
32.Expenditure on fertilizers by a farmer.
33.Purchase of tractor by a farmer.
34.Payment of Bonus by a firm.
35.Payment of interest taken by an employee from employer.
36.Interest paid by a bank on deposit paid by individual.
37.National debt interest.
38.Expenditure on free service provided by Government.
39.Payment of interest by a Government firm.
40.Expenditure on education of a children by a family.
41.Payment of electricity bill by a school.
42.Payment of excise duty by a firm.
43.Payment of interest by a firm.
44.Festival gift from an employer.
45.Rent free house from an employer.
46.Free medical facilities by the employer.
47.Wheat grown by a farmer but used for family consumption.
48.Earnings of the shareholders from the sale of shares.
49.Expenditure by government on providing free education.
50.Purchase of trucks to carry goods by a production unit.
51.Payment of income tax by production unit.
52.Services rendered by family members to each other.
Will the following factor incomes be included in the domestic factor Income of India? Give reasons
for your answer.
1. Compensation of employees to the residents of Japan working in Indian Embassy in Japan.
2. Profits earned by a branch of foreign bank in India.
3. Rent received by an Indian resident from Russian embassy in India.
4. Profit earned by a branch of State Bank of India in England.
5. Financial help given to flood victims.
6. Salary received by Indian residents, working in American embassy in India. 7. Profit earned by an
Indian company from its branches in Singapore.
8. Compensation of employees given to residents of China working in Indian embassy in China.
9. Remittances from non-resident Indians to their family members in India. 10.Rent paid by Embassy
of Japan in India to resident Indians.

While calculating national income of India from its domestic factor income, how will you treat the
following? Give reasons.
1. Salaries received by Indian working in branches of foreign banks in India.
2. Profits earned by an Indian bank from its branches abroad.
3. Rent paid by the embassy of Japan to an Indian resident.

Giving reasons, classify the following into intermediate and final goods:
1. Machines purchased by a dealer of machines.
2. A car purchased by a household.
3. Furniture purchased by a school.
4. Chalks, dusters, etc. purchased by a school.
5. Computers installed in an office.
6. Mobile sets purchased by a mobile dealer.
Giving reasons, classify the following into intermediate expenditure and final expenditure:
1. Expenditure on maintenance of an office building.
2. Expenditure on improvement of machine in a factory.
3. Purchase of furniture by a firm.
4. Expendi ture on maintenance by a firm


1. Elements of Business Environment
2. Principles of Management
3. Stock Exchange
4. Marketing
1. Process of Planning- Scrap Book (Group 1)
2. Level of Management – Model showing Pyramid (Group 2)
3. Dimension of Business Environment- College or Photograph from latest newspapers
(Group 3)
4.Principles of Management(Henry Fayol) Comic Strips (Group 4)
5. Types of Plans-Acronyms A3- Size (Group 5)
6.Demonetization - Infographics (Group 6)
7.Coordination -Bronchure (Group 7)
8. Taylor ‘s Scientific Principles of Management - Magazine(Group 8)
9. Organization- Catalog (Group 9)
10. Management as a Concept - Character Sketch (Group10)
11. Function of Management -Rap Song (Group 11)
12. Management As Science, Art and Profession - Rangoli (Group 12)


Short Answer Type

1. What is Planning?

2. What is Planning Process?

3. ‘To see whether plans are being implemented and activities are
being performed according to schedule’, is a step of planning
process. Identify the step.

4. What do you mean by planning premises?

5. State any 3 limitations of planning the functions of management.

6. Is planning worth the huge costs involved? Explain.

7. It helps the manager to look into future and make a choice
amongst various alternative courses of action. Enumerate the
importance of planning indicated here.

8. Name the type of plan which is time-bound and linked with a

measurable outcome.

9. “Planning is Pervasive”. Explain briefly.

10. What are the main points in the definition of planning?

11. Defining ‘organizational objectives’ as the first step in the

process of planning. Explain in brief the other steps of this process.

12. State any three limitations of planning.

13. Planning eliminates changes/uncertainties’. Do you agree?
Give reason in support of your answer.

Long Answer
1. Planning is the basic function of management. Explain.

2. Rahul is appointed as factory manager in a gel pen

manufacturing company. He was given a target of producing one
lakh gel pens per month. He knew that ‘the essence of
management is to achieve desired results’ but he does not know
‘how to ensure that the work goes on according to plans’. Guide
him by explaining the process so that he will be able to achieve the
desired results.

Or Explain the steps involved in the process of planning.

3. Sobha a newly introduced herbal bath soap in the marker tries
to achieve market dominance. The marketing manager was
entrusted to prepare the course of action to be taken for achieving
sales target of 50,000 units per month. Assume that you are the
marketing manager, analyse the steps to be followed for achieving
the target.

4. Sonam is appointed as factory manager in a gel pen

manufacturing company. He was given a target of producing one
lakh gel pens per month. He knew that ‘the essence of
management is to achieve desired results’ but he does not know
‘how to ensure that the work goes on according to plans’. Guide
him by explaining the process so that he will be able to achieve the
desired results. Or Explain the steps involved in the process of

5. Mr.Sreeranjan ’, the Principal of Prince Public School’ appointed

Mr Babu as the coach for football team which was to play the final
match in the State-Level Tournament. During training the coach
inspired the players to make up their mind to win the match in all
circumstances. Also he stressed that they had to win the match
with the difference of at least five goals
from the losing team. He explained special methods to the players
for playing both offensive and defensive game. Also he told them
how after beating the opponents, football would be passed from
one player to the other until it reached the goal box of the opposite
team. At the end of the training, the coach warned all the players
against misbehaving with any of the players of the opposite team,
otherwise, they could be punished.
(a) Identify the concept of the planning functions of management
described in the paragraph given above.
(b) Explain the four types of concept identified in point 5’ by
quoting the relevant lines.

6. Why is that organisations are not always able to accomplish all

their objectives?

1. Complete the project work as per CBSE guidelines and the guidelines given in class .Refer
support material provided.
2. Do the Assignments in the notebook uploaded on the portal .
Note : To be done in Assignment Sheets
Q1.What do you mean by Pandas in Python? Name three data structures available in Pandas. Write
command to install pandas in python.
Q2. Write the code in python to create an empty Series.Name a method which is used to create
Series in Python.
Q3.. Write a program in Python to create a series of first five even numbers.
Q4.Write a program in Python to create the pandas series of all the characters in the name accepted
from user.
Q5. Write a program in Python to create a Series in Python from the given dictionary. D = {“Jan” : 31,
“Feb” : 28, “Mar” : 31}
Q6. Write a program to create a series from dictionary that stores classes (6,7,8,9,10) as keys and
number of students as values.
Q7. Write the output of the following :
import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series(12, index = [4, 6, 8])

Q8. Write the output of the following :

import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series(range(1,15,3), index=[x for x in "super"])

Q9. Write the output of the following :

import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series(range(100, 150, 10), index=[x for x in "My name is Amit Gandhi".split()])

Q10. Write the output of the following :

import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series(data=2*L1)

Q11. Name any two attributes of Series in Python.

Q12. Which property of series return all the index value?
Q13. Write the output of the following :
import numpy as num
import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series(arr)

Q14 Write the output of the following code :

import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series([31, 28, 31, 30, 31], index = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May"])

Q15. Write the output of the following code :

import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series([2, 5, 7, 10])
print(S1 + 2)
print(S1 * 2)
print(S1 ** 2)
print(S1 - 2)
print(S1 > 2)

Q16. Write a program to display only those values greater than 200 in the given Series “S1”
0 300
1 100
2 1200
3 1700
Q17. Write a program to display the following Series “S1” in descending order.
0 300
1 100
2 1200
3 1700

Q18. Write the output of the following :

import pandas as pd
S1 = pd.Series([3, 1, 12, 17], index = ("a", "b", "c", "d"))
S2 = pd.Series([4, 5, 6, 7], index = ("a", "b", "e", "f"))
print(S1.mul(S2, fill_value = 0))

Q19. Consider the following Series object “S1” and write the output of the following statement :
0 21
1 41
2 62
3 81
4 23
5 45
6 68
7 89
import pandas as pd
L1=[21, 41, 62, 81, 23, 45, 68, 89]
S1 = pd.Series(L1)
print("1. ",S1.index)

print("2. ",S1.values)

print("3. ",S1.shape)

print("4. ",S1.ndim)

print("5. ",S1.size)

print("6. ",S1.nbytes)

print("7. ",S1[0])

print("8. ",S1[2]+S1[0])

print("9. ",S1[5]**2)
print("10. ",S1.empty)

print("11.\n",S1[[1, 5, 6]])

print("12.\n",S1[5 : 7],"\n")

print("13.\n",S1[: : -1])







print("20.\n",S1[4:5] + S1[4:5])

Q20. Consider the following Series object “S1” and “S2” and write the output of the following code :

S1 S2

02 01
14 12
26 23
38 34
4 10 45

Pandas Series
import pandas as pd
S1=pd.Series([2, 4, 6, 8, 10])
S2=pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
Q1. What is DataFrame?
Q2. Write code to create empty DataFrame named ‘DF1’.

Q3. Which method is used to create DataFrame in Python?

Q4. Write two differences between Series and DataFrame.
Q5. Create the following dataframe using List of Dictionaries.


0 1 2 3

1 5 6 8

Q6. Which data types can be used to create DataFrame?

Q7. Which library is to be imported to create dataframe from Numpyndarrays ?
Q8. _______ method in Pandas is used to change/modify the index of rows and columns of a
Q9. Give an example to create dataframe from a single ndarray.
Q10. Give an example to create dataframe from two ndarray.

Q11. Write the output of the following code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
A = np.array([35, 40, 71, 25])
B = np.array([27, 34, 56, 73])
C = [11, 22, 33, 44]
DF = pd.DataFrame([A, B, C])

Q12. Write the code in python to create dataframe from given list.
L1 = [“Anil”, “Ruby”, “Raman”, “Suman”]
L2 = [35, 56, 48, 85]

Q13. Fill in the blank to produce the Output.

import pandas as pd
L1 = ["Anil", "Ruby", "Raman", "Suman"]
L2 = [35, 56, 48, 85]
DF = pd.DataFrame([L1, L2], ___________________________________ )

Ist IInd IIIrd IVth

a Anil Ruby Raman Suman
b 35 56 48 85

Q14. Aman store some data in the form of nested list. Later on he created dataframe “DF” from the
list given below by writing the following code. How many columns will be there in “DF”
L1 = [[“Aman”, “Cricket”, “7th”], [“Ankit”, “Hockey”, “11th”], [“Sunita”, “Basket ball”, “9th”]]
import pandas as pd
L1 = [["Aman", "Cricket", "7th"], ["Ankit", "Hockey", "11th"], ["Sunita", "Basket ball", "9th"]]
DF = pd.DataFrame(L1)

Q15. Which attribute of DataFrame is used to give user defined index value?
Q16. Which attribute of DataFrame is used to give user defined column name?
Q17. Complete the following code to get the Output given below:
import pandas as ________________
L1 = [["Aman", 45], ["Ankit", 56], ["__________", 67]]
DF = pd.______________(L1, ______________=["Name", "Marks"], index=[__________])

Q18. Complete the following code to get the Output given below:
import pandas as pd
L1 = {"Name" : ["Aman", "Ankit", "Sunita"], "Marks" : [45, 56, 67]}
DF = pd.DataFrame(L1, columns = [______________________], index = [1, 2, 3])

Q19. Consider the code given below and answer the following questions:
Ld = [{'a' : 10, 'b' : 20}, {'a' : 5, 'b' : 10, 'c' : 20}]
DF = pd.DataFrame(Ld)
a. How many rows will be there in dataframe “DF”
b. How many columns will be there in dataframe “DF”
c. How many NaN will be there in dataframe “DF”
d. Write the missing import statement in the above code.
e. How many dictionaries are used in the above code.
Q20. Give an example of creating dataframe from two series.

Q1 Mr. Kavye Shastri, General Manager of Unit Nations corporate recently discovered that the
communication between his company’s accounts office and HR office is extremely slow and signals
drop quite frequently. These offices are 120 m away from each other and connected by an Ethernet
(i) Suggest him a device which can be installed in between the offices for smooth communication.
(ii) What type of network is formed by having this kind of connectivity out of LAN, MAN and WAN?
(Delhi 2012)

Q2 Expand the following terms with respect to networking

(ii) WLL
(iii) FTP
(iv) TCP/IP

Q3.Freshminds University of India is starting its first campus Anna Nagar of South India with its
centre admission office in Kolkata. The university has three major blocks comprising of Office Block,
Science Block and Commerce Block in the 5 km area campus.
As a network expert, you need to suggest the network plan as per (i) to (iv) to the authorities keeping
in mind the distance and other given parameters.
Expected wire distances between various locations:

Expected number of computers to installed at various locations in the university are as follows:

(i) Suggest the authorities, the cable layout amongst various blocks inside university campus for
connecting the blocks.
(ii) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. block) to house the server of this university with a suitable
(iii) Suggest an efficient device from the following to be installed in each of the blocks to connect all
the computers.
(a) Switch
(b) Modem
(c) Gateway
(iv) Suggest the most suitable (very high speed) service to provide data connectivity between
Admission Office located in Anna Nagar from the following options:
(a) Telephone lines
(b) Fixed line dial-up connection
(c) Co-axial cable network
(d) GSM
(e) Leased lines
(f) Satellite connection

Q4 Eduminds University of India is starting its first campus in a small town Parampur of central India
with its centre admission office in Delhi. The university has three major buildings comprising of
Admin Building, Academic Building and Research Building in the 5 km area campus. As a network
expert, you need to suggest the network plan as per (i) to (iv) to the authorities keeping in mind the
distances and other given parameters.
Expected wire distances between various locations:

Expected number of computers to be installed at various locations in the university are as follows:

(i) Suggest the authorities, the cable layout amongst various buildings inside the university campus
for connecting the building.
(ii) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. building) to house the server of this organisation, with a
suitable reason.
(iii) Suggest an efficient device from the following to be installed in each of the buildings to connect
all computers.
(a) Gateway
(b) Modem
(c) Switch
(iv) Suggest the most suitable (very high speed) service to provide data connectivity between
Admission Building located in Delhi and the campus located in Parampur from the following options:
(a) Telephone line
(b) Fixed line dial-up connection
(c) Co-axial cable network
(d) GSM
(e) Leased line
(f) Satellite connection.

Q5 Bias Methodologies is planning to expand their network in India starting with three cities in India
to build infrastructure for research and development of their chemical products. The company has
planned to setup their main office in Pondicherry at three different locations and have named their
offices as Back Office, Research Lab and Development Unit. The company has one more research
office namely Corporate Unit in Mumbai. A rough layout of the same is as follows:
Approximate distance between these offices is as follows:

In continuation of the above, the company experts have planned to install the following number of
computers in each of these offices.

(i) Suggest the kind of network required (out of LAN, MAN, WAN) for connection each of the
following office unit
(a) Research Lab and Back Office
(b) Research Lab and Development Unit
(ii) Which of the following devices will you suggest for connecting all the computers with each of their
office units?
(a) Switch/Hub
(b) Modem
(c) Telephone
(iii) Which of the following communication media, will you suggest to be procured by the company for
connecting their local office units in Pondicherry for very effective (high speed) communications?
(a) Telephone cable
(b) Optical fiber
(c) Ethernet cable
(iv) Suggest a cable/wiring layout for connecting the company’s local office units located in
Pondicherry. Also, suggest an effective method/technology for connecting the company’s office
located in Mumbai.


WORKSHEET( Based on Elements and Principles of Art)

Instructions: Paste this worksheet in your Painting register.
Pick the best answer to describe SHAPE.
A principle of art that deals with height and width.
An element that refers to the area between, around and/or within things.
Triangles, squares, cylinders, rectangles, ovals, and circles.
An element that is concerned with height and width, and that encloses space.
An element that is concerned with depth; and that encloses space.
Which element of art is concerned with reflected light?
Which principle of art refers to how art elements help direct a viewer’s eyes through a work of art?
_________________ is an element of art that refers to lightness and darkness in an artwork.
Rhythm in pattern is a principle of art that is created…
When you make lines .
When lines are used over and over again.
When an art element (or elements) is repeated in a planned or random way over and over again.
When lines and shapes are used in combination with different colors.
Only when there is rhythm in a design.
Form is… (Hint: You will choose more than one answer for this one.)
An element of art that has depth.
A principle of art that has depth.
Two dimensional, meaning it has two dimensions.
depth. dimensional, meaning it has three dimensions.
Something you learned to create by one point perspective drawing.
_______________________________ is the principle of art that creates dominance and focus in
an artwork.
Balance is…
A principle of art that just makes a piece “feel” right.
A principle of art that deals with visual weight.
A principle of art that can be described as either symmetrical or asymmetrical.
All of the above
Actually just a measly element of art that no artist cares about.
Painting File work
Instructions: Complete your file work . Neatness is must .
1. Zentangle Landscape
2. Line Element Flower composition
3. Abstract contemporary Portrait
4. Flower composition ( colour)

Art Integrated learning (activity)

Topic – Traditional Art forms of India

( Tanjor painting, Khalighat Painting, Pichwai Painting,
Patchitra Painting,Pithora Painting etc )

Instructions: Research about any four traditional art form of our country .Take Print outs (4-5
each art form ) , paste
Them on a scrapbook , write a few lines on these art forms ( origin , line ,colours ,theme and
Write your name, class and section on your scrapbook.

1. Complete Physical education file

a. Main game (Write in detail about one game from a given list Kho- kho, kabaddi, Basketball,
Volleyball, Cricket, Handball, Hockey etc.) History, Court dimensions ,Fundamental skills,
rules and regulations ( Paste colour pictures)

b. Write any two asanas for each lifestyle disease and write procedure, benefits and
contraindications and paste pictures of asanas.
c. SAI khelo India physical fitness test
● Plate Tapping
● Partial curl up
● Sit and reach test
● Flamingo balance test
● Modified push ups
● 50 meter dash
● 600meter walk.

List of AIL activities.

1.Make a video on yoga and explain the advantages of yoga asanas.

2.Prepare a report on the Annual Sports Day of your school. Which is going to be published
in the newspaper.

3.Write and dedicate a song to the female athlete you admire most.

4.Making and screening a video on Healthy diet and nutrition.

5.Deliver a speech on importance of physical education in life for class 6 to 11th students.
Work Sheet

1. झप ताल में विभाग व्यिस्था

(क) २,३,२,३,
(ख) २,३,३,२
(ग) ३,२,३,२
(घ) ३,२,२,३

2. राग भैरि का िादी संिादी

(क) ध - रे
(ख) रे - ध
(ग) वि - ग
(घ) म - वि

3. कालां तर में विलुप्त (लोप) होिे िाला ग्राम

(क) षडज ग्राम
(ख) गां धार ग्राम
(ग) मध्यम ग्राम
(घ) पंचम ग्राम

4. ताि पुरे में तारो की संख्या

(क) ३
(ख) ४
(ग) ५
(घ) ७

5, प्रत्येक ग्राम में वकतिी मूर्छिाए होती है

(क) २१
(ख) २४
(ग) ७
(घ) ६

6. धमार ताल में विभागों की संख्या

(क) २
(ख) ३
(ग) ४
(घ) ५

7. राग भैरि का गायि समय

(क) सां यकाल
(ख) प्रातः काल
(ग) रावि
(घ) वदि का दू सरा प्रहर

8. राग का विलम्बित विस्तार क्या कहलाता है

(क) गमक
(ख) ताि
(ग) आलाप
(घ) मीढ
9. संगीत रत्नाकर में अध्यायों की संख्या
(क) ५
(ख) ८
(ग) ७
(घ) ६

10. झपताल के ठे के वतगुि के साथ उस पर विस्तृत विप्पणी वलम्बखए

12. राग बागेश्री का पररचय वलम्बखए


1. तािपुरे का वचि बिा कर उसके अंगो का िणछि कीवजये ि तािपुरा वमलािे विवध बताइये

2. संगीत रत्नाकर ग्रन्थ का संविप्त वििरण दीवजये

AIL Activities

1. भारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत में घरािा क्या है ?

2. गायि के कुल वकतिे घरािे है ?

3. वकन्ही दो घरािो का विस्तार से िणछि कीवजए |

4. ितछमाि पररिेश में घरािो का भविष्य क्या है?


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