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Bài thi môn: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9

Thời gian làm bài 150 phút (bao gồm cả phần nghe)

Điểm Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo Số phách

Bằng số: Giám khảo 1: …………………………….
……………………….…………. …………………..
Bằng chữ: Giám khảo 2: …………………………….
………………………………..… …………………..


Question 1. (10 points). Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D to complete each of the
following sentences. Write it in ‘Your answers’ part.
1. He eats with chopsticks______ the Chinese.
A. like B. as if C. such D. as
2. A: “Tomorrow I will have an important test.”
B: “……………………………..”
A. Break a leg B. My pleasure C. Well-done D. Help a hand
3. Some students tend to choose block A, _________ others tend to choose block D.
A. while B. since C. whereas D. even if
4. “My life’s got stuck these days. I am so depressed and unable to think of anything.”
A. You will be tired. B. Stay stuck there.
C. Stay calm. Everything will be alright. D. No, thanks.
5. Choose the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in the sentence.
This game show has attracted many participants since it was aired in 2015.
A. breathed B. impacted C. introduced D. broadcast
6. Choose the phrase OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in the sentence.
We should not allow any kind of discrimination against women and girls.
A. inequality B. unbiased feeling C. hatred D. intolerance
7. _____Beth has a new car, she no longer takes the computer train to work. She drives to work every day.
A. While B. Now that C. Although D. In case
8. Countries in Central and South America were the first to grow the cacao tree, but today Africa
___________ with the most chocolate the world.
A. supplies B. fetches C. brings D. gives
9. To consider an idea or a suggestion before deciding to accept it is to ________.
A. look it up B. go it over C. face up to D. take it up
10. Some ________ at an actual school, not a virtual one, will be required to help students develop
appropriate social skills.
A. attendant B. attendee C. attention D. attendance
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question 2. (10 points). There is one mistake in each numbered line in the following passage.
Identify and correct it.


1 This is something that I LOVE to do. You might work like this, however,
2 I feel like it is important and necessary for everyone to keep everything organize,
3 so you don’t get too overwhelmed for life.
4 I usually also plan weekly or monthly,
5 I have to organize my day, go from the easiest to the hardest,
6 because I can get motivated and get more done.
7 Planning monthly or weekly, I use a bullet journal, but every Sunday I go there
8 and try to plan as much as possible. Moreover, while doing this,
9 you should know that during the week, new things will come out that you’ll have to do,
10 so during your planning, don’t overload yourself under a lot of things to do.
Your answers:
Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10


Question 1. (10 points). Fill ONE suitable word into each numbered blank. Write it in ‘Your
answers’ part.
For every notebook you use in class, keep a second one (1) … organization. Take your first notebook to
class, write everything down (2) … it is presented to you. This notebook will undoubtedly be messy (3) …
disorganized. During study hall, or after school, transfer your notes from class into a second notebook in
an order that makes (4) …to you. I call this second notebook my decorative notebooks. This is the pretty,
clear one that's free (5) …the errors and disorder the first notebook holds. You can color code, add side
notes, and (6) … to your heart content, spending as much time as you need (7) …it, not being constrained
by the rushed class period. Using your decorative notebook for studying before quizzes and tests allows
you to (8) …the information in a clear and concise manner. (9) … alternative to a second notebook is to
type it out on a doc if that works better for you (10) … a physical copy!
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question 2. (10 points). Read the passage below and decide which answer (from A, B, C or D) best fits
each gap. Write your answers in ‘Your answers’ part.
It's always difficult to listen to online classes and taking notes at the same time. This year, it'll present an
even harder problem for all of us- online classes, schools, and much more. But how can we take notes
while attending the online classes? If you listen to your class the (1)…. you will write your notes. It will
also help you to write the perfect notes if you listen to your class with full (2) … . If you want to write
your notes during your class (3) …. , you can try using abbreviated words and points. This will help to
save your time and also you can dedicate the most time to (4) … to your class lectures. You can also try to
(5) … your online class. This will help you a lot. You can see your class lectures as many times as you
want. You can also write notes (6) … the class listening to the recording version of your class lecture. (7)
…. this will need a strong dedication towards your studying time and your note-taking time. This will also
extend the usual study hours because you are listening to your 40- minute or an hour class again in the (8)
…. version. Some apps and (9)…. will help you to take notes during the class itself. (10) … down below!
1. A. best B. better C. fastest D. faster
2. A. concentration B. concentrating C. concentrated D. concentrate
3. A. yourself B. himself C. themselves D. itself
4. A. listen B. listened C. listening D. listener
5. A. record B. save C. store D. preserve
6. A. from B. before C. after D. to
7. A. So B. But C. Since D. Nor
8. A. recording B. recorded C. high D. basic
9. A. extensions B. facilities C. tools D. rules
10. A. Prove B. Explain C. Lay D. Scroll
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question 3. (5 points). Read the text and choose the most suitable heading from this list for each
paragraph of the text. Write your answer in the space provided.

A. Possible problems due to global warming

B. Warmer summer in Dallas
C. Help from methane
D. One important step
E. Getting warmer and warmer in somewhere
F. Problems bigger than benefits
G. But possible benefits too
H. Disagreement about temperatures
1. __________
Another strategy is to burn as much as methane as possible. This aids CO2 to the air, but since methane
traps twenty times as much heat as CO2, the net result is worth-while. The gas in many garbage landfills
is already being used in a number of places around the United States. It is being used to heat thousands of
Here is what global warming could do in a few years: in Dallas, a doubled level of carbon dioxide
would increase the number of days a year with temperatures above 100 degrees from nineteen to seven-
eight. On sixty-eight days, as opposed to the current four, the temperature wouldn’t fall below 80 degrees
at night. One hundred and sixty-two days a year, the temperature would top 90 degrees.
3. __________
While many nations could end up milder climates, the change - perhaps 100 times faster than at any
time in human history – could be so drastic that many of the benefits would be lost. There could be
crowded of environmental refugees, as well, making the tragedy of the Dust Bowl era seem mild in
4. __________
Other scientists think the changes will be much more gradual, even beneficial. After all, Canada would
not complain if the productive corn-growing lands were shifted north. While many nations could end up
with milder climates, the change-perhaps 100 times faster than at any time in human history—could be so
drastic that many of the benefits would be lost. There could be crowds of environmental refugees, as well,
making the tragedy of the Dust Bowl era seem mild in comparison.
5. __________
What can we do? Humanity’s contribution to the greenhouse effect comes from so many basic activities
that we can’t hope to eliminate it completely. Some steps have already been taken. Since the 1970s, the
use of CFCs as aerosol-can propellants has seen banned in the United States.
There, in its harshest form, the unemployed work in exchange for welfare. But countries with
governments to the left of America's, including Australia and France, are now also exploiting ways to link
income support and employment policy.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Question 4. (10 points): You are going to read a passage and then choose the best answer. Write
your answer in the space provided.
When one hears the expression “role models”, one’s mind naturally jumps to celebrities, especially as far
as young people are concerned. Therefore, it would be more than natural to assume that teenagers, heavily
influenced by the media, are impressed by well-known Hollywood stars, famous musicians and
internationally renowned athletes. However, nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, according
to a recent survey, over 75% of teens who filled out an online questionnaire claimed that the role model
for whom they had the greatest respect was not a famous personality, but a family member. It seems that
the qualities that make a good role model are more complex than researchers first assumed. For example,
Nancy L, a teenage girl from Wisconsin, described her role model as a woman who had a clear sense of
what was important to her, making the effort to create things that would make a real difference in the
world. The woman she was referring to was her favorite aunt, who was a painter and sculptor. Role
models come into young people’s lives in various ways. They are family members, educators, peers and
ordinary people encountered in their daily lives. Students emphasized that being a role model is not
confined to those with international fame or unbelievable wealth. Instead, they said the greatest attribute
of a role model is the ability to inspire others. Teachers were often mentioned as examples in this case,
ones that are dedicated to encouraging students, helping them push their limits and strengthen their
Another quality high on the list was the ability to overcome obstacles. In addition to parents, peers often
made up a large percentage of such role models. Young people are at a point in their lives when they are
developing the skills of initiative and capability, so it is only natural that they admire people who show
them that success in the face of difficulty is possible. A final and perhaps unexpected character trait that
the youth of today admire is a clear set of values. Children admire people whose actions are consistent
with their beliefs; in other words, who practice what they preach. Role models help them to understand
the significance of honesty, motivation and the desire to do general good. For example, local politicians
who clearly struggle to improve living conditions in their cities are high on their lists of role models.
Perhaps what should be understood from what young people consider important in a role model is that
each and every person around them affects them to a certain extent, perhaps much more than most parents
think. This makes it crucial for adults to be aware of their influence on the young and set the best
examples possible.
(Adapted from ‘Reader Digest’)
Question 1: Which of the following is closest in meaning to “impressed ”?
A. followed B. disappointed C. dazzled D. frightened
Question 2: Which of the following is LEAST likely to be assumed as teens’ role model?
A. A handsome actor B. A brilliant scientist C. A hot pop star D. A talented footballer
Question 3: What is surprising about the findings of the survey?
A. Celebrities are the most common role models to most teens.
B. The role models of the respondents are not quite influential.
C. Most celebrities have their family members as role models.
D. The qualities that make up teens’ role models are not simple
Question 4: What does the passage tell us about Nancy L’s role model?
A. She had strong priorities. B. She was famous for her talent.
C. She was a mysterious person. D. She was not related to her.
Question 5: Which of the following is closest in meaning to “confined to”?
A. restricted to B. influenced by C. similar to D. assisted by
Question 6: According to the passage, what quality makes teachers good role models?
A. their ambition to succeed B. their positive effect on students
C. their ability as academic educators D. their wide knowledge
Question 7: The ability to overcome obstacles is important to young people because .
A. obstacles make life more difficult B. it is not something that one can easily find
C. it is relevant to the stage of life they are in D. teens must have it to teach their peers
Question 8: According to paragraph 5, children really look up to those who .
A. are as active as possible B. are religious in their life
C. pay attention to the needs of the young D. do what they say they will do
Question 9: According to the passage, some politicians are considered admirable .
A. because they are familiar to young people B. because of their concern for others
C. because of the strong power they have D. because they believe in themselves
Question 10: The passage suggests that adults should .
A. realize that they have a strong effect on young people
B. try to avoid imposing their influence on younger people
C. be careful of the role models their children may have
D. encourage children to reject celebrities as role models
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question 1. (5 points). Use the word in capital letters to complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first one. Do not change the word given.
1. I do like to have good communication skills, and can make more friends. (WISH)
= I ......................................................................................................................................................
2. “I’ve had better marks than anyone else all term” Tom said. (BOASTED)
= Tom ................................................................................................................................................
3. It isn’t necessary for Mary to take a thick coat. (DOESN’T)
= Mary ...............................................................................................................................................
4. I will publish a new album next month. (OUT)
= I ......................................................................................................................................................
5. He likes people to call him “Professor”. (ADDRESSED)
= He ...................................................................................................................................................
Question 2. (5 points). Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS complete the second sentence so
that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. I found it more difficult to solve this problem than I had thought.
= It wasn’t ……………… to solve this problem as I had thought
2. The man saved some money so that he will be comfortable in his old age.
= The man laid …………………………….. so that he will be comfortable in his old age.
3. “Why don’t we plant trees around the school?” Mai said
= Mai …………………………….. trees around the school.
4. Binh regrets being late for the class
= Binh wishes he ………………………….up late for the class
5. I was persuaded by Linh to listen to the folk song.
= Linh got……………………………………… to the folk song.

Question 3. (15 points). You friend, Hoa has difficulty in studying English, especially listening and
reading skills, so he always gets bad marks.
Write an e-mail to your friend, Hoa. Give him two advice and one information to help him improve his
You should write about 80 - 100 words.
You do NOT need to write your address.
I. (10 points). Now listen to the recording and answer these questions below. You will hear each
recording twice.
(From 1 to 6, for each question there are three options and a short recording. Choose the correct letter
A, B or C. For the record 7, there are 4 sentences. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect)
1. When did the woman have her first memory?
A. at the age of 9 B. at the age of 5 C. at the age of 25
2. How many trains depart for Manchester?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4
3. What are necessary for the students’ picnic?
A. game, sun-cream and drink
B. sweater, sun-cream and drink
C. drink, hat and paper
4. What will they do at the weekend?
A. go on a picnic B. go to the beach C. visit a zoo
5. Does the woman need to buy the toothpaste?
A. Yes B. Yes, but only one C. No
6. How will the boy get to school?
A. cycle B. ski C. walk
7. Are these sentences correct or incorrect?
(You will hear a conversation between a girl, Charlotte, and her father about what she is going to study
next year. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect).
a) Charlotte’s father thinks that Spanish grammar is easy to learn. ……….
b) Charlotte won’t study Russian. ……….
c) Charlotte plans to go to China. ……….
d) Charlotte and her father want to visit China. ……….
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
a) ……….
b) ……….
c) ……….
d) ……….

II. (10 points). You will hear part of a radio program about climbing holidays in North Wales. For each
question, fill in the missing information in the number space with no more than a word or a number.
Climbing courses in North Wales
* The Climbing Centre first opened in (1) ………...
* Climbing courses are held from March until (2)................
* Accommodation for a maximum of (3) …….. people.
The Four-day Course
Costs £280. Includes everything except (4) ……...
Day One
How to use a (5) ………..
Day Two
Understanding the (6) ……….
Days Three and Four
(7) …….… trip with one night in a (8) ..........
Evening activities in the Centre
(9)…. ……. or (10) …….

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


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