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Project Title: RIVER STUDY PROJECT (example)

Proponent: City Environment and Natural Resources Office, Lucena City

Rationale: Lucena City is endowed with abundant water resources, both marine and freshwater. It has
one of the most intricate networks of rivers, creeks, swamps that eventually flow down to Tayabas Bay.
To date the city boasts of the production of quality tinapa, this is well known locally and internationally.
The protection and rehabilitation of these resources for its full use are very important in fulfilling the
city’s vision as the tinapa capital of the country.
The main objective of the project is to profile the city’s rivers in all its aspect so that all projects
depending or affecting the City’s rivers and other natural waterways hereafter should have a basis for
development, restoration and other activities.

Activity Components:

1. Conduct survey , mapping of all rivers and other bodies of water traversing through and located
within the city
2. Conduct inventory of resources-flora and fauna within these ecosystems;
3. Conduct a study on the activities depending and affecting the rivers; and
4. Prepare the river restoration and rehabilitation plan based on the data surveys done

Intended Beneficiaries:

The basic functions of freshwater are personal; use and consumption, agricultural and industrial
production, transport, conversion of energy potential, and recreation. Except for conversion of energy
potential, the waters of Lucena City have all the above-mentioned functions. The optimal utilization of a
river and any water resource for its diverse purpose is the orientation of man’s active approach to water

Estimated Cost: total P 20 Million

Success Indicators:
1. All water bodies within Lucena mapped and profiled;
2. Complete inventory of resources ( flora and fauna ) that is found in these ecosystem
3. Detailed study on the activities depending and affecting these ecosystems;
4. Detailed plan on how to rehabilitate and properly manage these resources.

Possible Risks:
There are a number of issues and concerns encountered with regard to river resources management.
Among these are the perceived decreasing amount of water resources, deterioration of water quality,
and changes in land use. The volume of river discharge affects inland fisheries. The effects of human
activities on the quantity and quality of waters can be categorized into two such as (a) impacts due to
pollution of water and sediments, and (b) impacts due to engineering works (channel straightening,
embankments, bank protection, etc). Changes in water regime occur in response to changes in land use.
The hydrology of the area will change continuously from the start of urban development through the
construction period of urban maturity and consolidation.

Expected private Sector Response:

During Program Implementation, the private sector is expected to participate with transparency in the
surveys and studies to be conducted.

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