Homework Біліченко Владислав 1-ІПЗ-22

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Біліченко Владислав
Questions :
1) What social networks are used for communication?
2) Through which network was the first message sent?
3) How was the first network of the Internet deciphered?
4) How many computers were connected to the Internet in 1971?
5) What is the most popular browser in the world?
6) Who invented the world wide web?
7) What year was the first internet created?
8) What year was the first message sent?
9) What is the Internet ?
10)What is surfing?

Answers :
1) Vk, Instagram, Twitter
3) Advanced Research Projects Agency network
4) 4 computers connected
5) Google Chrome
6) Tim Berners-Lee
7) 1992
8) 1969
9) The Internet is a large network of computers all over the planet
except some remote places for example the South Pole
10)Surfing the Internet is called browsing the pages of websites.

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