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10/7/2018 Temperature Measurement - Thermowells -


Temperature Measurement - Thermowell

De nition of Thermowell
A thermowell is a pressure tight receptacle designed to accept a temperature sensing element
and provide a means to insert that element into a vessel or pipe.
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has de ned the term thermowell as a
closed-end reentrant tube designed for insertion of a temperature-sensing element, and
provided with means for a pressure-tight attachment to a vessel.

Principles of Operation
A thermowell acts as a barrier between a process medium and the sensing element of a
temperature measuring device. It protects against corrosive process media, as well as media
contained under pressure or owing at a high velocity. A thermowell also allows the sensing
element to be removed from the application while maintaining a closed system.

Why use a Thermowell?

If the measurement is not critical either to the safety of the plant or to the e ciency of the
production, and if the process uid is not particularly aggressive or dangerous, it may be possible
to insert a stainless steel, sheathed, industrial thermometer into the plant pipeline through a
suitable compression tting. Obviously, the thermometer could not be removed while the plant is
running and should a problem occur with the measurement, maintenance will be delayed until
the process can be stopped and the line drained and made safe.

What kinds of Thermowells exist?

Thermowells are available for use with all Temperature Instrumentation and Control Products,
including: Thermometers, Thermocouples, RTDs, Temperature Recorders, and Temperature

CONNECTIONS: Thermowells are available in a variety of process connection styles. Threaded

connections in 1/2, 3/4 and 1 NPT are the most widely speci ed. Socket weld, weld-in, raised face
anged connection styles are also available. Bimetal Thermowells are provided with a 1/2 NPSM
instrument connection to allow for pressure relief within the thermowell.
U-LENGTH: The U-length (insertion length) of a thermowell indicates its insertion depth into a
process vessel or piping system and is measured from the tip of the thermowell to the underside
of the threads. The U-length must equal or exceed the length of the sensitive portion of the
temperature instrument's stem or bulb.
SHANK: Thermowells are available in stepped, tapered, and straight shank con gurations.
Stepped shank thermowells are normally used on standard duty applications. Tapered shank
thermowells are designed for use on heavy duty applications. Straight shank thermowells are
designed for use with instruments that have wide stem diameters or short stem lengths.
LAGGING EXTENSION: Lagging extension thermowells are used on applications where insulation
covers the vessel or piping system. The extension length (T-length) is the measurement between
the instrument connection and process connection of the thermowell.

What kinds of materials can be used to make Thermowells?

The thermowell protects the instrument from the pressure, ow-induced forces, and chemical
e ects of the process uid. Typically a thermowell is made from metal bar stock, bored to accept
the temperature sensor, and with a screw or ange for mounting. The inner end of the
thermowell may be of reduced diameter to improve the speed of response. For low pressures
and temperatures, Te on may be used to make a thermowell. Thermowells in a variety of
materials, including: brass, carbon steel,stainless steel, Monel, Carpenter 20, Hastelloy, Inconel,
Incoloy, Nickel and Titanium.
Where temperatures are high and the pressure di erential is small, a protection tube may be
used with a bare thermocouple element. These are made of alumina to prevent chemical attack
of the platinum or other thermocouple elements, and may be in turn be inserted into a heavy
silicon-carbide outer protection tube if increased protection is required.

Since the mass of the thermowell must be heated to the process temperature, and since the walls
of the thermowell conduct heat out of the process, accuracy and speed of response of the sensor
is a ected.

Thermowell in a Tee Con guration

Additional considerations for Thermowell design

Thermowells are typically installed in piping systems and subject to both hydrostatic and
aerodynamic forces. Vortex shedding is the dominant concern for thermowells in cross- ow
applications and is capable of forcing the thermowell into resonance with the possibility of fatigue
failure not only of the thermowell but also of the temperature sensor. The conditions for ow-
induced resonance generally govern the design of the thermowell apart from its pressure rating
and materials of construction. 1/2
10/7/2018 Temperature Measurement - Thermowells -


Flow-induced motion of the thermowell occurs both in-line with and transverse to the direction of
ow with the uid forces acting to bend the thermowell. In most applications the transverse
component of the uid forces resulting from vortex shedding tends to govern the onset of ow-
induced resonance, with a forcing frequency equal to the vortex shedding rate. In liquids and in
high pressure compressible uids, a smaller but nonetheless signi cant component of motion in
the ow-direction is also present and occurs at nearly twice the vortex shedding rate.

ASME PTC 19.3 TW - 2010

This code is an expanded version of the thermowell section contained in the PTC 19.3-1974, and
incorporates the latest theory in the areas of natural frequency, Strouhal frequency, in-line
resonance and stress evaluation.
ASME responded to changing industry demands for a more comprehensive set of thermowell
evaluations. Key enhancements over the 1974 edition include:

Expanded coverage for thermowell geometry

Natural frequency correction factors for mounting compliance, added uid mass, and
sensor mass
Consideration for partial shielding from ow
Intrinsic thermowell damping
Steady state and dynamic stress evaluations
Improved allowable fatigue limit de nition

PTC 19.3 has been the standard used by piping designers since it's release and has been highly
successful in the industry. The new, expanded PTC 19.3 TW edition developed by end users and
manufacturers builds on decades of industry and research data to make it the new worldwide
authority for thermowell design safety.
Intended for piping designers, instrument engineers, instrument designers and plant I/C
engineers/designers, plant engineers, plant safety engineers, process engineers, thermowell
manufacturers, instrument manufacturers, anyone who assembles thermowell bids or design
speci cations, and regulatory agencies.

© Werner Sölken 2008 - 2018. All rights reserved.

Do not worry about your di culties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater. ALBERT EINSTEIN 2/2

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