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Ingles Cambridge B1

1º Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías de Telecomunicación

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación

Universidad de Málaga

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Essay Elio
What would be the benefits of a new local TV station?

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● news
● community events
● local businesses
Some opinions expressed during the debate:
"TV is dying. Everyone uses the internet."
"Will younger people engage with local television?"
"TV service can't just become vehicle for wall-to-wall advertising!"

Nowadays, it is widely known that technologies have had an enormous impact on our daily lives, not
only on the way we deal with our routine, but on the way we get information of what may be happening in
every part of the world. TV has had an important role on the spread of news, however, the amount of
people who daily watch TV is now decreasing, so in this essay I will give reasons to support the idea that

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a local TV station would benefit community events rather than news.
Firstly, as I have said before, thanks to the development of devices like mobile phones or foldable
laptops, which can be easily carried in your pocket or handbag and provide us with the opportunity to get
to know the latest piece of news with just one “click”, TV is less necessary than it was before. What I
mean is that in this day and age we can find whatever we want to in our phone, from sport newspapers to
health-care magazines. This makes it much more difficult for TV news channels to reach their audience.
Secondly, as for community events, I strongly think that they would benefit the most if a local TV
station was built, in terms of engagement and organisation. If community events were advertised on TV in
a more dynamic and modern way, they may catch the attention of a higher number of spectators, mostly
young ones, who do not usually attend this kind of events because they find them too boring. In addition,
it would be by far more easier to get organised, as for instance, when preparing schedules and information
about a specific event, which can be quickly done with technology.
In conclusion, having considered all sides of the argument, it is my contention that if a local TV
station was built, community events would be highly benefited. Apart from this, job posts would be
created, so not only would local companies have a positive impact, but local economy too.

You have just returned from the cinema where you saw a film with a friend. You would
like to write to another friend and suggest they go to see the film while it's still
● Tell your friend about the film without spoiling it for them. Mention the story, the cast
and the audience reaction.
● Mention something that you might have changed or done differently.
Write your​ letter.

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Hi Miguel!
How are you? Is everything OK? I’m writing this letter because last weekend I went to the cinema
with some friends of mine and, mark my words when I say that I have never watched such an outstanding
film. It’s called ​The shooter,​ and I literally spend the whole two hours it lasted glued to the screen.
Well, I know you aren’t really into war and shooting films, but neither am I. However, this film is
just a whole new ball game. From the very first moment, when two former US army soldiers are set up by
their own government in the middle of a life or death mission, you just can’t wait to see what is going to
happen next. The film shows how difficult the life of a soldier can turn out to be, mostly when it is
impossible for him to count on anyone. This solitary American soldier will be forced to face a countless
number of toss-up situations, where he will just be able to make use of his sharp knowledge and martial
arts skills to get rid of them.

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In addition, it has a breathtaking cast, starred by Mark Wahlberg and Michael Peña among some
other brilliant Hollywood stars. To be honest, when I think about Mark Wahlberg, it is this films that
comes to my mind. It is like when someone asks you about Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter’s actor, and you
cannot placed him in another film apart from this saga.
Eventually, when the lights went off and credits showed up, it goes without saying that the whole
audience started clapping as they clamoured to show their enthusiasm. However, it is true that it is quite a
long film: more than two hours, and honestly, an hour and a half would have been enough to enjoy it.
To sum up, if I were you, I wouldn’t doubt to watch it as soon as you can, you won’t regret it, I
swear. I hope to see you soon and talk a bit.
Take care!

si lees esto me debes un besito

You work in a large office in which you would like to promote healthier eating and
better fitness levels. The manager of the company has asked you to write a proposal
outlining some measures that can be taken to achieve these goals.
In your proposal, you should discuss some ideas such as vegetarian days, office cooking
clubs, gym equipment that can be purchased and weight loss competitions.
Write your ​proposal​.
The aim of this proposal is to give some ideas to promote healthier eating and better fitness levels in

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this company, taking into account some aspects like vegetarian days, office cooking clubs and gym
equipment, in order to achieve these goals.
Vegetarian days
Firstly, it goes without saying that a healthy diet has to be based on alternating vegetables, meat and
fish, taking into account everyone’s specific necessities and aims. Due to the fact that the main point of
this upcoming measures is promoting healthier eating and better fitness levels, which go hand in hand, I
strongly think that it would be second to none if we organised vegetarian days, for those who find it
harder to take up healthy habits. Of course, no one will be forced to eat anything they do not desire to, but
it is a creative idea to make workers become aware of the importance of making space on our dishes to
vegetables and fruit.

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Office cooking clubs
Secondly, it is totally true that the vast majority of employees here do not have a flexible schedule
which allows them to have lunch at home, so they usually have to buy a pre-cooked hamburger or an
artificial sandwich. In order to avoid these unnecessary hypercaloric meals, I have thought about setting
up cooking clubs, where, apart from learning how to cook healthy and varied meals, they can socialize
and have a good time while cooking!
Gym equipment
Finally, it is widely-known that this is a huge company, where hundreds of workers spend most of
their time. This is the main reason why we should not fail to take into account that a good life-work
balance is crucial for everyone, so there’s anything better to boost employees’ mental and physical health
than providing them with a proper gym.
If these recommendations are implemented, the current health situation is bound to improve.
Nonetheless, if workers ignored this kind of measures, maybe a weight loss competition would motivate
them, promising the winner a tender award.

si lees esto me debes un besito

A school that has always had a strict school uniform policy is considering getting rid of
school uniforms and allowing students to wear something more informal.
You have been asked to submit a report that outlines the main advantages and
disadvantages of each policy​.
Write your ​report​.
Report on getting rid of uniforms

The aim of this report is to outline the main advantages and disadvantages of the latest policy

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involving the disappearance of school uniforms.
First of all, we should not fail to take into account that school uniform policies were set up in order to
avoid bullying and any kind of abuse towards children whose parents cannot afford to buy casual clothes
and keep up with trends. Compulsory uniforms have wiped out scholar discrimination, as no one will be
able to show off new-brand expensive clothes. In a society where we are all equals we should under no
circumstances not allow anyone to make fun of their classmates over something so material as clothes are.
For this reason, the biggest problem which may come up with this policy is bullying.
When planning to enforce this kind of controversial measures, not only should we keep in mind its

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negative effects, but positive ones too. That is why I strongly think that getting rid of school uniforms is a
big step in terms of plurality and freedom. Here, there are two sides to the coin, as apart from
discrimination, previously discussed, children also need to show their personality, and there’s anything
better to achieve it than choosing your own outfit. When someone decides to wear a specific look, they
are making it clear for the rest of the world that they have their own likings. This necessity peaks within
adolescence, when we are finding and building ourselves, so we should not forbid teenagers to dress as
they please.
Therefore, it can be concluded that neither scholar discrimination nor compulsory uniforms can be
allowed, so personally, I strongly think that the wiser thing to do is letting this kind of decisions in
parents’ hands, and intervene just when necessary.

si lees esto me debes un besito

How can individuals protect the environment through their home energy policy?
● Subsidised solar panels

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● Free insulation
● Replacement heating systems
Some opinions expressed during the debate:
"Governments should be doing this, not individuals!"
"Heating old, cold buildings helps nobody."
"Solar panels take decades to pay for themselves!"
Write an ​essay​, discussing two of the ideas in your notes. You should explain which idea would help
protect the environment most, giving reasons in support of your answer.
Never has it been so important to protect the world where we live than nowadays. This implies
practical solutions taken by individuals as well as large enterprises taking responsibility for their actions.
In this essay, I will give reasons to support the idea that we should have subsidised solar panels rather

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than free insulation.
Firstly, regarding the idea of free insulation, it is true that this sort of things, involving people's
well-being at homes during winter, should be administered by governments, not individuals. However, if
the government had to insulate every single house in the country, they would run out of money at once. In
fact, it is an unnecessary waste of money taking into account that more efficient devices have been
invented: solar panels, adaptable windmills or whole sustainable houses.
Secondly, as for subsidised solar panels, we would be solving the economic problem they have, as if
governments funded part of this setup, it would take less for individuals to pay for them. What is more,
with the latest environmental law launched a few months ago, houses are now allowed to obtain their own
electricity as well as heating by themselves, without the necessity of depending on electrical companies
like Endesa. This means that if the use of this kind of devices is boosted, traditional methods like nuclear,
oil and carbon plants will no longer be needed, resulting in a substantial fall of carbon dioxide emissions.
In conclusion, having considered all sides of the argument, it is my contention that individuals can
protect the environment thanks to subsidised solar panels, rather than free insulations. It goes without
saying that technology is of the utmost importance when fighting global issues, even though it has itself
been the cause of problems such as global warming or polluted oceans. If we do not take advantage of the
wide range of opportunities technology like solar panels provide us with, every development we shall
make, it will be pointless.

You have seen the following notice posted in your local library:
A Book For Paradise
Which book would you like to take to a desert island? Send us your book reviews today!
What makes this book so memorable for you? Who is your favourite character? What else
you like about it: language, setting, etc.
Write your ​review
My favourite book

Historia de una escalera​, written by Antonio Buero Vallejo in the ‘50s, is a superb book which I

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would read time after time again. I strongly think that its conversational use of language gives it an
easy-going reading, suitable for any kind of readers.
First of all, it is essential to contextualize it. It was written 10 years after the dictatorship of Franco
was imposed, so we must take into account the enormous pressure caused by the regime’s censorship
when resealing any literary work. In this specific case, where Buero Vallejo tried to criticize this situation,
apart from exposing the detrimental situation of society in those years, he had to deal with constant and
harsh critic, forcing him to carry out a type of theatre known as “buried theatre”.
Personally, I have found this short book quite catching as, though it was written almost 70 years ago,
the main topic can perfectly be seen nowadays. It shows the resignation and passivity of Spanish society,
which is so used to being ruled by someone superior. In addition, Buero Vallejo tries to show how the

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march of time leads us to the same fate, but it is in our hands to make the most of our living days. If we
fight for our dreams, and go for them, ignoring everyone’s opinions and focusing on our future, we are
bound to succeed in the long term. On the other hand, if we let time pass and keep saying the same thing
of “I’ll do it tomorrow”, there won’t be any room for improvement in our lives.
To be honest, this theatre book is a little bit chaotic due to the fact that there is a wide range of
characters, but once you come to grips with the reading, you’ll definitely fall in love with it. I hope you
enjoy this Spanish literature masterpiece as much as I have.

si lees esto me debes un besito

How can working from home be beneficial?
● Effects on traffic
● Less office space required
● Happier employees
Some opinions expressed during the lecture:
"People working alone at home go crazy!"
"Face-to-face meetings are crucial."
"Will everybody have this privilege?"
Write an ​essay​, discussing two of the benefits in your notes. You should explain which
benefit would be most important, giving reasons in support of your answer.

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You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the lecture, but you should use
your own words as far as possible.

In this day and age, the range of jobs is enormous, and so has to be the range of possibilities employees
are offered at work. With the development of high-tech devices, we now can take advantage of different
ways of working, as for example, working at home. In this essay, I will give reasons to support the idea
that working at home has beneficial effects on traffic rather than on making employees happier.
First of all, taking into account the current situation that the world is dealing with: coronavirus crisis,
teleworking has reached an historical peak. We have seen big and some small enterprises allowing their

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employees to work at home, via Skype or email, in fact, even the ministers are carrying out
non-face-to-face meetings. However, rather than being delighted by staying at home, people have an urge
to get out of their homes and make contact with people. What I mean is that we all have the necessity to
be surrounded by people, even by those ones with whom we do not really get on. This is the main reason
why working at home does not necessarily implies an outstanding happiness.
Secondly, regarding the idea of reducing traffic, it goes without saying that the less people have to
commute, the less will be the impact on city traffic. People will only have to attend their job post when
strictly necessary, so places with a frequent excess of traffic, like city centres, will now benefit from
car-free streets. This obviously goes hand in hand with an improvement of citizens’ health, avoiding
illnesses like asthma, allergies of lung problems.
To conclude with, in light of the arguments previously mentioned, it is my contention that the main
benefit from measures like working at home is a considerable reduction of active vehicles, with its
proportional reduction of problems related to pollution. I am strongly sure that if we improve this distance
way of working, global problems such as global warming might be solved soon.

si lees esto me debes un besito

You have received the following letter from a friend.
I've just found out I'm coming to stay in your town for a few days. I have some work meetings
What can I do there? Can you give me a few suggestions - places to eat, somewhere
interesting or historical to visit. What's the weather likely to be next month?
Speak soon
Write your ​letter ​of reply.

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Hi Rob!
It’s great hearing from you! I hope everything’s Ok! To be honest, I had no idea you had found a job,
I’m really proud of you! I’m sure I’ll help you make the most of your stay here in my town.
First of all, in spite of being quite a small town, there’s a wide range of activities you’ll be able to take
advantage of. In fact, a travel agency has recently set up here and, to the best of my knowledge, they have
a complete plan for tourists, including guided visits to historical landmarks and the Art Museum. Also,
my understanding is that they are collaborating with a branded sport chain (I don’t remember its name),
so apart from cultural tours they put at your complete disposal every sport facility your may need.

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Anyway, I’ll ask around about the possibilities this new agency offers and let you know.
As for the places to eat, it goes without question that you won’t find a better place to pig out than ‘El
Porras’. It’s a small bistro placed in the outskirts where I usually hang out with my friend, when I have
the time… Well, the thing is that this bar is famous for its spicy sauce potatoes. This handmade recipe has
been the treasure of a three-generations chef family.
Oh! I’ve forgotten to tell you that next week is going to be a little bit cold, so don0t forget to bring a
thick coat and an umbrella...just in case. You know...mediterranean climate is unpredictable. Of course, if
you don’t know what to do when you come here, don’t hesitate to call me, I’m always out and about, so
I’ll find it easy to get to you.
See you soon.

si lees esto me debes un besito

Your class is doing a project about endangered species. As part of this project, you recently
visited a zoo that is trying to conserve some of the rarest species of butterfly in the world.

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Write a report on what you witnessed at the zoo and how you think this could be used as a
good example for other zoos. You should also talk about the value of the work the zoo is
Write your ​report​.
Report on endangered species

The aim of this report is to provide readers with information about my last visit to a zoo in which
they are trying to conserve some of the rarest species of butterfly in the world. I will outline some
measures which have been taken and highlight the value of the work the zoo is doing.
Measures and examples
First of all, it is widely known that human beings have an innate tendency to show their superiority

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over the rest of species with which they coexist. This tendency has led a significantly worrying amount of
species to the verge of extinction. Unfortunately, it was too late for some of them to get over and are
officially extinct, as for example the famous dodo or the black African rhino. That is why it is of this
utmost importance to preserve and protect animals whose numbers have decreased because of poaching
or uncontrolled deforestation. In this way, this zoo has set up an original plan to help endangered
butterflies breed and be reintroduced in their natural habitat. For instance, they have built specific rooms
for specific species, simulating their habitat, in terms of temperature, humidity and sunlight. I personally
find this measure second to none as, even though they are in captivity, it is possible for these animals to
interact with a place as much similar to their natural one as possible.
Value of the work
To be honest, what I find the most moving is that none of the zoo workers have a salary, they are all
volunteers. They don’t have a fixed timetable so they manage to make time during the day to pull their
weight at the zoo. I have personally found this aspect quite interesting, as it shows how society have and
increasing concern about the importance of protecting wildlife, and for me, this is by far more valuable
than money.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the more involvement people have with global issues like this, the
safer the world will be for everyone, including animals.


Nowadays, it is of the utmost importance to keep our cities well connected with their surroundings,
as, the easier the cities can be reached, the faster it will be for them to develop and improve economically.
With this essay, I will give reasons to support the idea that building a bypass around my town will have a
welcome reduction in pollution and noise rather than improved transport links.
First of all, it goes without saying that if the main aim of building this kind of road is to avoid heavy
traffic to enter the city, transport links will inevitably suffer a negative effect. It is commonly known that
measures like this have a huge impact on commercial activities, this means that traders in town will suffer

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economically. In fact, the most important aspect of important cities with flourished trade links, as for
example Madrid, Barcelona, London… is that there is a huge range of possibilities to get to them:
commercial ports, international airports, train stations and an effective road network.
Secondly, when talking about the impact a bypass will have on pollution and noise, it is clear that
there is no other better measure to achieve a reduction of fumes and traffic jams which usually tend to
flood cities. Nevertheless, it is crucial that authorities mull this decision over, due to the fact that in order
to build a new road land will have to be cleared, and as a result, we should be concerned about the impact
on the environment.
To conclude, in light of the arguments previously mentioned, it is my contention that measures which
imply preventing traffic from entering the city, will have a more notorious impact on the quality of life in

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the city rather than on transport links. Finally, if we are to achieve a healthier planet as well as a
globalised one, we must make an informed choice about what it will be more beneficial depending on the
area we are placed.

si lees esto me debes un besito

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Elio, and I am writing with regard to an article I have just read heavily criticising
students behaviour in the town, outside of school hours. I would like to give you my overall reaction to
this article, specific points where I agree and disagree and finally suggesting ideas for a follow-up article.
Firstly, I have to say that I was a bit taken aback by what I was reading as I had no idea that people
my age behaved like this. To be honest, I hang out with my friends almost every weekend and I have not
seen such a detrimental behaviour yet. Of course, it is not my intention to brand you as a liar, it is just that

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I could not believe my eyes when I read that a group of students have burnt a car or smashed a shop’s
window. I would like to point out that it is just not fair that the whole community of students are known
as criminals because of just a single group of shameless kids who waste their time carrying out illegal
Nonetheless, it is true that young people are not precisely spoiled by choice here in the town, so I
partially understand that forbidden events like drinking in the streets are carried out, as they do not have
enough places to go. What I mean is that local authorities should think about building specific places
destined to be used just by teenagers. For example, I suggest building a round-the-clock multi-sport
center or a local nightclub with proper security measures and various artists. This sort of places will
prevent teenagers from doing whatever they want as they will be able to spend their free time doing

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things of which they are fond of.
Finally, I would like to thank you for being concerned about the wellbeing of citizens in my town, as
critics are necessary if we are to improve. I hope you take into account my opinion for upcoming articles,
and please, do not hesitate to contact me if you need any advice.
Best regards,

si lees esto me debes un besito

How can sport benefit people?
● Building community spirit.
● Providing role models.
● Releasing emotions.
Some opinions expressed in the discussion:
“Being able to cooperate in a team is essential in life.”
“Not all sports stars are good examples to follow.”
“Wanting to win can cause people to behave badly.”

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Nowadays, it goes without saying that practising any sport is just essential for a huge amount of
people, apart from the obvious aim of keeping fit and looking stunning in front of a mirror, it
provides us with an endless list of benefits, both moral and physical. In this essay, I will give reasons
to support the idea that the main benefit of sport is building community spirit rather than providing
role models.
First of all, as for the role models, it is commonly known that almost every kid desire to end up
being a professional footballer, basketball player or any other elite athlete whose achievements were
memorable. However, there are two sides to the coin with this issue: on one hand, it is perfect for
children to have a role model to follow and getting started in the field of sport; on the other hand
though, it is when they start to grow up and realise that it is extremely difficult to become a top

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player. Thus, they’ll probably get disappointed by what once was a dream life.
Nevertheless, as I have said before, sport is second to none if we want to boost our social and
team skills. In my opinion, this is the biggest reward we can gain from sport. We get to develop a
community spirit, which makes it easier for us to help people as well as to rely on them. All this, is
due to the fact that when you are in a match or training with your teammates, you notice that it is not
just you who is playing, but a group of people with the same interests as yours and the same aim as
yours: winning the match and become the best. For this very reason, everyone learns to pull his
weight and feels like a key element out of a big puzzle which is the whole team.
To conclude, in light of the arguments previously mentioned, it is my contention that the biggest
benefit of sport is that it is able to build a community sense between unknown people. If we took
values like these into every aspect of our lives, we would be able to build a society where everyone
would be happy.

si lees esto me debes un besito

Reader comments wanted
An entertainment website is putting together a collection of ‘greatest’ film moments and has

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asked readers to comment on the website’s suggestions for clips. You decide to write a review
comparing two of the clips: one that you think should form part of the collection and another that
you think shouldn’t. Your review should briefly describe each of the clips and should explain why
you would recommend one and not the other.
Write you ​Review
My favourite clip
After having read your website, I decided that I really needed to share with you two of my
favourite clips in cinema history. The first one is the closing scene of one of Breaking Bad’s seasons
and the second clip is the most striking moment of the Spanish blockbuster ‘La Casa de Papel’.
Well, starting with the Spanish clip, it is key for the understanding of this scene that viewers are
shown a brief summary of this awesome serie. By and large, the season where this clip is placed is

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about coercing and dealing with the police while they’re hidden in Spanish bank in order to rescue
one of their friends. The famous band, dressed up with Dali masks and red suits will have to face
both inner and outer problems which will make it extremely difficult for them to keep their heads
cool and behave with nerves of steel. The clip I’ve mentioned is precisely, in my opinion, the biggest
setbacks the band will find and it caused a deep sadness on its audience. (Laura I’m not spoiling the
clip in case you’re watching this serie jaja).
Regarding the second clip, which is the one I suggest you to put on your collection, will stick in
the audience minds forever, as it sticked in mine. Breaking Bad, despite the mistaken idea that people
might have about it, as they see this serie as the typical one of gangsters chased by police, it is by far
more complex than that. It outlines both physical and mental problems a person might develop when
he pretends to be someone who doesn’t go with his personality. In this short, but intense scene,
Walter White’s life (the leading role) has a 180 degree turn and becomes the famous Heisenberg.
Finally, as I have said before, I reckon that the clip you should choose is the second one, as it
catchier than the Spanish one. In addition, it will be easier for the audience to understand
Heisenberg’s scene because you don’t need to previously watch the serie in order to know it will be
second to none.

Essay page 63 Exam Booster
How can workplaces be made more people-friendly?
● Light and ventilation
● Exercise and breaks.
● Decoration
Essay page 63
In this day and age, finding a proper job -which apart from providing you with enough money to
make you ends meet- has a decent work-environment is of the utmost importance. In this essay, I will
give reasons to support the idea that workplaces can be made more people-friendly thanks to light

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and ventilation, rather than decoration.
Firstly, it goes without saying that a workplace without any kind of decoration is not near as cosy
or inspiring as an office where it is noticeable a bit of joy. The same way people have pictures on
their homes, walls painted in an specific style or colour or even a distinctive smell which makes their
home different from the rest, they ought to have a familiar workplace which makes it easier for them
to spend half their day sat in a chair.
Nonetheless, there is something by far more necessary than decoration in any workplace: light
and ventilation. It is just impossible for anyone to spend long hours in the same place without a
proper light and breathing the same air. In fact, a large number of researches have been carried out
and all of them show that not enough light neither it is suitable for our health nor our results at work.

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In addition, a detrimental quality of light usually results in behaviours easily avoided by providing
offices with appropriate brightness: bad temper, anxiety (result of the lack of air too), depressions…
To conclude, in light of the arguments previously mentioned, it is my contention that an efficient
system of light and ventilation is key to ensure the wellbeing of workers. If we achieve this basic
measure in our workplace, then, it is time to decorate it, but on no account can decoration be our

si lees esto me debes un besito

My new job is great, and next month, my company is sending me to do a three-week language
course – guess where – in your town!
I’ll be free four evenings and one weekend, so I’d like your advice please on where to go, what to
do and the best way to practise my language while I’m there.
Letter pg 70
Hi Rodrigo!
It’s great hearing from you! I hope everything’s OK over there! To be honest, I had no idea you have

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decides to learn my language, but I’m sure that you’re going to love it the very moment you come to grips
with it. Spanish is an amazing language, and in addition, it’s Cervantes’ first language…
Well, if you are planning to stay here in town, I suggest you rent a cottage at the outskirts. Yeah! I’m
sure that this kind of place will fit your personality. You’ll have the chance to meet locals and country
people who will teach you how we live here in this little town. I know you really love animals and free
nature, so you’ll get by without any difficulties, and who knows...maybe you fall for this sort of live and
decide to settle down here.
Honestly, what I like the most of my town is that everything is a stone’s throw, which means that
there is no need to rent a car; a bike will do it. However, as small as this town is, you don’t get to be
bored. Its huge culture and historical buildings, make it easy for you to go on a tour guide and discover

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everything that this ancient place hides. Don’t worry, I’ll give you the number of the local tour agency so
that you can make the most of the visit. Furthermore, if you just decide that you want to chill out and take
some days off, the spa is opened from 9 am to 9 pm, Monday to Friday. I’d totally give it a go if I were
Finally, I strongly think that whether you take my advice or not and go on your own, the main point
of your visit, which is learning Spanish, will be accomplished. Don’t worry that I’ll spread the news that
you’re coming here and twist people’s arms to break the ice and catch up with you. You won’t lack of
conversation here, I assure you. Take care Rodrigo, and see you soon.

si lees esto me debes un besito

You have discussed young people and their future work prospects in class. You have made
the notes below:
What might be the most effective strategy to prepare young people for work?
● Work placements
● Workshops in schools
● Establishing links with local businesses
Write an essay discussing two of the points and say which should be implemented into the
national curriculum.

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In this day and age, finding a proper job is of the utmost importance, not only for young people, but for
those who have not work for a long time and urgently need money. That is why new measures which
improve young students’ work prospects should be considered. In this essay, I will give reasons to
support the idea that establishing links with local businesses will be by far more effective than workshops
in schools.
First of all, it goes without saying that in order for students to get to know better the subjects they have
chosen, they need a first-hand contact with it. For example, students who decide to study technology or
TIC, would take advantage of working among computers or in a suitable workshop equipped with any
sort of gadgets they may need. If schools provide students with specific workshops to carry out practical
lessons, these students are bound to succeed in the long run.

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However, it is not workplaces which actually make some students stand out from the crowd: this kind
of places are the beginning of what should be a more practical learning experience. For this very reason,
establishing links with local businesses would be second to none to prevent this lack of practical
knowledge. In additions, there are plenty of businesses to choose, useful for every single field of study a
student may choose. In fact, the vast majority of universities have contracts with national businesses
where students who are about to finish their degree can do internships to improve their skills. So, if
universities offer this superb option, why don’t high schools do the same?
In conclusion, having considered all sides of the argument, it is my contention that there is not
anything like establishing links with local businesses to stand students in good stead for their future, as
well as make them more confident about themselves. If we are to build a better society, we must not
forget about how young people are being prepared, since they are our present and our future.

si lees esto me debes un besito

Proposal pg 73

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The aim of this proposal is to suggest two historical places where we could spend our next one-study
visit, in order to widen our knowledge about our area and our own country. The places I have in mind are:
the Middle age castle of Canena, with a huge history to discover, and the Cathedral of Jaen.
Castle of Canena
This late Middle age castle is known for the withstanding of different cultures and invasions
throughout its history. It was built in the XIV century and designed by a world-known architect: Andrés
de Vandelvira. It witnessed historical facts like Islamic invasion and its following Reconquest. Built to be
a fortress, now has turned out to be an iconic monument of Spanish culture. In fact, one of the best olive
oil of the world, was named after it: “Castillo de Canena” olive oil, which has won a countless amount of
awards worldwide. I have chosen this place as it does not have the recognition it should have, as it is
placed in a really small village, but honestly, it is worth a visit.

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Cathedral of Jaen
This is a Middle age monument too, built in XIII century. Its design was carried out by a group of
architects as a way to show the importance of this capital: Juan de Aranda Salazar, Eufrasio López de
Rojas and Andrés de Vandelvira. Every year, thousands of tourists flock to the plaza where it is placed, as
apart from its natural beauty and imposing designs, takes part of “El Camino de Santiago”, making it into
a religious masterpiece.
If it were up to me, I would definitely go visiting the Castle of Canena, as it would be a way of putting
it on the map, mostly for young people, so that they can transfer this knowledge from generation to
generation. In addition, we could make people aware of the importance and power of this tiny village.

You have watched a YouTube documentary in class about what young people can learn
from past generations. Here are some notes from the video:
In which ways can young people learn from past generations?
Family stability
Work ethic
Managing money
Write an essay using two of the points and state which can be the most influential life lessons

It is known that knowledge has been transferred from generation to generation since the beginning of

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our times, and it is here where old people play a crucial role. Our society would not be the same if it had
not been for our ancestors, who have taught us how to improve and learn from our own mistakes. In this
essay, I will give reasons to support the idea that young people can learn how to manage money rather
than working ethically from past generations.
Firstly, most of our grandparents and great-grandparents, had to face some of the toughest crisis in
history, as for example World War I and II or a Civil War here in Spain. These terrible events, left a
devastated world, with people starving, on the edge of poverty and enormous losses of jobs. In fact,
after those years, people here in Spain had to flee the country in search of job in foreign countries.
Those decisions made our past generations aware of the importance of having enough money to make
ends meet as they learned how to sensitively spend money, and so they have taught us this valuable

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Secondly, as I have said before, people lost their jobs, and had to search it in different countries. This
means that this situation made them take part in some kind of ‘competition’ where the future of their
families was at stake. As some philosophers say, ‘Business is a mix of war and sport’, so when our
grandparents were in this economical ‘war’ to find a job, I am sure that they forgot about moral and
ethic values, because it was money what they needed, and this only could be obtained by being the first
and overrunning the rest.
To conclude, in light of the arguments previously given, it is my contention that young people
definitely can learn how to manage money thanks to advices given by past generations. Nonetheless, I
am totally sure that if we keep developing as a society, we will be able to teach next generations in a
wider range of fields.

si lees esto me debes un besito

You are a university student and you see an advert for teaching assistants with good sports or craft
skills at an international summer camp. You decide to apply for one of the roles and write to the Human
Resources Manager at the company, explaining what your skills are and why you would be suitable,
what kind of work you would like to do and why the company should consider your application.
Write your ​letter​.
Letter pg 71

Dear Mr o Ms,
I have read this post offer in a local newspaper and I am writing to inquire if you have any vacancies

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for the sport teacher as I summon every requisite you may need. I will enclose my CV in the
As you will see from my CV, I have just completed a degree on Sports and Health Care at UMA,
University of Malaga, and I also hold a certificate of a two-year internship as a personal trainer in Real
Madrid’s sport centre. I am now keen to combine my knowledge of interpersonal relationships with a
career in sports: your organization has a high reputation as one of the world’s leading specialist in this
field and I believe that I could make a real contribution putting into practice my vast experience on
whichever category of workouts you desire.
My degree on Sports and Health, which is recognized by the EFAD, has equipped me with an
in-depth knowledge of modern training techniques and I would welcome the opportunity to be involved

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in the management and development of both face-to-face and online lessons in your international
schools. Furthermore, I am ready to teach in any level of difficulty and specialization, from the most
basic level to high performance athletes. I am conscientious, hardworking, and a good communicator
and I am particularly interested in enhancing my skills as a sportsman in an institution which encourages
very high standards of personal development.
I would be happy to attend for interview at your convenience and would be able to start work form
now on. If you do not have any suitable openings at present, I would be grateful if you would keep my
CV on file should any future vacancies arise.
Yours faithfully.

si lees esto me debes un besito

Proposal on improving the University’s website
The aim of this proposal is to provide the University Dean with some piece of advice in order to
keeping up to scratch its website, and to the extent possible, suggesting some measures which could
really boost the attendance of this institution. I would really appreciate if you took into account
measures in terms of up-to-date figures of international students and surveys of the whole staff.
Real figures
First of all, I would really like to point out that since the very moment I set foot in this place I felt
like home, and the environment here did had a great impression on me. In addition, the charm and

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support from both students and teachers played an enormous role since the beginning. However, despite
the fact that this University stands out from others in terms of friendliness towards students, it simply
does not have the international recognition it should have since the figures of foreign students are not up
to date. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, the real number doubles the one which you display online.
If you fixed this, even more students would be attracted to study here.
Secondly, as I have previously mentioned, the loyability and support of every single teacher is just
awesome, so I suggest you take advantage of this situation and show how comfortable and protected
students feel in your campus. I just say that maybe by carrying out some surveys and posting students
and parents’ opinions of your website, more interested teenagers would feel like they really belong in

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In light of the suggestions previously given, I think that these two aspects are key to build up a
flourishing and familiar-like environment of studies. It goes without saying that if further advice is
required, I would gladly give you all a hand.

si lees esto me debes un besito

You have seen this announcement on your favourite music website.

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Have you ever been to an amazing concert venue?
Write a review of the best music venue in your local area and tell us about what makes it so
special. Say who you would recommend it for a why?
The best entries will be published on our website
‘WiZink Center’

When I saw this announcement in this music website, I knew I had to talk about the best concert
venue here in Spain: WiZink Center in Madrid, a multi event facility which is able to withstand
almost 20K spectators. Even though it is not precisely in my local area, I couldn’t stand the idea of
you readers not getting to know it.
To start with, the first thing that sticks in your mind when you walk through the door, is its
imposing size. Since the very first second, you feel a special feeling that this day will be one you will

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never forget. It doesn’t matter whether you’re there to watch a live basketball match or a concert of
your favourite singer, the experience is just awesome.
Every single thing of this place turns it into some sort of Wonderland, idyllic for any kind of
interests whatsoever. Starting from its familiar-like staff, you actually feel like home. They do care
about your safety and wellbeing, making sure that you’re able to feel as much comfortable as
possible. Honestly, this is something which isn’t found everywhere.
In relation to music and concerts, I’ve been lucky enough to go there a bunch of times and it really
lives up to your expectations. There are concerts round the clock almost every day of the week, and
most importantly, the variety of genres is enormous. For instance, since it was opened in the XIXth
century, stars from almost every country in the world have performed there. It goes without saying
that is a compulsory stop in any tour.
In my most sincere opinion, this place is suitable for everyone, regardless of the age or music
preferences, so I really suggest that if you have the opportunity to get a ticket, give it a go, you won’t
regret it for sure.


Your local authority is conducting a survey into language learning habits of the people
between 16-45 in the area. They have asked for a report on the types of methods used in
state run schools and language centres. They have asked for some suggestions on how to
improve their facilities, teaching methods and resources.
Write your ​report​ in ​220-260 words​ in an appropriate style.

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Report on language learning habits

The aim of this report is to provide local authorities with information and personal advice about
types of methods used in state run schools and language centres. I will give some suggestions on how to
improve their facilities, teaching methods and resources.
First of all, regarding facilities, I find it essential to outline that the vast majority of building used
as language centres are ancient. This means that they lack some requisites needed to carry out lessons of

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any kind, for example, there is no proper access for disabled people (elevator, ramps, wide doors among
others), in addition, recent studies has shown that pipes used in these buildings contain asbestos, a
mineral with potential toxicity. That is why people in this area complain about the current situation of
facilities, as they are attended by children and old people too.
Teaching methods
Fortunately, despite the detrimental conditions of our facilities, when it comes to teaching methods
there is no complaints whatsoever. In fact, the policy of only hiring local people has an amazing role is
all this, as teachers are students’ own neighbours, making it easier for them to develop a familiar
environment in their classes. Furthermore, this close relationships help students not to feel left out of
any group and teachers can have a closer approach to personal and learning problems which may turn
Finally, we must not fail to take into account that fundings are running low in this day and age, so
we are not precisely spoilt by choice with resources. For example, technology hasn’t totally settled yet
in our classes: we only have at our disposal a couple of whiteboards for the whole five classes per
building, and what is more, the computers we use are old fashioned and too slow to work with them
To conclude, in light of the points previously mentioned, it is my contention that we really urge for
an update both in facilities and technological resources. If you considered my suggestion, we would be
able to benefit from a more productive way of learning languages.

si lees esto me debes un besito

You have seen a documentary about the influence of culture on different societies. Find the notes
from the documentary here:
How important is one's culture in building a sense of identity?

● Attitude towards education.

● Attitude towards their job.
● Relationship with friends and family.

Write an essay choosing two of the points and state, which is most affected by a person's cultural

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background. (you can use 'nature vs nurture' somewhere here for sure)

It is commonly known that culture has a direct effect on everyone’s life and on the way we
develop our own personalities, so depending on the environment where we grow and the values
we take in we will have a different attitude towards every important aspect in life. In this essay, I
will give reasons to support the idea that culture has a greater effect on attitude towards
education rather than relationship with friends and family.
First of all, in relation to friends and family, I honestly think that it simply does not matter
where you are born, blood is thicker than water, so it goes without saying that almost everyone
has the same feeling of love and care towards their beloved ones. It is true, though, that there are

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always some families whose members do not really get on very well, but this has nothing to do
with culture, it is due to personal circumstances and behaviour between relatives. In fact, there is
not a single culture in which being kind and sharing love with your relatives is not considered a
Secondly, when talking about education and the attitude different subjects show to it, it is
almost certain that it is culture which has the most important role here. For example, here in
Spain, where education is a right almost everyone benefit from, there are some children who
take this opportunity for granted, and do not place the importance and effort they should in
making the most of it. On the contrary, when we focus on underdeveloped countries, we realise
that not even half of their population has free access to a proper education system. That is why
the willingness to studying and going to school in those countries is not surprisingly higher than
in more developed places.
To conclude, in light of the arguments previously given, and taking into account that his is an
aspect of nature vs nurture, I totally think that our attitude towards education is the aspect of our
life which is affected the most by our cultural growth.

si lees esto me debes un besito

You see the following announcement in a magazine:

Have you read a book or seen a film that has a central character whose life is affected by an
event or decision they make early in the story.

What did you learn about the person's character? Did the book or film help you to
understand how the person was affected by this event or decision?

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Send us your review for our next issue.
Write your review for the magazine readers. (220-260 words)
(Remember what I said about the inverted commas today)

When I saw this announcement in our local magazine, I knew I had to talk about a series I have
recently started and that for the moment has positively surprised me. It’s an English production
called ´Outlander´, and its main character, Claire Beachump, sees her future, and her past too, totally
changed as a result of a decision she makes.
First of all, the settings are of high importance in the story: a year after the World War II had

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finished, and a small village of Scotland. A married couple decides to take a break after the long and
bloody years of war and embark on a journey around the misty grounds of Scotland, a place where
beliefs and millenary traditions fuse together to create the unique Scottish culture.
It all starts when this couple of enthusiastic travellers finds a weird spot, up in a hill called Craigh
na dun, and decide to take a closer look. All of a sudden, awkward women appear and start to dance
and sing in an ancient language, practising what it might seem some kind of ritual. They decide to let
pass what they have seen, but since that moment strange things start happening: soft whispers in
Claire’s head, strange people in the middle of the night…
One night, Claire decides to return to that place and touches one of the rocks which formed that
structure. With the touch of that stone, everything becomes blurry, the ground starts to spin and
then...silence. She gets up in a different place, in a different clothing, but most important, in a
different year. She has fallen through time, and now she finds herself in 1740, where not even
Scotland was part of England. In fact, they were about to be at war for this purpose. Since then, she
has to make her living, and adapt to this new age. However, she must not forget her main objective:
return to the XXth century.
This series, even though it is just fiction, shows us how everyone has to face turning points in their
lives, and whether we like it or not, we must be strong and make the most of the situations for better
moments are to come. We can't give ourselves up with every bump in the road: we walk over that
bump and if we fall, we raise stronger.

si lees esto me debes un besito

Recently, you have held a discussion in a university plenary about work-life balance. You
have made the notes below:

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Work is the pillar of society though it is obvious that people need to disconnect. Where is the

● Fulfilling one´s potential

● Supporting family members
● Using one´s time productively

Write an essay using two of the points and say what might be the most effective way of
achieving a healthy work-life balance.


Throughout history, it is a fact that hard work and effort have made it possible for society to

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develop and become what currently is the world we live in. However, not only is important to work
hard, but to know when is time to disconnect and spend time with yourself. In this essay, I will give
reasons to support the idea that using one’s time productively is the most effective way of achieving
a healthy work-life balance, rather than fulfilling one’s potential.
First of all, regarding the second point, we might think that when someone is able to reach his
peak, in terms of potential and experience, this person has just made his dream come true and has
achieved everything in life. However, our own potential is something so subjective that not even
you know its limit. This means that getting obsessed with something so abstract as your own limit is
can lead us to severe mental problems. We all know examples of famous people whose lives have
been filled with greed, jealousy or ambition since their businesses took off and started to make
money. That is because they do not have enough with what they have, they want more and more;
they lack of limits.
Secondly, as for using one’s time productively, it is scientifically proven that if we divide our
productive day in periods of 90-hard-work minutes with 20-minutes-off periods between, we will
provide our brain with enough time to recover and gain energy so that we can perform an efficient
task during the next 90 minutes. It goes without saying that within this concentration-on time, we
must not be in contact with anything that diverts our attention as for example social media or video
In conclusion, in light of the arguments previously given, it is my contention that in order to
achieve a healthy work-life balance, we should prioritise our productive time, so that we make the
most of it and have the rest of our day time free for ourselves and our family.

You have been working in a local insurance company for about six months. A friend of yours
is about to start work in the same office and wants to know what it's like.
You write an email to your friend, saying what you have enjoyed about working for the
company, but also mentioning some of the things you and others are not happy with. You
should also give advice about how your friend can adapt quickly to working in the office and
give some tips to make your friend's initial days less stressful.
Write your email.
Hi Mike!

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I’ve heard that you’re about to start working in our local insurance company and I’d be glad to
help you make the most of your time there. I’m going to give you some tips to make it easier for
you to get along with everyone.
Firstly, from my own experience there, I’ve found out that the first impression is key to your
future well being in that office, so don’t worry at all, you’re a fantastic person and the most joyable
friend I have so I honestly believe that everything will go smoothly with your workmates there.
However, if you really want to stand out from the rest from the very first second you set foot there,
I suggest you cook one of those mouth watering cakes you make. You know, everyone loves food,
so everyone will love someone who gives them food...just so you know.
Apart from that, I want you not to worry about anything. People there were like family to me,

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they backed me up in every important decision I had to make and really made it quite easy for me to
come to grips with their methodology and internal bureaucracy. Therefore, I presume that they will
show the same attitude to you.
However, there is one little problem you should be aware of. Most probably, they will settle you
in the newbie office and they will have you working there for over two weeks. The problem with
this part of the building is that it is the closest one to the main road, so noise is something you will
have to learn to cope with. It can be annoying sometimes because of poor concentration and
constant rumblings whenever a truck passes by, but eventually you get used to it don’t worry.
Well, you know that you can count on me whenever you want, I’m three blocks across the street
so just a phone call and I’ll be there. I hope everything goes fine and good luck my friend!

si lees esto me debes un besito

What subjects can we add to our school curriculum?
● computer programming
● home decoration and repair
● Latin
Some opinions expressed during the meeting:
"We need to consider those who won't go to university."
"Learn Latin and you're halfway to learning any other language."
"We need to prepare our children for the modern world they live in!"


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Nowadays, it is widely known that education is essential in everyone’s life, as in most cases, it
will be determining when taking up a job, or starting your own business for exemple. This is the
main reason why we should not fail to take into account that society has evolved, and so has the
laboral field, so the educative process should keep pace with this revolution. In this essay, I will
give reasons to support the idea that we could add computer programming to our school curriculum,
rather than latin.
First of all, it is true that Latin is the mother of all languages, and it should not be forgotten. In
addition, a vast variety of current languages have a certain similarity to this ancient language, and
as a result, whoever studies Latin, will find it easier to come to grips with latin-modern languages

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such as Italian or Spanish. Unfortunately, we have to accept that Latin no longer has the
importances it had some centuries ago, and so this subject at schools should not be compulsory, but
just available for those who really wish to study it.
Secondly, regarding the option of including computer programming to our school curriculum, I
really believe that this would be the right path to get students started in today’s world. If they are
offered the opportunity to get familiar with technology, they will be able to solve everyday
problems in their near future. Apart from that, the main reason to make of computers another tool in
our education is that, the same way there is no point in solving square roots or trigonometric
equations by hand, it is pointless not to benefit from digital resources and interactive devices like
To conclude, in light of the arguments previously given, it is my contention that if we are to
develop scientifically and socially, we can no longer ignore the huge power of technology, and so
we must add subjects like computer programming to our curriculum. I suggest we make the most of
the resources we have, as otherwise, we will fail in the attempt to build a better world.

si lees esto me debes un besito

A class that you go to recently had a debate about how richer countries could help those in
the developing world. You agreed to write a report on the main issues discussed:
● food aid
● provide experts e.g. teachers, doctors, architects
● fewer visa restrictions
● open up trade
Write your report.
Report on international help

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The aim of this report is to make people aware of how richer countries could help those in the
developing world. I will outline some of the main issues we talked about in our class debate, like
food aid, provide experts, fewer visa restrictions and open up trade.
Food aid
First of all, it goes without saying that no community can thrive if they lack basic rights like a
daily hot meal. We all have seen news in TV where they point out the misery and poverty of those
countries, but the worst thing is that we decide not to do anything. We decide not to help them,
knowing that we could perfectly be them: we simply have been luckier than them. Fortunately, this
outrageous situation can change, and WE are the ones who control that change. Just by providing

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poor communities with food, we can put an end to starvation.
Provide experts
Secondly, poorer countries urgently need for prepared people, like doctors, teachers, engineers…
who can improve their standard of life as well as teach local people their profession. In other words,
professionals could spread their knowledge of their profession so that local people can make
progress on their own once they have acquired enough skills.
Visa restrictions and trade
These two issues go hand in hand, as the immediate effect of reducing visa restrictions is an
increase in national and foreign trade. If we give international entreprises free way to set up in
developing countries by wiping out financial obstacles, more money would be invested in those
countries allowing them to recover from an exhausted economy.
To conclude, in light of the point previously given, it is my contention that we are running out of
time, so we should not, and we must not, overlook poorer countries’ necessities. If we take into
account all these measures, I am sure we will make a better world for them and upcoming
generations. After all, we all belong to this huge family called world.

si lees esto me debes un besito


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