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yramid at Cheops.

Built over 4,000 years ago, the Great Pyramid stands as an

engineering wonder of the world, mute testimony to an advanced science-magic
technology that has not been equaled to this day. Study of its construction reveals
not only the Egyptians highly refined Stonemasonry but also a precise knowledge of
astronomical movement and geometry calculation that was not replicated until the
invention of the telescope in the seventeenth century. The circumference of the
planet can be calculated from the Great Pyramid, and in this manner, the length of
the cubit was derived as was the meter some 4000 years later. The Great Pyramid was
also used by the priest class to predict the solstices and equinoxes, and to
determine the length of the year to an accuracy of four decimal places --
information essential to coordínate the yearly movement of the peasant labor force
between the Nile's flood plain and the surrounding hills, for the dual state
projects of agriculture and monument building


In the summer o

Why it works nobody can seem to explain. Geometry, for one thing, seems to be a key
-- the mathematics incorporated into the pyramid are quite complex, as if the
pyramid itself were intended as a monumental crypt of occult science.

The value pi (3.14159...), the key to the ancient mathematical riddle of the
squaring of the circle and the cubing of the sphere, is contained in the Great
Pyramid as the ratio of altitude to circumference. Phi (1 .618), a constant of
nature, determining limb and trunk proportion in plants and animals, is also
present in the pyramid as the ratio of the height of a face to half the base. Phi
is known to artists as the Golden Section and is the esthetic proportion upon which
the architecture of the Greeks, ancient Egyptians, and others rested. The ancient
Egyptians considered it not merely as a number, but as a sacred symbol of the arch-
typical male force: the creative function of reproduction in an endless series.

The other key is orienting the pyramid to the three main axes of etheric energy
flow: 1 )North-South with the magnetic field, 2) East-West with the planet's
rotation, and 3) Up-Down with the gravitational field. Thus, energy accumulation is
maximized with the pyramid level and its four faces perpendicular to the four

Modern physics-mathematics has yet to admit the existence of a universal ether, or

explain this phenomenon of energy accumulation though a few independent thinkers
have made advances towards reconciling theory with reality. Pat Flanagan, a stoned-
out Ph.D. in physics is one such person, putting forth an explanation in his short,
easy-to-read book, Pyramid Power. Reasoning that Egyptians used concrete geometric
computation rather than abstract arithmetic computation in their mathematics
(because of its superior descriptive/predictive capacity), Flanagan proposes a
geometric approach to describing material reality. Arguing the case for the
universal existence of the ether through the experimental evidence, he conceives it
as the perfect hydromechanical system with practically no internal resistance, and
no "atomic oscillators" to impede the passage of radiant energy. In his scheme, the
universal field looks like this: gravity is one-dimensional ether pressure,
electricity is two-dimensional ether current, and magnetism is three-dimensional
ether vortex. Furthermore, he asserts that the pyramid shape not only accumulates
energy from the earth's magnetic field but from the gravitational field as well.

Eric McCluhan, electronics wizard son of Marshall and also a pyramid jag, claims
that the pyramid creates from within it a "homogenous electromagnetic field." He
also has demonstrated, as has Flanagan, that the pyramid radiates as a charged body
upward as blue energy capable of turning Kodachrome film blue. Both investigators
also report the effect of energy accumulation is increased when the pyramid is
alternately laminated with organic material and metal foil, the technique used by
Wilhelm Reich to store this same energy in rectangular boxes called Orgone


Building your own pyramid energy accumulator is quite simple. The basic proportion
to remember is: the length of the edge of a face is 95% of the base edge. Flanagan
reports that a hole with the diameter up to 1/3 the base may be cut in each face
without appreciable lessening of effect.

The energy accumulation occurs regardless of the material used but is maximized
when organic-metallic laminations as in the orgone box are used. Force permeates
the pyramid and is concentrated within at a focus 1/3 of the altitude. Point
radiation from the peak can also be used to charge substances. Last but not least,
the pyramid should be oriented with the faces perpendicular to the four directions
for maximum effect.

It is onlyy of late that modern science has begun to admit to the existence of this
universal energy and its potential. Its re-discovery could provide the technology
to transform the planet in the ongoing humanistic revolution. Yet in the wrong
hands, it could also wreak unprecedented havoc. The fate of the ancients who
discovered, used, and eventually abused this power serves to remind us that
intellect alone is insufficient to guide us in a meaningful response to life, that
reasoning must be rooted in nature. Comprehension is a function of the right brain
in our species, and it is there that we appreciate music, art, poetry, and all
simultaneous and wholistic experience. The left brain will hear what a friend says,
but the right will hear what she means. Comprehension and Intellect, Expansion and
Contraction. Subjective and Objective, Inner and Outer, Yin and Yang -- all
concepts of the interplaying interpenetrating dual modes of the one life. The flux
is always, the dance perpetual, and balance at the center. The choice is ours. Tom

Sources: 1 ) The Secrets of the Great Pyramid by Peter Thompkins; 2) Wilhelm Reich
and Orgonomy by Ola Raknes; 3) The Odie Force by Karl von Reichenbach; 4) Pymmid
Power by Pat Flanagan; 5) Sélected Writings by Wilhelm Reich; 6) Theory of the
Magnetic Field by Stan Radwan; 7) The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Thompkins, and
8) Wilhelm Reich by Charles Rycroft.

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