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Autonomous drones (unmanned aerial vehicles ) have a zero consumption of fuel for there maneuver

in the air and carry out their work at such higher altitudes unlike cranes which only not fuel
consumption but relatively higher consumption than other equipment to do the exact same operation
done by the autonomous drones discussing about their source of power will lead to the fact that
their contribution to the environment in either negative or positive way.since the is changing
chemical energy to mechanical energy by using fuel as main source of energy its emitting carbon
dioxide to the environment and depleting the ozone layer but unlike the crane the autonomous
drones operate by not using the conventional fuel as a source of energy but rather solar energy as
their main source of power to fly and operate at higher altitudes and do what is required of
them .looking in to their price the cranes will cost higher in almost every aspect and stage of their life
cycle cost .its obvious that the accessories for the cranes are very huge in size and compromised of
metals which are very high in price which will increase their maintained cost .but on other side the
UAV doesn't require the maintenance issues and cost like the cranes faces .
In regarding to their hauling capabilities the drones can accomplish the works done by the
conventional cranes.since these drones are not similar with sizes that we are familiar with to
transport goods they are capable of transport huge amounts of concrete to the desired space and
altitude and also press them.
The most important and moistly overlooked situation during any kind of work especially construction
is the issue of safety.and both these equipment have different sides on the amount of risk they pose
on the surrounding and the operators ,its no mystery that the cranes will impose a higher risk because
of their structural design which are very high in their height hence imposing the risk of falling over to
the environment at higher speed and cause damage .they are also prone to the wind due to their
surface areas are large ,where as the drones are almost completely free of these risk the crane adds
to the surrounding since they are unmanned in their nature they wont pose the risk of falling and
causing harm to the operator inside because they are controlled by an artificial intelligence.
The matter of the space usage could be classified in to two categories
1 equipment space usage
Its the space that the equipment it self uses ,so in this note the cranes holds a lot of space on the
ground despite whether they are fixed or mobile their design
2 material space usage
This type of space is used by the materials the equipment are used to carry or haul around the
working environment .so all this in mind the cranes needs the material they need to haul or carry
around near them or in short distance which inhibits other construction movement beside them but
the drones don’t need the material to be hauled inn short distance since they are air borne they can
carry whatever the materiel from the initial point it could be concrete from the batching plant to
desired point while mixing due to their large size capacity

Comparing their cycle time comes down to the fact that transportation on air always have less time or
takes smaller times than transportation carries out on ground .by this logic its easy to grasp how the
cycle time of the drone is much smaller than the crane which operates on ground plus to adjust the
cranes to the different altitudes their must be an adjustments inn the height of the crane which
consumes more time .their efficiency also comes down to comparing the precision of a human and an
artificial intelligence the drones only need to accept the commands from their respective site
engineers but carry our the work with computer precision but on other hand the cranes are operated
by humans hence they have the accuracy and precision of human thus making the autonomous
drones much much efficient than the cranes

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