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How does your gender affect your level of acceptability of the given social groups?

 If the men and women communicate differently

How do you as a student with different background, view members with different social groups?

 I view another student as an equal. No one is better that anyone. We all have our strengths.

Choose 2-3 mentioned social groups that you belong, or you want to be part of. What are your
perspectives about those groups?

 I am surrounded by family and friends. In my perspective, they give towards our constant
happiness and enjoyment of life since they are the ones that always encourage and love us.

Why are some prejudices acceptable and some are not?

 Some prejudices are acceptable because they are good and express themselves as positive
beliefs and emotional responses. Some prejudices, on the other hand, are unacceptable since
they are negative and can lead to injustice. These include negative attitudes and stereotypical
ideas about group members.

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