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People who played important roles

during the American revolution.

Many people played important roles or positions

during the American revolution,among them:Abigail
Adams,Patrick Henry,Benjamin Franklin,George
Washington,Thomas Jefferson,Alexander Hamilton,
John Adams,Marquis de Lafayette,Samuel Adams,

When the French Revolution wreaked havoc on the

Adams administration, Abigail, invested as usual,
urged her husband to declare war against France.
She also encouraged newspapers to publish her
editorial writings which openly supported the

John Adams, Abigail husband was a leader of the

American Revolution and served as the second U.S.
president from 1797 to 1801,In the 1780s, Adams
served as a diplomat in Europe and helped negotiate
the Treaty of Paris (1783), which officially ended the
American Revolutionary War.

Among the writings the newspapers published were

Patrick Henry’s.He was a gifted orator and major
figure in the American Revolution. His rousing
speeches—which included a 1775 speech to the
Virginia legislature in which he famously declared,
“Give me liberty, or give me death!”—fired up
America's fight for independence.

Also during the Revolutionary War,Samuel Adams

served in the Continental Congress, and helped draft
the Articles of Confederation, the document that was
the predecessor to the U.S. Constitution.

From the speech Henry gave to Virginia legislatures,

Thomas Jefferson one of the legislators During the
American Revolution. He represented Virginia in the
Continental Congress that adopted the Declaration of
Independence. As a Virginia legislator, he drafted a
state law for religious freedom. He served as the
second Governor of Virginia from 1779 to 1781,
during the American Revolutionary War.

Like Jefferson represented Virginia in the continental

congress, Benjamin Franklin served in the Second
Continental Congress and helped draft the
Declaration of Independence in 1776. He also
negotiated the 1783 Treaty of Paris that ended the
Revolutionary War (1775-83).
General George Washington led the American army
to victory during the Revolutionary War. ... While he
lost more battles than he won, Washington employed
a winning strategy that included victories at the Battle
of Trenton in 1776 and Yorktown in 1781.

Under George Washington,Marquis de Lafayette

served as a major-general in the Continental Army.
Wounded during the Battle of Brandywine, he still
managed to organize a successful retreat. ...
Lafayette was the most important link between the
American and the French Revolutions.

in 1767 the author of "Letters from a Farmer in

Pennsylvania, to the Inhabitants of the British
Colonies." John Dickinson,the letters helped turn
public opinion against the Townshend Acts.

During the Revolutionary War, Alexander Hamilton

put his prodigious talent for writing to use by drafting
Washington's most critical orders and letters to
generals and the Continental Congress, and he
earned military fame through his victorious charge
against British forces at the Battle of Yorktown.

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