Alternative Bom

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alternative bom

how does alternative bom works in bom,how to use suppose i made 1 raw
material ,1 semi finish material and 1 finish material and made a bom.

kindly tell me how alternative bom will work on this.


Dear Sadanand,

1.When you create a BOM for any material for any BOM usage the first
alternative BOM will be created

that is 01.

2.Suppose if the same product can be produced using 2 different BOM's then you
can create 2 BOM's

for that product,that's 2 alternative BOM 01 and 02.

3.This 2 alternative BOM's can be created for a different validity dates or lot sizes
and it can be

assigned to a production version.

4.Always the first alternative BOM will be picked by the system during MRP run if
they have same

validity dates and lot size.

5.In some case one BOM will be used for inhouse production and the other one
for sub-contracting


Check and revert back

you can created two bom with different alternate

like if you want to make a computer with key board black and key board with
greay color

then you create a bom with all component same with black color and other
alternate bom will have grey color.

then you will create a production version 1 with black color bom and production
version 2 with greay color bom.

hope this helps you.

Can you pls tell me for which material you create BOM & which material used as
BOM component.

Suppose if you created BOM for FG material with raw material as component,this
is called alternative BOM 1

if you created BOM for FG material with semifinish material as component,this is

called alternative BOM 2.

Then you need to create production version to decide which alternative BOM you


if we use alternvative BOM, How could we do

backflush or MRP running?
Hi Experts

If we plan to create two parts, and setup it in BOM as alternative parts.How SAP
do the backflush or run requirements for it? Will it consume each parts qty?

Since in stock , there will be two parts stock qty onhand.


Material requirements planning (MRP) plans the alternative items according to

usage probability.

Withdrawl of Alternate items (backflush) will be happen according to the Strategy

defined at each alternate item at BOM. MRP ignores usage probability

For more details please refer below sap Help.

[Alternative Items in an Alternative Item



Really appreciated for help.

Could you tell where we could setup this alternative group and strategy ?

Do you mean for mrp running, it will consdier the usage of alternateive
matieral,then create plan order according to the requriements, for backflush, It
will ignore the usage? so which part will be consumed?

like material a and b in as alternative in BOM.

we want to setup A 30% usage setup B 70% usage .

So if we need parent part C 1 pc, 1C = 10 A / B , If A has onhand stock 1 qty , Then

we will get plan order 2 qty for A , and 7 qty for B ,right?

If it do backflush for C , it will consume 3 qty A and 7 qty B?


Former Member
Jun 13, 2008 at 05:37 AM
Hi Alice.

Goto Header material (C) BOM in change mode (CS02) and select the item A ->
goto item Over view -> Assign some value for Alternate group & select the
"alternateGroup" field-> set priority =1 , Strategy=1 (according to usage), Usage
probability 30% .

Repeat the Above steps for item B with priority =2 , Strategy=1, usage probability
= 70% and Save .Now run the MRP and create production order check with
requirement quantity system will work as u need.

Thanks a lot . If we set A part usage percentage as 100%, priority as 1, another B

parts usage as 100% priority 2 now .

Our situation is B part will replace A part in future. So if we setup bom like that ,A
parts still will have new requirements , Like po ...?

What we hope is when A parts have been used up , system will automatically
trigger out prodction order to use B part or when we use backflush, it also could
consume B parts?

Really hope to get advice for it


Thanks a lot , We will setup follow-up matieral in material master. But question
is , from the valid date, mrp will calculate the dependent requirments on matieral
B instead of A , but Could the system automatically trigger out the mateiral to B
for producction order or backflush accroding to BOM?

If we set both follow-up mateiral and alternative mateiral in BOM, like A proirity
as 1 B as 2 first. when A parts is used up , system will automatically trigger out
prodciotn order with part B or we need manually change the proirity in BOM?
Feel this two funciton has some conflict?

Thanks a lot

ormer Member
Jun 13, 2008 at 10:14 AM
Hi alice zhang..,

if you give then only from that date material will be repalce. if you dont
give material A will be used first and if stock is zero then material B will be maken
up for rest of the work.

Former Member
Jun 13, 2008 at 10:28 AM
Hi alice zhang..,

For your first question:

as long as stock A is there it, mrp will create requirements for it. once stock is zero
for material A then your mrp will create requirements for B.

for your second question:

In the BOM based also your material will be picked up still stock exists. once it is
zero then material B will be comes to picture.


Thanks , So let me conclude it.

After we setup follow-up parts, mrp will create dependent requirements only for
part B like new PR, plan order.

In BOM, we also need setup alternative material for A and B. even though we set
A proirity as 1 100% usage , B as proirity as 2, 100% percentage.

when part A still have stock, prodciton order or backflush will consume part a
qty , in produciton order,

it will trigger out low matieral as A.

when part A is used up, it will consume B qty , trigger out B material in production
order ?


I hope to explain our target. before we buy part A from oversea, Now we buy part
B from local vendor.

So After we plan to buy it from lcoal vendor, We will not place Part A PO, of
course , if it's old po or onhand stock of A, it still need continue to receipt and
consumed it.

If A has stock , then it will still get new independent becasue it also still in bom,
How we could stop to buy it to repalce it with B ? When we have a and B onhand
stock at the same time, How MRP runs ?



Former Member
Jun 13, 2008 at 11:00 AM
Hi alice zhang..,

yes. with followup setup in material master if stock A is not available material B
will be consumed.

if both stocks are available based on the priority in the BOM material A or B will
be consumed.

this will solve your requirement i suppose.

Hi jagadish

Thanks a lot ,

one concern is , we first add B as A part follow -up material . if we don't set the
valid date, that means when A part is used up, it will move dependent
requirement for B ,right?
Before that, A will still have dependent requirements, we will still place po and
receipt it. So how A could be used up? How B could be trigger out PO? according
to the puchase lead time, our process is we have to start to buy B part when we
decide to obsolote A part. But since A still have qty onhand, and in BOM its
priority as 1, B could not be triiger out requiremnts?

So if we set valid date for follow up mateiral , that means when A has stock, from
that day, MRP will only consider B requirements ,right, even though we set
priority 1 for A in BOM? In bom we set A part as priority 1 and usaging 100%,
when we do backflush , it will consume A part , when A is used up , System will
trigger production order with B matieral automatically ,right? No need to change
the priority for the alternative bom? even though part A proirity as 1

( actually, we just buy B part, for backlfush we need use A up first )



Former Member
Jun 13, 2008 at 11:43 AM
Hi alice zhang..,

1. yes

2. if you know from when to obsolete give the date in MRP4.

3. yes.

Hi jagadish

Thanks a lot. Last quesiton,

If A is used up or not enough, if MRP create prodiction order or user do

backflush , Will system automatcially create produciton order with B component
and backflush will consume B automatically?

Or if A have 5 part, we need consume 6 part according to BOM structure. It will

create produciton order with 5 A and 1 B ? Or we do backflush, it will
automatcially consume 5 A and 1 B? no need we change qty in prodocution


Former Member
Jun 13, 2008 at 01:26 PM

Maintain MRP type for "A" as ND - No planning. So system will not plan or create
procurement element for A once stock of A finishes.

After stock of A finishes, production order will consider only B automatically and
no need for any manually editions.


Hi Trinanjan

May I just check ,if we set the mrp type , In BOM , we still use alternative
matieral ,right?

So when there is no stock of part A, it will create prodciton order with B , or when
we do backflush , it will reduce B qty ?

Do we need set material A and B in BOM as usage 100% both ?



Alternative BOM and Multiple BOM

RSS Feed
Hey Guys,

I am not a PP person but MM, therefore with regards to this alternative BOM,
kindly please let me know my question.

An example:

BOM #1 : A = BCD where B,C and D is component (BOM) of material A

BOM #2 (alternative 1) : A = BCE where B,C and E is alternative component

(alternative BOM) of A (example: changing the packaging of prducts)

BOM #3 (alternative 2) : A = BCD+F where B,C, D and F is alternative component

(altive BOM) of A (example : giving a gift banded -F-with mat A).


1 - During MRP run, how does SAP know to pick up which of the above BOM? Is
there a config setup on this on the SPRO or material master, or BOM master? if
so what is it?

2 - Sometimes I heard people say this BOM is a production BOM, this BOM is a
material BOM, and bla bla bla, what exactly are those means?

3 - What is Multiple BOM mean?

All these BOM thing is really bombing me now, appreciate if an example can be
given on the above three questions. Thanks very much


Dear Tuffy,

1.When you create a material BOM for the first time in the system for a product
using CS01 for BOM usage 1,then this is the

First alternative BOM for that product.When you first create a BOM for a
material, the system automatically creates the first
alternative. The technical type of the BOM is not yet defined, so the technical
type is " " (blank).which is called as simple BOM.

2.After creation of this BOM,in CS03 if you check under BOM header the technical
type field remains empty.This is called as

simple BOM.

3.The system supports 2 techincal type of BOM,one is multiple BOM and the next
is variant BOM.

4.The system does not define the technical type until you create either an
additional alternative for a BOM or a different variant

for an existing BOM.

5.[Technical Types of

6.Multiple BOM means the material has more than one alternative BOM say ther
may be alternative BOM 1 and alternative BOM2.

7.So in your case the product A is havinng 3 different alternative BOM or

alternative BOM 01,02,03.

8.During MRP run the system always picks the first alternative BOM 01 and plans
for the components present in this BOM.

Check with this and revert back with your further queries.


S Mangalraj


I think following will help if you're not using SCM-APO:

1. Create two PV (Production Version) for combination of two BoMs and a task

2. Always first production version will be defaulted for MRP

3. At the time of Production/Process order release, put a restriction, If material is

missing DO NOT Release the Production/Process orders. It will work even if you
use background job to for Release.

4. Change the PV using Read PP Master Data function in change

Production/Process order transaction.



Alternative BOM selection by Production

RSS Feed

If I am using production version (selection method 2 on MRP view). How does

MRP know what production version to use when creating a production order. I
see the link to the BOM in the production version, but if I have more than one
version assigned in the material master on MRP 4 view, i'm not sure how it knows
which one to use.?

Thanks, Erik

Dear Erik,

If you have manual selection of production version in the order type dependent
parameters in OPL8 for the order type and plant
combination and if you have set the BOM selection method as 2 in MRP 4 view of
the material master then,

1.If you create a production order manually then the system displays the pop up
to select a production


2.If you are converting the planned order into a production order then it picks up
the one which is

present in the planned order.So obviously if 2 production versions are there with

same lot size and

validity dates,then the system picksup the first one only during MRP run.

Even if it picks up the first prod.version in planned order,but while converting click
on master data and

change the production version if required.

3.Otherwise what you can do is set the production version in MD61 itself ,so that
its going to be considered during MRP run.

4.If in OPL8 the production version selection is set as automatic then the system
picks up the production version automatically.

Check and revert back.



Former Member
Nov 03, 2010 at 08:15 AM
One more question,if these configuration was setup,when we process superflush
for finish good ,do we need to choose PV to consume the right material?

if not ,how the backflush choose the BOM?

If I am using production version (selection method 2 on MRP view). How does MRP
know what production version to use when creating a production order. I see the
link to the BOM in the production version, but if I have more than one version
assigned in the material master on MRP 4 view, i'm not sure how it knows which
one to use.?


> Thanks, Erik

System will check the valid production version based on validity date, based on
the validity system will pick the Production version, If 2 or more Production
version have same validity then system will pick the first production version.

If u want to user to decide the production version while converting plan order to
production irder them set in OPL8 manual selction of production version is screen
production version.


The system always picksup the first production version during

MRP run even if all the prod versions contains the same validity dates and lot


Dear Erik,

1) Go to OPL8, for ur plant & order type combination double click

2) Now for option Production Version Make it as 1

3) Only for manual creation of Production order this setting is valid

4) MRP always picks first PV by default

5) If ur converting plan order to Production order then system will default pick the
First version if

Lot size defined in Version same ( as already MRP has picked first PV )

6) If required you need to manually change the PV in Plan order change mode

7) If before Running MRP if you want system to pick 2nd Version then Lock the
first PV



The system will check for

1) Validity of PV

2) The lot Size of PV.

B/n these if you have multiple versions it always picks the 1st valid version.

Also if you want the MRP to pick a particular version, in MD61 while entering the
demand you can specify

which PV needs to be picked.

As you are using selction method 2, even if the PV is not there system tries to find
a BOM & a routing again

as per the above 2 points.

Using customer to determine what BOM to use
in Production order (tx:CO41)
Dear Expert,

I have a case which user want to have alternative BOM for decidated customer.

The requirement is,

if customer "A" , it will using alternative BOM 1,

If customer "B" , it will using alternative BOM 2.

I checked there is no way to select alternative BOM in CO41 or CO01 during

Production order creation.

Is there any solution for this case? such as production version or BOM explosion

Thanks for all expert.


Dear Marco,

1) First question is whther ur using PV's for Alt BOM'S

2) if ur using then , GO to OPL8, just double click on on ur order type & pant
combination, then for production version make it as

1- manual selection of PV & save

3) after doing this setting, Create a Production order Via CO01, then system will
ask u which version u want

4) if u are not using PV, then after MRP Run , go to plan order change mode & give
as ALt2 & save

5) so while convertng system will take Alt 2 BOM as per the Requirment


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