Szulejko 2014

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry 61 (2014) 40–48

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / t r a c

Review of progress in solvent-extraction techniques for the

determination of polyaromatic hydrocarbons as airborne pollutants
Jan E. Szulejko a, Ki-Hyun Kim a,*,†, Richard J.C. Brown b, Min-Suk Bae c
a Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University, 222 Wangsimni-Ro, Seoul 133-791, Korea
b Analytical Science Division, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK
c Department of Environmental Engineering, Mokpo National University, Mokpo, Korea


Keywords: In this review, we concentrate on sample-pretreatment options with the main emphasis on all aspects
Airborne pollutant of solvent extraction prior to GC-based analysis of airborne polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). To this
Cold-fiber solid-phase microextraction end, we review developments in these applications covering many different approaches that have com-
monly been used or introduced recently.
Green chromatography
Particulate matter
Generally, sample pretreatment comprises
Polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) (1) solvent extraction of PAHs from filters and sorbents;
Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and (2) extract concentration;
Safe (QuEChERS)
(3) some form of liquid, or solid, chromatography clean-up;
Sample pretreatment
(4) eluent concentration; and
Solvent extraction
Solvent usage (5) injection into a GC for analysis.
Recent developments in these areas include: cold-fiber solid-phase microextraction of PAH ex-
tracts; the “Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe” (QuEChERS) extraction technique; and, using
vehicle-engine air-intake filters to collect airborne particulate matter. We also discuss some aspects of
“green chromatography”, used in recent years to reduce solvent usage.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
2. The collection of PAHs in air ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
3. Extraction methods for PAHs .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
3.1. General aspects of extraction: solvent type and solubility ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
3.2. The effect of polarity on extraction ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 42
3.3. Solvent extraction of gaseous PAHs captured on sorbents ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
4. Development of improved/alternative extraction methods for PAHs ............................................................................................................................................... 43
4.1. Cold-fiber solid-phase microextraction (CF-SPME) of extract solutions ............................................................................................................................ 43
4.2. Quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe (QuEChERS) method ................................................................................................................................... 43

Abbreviations: ACN, Acetonitrile; aiu, Arbitrary intensity unit; ASE, Accelerated solvent extraction; BaP, Benzo[a]pyrene; BaPeq, Benzo[a]pyrene equivalent; BSTFA,
Bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide; BTV, Breakthrough volume; CF-SPME, Cold fiber solid-phase microextraction; DCM, Dichloromethane; DDT, Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane;
Hact, Arrhenius activation enthalpy for PAH desorption of a sorbent into gas-phase; DSWE, Dynamic subcritical water extraction; EC, European Commission; ECD, Electron-
capture detector (for a GC); FID, Flame-ionization detector (for a GC); GC, Gas chromatograph(y); GFF, Glass-fiber filter; HAP, Hazardous air pollutant; HPLC, High-
performance liquid chromatography; HRMS, High-resolution mass spectrometry; HS, Headspace; HVAS, High-volume air sampler; IARC, International Agency for Research
on Cancer; IS, Internal standard; LOD, Limit of detection; LOQ, Limit of quantitation; MAE, Microwave-assisted extraction; MEF, Mutagenic equivalency factor; MDL, Method
detection limit, MS, Mass spectromet(er or ry); MW, Molecular weight; NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology; PAH, Polyaromatic hydrocarbon; PFE, Pres-
surized fluid extraction; PM, (airborne) Particulate matter; POP, Persistent organic pollutant; ppm, parts-per-million; PUF, Polyurethane foam; QFF, Quartz-fiber filter; QuEChERS,
Quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe; SC-CO2, Supercritical CO2; SFE, Supercritical fluid extraction; SPE, Solid-phase extraction; SPME, Solid-phase microextraction;
SRM, Standard reference material; TEF, Toxic equivalency factor; TPM, Total particulate matter; UV(F), Ultra-violet (fluorescence); XAD-n, a type of sorbent (n = 1, 2, . . . n).
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 2 2220 2325; Fax: +82 2 2220 1945.
E-mail address: or (K.-H. Kim).
† Previously at: Dept. of Environment & Energy, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea.
0165-9936/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.E. Szulejko et al./Trends in Analytical Chemistry 61 (2014) 40–48 41

4.3. Miscellaneous extraction techniques .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 43

5. Clean-up, concentration, and standardization of PAHs .......................................................................................................................................................................... 44
5.1. Basics of clean-up for extracted solution ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
5.2. Sample losses during PAH extraction and concentration of extracts .................................................................................................................................. 45
5.3. Standardization ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
6. Comparison of different studies: extraction efficiencies and breakthrough effects ..................................................................................................................... 45
7. Conclusion and recommendations ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 46
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
References .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47

1. Introduction ticulate matter (PM) in both ambient air and from more potent sources
(e.g., tobacco smoke). Davis et al. [20] reviewed many important issues
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous byproducts of involved in sampling PAHs in air [i.e., the choice of filters and sor-
incomplete combustion or pyrolysis of carbonaceous and organic bents [e.g., polyurethane foam (PUF), Tenax, and XAD-2], and active
matter (e.g., tobacco, coal, charcoal, diesel, gas, and wood) [1]. PAHs versus passive sampling]. These authors covered the period 1977–
are hydrocarbons with two or more fused aromatic rings and there 83 and described experimental artifacts, especially losses due to
are several hundred of these compounds. gaseous desorption of low-molecular-weight (MW) PAHs from PM
Zhang and Tao [2] reviewed the 2004 PAH emissions inventory and then prototype PAH-detection methods for near real-time spec-
both globally and by country, as Gg.y−1 of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) equiv- troscopic analysis. Liu et al. [21] reviewed the developments of the
alent (BaPeq) (together with the major sources): Global 8.5 (biofuel analytical methods used to determine airborne PM PAHs (e.g., sam-
57%), China 2.81 (biofuel 56%), India 1.56 (biofuel 91%) and the USA pling and pretreatment methods) during 2000–05. Pandey et al. [1]
0.20 (waste incineration 24%). The 1999–2004 levels of atmospher- extensively reviewed the techniques for the determination of PAHs
ic PAHs in several Asian countries have also been reviewed; in China, in air with particular attention to collection methods, solvent-
cooking is the major source of PAHs in indoor air [3]. extraction efficiencies, limits of detection (LODs), and analytical re-
PAH emissions in Europe over the past 300 years have been re- producibility. Cecinato et al. [22] presented a short review of the
constructed by analyzing snow and ice samples collected in the high sampling and analytical methods for assessing PAHs, phthalates, and
Alpine regions; from ~1700–1900, PAH emissions were low but in- psychotropic substances in the atmosphere; they summarized sample
creased dramatically after ~1900 to peak during the 1940s. They type, collection, extraction and recovery, clean-up and separation,
decreased considerably until ~1970s and have only moderately and analytical instrumentation. Cullum et al. [23] provided an over-
increased until the early 2000s [4]. Similarly, Wang et al. [5] view of high temperature (150–600°C) fluorescence and other in
determined the historical trends (~1965–2005) of DDT, situ spectroscopic measurements of PAHs in flames and ambient air.
hexachlorocyclohexanes, and PAHs in an ice core from a Mount Everest Indeed, spectroscopic approaches for detection and quantitation of
glacier, central Himalayas, China and found good correlations with PAHs may be an important area for future research.
Indian economic and regulatory activities. Over the past decades, analysts have introduced many options
The toxicity of PAHs is well known. Indeed, they are the key com- for post-sampling treatment prior to the analysis of airborne PAHs.
ponents of the 189 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) in the U.S. Clean Despite such developments, solvent-extraction techniques remain
Air Act Amendments [6]. Their structure is complex enough to the most common option for PAHs in particle or gas phases.
include not only compounds consisting of just carbon and hydro- In this article, we provide a review of the solvent-extraction tech-
gen but also a wide range of nitro-(N-), oxy-(O-), and thio-(S-) related niques for the analysis of airborne PAHs. Our discussion mainly focuses
PAHs [7]. The nitro- and oxy- derivatives deserve special attention on sampling and treatment of particulate PAHs, while focusing on
due their harmful health effects. It is suggested that these are po- the most important issues for the sampling of vapor-phase PAHs.
tentially mutagenic and/or carcinogenic [8,9]. PAHs and their as- This is because measurements of vapor-phase PAHs are not made
sociated (more polar) heteroatom derivatives are present in not only commonly – unless the study targets certain industrial sources such
ambient particles but also urban dust [10]. Furthermore, through as solvent factories [24]. In future work, we will turn our attention
long-range transport of polluted air masses, PAHs, particularly in to other emerging pretreatment methods for PAH analysis (e.g.,
the fine PM fraction, can be transported to receptor sites far from thermal desorption of PAHs off filters or sorbents and cryofocusing).
their original sources [11].
Based on laboratory tests on animals and human epidemio- 2. The collection of PAHs in air
logic studies, a number of PAHs are known or suspected carcino-
gens and mutagens [12]. There is strong causal evidence (based on The principal stages in the measurement of PAHs in ambient air
IARC criteria) that PAHs are lung cancer carcinogens and sus- generally consist of sampling, extraction, sample clean-up, and anal-
pected carcinogens for bladder, laryngeal, and prostate cancers [13]. ysis. The sampling may be performed with a variety of samplers,
PAHs are shown to be male reproductive endocrine disruptors [14] both low- and high-volume sampling rates and even passive sam-
and to induce lung cell tumorigenesis in mammals [15]. A number plers. Sampling media include quartz-fiber [25], glass fiber [26],
of PAHs have been assigned toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) for Teflon-coated glass fiber [27], and Teflon-membrane filters [28].
cancer [16] and mutagenic equivalency factors (MEFs) [17] rela- Quartz-fiber filters (QFFs) are commonly annealed at high tem-
tive to BaP to provide a more accurate risk assessment from envi- peratures for several hours to lower blank levels associated with
ronmental PAH exposure (e.g., for young children in New York City, the new filters. Materials used for sample handling, transport, and
NY, USA) [18]. The mutagenicity and the carcinogenicity of PAHs ambient sampling equipment must be free from organic sub-
in rodents has been assessed [19]. Bostrom et al. [12] reviewed in strates, although this is rarely a major problem. Because the PAHs
detail the lifetime cancer risk for various PAHs; these were found are only extracted from the PM on a filter without the whole PM
to be in the range 23–430 × 10−6 per ng.m−3 of BaP, thus showing and filter material being digested, as is the case for inorganic anal-
wide epidemiological variability. ysis of elemental metals content, blank levels from extraction of
There have been a number of reviews in recent years concern- unloaded filters are usually well below the LOD. It is worth
ing the sampling and the quantitation of PAHs in gaseous or par- pointing out the 3–5 ringed PAHs, which have relatively high vapor
42 J.E. Szulejko et al./Trends in Analytical Chemistry 61 (2014) 40–48

Table 1
Breakthrough volume (VB) and linear uptake sampling period for selected PAHs on XAD-2 and PUF

PAH VB (m3) PUF VB (m3) PUF VB (m3) PUF/ VB (m3) PUF/ Linear uptake Linear uptake
(20°C) (−10°C) XAD/PUF (20°C) XAD/PUF (−10°C) range (days) XAD-2 range (days) PUF

Naphthalene 0.75 7.6 6.9 41 2.4 0.05

Benzo[a]pyrene 2.6E + 06 3.9E + 08 2.7E + 06 3.9E + 08 39,400 156,000
Perylene 2.1E + 06 2.9E + 08 2.4E + 6 2.9E + 08 110,000 129,000

pressures, are not properly retained on PM filters, so they can be unattended with no chance of evaporation of the sample to dryness
lost to the gas phase. Often, a back-up sorbent is used to capture (which could lead to degradation of the PAHs).
these (e.g., PUF or XAD-2). Loss of sampled PAHs due to Generally PAHs have low solubility in water, as expected from
photodegradation and reactions with gaseous oxidants [e.g., O3 (with their non-polar character. Solubilities decrease dramatically in going
denuders sometimes used for removal of these oxidants)] are dis- from the 2- and 3-ring compounds (naphthalene 31.0 ppm and
cussed in the literature. acenaphthene 3.8 ppm) through the 3- and 4-ring semi-volatile or-
The breakthrough volumes (BTV or VB) (as m3 per typical PUF ganics (fluoranthene 0.26 ppm, benzo[a]pyrene 0.004, and coronene
or PUF/XAD-2/PUF sorbent units in passive air samplers) and the 0.0001 ppm) [39]. However, reactions of PAHs in ambient air to form
corresponding linear uptake range (for 25% sequestering, in days) more polar species, such as nitro-PAHs and quinones, greatly enhance
for selected PAHs (pyrene, acenaphthylene, fluoranthene, fluo- their solubility in aqueous systems. This has major implications when
rene, naphthalene, phenanthrene, anthracene, benzo[a]anthracene, one considers the distribution of PAHs and their atmospherically
chrysene, benzo[a]pyrene and perylene) have been determined formed PAH derivatives, in the air, water, and soil environmental
(Table 1) [29]. Grosjean [30] compared the performance of Teflon compartments. These increases in solubility following derivatization
and glass fibers and QFFs in sampling PM-bound PAHs in Los Angeles, are important from not only an environmental chemistry perspec-
CA, USA; the collection efficiencies of glass fibers and QFFs were tive but also possible impacts on public health and natural ecosys-
significantly lower (e.g., 85–90%) than those of Teflon fibers. However, tems of exposure to PAHs.
Hart and Pankow [31] reported that QFFs gave higher recoveries than
Teflon fiber filters, the effect being attributed to higher gaseous PAH 3.2. The effect of polarity on extraction
absorption on quartz compared to Teflon.
Common transportation and field-sampling procedures use pre- Analysis of polar PAHs in atmospheric PM is of interest for a
annealed aluminum foil to transport sampling media to the field, variety of reasons including the need to measure the highly polar
metal devices for handling sampling media, and pre-annealed glass oxidation products of photochemical reactions, tracking primary par-
jars, and Teflon sealing tape and lid liner to minimize potential ticle sources that contain polar organic species [40], and evaluat-
contamination of samples. In addition to these common consider- ing the impact of water-soluble compounds in the activation of
ations, the key requirement during sampling is to keep the sam- aerosol particles into cloud droplets [41]. The analysis of polar organic
pling time (between the change of samples) to a minimum to avoid compounds requires tailoring of the analytical extraction process
the on-filter degradation of collected PAHs by gaseous oxidants to the polarity of the analyte. Analytical techniques to quantify polar
[32,33]. Indeed, European legislation limits PAH sampling to 24-h organic compounds generally fall into two categories: extraction in
periods [34]. water [42] and extraction in solvent [43].
The vapor phase is collected only if suitable sorbent materials, For organic speciation, most GC techniques are not well suited
such as PUF or resin traps, are located after the filter. As a general to the analysis of polar organic compounds extracted with water
rule, the PAHs with the highest TEFs (the product of concentra- and/or organic solvent, due to the binding of polar functional groups
tion and toxicity) are found predominantly in the particulate phase. to the stationary phase of the GC column. To overcome this issue,
Of these, BaP is often used as a marker compound representative derivatives of specific polar functional groups are formed as their
of the total PAH load because of its high toxicity, relatively high con- non-polar analogues; this is accomplished through conversion of
centration in PM and negligible presence in the vapor phase, making acids to methyl esters by reaction with diazamethane [44] or re-
it relatively easy to sample and to measure. action of organic acids and alcohols to trimethylsily esters by re-
action with bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA).
3. Extraction methods for PAHs Other GC approaches have been applied using polar capillary
columns for quantifying organic acids from PM without derivatization
3.1. General aspects of extraction: solvent type and solubility [26] or water extraction followed by polar-compound derivatization
with analysis by GC-MS [45]. Several methods have been used for
Alves [35] presented an overview of the characterization of the analysis of water extracts of PM, including electrophoresis [46],
solvent-extractable organic compounds in atmospheric PM, includ- anion-exchange chromatography [47], and traditional HPLC [48–51].
ing a section on PM-bound PAHs and a scheme showing the common
sampling, extraction, and GC-MS analysis procedures for organic at- 3.3. Solvent extraction of gaseous PAHs captured on sorbents
mospheric aerosols. Alves also discussed the range of available ex-
traction methods [e.g., Soxhlet, ultrasonication, and supercritical fluid Extraction methods for gas-phase PAHs are very similar to those
extraction (SFE)]. employed for the extraction of particulate-phase PAHs. If resin car-
A variety of solvent suites have been used and are often opti- tridges are used for collection, then only certain extraction methods,
mized for the compounds of interest. Common solvent suites include such as microwave or accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), are ef-
hexane plus 2:1 benzene:isopropanol [36], methanol and DCM fective; often, these will be designed specifically for extracting PAHs
[37], and DCM and acetone [38]. In most cases, extracts are con- from the proprietary resin cartridge used [52]. Indeed, it is wise to
centrated using rotary evaporation, which involves evaporating perform efficiency studies on the sorbent intended for use to un-
the solvent with a high-purity inert sweeping gas such as N2 or using derstand its collection efficiency [53]. Gentler techniques, such as
reduced pressure. Chilled dead-volume evaporators are increas- Soxhlet or reflux, may not adequately remove the PAHs from the
ingly common and allow the concentration to proceed sorbent – although the addition of deuterated PAH analogues to act
J.E. Szulejko et al./Trends in Analytical Chemistry 61 (2014) 40–48 43

as extraction standards can help correct for any reduction in SPME PAH uptake as a function of extraction time and the temper-
recovery. Resin cartridges are also amenable to direct thermal de- ature of the solvent (20 mL H2O + 0.15 mL of 1:1 DCM:acetone) cov-
sorption extraction for both vapor-phase [54] and particulate- ering spiked filter and blank filter sections. They found that
phase PAHs [55]. naphthalene and acenaphthylene had very low uptakes (peak area
Primbs et al. [56] discussed the effect of polarity and hydrogen ~0.2 aiu), whereas benzo[a]anthracene had a very high uptake (peak
bonding capability of the solvent on PAH extraction efficiency off area ~4.5 aiu). The corresponding CF-SPME LOQ (ng) was in the range
PUF (medium polarity and hydrogen bonding) using a Hansen sol- 0.05 (naphthalene)–3.86 (benzo[k]fluoranthene), as determined
ubility plot. Pure hexane (low polarity and hydrogen bonding by GC-MS in SIM mode (in apparent contradiction of the previous
strength) and acetone (very high polarity and hydrogen bonding sentence).
strength) are poor solvents, whereas a 1:1 mixture of hexane and The developments in SPME up to mid-2008 were recently re-
acetone is an excellent solvent, as its polarity and hydrogen- viewed, including CF-SPME of HS above heated soil and sediment
bonding properties are close to those of PUF. DCM is marginally samples [62]. A Web of Science search (12 December 2013) using
within the PUF solubility range, so it is also potentially a useful “polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons” “cold fiber” (or “cold fiber”) terms
solvent. In summary, the polarity and hydrogen-bonding proper- yielded 11 results; this should be compared to the 478 results re-
ties of the chosen solvent should closely match those of the sorbent. turned using the terms “polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons” “liquid
For collecting gaseous PAHs on PUFs (which are generally soft extraction”. Nonetheless, HS-CF-SPME is an emerging method with
and malleable), special care must be taken not to deform the foams potential for PAH uptake from solvent extracts of PAHs from sam-
prior to analysis; this is important to prevent loss of the gaseous pling filters and sorbents.
phase component. In these cases, it is also essential to spike such
samples with deuterated surrogate as soon as possible (so that any 4.2. Quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe (QuEChERS)
losses may be subsequently corrected), while keeping these samples method
in a freezer to prevent further loss of volatiles. For large vapor-
phase PUFs, such as those used with high-volume samplers, it may A Web of Science search (12 December 2013) using the terms
be necessary to use more improvised techniques for extraction, such “polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons” and “QuECHERS” yielded only
as gentle immersion in hexane following by gentle heating and slow 27 results; of those results, only one was specifically for airborne
deformation of the foam to release the PAHs into the solvent [57]. PM PAHs [63], whereas the other 26 were to cover biota samples.
In such cases, because these large foam traps can soak up a large One reason for this may be that the standardization of methods used
amount of solvent, it is very important to ensure that they are ad- in Europe for regulatory measurement of PAHs in ambient air has
equately drained after extraction. Otherwise, a large proportion of reduced the number of allowable extraction techniques to produce
the PAHs collected may remain as the solvent/foam mixture – es- air-quality data for submission to the European Union (EU). These
pecially if not using a deuterated surrogate correction method. The conditions should have reduced the quantity of research into these
same principle is true for any technique where the filter or vapor topics at many European air-quality reference laboratories. Albinet
cartridge remains in the solvent after extraction (e.g., reflux), al- et al. [63] gave a brief introductory overview and history on
though the volumes absorbed are generally much smaller. For tech- QuEChERS (e.g., the total extraction and clean-up time is ~1–
niques where the solvents drain past the filter or vapor cartridge 5 min) and claimed to be the first to use QuEChERS for airborne PAHs.
(e.g., Soxhlet), this is generally not a consideration, although sur- PM samples were collected on QFFs using a HVAS (70 m3 h−1 for 24 h)
rogate correction is generally still beneficial [52]. in an urban area in France. For QuEChERS, QFF sections were placed
in centrifuge vials, immersed in 7 mL of DCM, ACN, or 5:2 v/v ACN/
4. Development of improved/alternative extraction methods H2O and vortexed for 30–120 s. Next, the vials were centrifuged at
for PAHs 4500 rpm for 5 min and 1 mL supernatant was collected for direct
analysis by HPLC-UVF. Another 3 mL was also collected, and reduced
In recent years, there has been a growing effort to reduce or to under N2 to 1 mL in less than 2 min, filtered, and cleaned up using
eliminate solvent use when extracting analytes of interest from Florisil. Adding salts (e.g., Na2SO4) to the solvent was investigated.
various matrices and hence limit the impact of waste solvent on The performance of QuEChERS was compared to ASE using the same
the environment. Solvent-less or low-volume, solvent-extraction pre- QFF and SRM 1649a. Overall, the recoveries were comparable –
treatment for environmental analysis has emerged (e.g., thermal de- QuEChERS (61–111%) and ASE (78–119%). ASE used about 30 mL
sorption and single-drop microextraction). However, discussion on DCM and required ~20 min.
the pretreatment of airborne of gaseous and PM PAHs was very
limited with no specific examples given [58]. Some examples of more 4.3. Miscellaneous extraction techniques
environment-friendly extraction methods include supercritical-
CO2 (SC-CO2) and dynamic sub-critical water-solvent extraction. The Tollbäck et al. [64] examined the feasibility of using solid-
following sub-sections give details of other extraction methods using phase Empore membranes to capture fine airborne PM (10–800 nm)
various solvents. and dynamic subcritical water extraction (DSWE) of PAHs from the
fine PM. During sampling, the PM in the air entering and leaving
4.1. Cold-fiber solid-phase microextraction (CF-SPME) the Empore membrane (up to 20 L.min−1 and 24 h) was monitored
of extract solutions using a scanning mobility particle sizer; no evidence of PM break-
through was noted). An urban dust sample from NIST (SRM 1649a)
Guo et al. [59] briefly discussed CF-SPME efficiency in terms of loaded on the Empore membranes was used to evaluate the DSWE
the thermodynamics of PAH partition coefficients between the gas method. The Empore membranes were spiked prior to air sam-
phase (headspace above heated certified soils) and the SPME coating; pling with liquid standards containing 16 PAHs in c-hexane and a
increased soil temperature and extraction time greatly improved mixture of C8–C33 n-alkanes. Analysis was done by GC-FID. The basic
extraction efficiency. The Arrhenius parameters (i.e., the apparent DSWE set-up consisted of a HPLC module to pump water, an ex-
ΔHact) for PAH desorption from solid matrices (sand, silica gel, and tractor cell inside a GC oven, and a vial to collect the extract. The
soils) into the gas phase were determined and discussed; silica extractor cell contained cut-up sections of the Empore mem-
showed the largest ΔHact, hence the slowest desorption rates [60]. branes. Although liquid water is polar solvent under normal
Menezes and de Lourdes Cardea [61] monitored the CF-SPME and conditions, its polarity decreases rapidly with temperature to
44 J.E. Szulejko et al./Trends in Analytical Chemistry 61 (2014) 40–48

low polarity above 100°C. It thus becomes a good solvent for

non-polar organics (e.g., PAHs under pressurized conditions). Water
is also considered to be a “green environment-friendly solvent”.
DSWE at 250°C (of a spiked membrane) cleanly separated 15 of the
16 PAHs from the 26 n-alkanes, and increasing the DSWE to 275°C
eluted ~20 additional peaks [64]. Membranes spiked with SRM 1649a
were used to optimize DSWE; the optimal conditions were:

• first washing (2 mL.min−1 flow, 80°C, 55 bar);

• second washing (2 mL.min−1 flow, 130°C, 55 bar to remove
organics); and
• extraction (2 mL.min−1, 250°C at 55 bar to desorb PAHs selec-
tively, but retaining aliphatics).

Most of the PAHs were eluted in the first 18 mL of extract (re-

coveries 80–120%, best for lighter PAHs), while recoveries were less
than ~10% for the second 18 mL. The extrapolated method detec-
tion limit (MDL) for standard-volume air samples using DSWE was
in the pg m-3 range 5 (phenanthrene)–39 (benzo[a]pyrene). A GC-
MS chromatogram of an environmental air sample (0.879 m3, roof
level, central Rome, Italy) was obtained using the DSWE method,
although details of such measurements were not discussed.
The solubility and the dissolution rate of anthracene in subcriti-
cal water (120–200°C, ~50 bar) was recently reported [65]; these
authors compared their results to previous work. Anthracene sol-
ubility (as a fraction amount in mol/mol) increased from 1.6 × 10−6
at 120°C to 153 × 10−6 at 200°C. The corresponding solubility at room Fig. 1. The general procedure for analysis of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
temperature and 1 bar pressure is minimal. The solvation equili-
bration time of anthracene and p-terphenyl in subcritical water at
50 bar was in the range 180 min at 120°C to 20 min at 200°C. This
may have important consequences in DSWE applications, since suf- procedure for PAH analysis. To obtain sufficient sample for extrac-
ficient extraction time or higher temperatures is needed to assure tion and subsequent analysis of organic species, PM is collected on
quantitative recovery of PAHs from PM. Tollbäck et al. [64] found filter substrates in the field, often over extended time periods using
that DSWE of PAHs off SRM 1649a required 9 min at 250°C for >80% high-volume air samplers. Alternatively, filters from a low-volume
recovery. Shahpoury and Hageman [66] compared their pressur- sampler over several sampling days may be combined [37]. Prior
ized liquid DCM extraction of (water-borne) PAHs from silicone to standardization, the 2001 European Commission (EC) position
rubber passive samplers with the literature; their 40 min extrac- paper on PAHs [67] found a variety of methods in use across Member
tion time was much shorter than the typical 8–24 h extraction times. States in Europe, as shown in Table 2. Sample collection on filter
or other substrates is challenging in itself due to positive and
5. Clean-up, concentration, and standardization of PAHs negative sampling artifacts that change the composition of the
collected PM on the filter relative to what is in the air [68].
5.1. Basics of clean-up for extracted solution Beyond this, analytical techniques must be rigorously evalu-
ated to minimize introduction of contaminant sources and co-
As the extracted solutions can contain impurities and interferents, contamination between samples through extraction vessels, solvents,
they can act as the source of experimental bias in PAH quantitation. reagent, and analytical equipment. For more detail, generally samples
To reduce the source of such bias, a clean-up stage is often re- and extracts are kept in a freezer when not in use. All glassware is
quired. The methodologies involved in clean-up for particulate- baked overnight in a muffle furnace (at least 450°C or higher) before
phase PAHs vary widely with subsequent analysis by GC-FID, GC- use. All instruments (e.g., forceps) are rinsed multiple times with
MS or HPLC (with UV or MS detection). Fig. 1 presents the general dichloromethane to eliminate cross contamination.

Table 2
AH extraction, clean-up, and analysis methods used in several European countries in 2001, from [European Commission, 2001] [34]

Country Extraction Clean-up Analysis

UK Soxhlet with DCM, hexane or toluene Silica gel, alumina chromatography columns or solid phase HPLC-UV or GC-MS
extraction cartridges
Finland Soxhlet Liquid-liquid extraction with DMSO. Silica gel or alumina GC-MS
chromatography columns
Austria Soxhlet with hexane and diethylether (20 hours) Solid phase extraction cartridges GC-MS
Italy Ultrasonic extraction with cyclohexane Thin layer chromatography on silica gel GC-FID or GC-MS
Spain Soxhlet with cyclohexane & DCM, or DCM & acetone Silica gel or alumina chromatography columns GC-MS
Greece Soxhlet with cyclohexane or benzene. Ultrasonic Liquid-liquid extraction with DMF and water. Silica gel or alumina GC-FID, GC-MS HPLC-
extraction with DCM or hexane & cyclohexane chromatography columns fluorescence
Belgium Ultrasonic extraction with DCM None HPLC-fluorescence
France Soxhlet with DCM. Accelerated solvent extraction with None HPLC-fluorescence
Denmark Soxhlet with toluene (24 hours) Silica gel or alumina chromatography columns GC-FID or GC-MS
J.E. Szulejko et al./Trends in Analytical Chemistry 61 (2014) 40–48 45

5.2. Sample losses during PAH extraction and Table 3

concentration of extracts Extraction methods and solvent combinations meeting the requirements of Euro-
pean documentary standard EN15549

The concentration step of PAH analysis is needed to improve the Extraction methods Solvent
sensitivity of the analysis. Loss of target analytes through extrac- Reflux Toluene
tion and concentration is commonly monitored using isotopically Soxhlet Toluene, hexane & acetone (1:1), DCM
labeled recovery standards, such as acenaphthene-d10, pyrene-d10, Microwave Hexane & acetone (1:1)
Accelerated solvent Toluene, DCM, DCM & hexane (1:1)
benz[a]anthracene-d12, and coronene-d12, which are spiked onto the Ultrasonic DCM, toluene
sample prior to extraction – often called ‘surrogate standards’ or
‘recovery standards’. Generally, they are spiked onto filters after sam-
pling but before analysis, although, when considering more vola-
tile PAHs, sometimes the surrogates are spiked onto the filter prior it is generally acknowledged as good practice to use these deuter-
to sampling [24]. Separation and detection of extracted non-polar ated surrogates in all cases.
compounds are usually accomplished by GC-MS methods relying It is important to be aware of possibly different recovery char-
on electron-impact ionization, but occasionally by negative chem- acteristics between the real sample and spikes added to it. As the
ical ionization [69]. The more volatile lower MW PAHs (e.g., naph- chemical difference of the deuterated surrogate increases from the
thalene) are particularly sensitive to losses during extraction and compound of interest, the extraction efficiency is less likely to be
sample concentration due to vaporization. For example, Singh et al. similar – this is especially important when drawing qualitative con-
[70] reported recoveries of 69% (naphthalene) to 95% (phenan- clusions from the data or the values [74,75]. Although it is ideal to
threne). Pandey et al. [1] reviewed the solvent-based extraction re- add a deuterated analogue for every PAH of interest, this can be pro-
coveries and noted divergent results for the low MW PAHs (e.g., hibitively expensive. It is further noted in the European standard
naphthalene). For example, Omar et al. [71] reported that the lighter [73] that the presence of reactive impurities (e.g., peroxides, acids
PAHs had poor recoveries (DCM ultrasonication of QFF and there- or radicals) from non-stabilized solvents can lead to the degrada-
fore not readily quantifiable; for other PAHs, recoveries were 50.8– tion of PAHs and deuterated PAHs during extraction [76] and that
99.7%); in contrast, Zhang et al. [72] reported recoveries of 84.5% can affect measurement results.
(naphthalene) to 108% (BaP) for hexane/c-hexane PAH extraction
from GFF. 6. Comparison of different studies: extraction efficiencies and
breakthrough effects
5.3. Standardization
The PM PAH emissions from a small, portable, diesel, electrical
Laboratory quantification of individual organic compounds is per- power generator fueled with petroleum or two biofuel diesels were
formed by a variety of analytical techniques, depending in part on measured under load. The exhaust was first diluted and cooled to
the species to be determined. Many liquid-extraction approaches 50–52°C and collected on a Dekati gravimetric impactor with a 1-μm
use organic solvents or water to remove particulate organic species cut-off Pallflex TX40 back-up filter. The filters were weighed (before
from the PM collected on the filter. The extract solution is gener- and after sampling) and spiked prior to ASE followed by concen-
ally tailored to the polarity of the analyte to ensure efficient removal tration. Clean-up was done using SPE silica gel cartridges (recov-
of the desired components. Rigorous cleaning procedures are re- eries of SPE generally 80–100%) and concentrated. Analysis was
quired for proper filter preparation, sampling, and subsequent anal- achieved using HPLC-GC-MS. The biofuel diesels (B30 and B100) had
ysis to identify and to quantify individual organic compounds in PM. generally lower PAH emissions than petroleum diesel [77]. Simi-
Note that in some cases, no clean-up step is used prior to analysis larly, emissions of airborne PAHs in meat smokehouses were cap-
– this is usually the case if, after the extraction, there is no evi- tured on separate PUF and XAD-2 sorbent cartridges placed 2 m
dence of small particulates (from the PM or filter material) in the above the smoldering beech-wood sawdust. After solvent extrac-
extract, or if the extract is taken from locations with low concen- tion and clean-up, the PAHs were quantified by fast GC-HRMS [78].
trations of interfering compounds (e.g., aliphatic alcohols). Because The feasibility of using engine air-intake filters of diesel taxis op-
of the significant differences in analytical practices and the varia- erating in urban Manchester, UK, to collect airborne PAH PM was
tions in results that they can cause, where measurements are to be recently reported; the filters after ~2–3 weeks’ service were removed
made in support of regional or global legislative requirements and and taken to the laboratory for analysis. The filters were cut into
to compare with target values (for example, in the EU), it has been small sections (~1 g) for spiking, ultrasonically solvent extracted using
necessary to produce a documentary standard method to ensure 1:1 hexane/DCM three times, centrifuged, concentrated, further pu-
the stability and the comparability of measurements made over time rified on SPE silica cartridges using 1:1 hexane/DCM mobile phase,
and across different locations. and finally reduced to 1 mL for GC-ITMS analysis. Recoveries were
During the European standardization process, substantial lab- 74 ± 25%. The PM collection-efficiency limitations of air-intake filters
oratory and field testing of the equivalence of these various pro- were briefly discussed. The main finding was that the estimated PAH
cesses were undertaken. The criterion for the European standard concentrations ~0.5 m above street level were up to 100 times higher
(which focused on the measurement of BaP) was that the recov- than the those officially reported by the UK Government (for
ery of a suitable certified reference material (in this case NIST 1649a) the period 2005–10); their concentrations were measured at an
must be 80–120%. It was found that this condition was met for the national network sampling site located on the roof of four-story
extraction method and solvent combinations given in Table 3 [73]. building [79].
However, the standard recognizes that other approaches may be used Singh et al. [70] spiked blank PUF plugs and GFFs with a stan-
in combination with the surrogate standard method. This is where dard solution containing 16 EPA priority PAHs and reported a mean
a deuterated analogue of the compound(s) of interest is added to recovery of 88% (range: 69% (naphthalene)–95% (phenanthrene));
the collected samples prior to extraction. The recovery of the deu- reproducibility was about ±12%. The PM on GFFs were extracted using
terated standard is then used to correct the recovery of the non- 50 mL DCM with three 30 min ultrasonic agitation cycles, the DCM
deuterated analogue. The EN15549 method suggests that this is extract reduced to 5 mL, then cleaned up using silica gel, filtered
acceptable practice down to deuterated recoveries of 50%, below through a membrane, and stored in vials in a refrigerator until GC-
which the method is considered to be not under control. Indeed, MS analysis. The PUF plugs were subject to Soxhlet extraction with
46 J.E. Szulejko et al./Trends in Analytical Chemistry 61 (2014) 40–48

hexane for 8 h and, after extraction, the same procedure as for GFFs containing 16 PAHs. Of the six solvents investigated, DCM, n-hexane,
was followed. Air samples collected in Delhi, India, were analyzed and toluene generally gave recoveries in the range ~90 ± 20%, whereas
to discern seasonal patterns. the others (acetone, ACN, and methanol) gave reasonable recover-
A 24-h high-volume air sampler (700 L min−1) containing quartz ies for the lighter PAHs (50–100%) but very poor recoveries of ~0–
fiber (PM < 0.3 μm) filter and PUF sorbent was positioned 1 m above 30% for the heavier PAHs. This reflects the effect of solvent polarity
the ground near two main roads in Tokyo, Japan. Both filter and PUF governing SPE breakthrough. The less polar solvents had smaller
were Soxhlet extracted in DCM for ~12 h followed by spiking, con- breakthrough volume than the more polar solvents. Overall, DCM
centration, and purification by a two-step silica-gel column chro- gave the best SPE performance.
matography. Analysis was done by GC-MS. The reported recoveries The recovery effectiveness of using SC-CO2 fluid extraction of PAHs
were all greater than 65%, determined using surrogate standards. from urban PM (e.g., NIST SRM 1649a) was evaluated as a func-
The air-sampler results were compared to DCM pressurized fluid tion of pressure at a fixed 50°C or 80°C temperature. SC-CO2 is a
extraction (PFE) of gingko-tree leaves taken at 2 m, 3 m, 4 m and desirable replacement for organic solvents because of its low cost
8 m above the ground (at the same site). The PAH amounts in the and easy recycling [85]. To improve extraction efficiency, metha-
gingko leaves rapidly decreased with increasing leaf height, sug- nol (an organic modifier) was added to the SC-CO2 and the organic
gesting the PAHs were mainly from vehicle exhausts [80]. analytes were extracted into hexane, acetone, or 1:1 hexane:acetone
Three adsorbents (Carbopack B, Tenax GC, and XAD-2) were for GC-MS analysis. Of the three organic modifiers evaluated, 5% v/v
evaluated for the sampling of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) methanol gave better recoveries than hexane or toluene. The 50°C
(e.g., PAHs, PCBs, and pesticides) in the Molise region of Italy. Pyrex recovery for BaP increased from ~40% at 230 bar to ~90% at 400 bar
6 mm i.d. sorbent tubes were packed with 300 mg of selected ad- and then remained fairly constant up to 600 bar (the maximum pres-
sorbent followed by a 65 mg back-up section (separated and held sure tested) [85].
in place by quartz wool plugs). In laboratory tests, the adsorbents Piñeiro-Iglesias et al. [86] assessed Soxhlet, ultrasonic, and
were loaded, and variable volumes of humidified air were pulled microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) of BaP from two certified stan-
through the adsorbents to determine recovery (breakthrough). De- dard reference materials (SRM 1648 – urban particulate matter and
sorption of the POPs from the adsorbent was effected by 1–2 mL SRM 1649a – urban dust) to comply with EC directives. The sol-
CS2 and analyzed by GC-FID or GC-ECD. Carbopack B and Tenex GC vents investigated were acetone, DCM, methanol, toluene and
(BTV = 167 L.g −1) and XAD-2 (BTV = 1667 L.g −1) exhibited near 100% hexane. Analysis was done by HPLC-UVF, GC-FID or GC-MS. For SRM
recovery for all tested POPs (0.2 μg loading each). At BTV = 400 L.g −1, 1648, the BaP recoveries were near to 100% for 1:1 hexane:acetone
Carbopack B, the PAH recoveries ranged from 88% (pyrene) to 100% solvent extraction by Soxhlet, ultrasound, and MAE. However, using
(anthracene); Tenax GC showed less breakthrough. XAD-2 at BTV the same solvent, BaP recoveries of SRM 1649a were variable: ~96%
of 1667 L.g −1 or 5000 L.g −1, the recovery was 100% for all test POPs (Soxhlet), ~84% (ultrasound), and ~81% (MAE). Using toluene, Soxhlet
(0.2 μg loading). However, at 1 ng loading and BTV = 5000 L.g−1, the extraction gave ~98% BaP recovery. The authors recommended MAE
PAH recoveries were marginally reduced [e.g., 79% (benzo[a]pyrene) using 1:1 hexane:acetone as a good option because of low solvent
to 94% (anthracene)] [81]. usage and good quantitative recovery. The BaP LODs (standard
PM and gaseous PAH emissions from burning decorative candles PAH mixture SRM 1647d in ACN) extrapolated to equivalent air con-
were collected on a glass filter pad (PM), cold trap (water vapor), centrations based on standard sampling volumes, were seen to vary
and a sorbent tube (50 mg XAD-2 – gaseous PAH) at a flow rate of as 0.003 pg.m−3 (HPLC-UVF), 1.7 pg.m−3 (GC-MS), and 14.2 pg.m−3
20 L.min-1 for a total volume of 6–10 m3. The glass filters were ul- (GC-FID).
trasonically extracted with DCM, filtered through Na2SO4, concen- Single-puff mainstream cigarette-smoke total particular matter
trated, and spiked with deuterated internal standards (ISs). The (TPM) from a smoking machine (35 mL per 2 s puff) was collected
cold-trap aqueous phase was DCM extracted, dried over Na2SO4, on weighed Al foil discs placed inside an impaction trap. After sam-
evaporated to dryness and dissolved in 0.125 mL IS solution. The pling, the Al discs were weighed and the TPM dissolved in 50 mL
XAD-2 cartridge was eluted with DCM, dried over Na2SO4, evapo- of 5:5:1 mixture of toluene, hexane, and i-propanol containing
rated to dryness and dissolved in 0.125-mL IS solution. Analysis was 1 μg.mL−1 each of the deuterated PAH standards. The TPM solvent
performed using GC-QMS in SIM mode. The extraction recoveries mixture was sonicated for 10 min at room temperature and a 1-μL
were never less than 78% and generally near 100% by adding deu- sample was analyzed by GC-MS in SIM mode; since no clean-up step
terated surrogates into the sampling line over the candle [82]. was used, the GC-MS became quickly contaminated, thus requir-
Delgado-Saborit et al. [83] explored a number of parameters ef- ing more frequent maintenance. For puff number 4, the relative PAH
fecting ASE recoveries and compared them to a simple shaker ex- yields (i.e., PAH peak area/IS peak area per 1 mg TPM) were: naph-
traction method using 8 mL DCM and purification over Na2SO4. They thalene (1.1), phenanthrene (0.31), fluoranthene (0.1), pyrene (0.085)
used standards containing 9 deuterated and 16 natural PAHs to de- and benzo[a]pyrene (0.014) [87].
termine recovery of spiked AQFA quartz membrane filters. For ASE,
two clean-up agents (deactivated Fluorisil and activated silica gel) 7. Conclusion and recommendations
and three solvents (neat DCM, neat hexane, and DCM/hexane
mixture) were compared. The best overall recoveries were ob- A number of solvents and extraction methods have been used
tained using 40 mL DCM (73%), 30 mL hexane/20 mL DCM, and the over the years to extract PAHs from either PM or sorbents. All possess
shaker method (106%). Multiple extractions with 30 mL hexane, both advantages and disadvantages in terms of ease of use, com-
30 mL DCM, and 150 mL DCM gave the lowest overall recovery of plexity, choice of solvents, and analyte recovery. The range of
25% (range: 10–39%). Activated silica gel (only one experiment) gave methods reviewed in this article demonstrates clearly that the anal-
marginally inferior recovery compared to deactivated Fluorisil. In ysis of any organic component in PM, but particularly PAHs, is
conclusion, the simpler shaker method performed better than ASE complex, because of the requirement to extract the PAH from the
and was the method of choice for the environmental samples. At- PM as completely as possible but without causing degradation or
mospheric sampling was done using a low-volume sampler (12 L.s−1 any other undesirable side reaction. This is a challenge for PAHs
for 2 h) located in different street micro-environments (e.g., busy because of their light sensitivity and propensity to react with gaseous
roads, background streets, pedestrian streets, and parks). oxidants. Compare this situation to that for the analysis of PM-
Li et al. [84] evaluated six solvents (acetone, ACN, DCM, bound inorganic constituents, such as metals. Here, one is gener-
methanol, n-hexane, and toluene) to optimize SPE of standards ally only interested in the total elemental metal content present
J.E. Szulejko et al./Trends in Analytical Chemistry 61 (2014) 40–48 47

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